Dog of a Day
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It was almost 5 by the time I got home and still raining. I love the rain but it’s ALWAYS raining lately.

Hey! There’s a dog outside. I wonder if he’s the one who’s been digging holes in my yard?

Aww look at him all alone in the rain. I wonder if he’s lost. I’ll go see if he’s alright. God I’m a sucker.

Friendly thing he is. Doesn’t seem to have a collar, I hope he has a home.

Well if he does have a home he’s not been very well trained! He just ran inside and started chewing on my furniture!

Note to self: Don’t greet people or animals if you don’t want them in your house.

‘Bad dog! Bad dog!’ I yelled at him and he hung his big dopey head like he was sorry. Aww I hate that

Thing was. He wouldn’t leave!
I tried ignoring him for a bit but he was happy to frolic around outside so I thought if I play with him a bit he might get the attention he obviously wants and then go home.

I picked up a stick and threw it

but this dog never seemed to get tired!
In the end I simply told him to go home and went back inside.

I told Dave I’d pick him up at 6 and it’s already 5 past and I’ve not even showered or changed!

I think I’ve just had my quickest shower ever. Well I guess this will have to do, Dave will be wondering where the hell I am.

That’ll be him now..

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