oh mighty headmaster - Part 2
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‘Need any help mum?’
‘No thanks honey, it’s all done but could you put your brother in the highchair?’
‘yes mum’
‘Thankyou sweetheart’

‘Dinner is ready, I hope you like fish’
‘Yes, very much, where would you like me to sit?’
‘Anywhere you like, you are our guest’

I hope Brandon doesn’t throw food at him. I should have placed him on the other side of the table.

‘Thank you very much for dinner, It was superb and your home is lovely, I’m very impressed.’
Hmm, he didn’t comment on the sparkles?
‘I must be on my way, and congratulations Keira, you have been accepted into our school.’

Well, that was easy!

‘I’ll just put this little one to bed then there’s something we have for you Keira’
‘For me? But you already gave me my presents’
‘Yes but we were saving this one for last’

‘ok close your eyes….now …open them’
‘a womrat!!!’
‘uh-huh, I’ve never heard of the things before but I made a phone call this morning and they new exactly what it was….we picked him up while you were at school'
‘awwww thanks mum, thanks dad, oh look at him, he is soooo cute’

‘I’m glad you like him, happy birthday sweetie, so what are you going to call him?’
‘I think I’ll call him womble’
‘haha that’s cute, although...i'm not quite sure he likes his cage...he's trying to get out hahaha'

'well I’m going to bed, and you probably should too miss. First day of highschool tomorrow!’
‘I know! How exciting!! Ok night mum, night dad’
‘goodnight babygirl’
‘I’m not a baby anymore’
‘hey, you will always be my baby now give me a kiss and go to bed’
‘hahaha ok but just don’t call me that in front of my friends ok’
‘ok, I promise’
‘oh and mum’
‘I think I need a new bedroom’

‘I’ll see what I can do’

Click Next: Green gnomes, science fairs and anxious womrats to continue...

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