Should I or shouldn't I?
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I hadn’t planned on having another child. But maybe it would be nice for Keira to have a little brother or sister. Extend the family tree a bit since there’s only us.

I don’t know…. I love Keira and I’m not sure I want her to have to share us with anyone else, but then…

Some days I just watch her. She cracks me up the way she does things like when she wants a toy that’s buried down the bottom of the toy box, her head looks like it’s about to be lost in there with all those toys but she’d persistent, I’ll give her that.

She’s generally mild natured but at times, gets a bit rough with her soft toys, hugging them one minute then bashing the shit out of them the next. I often wonder what’s going through that little head of hers…maybe it’s a sign she needs to see a psychiatrist.

And that obsessive cleaning of hers! I admit that Dave and I are both very clean people but to clean things that are already spotless…sheesh!

What really makes me laugh is when Dave has his mates over and then end up sitting with Keira while she plays video games, joining her and cheering her on. Usually getting their butts kicked in the process.

Tonight she wore herself out so much she fell asleep in the dining room, standing up!

Apart from the stuffed toy bashing and cleaning she’s just like a regular child, skipping, laughing, showing off to her father, the usual stuff.

Maybe it would benefit her to have another child to play with though…sometimes she does look lonely.

I’ll give it some thought…

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