Fright Night
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Had a bit of a scare last night.
Dave and I had gone to bed early when around 3am I woke to the alarm going off and Ariel howling. A burglar was in our bedroom about to grab the plasma off the wall!
Before I even knew what was going on a police officer came running in.

Next thing you know the burglar and the officer are in a huge brawl. I stood there beside the bed not knowing WHAT to do when Dave grabbed me by the arm and pulled my out of the room.
We stood there frozen to the spot, watching with fascination as they fought and wondered if we should call for back up. There was dust flying everywhere. It looked like a wrestling match. For a minute there we thought the burglar had him!

Thankfully the officer managed to get a pair of handcuffs off him and walk him to the car. All the while Dave and I stood there like a pair of idiots just staring.
Neither of us have come across anything like that in this town before. We’ve also never known of police to respond to a signal so fast. We weren’t even out of bed!

Once the police officer had the burglar in the car and under control he came back to reward us with $500! Apparently they’d been trying to track this crim down for months.

Neither of us could go back to sleep after that, as much as we tried.

I think we managed to doze off eventually but Dave got up a few times. I asked if he was ok and he answered me with a hmm. He looked pretty down to me.

Once he left for work I showered and made myself some breakfast. I was fine earlier but now I can’t get last nights incident out of my mind.
I was beginning to feel jumpy and anxious whenever I heard a noise.

I’m just being silly. The dogs are here and the burglar was only after our TV.
Still, it’s a bit creepy waking up to a stranger standing in your bedroom.

I just need some fresh air…ooh I had better check on the tomato plants.
Looks cold out, might throw a jacket and gloves on first.

*sigh* I can’t say this totally surprises me.

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