Here come Grandma to save the day cont...
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It’s been a long time since I’ve bathed a baby. I just hope once I get down I can get back up again!

There’s a good boy, you love the bath don’t you’.
Nothing smells sweeter than a freshly washed baby if you asked me…and on the flip side, nothing smells worse than a baby in dire need of a bath.
Oop, there’s your sister, now you play with your blocks while Grandma goes and gets Rhianon…oh and no playing in the toilet water’

There you are precious. Now play nicely while Grandma makes some dinner’


Whew, I’ve completely underestimated Keira. She really does have her hands full. The sooner these little ones are toilet trained and able to communicate better the easier it will be for her.

Although, they really are so sweet. Much nicer when you can give them back though.

Oh my… I think I may have gotten Rhianon up just a touch too early. What is it with this grandchild of mine falling asleep on the floor?? I can hardly bear to look.

Best put her back to bed before her mother sees her.

‘Shhh Keira. Evan is still at work. What’s the matter??’
‘The twins! Where are the twins??’
‘They’re both sleeping, I’ve just put them down.’
‘Oh I just had the worst nightmare!

‘Well, you probably have a fever. How are you feeling now?’
‘ok, thanks Mum’
‘Good well I’ve baked you a lasagna. I’m sure you’re probably hungry by now’
‘Are you kidding, I’m famished! I don’t even remember the last time I ate to tell the truth. How did you go with the twins? Did they behave?

They were Angels’
‘Angels!! Oh come on Mum’
‘They were! Oh Keira, they are so adorable’
‘Are we talking about the same kids here?….I’m kidding! I love them to bits really, well sometimes, when they’re not drooling all over me or flicking boogies at me. They are cute though. Hey what do ya reckon I’d get for them down at the market?’
‘hahaha, oh you know I’m joking. I love them more than anything, wouldn’t swap them for less than a packet of smokes…tailor made of course’ *winks*
‘Just like your father you are’
‘No actually, I’m just like you…I think that’s why we used to clash.’

So do you think you’ll be changing anytime in the near future? Or is that the latest fashion, oversized, gravy stained T-shirt and bunny slippers?’
‘Gimme a break’
‘I just did, didn’t I?’
‘Yes Mum you’re a lifesaver, an angel, a saint…sent from the heavens above…’
‘Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit’
‘No seriously Mum, I really do appreciate you coming over here and helping like that. God knows I needed the rest. I am so exhausted. I feel old’
‘HA! You wanna talk old? Wait till you get to my age. You didn’t see how much trouble I had trying to get up off the bathroom floor earlier. My knees went off like a popcorn machine. And my breasts are like a pair of old football socks with lemons in them. Your father calls them tribal tits’
‘Well thanks for that info Mum, couldn’t have waited until I’d finished eating before sharing that’

‘hahaha sorry love, but it’s true. You just wait. Well I’d best be off, it’s getting late and your father will wonder what’s happened to me’
‘Ok, well thanks again for your help today. You have no idea how much I appreciate it’
‘Anytime, you just let me know ok?’
‘Will do’
‘I’ll just empty the potties on my way out…so they don’t smell up the house’
‘Be my guest’
‘Good God! This brings back memories!’
‘hahaha and some things are best left forgotten.’
‘I’ll drink to that!’
‘Night Mum, love you’
See you soon, take care of those beautiful little ones’

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