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Chapter 26: "Because It's Worth It"
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Candi took quite nicely to the new-found fame of Ciem. Yet, there was little time to celebrate. There were many mysteries that had to be unraveled...fast! She did her best to explain her situation to Laurie. Even so, the agenda had to happen. The desperation in the air was mounting.

All who did not sympathize with Arfaas were now under surveillance! Merle's control over the city was growing tighter and tighter the more fearful he and Arfaas became of Ploribus' impending invasion.

The girls knew that they were among those suspected of supporting the liberation of Dirbine, and were most likely wanted for questioning.

Candi: "Rather dark in here!"

Laurie: "I know! You'd think with all the lights and stuff! Whatever! Okay...what do we want to know?"

Candi: "Shhh!!! Not so loud!"

Laurie: "Sorry!"

Candi: (whispering) "We know that the creature that killed Denny was named Musaran! We know that Ciem battled Musaran and sent him flying into a building, but that he apparently survived!

We know that Donte's half-brother Khumar was visiting with the Malestrom family on the night they all disappeared. But we don't know if Musaran took them! We don't know Musaran's identity!"

Laurie: "We also don't know if he kidnapped the Malestroms or not! Personally...I don't know why he attacked your house!"

Candi: "He mistook Denny and I for spies that were harboring Ciem!"

Laurie: "Right! And the Meethlite vendetta against Denny! But why, Candi? WHY do you care so much to find out about Donte's fate?"

A brief pause overtook her, and she needed time to formulate a proper answer.

Candi: "Because...well...before he was rumored dead..."

Laurie: "What? Is there something you haven't told me?"

Candi: "Much! I was...more or less engaged to Donte at one time! He wanted to wait before making it official, though I hoped to marry him right away!

He wasn't my first love...but he was my truest...and still is! By believing the lies of his death, I made the mistake of moving on, marrying Denny.

This is my one chance to find him...maybe even lead Ciem to rescue him...and atone for my careless mistake!"

Laurie: "Girl...I'm speechless!"

Candi: "Why?"

Laurie: "I've never seen such faith...such loyalty...in anyone! Why you'd even want to bother righting your wrongs after all this time has gone by, is completely beyond me!

I was content to let my good-for-nothing fiancé die! He deserved it after he beat me! But you...unbelievable!"

Demi paced straight past the two girls talking, and headed to a station to check her e-mail. Short for her age, Demi normally kept to herself. However, Candi and Laurie needed information. Would she be able to help them?

Candi: "Excuse me, miss..."

Demi: "Oh! Hi! Say! You're that Levens girl! The one whose house burnt down?"

Candi: "Uh...could you keep it down? I...don't need a huge audience! Can you tell me where the news archives are kept?"

Demi: "In the basement...I think. Good luck! I've been trying to find information on this Musaran character in town...and I've been told never to ask again, or risk being banned from the library!"

Laurie: "So much for the Freedom of Information Act!"

Candi: "With Merle as the police chief, I'm not surprised!"

Demi: "Be very careful not to ask the wrong questions...security is very tight around here!"

Laurie: "We'll be careful!"

Demi: "You'll try! I gotta go!"

In no time at all, Demi got up and walked casually to the upper level. Candi suspected that she wished to avoid undue association, given her apparent fears.

Candi: "This place looks unusually dead today!"

Laurie: "Yeah, I know! Nobody wants to be flagged with checking out the wrong books, apparently! Wanna get something to drink at the Scarface?"

Candi: "'That's okay. I don't drink coffee; and I can do without their root beer!"

Something Candi hadn't had to worry much about since her last encounter with Musaran...her phantom scream danger sense...had just kicked in! She quickly turned around with Laurie, to be greeted by a less-than-friendly service desk worker!

Bumphrob: "Hey!"

Candi: "Yes?"

Bumphrob: "DON'T talk to her!!!"

The two girls were puzzled, but Candi decided to play innocent.

Candi: "Is...something the matter?"

Bumphrob: "You're interfering with university activities! Do I need to report you to the Dean of Conduct?"

Candi: "May I ask how asking someone for directions is an offense?"

Bumphrob: "You CAN'T ask HER!!!"

Candi: "Any particular reason?"

Instead of answering Candi's question, the man headed quickly back to the desk, a look of mal-intent streaming across his face. The girls knew they had to act quickly! The library was a trap!

Candi: "Laurie! Take my keys...and my purse!"

Laurie: "But your purse is in the car!"

Candi: "Drive the car to my apartment! There will be a stash of emergency supplies there! Find Ploribus if you can, and let him have those supplies immediately!"

Laurie: "What's that strange thing on your keychain?"

Candi: "Don't mess with it! Just get the stuff and be out of here! I'll maybe catch up with you later! We can't afford to both get in trouble! If one of us gets taken down, it may as well be me! I'm the one they're after, not you!"

Laurie: "After you? Why? This...this doesn't make any sense! Besides...how many suicide attempts have you not committed in the past year? Why'd we come here in the first place?"

Candi: "Just go! And don't let them find you!"

Laurie did as told, but was surprised how quickly officers began arriving on the lot! She hid behind a school bus, praying they didn't think to look for her there! She knew that whoever Ploribus was, she had to find him! She also, somehow, had to find Khumar! She figured that Khumar would be easier to get to than Ploribus would be, so that was where she'd go first!

Laurie: "Candi...I hope you know what you're doing in there!"

Duvoint: "She's gotta be in here!"

There was nowhere for Candi to go except the basement, where she knew that she wouldn't have long!

Candi: "That's IT!!! Hidden in the wide open! Now...if only I had Miriam's hacking skills!"

She tried, briefly, to get in - success! The password was easier to crack than she thought it would be.

Candi: "'DieLevens'? How one-track are these guys' minds? Holy...!!!"

The Janette the Bunny neural backvisors had indeed been reused and repurposed into more aggressive AI! The Malestroms were missing...because Musaran was Jeraime Malestrom himself!

Candi: "Perfect...and these same clowns are only inches from knowing who I am!"

She pressed on, and discovered that the attack by Kelsea Linney had indeed been something the Meethlites didn't plan. Denny had a very long track record of business with them indeed! And Donte was in the city jail of Dirbine, awaiting execution as Emeraldon to be publicly televised!

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