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Chapter 33 - Bonding Over The Toilet, Baby Aliens, And Impending Deaths.
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This chapter is dedicated to my cousin’s newborn twins. Welcome to the world, Freya and Sonny, new-name pending, born 0:45am 11th October 2007.


You know, I’m starting to see coincidences all around, like rules I’m supposed to follow in the games of the Gods. Rules such as I can never have a wedding without a large bump, that none of my babies have ever be born with their father still alive, that whatever can go wrong will go wrong…

…And that I’ll always be sick either during a holiday of just after it. Apart from the first holiday in which I was as large as a blimp, I’ve caught a cold, become pregnant, and now I seem to have caught a stomach bug while on that break to Twikkii. AT least I know this isn’t due to me being pregnant…Hold on, got to dodge!

…After all, last time I checked Pregnancy wasn’t contagious. Whatever hit me has affected Gemini, yet the boys seem to be fine. Must have been something in the food me and Gem ate at Twikkii.

At least this sickness seems to be helping mend the bridge between me and Gemini. We’ve got a truce over the toilet bowl, in that we can offer each other a glass of water and give advice on ways to make ourselves more comfortable, but outside the bathroom she doesn’t speak to me…

…Apart from the kitchen. Look, getting better required lots of energy, which means lots of food. Now let me get back to my third helping of Bass with Squash. Mmmm…food.

Alas, every action has a consequence, and the consequence for this is the undeniable fact that my clothes are about to burst at the seams. Oh well, it’s starting to get cold anyway, so a change of clothes is probably in order.

At least I’m not the only one whose clothes are a little on the tight side! I’ve given Gem some money in one of our bathroom meetings so that she can buy some new clothes. Of course, she’s probably going to the shops to meet Gordon, but that’s a whole can of worms I’m not prepared to open at the moment. At least she promised to be back soon, while I head off to check up on a certain someone.

Here he is, my little preggy goat! He really is such a great kid. Went to his Final Exam despite being so close to his due date he could have given birth on the exam room floor, and even managed to get a GPA of 4.0 and on the Dean’s List! Scorpio and Pisces managed to do the same, and both of them have donated part of their 1,200 simoleons received to Sagi to help prepare the nursery. That reminds me, I saw a cute alien teddy bear in a shop I went passed the other day. Hmmmm….

…Huh? What’s that look on your face for, Sagi?

Oh frack… The baby’s coming! My grandbaby’s coming!

It’s definitely odd being on the other side of this for once.

Meet my first grandson, Orion. He may be green, but he’s got his Nana’s eyes, and he is damn cute to boot! Hang on a moment, I need to give Gemini a ring to inform her of her new status as an auntie.

Hmmm…She’s not answering. She said she’d be home by now…I think I may risk having another talk with her. Maybe the Toilet Truce will cover this…

Oh wait, Gemini is home…Is she crying?! Screw the feud, that’s my baby over there!

“Kiddo, what the matter? Honey, look at me…”

…Someone is going to die.

Gemini took one look at me, and then burst into tears.

“Oh Mum…I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you about Gordon…I didn’t think he could be so brutal and mean… ”

Damn you, you little bastard!

“What happened? Gem, why did he do this? Just let me know, so I can practise what I’m going to say when I go after his throat!”

Hey, at least it got a giggle-sob out of her.

“He…He broke up with me. Said I was too fat, too ugly, so stupid that I…”

She stopped then to take a breath before she continued. I just sat there in silence, waiting for her to finish. Eventually, she plucked up enough courage to continue what she was saying.

“…So stupid that I wasn’t on the Pill, when all his other girlfriends were…”

…Oh shit. The penny’s just started to drop…

“Mum…I’m pregnant…”

The penny has hit the bottom. I should have known it, the symptoms are all so familiar, I just didn’t recognise it because it wasn’t me!

…Wait, we have the same symptoms…NOT AGAIN!

First things first, I need to focus on my baby girl here. She needs me.

“Hey there, baby girl, it’s going to be all right. Mama’s here for you, we'll get through this together...”

She just held on tight and sobbed harder, while I ran my figners through her hair.

Damn you, Gordon Nott! May you start running now, for hell hath no fury like a pissed off Mother!

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