The weather is getting warmer although there’s still a lot of snow on the ground.
Dave scooped me up and dragged me outside to build a snowman before all the snow melts away.
I've never built a snowman before, it's much harder than i thought. I'm still not familiar with snow as we never had it where i come from. It can be lot's of fun though.
Dave is really pleased with his efforts.
‘Come on, lets go inside and I’ll make us some hot chocolate’
.........Later that night......
‘You know, we really have to do something about these puppies. They’ll be grown up soon and we can’t have 5 dogs running around the house.’
‘I know….but I don’t want to part with them either, what if Ariel pines for them’
‘Ariel will be fine, she’s a dog, they adapt to those situations better than humans do’
‘what if the puppies think we abandoned them…stop laughing at me, I’m serious!’
‘Give the adoption center a call tomorrow, they look after their animals…look at Jaxon, we got him from there and he’s a happy well adjusted animal. They will find a good home for the pups’
‘I hope so’
know so, they’ll be fine’
‘well can we keep just one?’
‘if it means that much to you’
‘it does’
‘*sigh* alright’