Please let this be over soon
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I can’t stop eating! I’ve just finished 2 whole bowls of cereal and now I’m onto the leftover lasagna and I’m still starving!

I keep falling asleep in my food, I have absolutely no energy, the dog is asking to be fed and Keira is due home from school any minute.
I’d forgotten how draining being pregnant can be yet I’m sure I wasn’t this bad last time.

We now have a greenhouse attached to the house, never mind that we need another room for the baby!
Dave’s got a bee in his bonnet about this gardening thing. He’s really into it.

Everyday it seems he is being promoted. He’s a real time strategizer now…and no I don’t have any idea what that even is?
Check out his uniform ….. looks like he’s just stepped of the set of a sci fi movie.

Keira is home and she’s brought another friend home with her. It’s a new one everyday!
Well I can’t complain, it’s nice she has so many friends.

I’m going to get into my pyjamas and climb into bed for a while. I feel bad for Keira, her mum sleeping all the time. I’ll have to try and take an earlier nap from now on so I’m awake when she gets home.

My God! How much noise can 2 little girls make?! I’ll just take a peek and see what they’re up to.
Aw, she’s having so much fun.... I won’t spoil it.

Maybe if I close my door and put a pillow over my head. *sigh*

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