Dance contest continued...
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Tiffany won $500! She took it calmly and got ready for round 2. This time joined by the scarf bloke and 2 men wearing those coats that mum told me to be wary of when I was a kid. I dunno what sort of place she came from.

Tiffany was really getting into this dance thing. I stood and watched a bit since Josh had gone walkabout. The other blokes were useless, only joining the comp to stare at Tiff’s ass.
Other than that, they stood rigid and moved their shoulders to the music-a 'typical' bloke way of dancing. What am i sayin'? I can't do any better.

Quite amusing to watch. She won that one too!

While Tiff went on to dance solo I turned to see the mutton woman climb onto the dance sphere, red dress on, legs apart and flashing her flange in all directions.

Not wanting to catch an eyeful of mutton muff i went and played pool for a bit while Tiffany did her dance thing. Josh could have paid her a bit more attention but he was more interested in getting me to perform a trick shot. ‘Sure’ I joked. ‘Anyone got a xylophone?’
Well fuck me! They did.

Josh came round for a better view. Cowering and covering his eyes. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Pal!

Josh wandered off and an odd looking bloke with 1940’s goatee joined me. I got bored and went to look for Josh and Tiff. Lo and behold they’re both on the dance floor ready for round 3. This I had to watch.

Right near the DJ booth were 3 men dancing to a beat of their own. Funniest thing ever.

Trying to catch Tiffany’s eye maybe? She was the only chic there after mutton flange left.
I turned back to see Josh win the dance contest, to Tiffany’s disgust.
Make that the funniest thing ever.

We left at 5am, $1500 richer!

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