The crazy frat house
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There’s been some crazy shit goin’ down in the Frat house.
Brooke became my girlfriend for a while and it was good while it lasted. She came over a lot, not like Josh’s girlfriend who has never been over since that first party I threw way back when I first moved in.
I found out Brooke and I did not sleep together that first night as after a rather wild night of passion in the hot tub, with 2 onlookers, she informed me it was her first time
Her first time and she did it with me in the hot tub with a student and a Llama watching!

Not that I was complaining!
What did tick me off was not being able to have any alone time with her. We couldn’t even watch a movie together without being harassed by my other housemates.
I can’t even watch a movie without being harassed!
Let’s not even talk about Ashley the wimp, who stands in front of me while I’m trying to watch a horror movie just to stick his fingers in his ears because he’s fuckin’ scared.
Leave the room then, ya freak!

So back to Brooke, I still can’t get over the reason she broke up with me.
You wanna know why?
I whistled at another chic!
Yup, it was only in jest but she chucked a huge wobbly, slapped me across the face and accused me of cheating!

And to think I was considering asking her to marry me!
Whatever, enough of that, back to the other crazy shit

I don’t know if my mind and/or eyes are playing tricks on me lately but I swear there’s something going on between Castor and Kevin. They may be hamming it up for the fun of it, I don’t know but I’m playin’ it cool at the moment.
That’s not even the crazy part. What I found the night after Brooke broke up with me is.
I was feeling a bit sorry for myself and went to go for a walk, clear my head, when I found Castor near the steps talking to a volleyball he’d placed a graduation cap onto.

I thought it was some sort of gimmick at first, maybe he’d been watching castaway and thought he’d play a trick, until I realized he hadn’t even seen me, and was having a deep and meaningful with it. Excitedly telling the ball about his hopes and dreams.
Who’s your friend’ I said, still hoping he was playing a practical joke.
This’ he exclaimed ‘Is Professor Von Ball!

Castor went back to his deep and meaningful with his volleyball before getting into an argument with it.

Nice to see you’ve still got all your marbles’ I mumbled as i headed off down the street.
I’m starting to see why Castor is still at college.
This isn't exactly what i expected when i was hoping for 'wild times' in the frat house.

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