5-21-19 Update
Date Posted: 21st May 2019 at 7:23 PM Views: 393
I just uploaded a Low Class Saiyan High mod to my patreon. I plan on uploading it to MTS once I add some opportunities and include all language strings but until then you can just download it from my patreon. There's some basic information about it below.

Low Class Saiyan High

School Offer:
The Low Class Saiyan High School ensures that your Saiyan teen will get a head start in the fundamental skills of the Saiyan Army... athletics and martial arts!

Military Base

School Tones:
  • Study Kakarot's Highlight Reels (Increases Martial Arts)
  • Put In Extra Gym Time (Increases Athletic Skill)

School Tone Descriptions:
Study Kakarot's Highlight Reels:
Kakarot, son of the Saiyan folk hero, Bardock, has competed in Earth's World Martial Arts Tournament from childhood and well into his adulthood. He was a masterful fighter and studying is highlight reels in between classes will help you improve your martial arts skill.

Put In Extra Gym Time:
Saiyan Army Trainees have to complete monthly fitness tests or take a hefty grade penalty. By putting in extra gym time now, you won't have to worry later.

Level 1 - Saiyan Army Trainee

School Days:

If you're attending this school, you're most likely a Low-Class Saiyan. Statistically, you won't get passed the Low Class Saiyan Division so you'll be spending most of your time training your body and learning new martial art techniques.

  • Homework
  • Athletic
  • Martial Arts
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vB Journal Copyright � Anthony Scudese