The Aftermath
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Brandon ‘Woah, what a mess! Bags not cleanin’ up-Hey Ash, have you actually looked at that slice of pizza you’re eating?’

Josh ‘Castor, hey Castor, wake up dude’
Brandon ‘I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you Ash, You’ll be reliving the taste of that moldy pizza in a few hours’

Josh ‘Why don’t we just leave this mess here and see if we can grow something out of it’

Brandon ‘yeah Josh, there’s a sure fire way to pull the chics- what exactly are you hoping to grow from it anyway?’

Ashley ‘Mould! It’ll be like an experiment, see how long it takes to grow over the pizza box’

Josh ‘Yeah’

Brandon ‘You guys are nuts’

Brandon ‘Aw - you’re not going to eat another one!?’

Josh ‘I think he is’

Brandon ‘Ash man, you are one sick puppy’

Ash ‘mmm’

Brandon ‘I’m going to take a shower, just watching you eat that is making me feel nauseas’

Castor ‘Ngggngh what time is it?’

Brandon ‘Nice sleep mate? Concrete comfy enough for ya? haha’

Castor ‘Any pizza left?’

Brandon ‘well if you’re like Ashley, and crave rotten, green, day old pizza then yeah, there’s plenty’

Castor ‘Hey Brand, did you score with that blonde chic last night?’

Brandon ‘As soon as i find out, i'll let you know'

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