A tropicana kinda guy
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I finally did call Jim back. He had been leaving me a few messages and we did chat on the phone a few times. When I did invite him over he said he’d have to stay for 3 days because he lived so far away…and what did he turn up in? His freaking grass skirt and crown that’s what!
Still, I was happy to see him.

‘Do you own any real clothes?’ I asked him. Apparently he didn’t. What happens when we have to leave the house?! Could you imagine!
‘Hey Jim, why don’t you get dressed and we’ll go out for a bite to eat’
‘sure thing babe, I’ll just roll in the lawn clippings and I’ll be right with ya’

Well I guess it would solve any wardrobe issues.

Getting back to Jim and his 3 day stay I decided it best that he sleep in my bed with me. A girls gotta find some way to stay warm doesn’t she? And show her guest good hospitality.
Of course one thing led to another until…..Honk, Honk!
My carpool? At this hour?
It wasn’t my carpool…..
…it was Jim! Yep, Jim honks during climax.
Kind of kills the mood if you know what I mean.

I chose not to mention it …..for a while anyway.
He did bring spare underwear thank god but once that garland thing on his head came off, well it was probably better on, if it didn’t scratch. Jim’s hair was what some might call, bouffant. You could bounce a bagel off it!

Jim’s 3 day stay turned into a continuing, ‘let’s see where this is going’ stay. And to date, I couldn’t be happier. We bought him some new outfits, well I did. There was no way he was coming with me in all his grassy glory. I have to say, after a haircut and a new outfit, my Jimmy is a bit of a babe!

He looks after me, cooks me breakfast in the morning and still gives me those wonderful massages. I don’t think there are many women where he comes from. He has a habit of staring at my breast a lot.
‘Up here Jim, the breasts won’t talk back unfortunately’

He is still fascinated by the TV but that hasn’t been a bad thing. After watching all those cooking shows he got himself a job as a chef! Not only that, he brought home a chocolate making station which we make and sell from home. Two for the box, one for me, two for the box, one for me.

If having your very own chocolate factory isn’t heaven then I don’t know what is!

So we’re doing ok Jim and I…but…if we are going to have some sort of future together, we will have to have words about that honking business.

And that is the last of the Jane chapters. Hope you liked them

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