SugarPlumsExpress Additional Rooms (requested)
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This is a huge set of additional rooms with the Sugarplums Express theme as requested by Hellfyre6. Hopefully she didn't give up on me.Sometimes life just gets busy! Better late than never eh?
I went kinda nuts I suppose but there is definitely enough items included here to furnish an entire house in this theme. Thaks go to:
Echo for the use of her 3x4 floor rug and bathroom mats meshes to recolor
Kate at Parsimonious for the use of her bed mesh
Phelana at Meshkiste for her bamboo living room sofa and love sest meshes
you will need the original mesh files for these items which can be found by following the listed links.
Other than that all items are maxis recolors. There are items from a the original game and also some items from Uni and Nitelife so all three are required for all items to show up in your game. Also you will need the latest CEP files for some items to show up also.
and now the set includes recolors of:
Echo's 3x4 floor rug, and bath and toilet mats
Kate's Atlanta style double bed
Phelana's bamboo sofa and love seat
Maxis objects:
Alarm clock
wall stereo
vase collection
chinese vase
standing value sink
value kitchen sink
2 sets value curtains
Quaint curtains x2
2 UM endtables
2 medevil endtables
1 oriental rug
maxis crib and changetable
exspensive toilet x2
colonial counter x2
colonial shower tub combo
cheap computer
club dining chair
Groovy Dresser
groovy single bed
groovy floorlight
Kite clock
mirror x2
medevil Dining table and chair
medevil living chair
medevil double bed(Canopy) x2
burglar alarm
smoke alarm
Art Nouveau bookcase
art nouveau painting x2 (swamp)
Horizontal abstract painting x2
Square Daisy painting x2
Mr bearly Butts Chair
Quaint Desk
hanging pots and pans
papershade hanging lamp
trashcan x2
6 walls
8 floors
Thanks to Numenor,RGiles,Quaxi, for bringing us the tools to be able to create
things for our games.And to Delphy and the entire MTS2 crew for giving us a place to share our creations, and to all the downloadaholics without whom there would be no need. Sorry the pics are not the greatest.Enjoy!
I went kinda nuts I suppose but there is definitely enough items included here to furnish an entire house in this theme. Thaks go to:
Echo for the use of her 3x4 floor rug and bathroom mats meshes to recolor
Kate at Parsimonious for the use of her bed mesh
Phelana at Meshkiste for her bamboo living room sofa and love sest meshes
you will need the original mesh files for these items which can be found by following the listed links.
Other than that all items are maxis recolors. There are items from a the original game and also some items from Uni and Nitelife so all three are required for all items to show up in your game. Also you will need the latest CEP files for some items to show up also.
and now the set includes recolors of:
Echo's 3x4 floor rug, and bath and toilet mats
Kate's Atlanta style double bed
Phelana's bamboo sofa and love seat
Maxis objects:
Alarm clock
wall stereo
vase collection
chinese vase
standing value sink
value kitchen sink
2 sets value curtains
Quaint curtains x2
2 UM endtables
2 medevil endtables
1 oriental rug
maxis crib and changetable
exspensive toilet x2
colonial counter x2
colonial shower tub combo
cheap computer
club dining chair
Groovy Dresser
groovy single bed
groovy floorlight
Kite clock
mirror x2
medevil Dining table and chair
medevil living chair
medevil double bed(Canopy) x2
burglar alarm
smoke alarm
Art Nouveau bookcase
art nouveau painting x2 (swamp)
Horizontal abstract painting x2
Square Daisy painting x2
Mr bearly Butts Chair
Quaint Desk
hanging pots and pans
papershade hanging lamp
trashcan x2
6 walls
8 floors
Thanks to Numenor,RGiles,Quaxi, for bringing us the tools to be able to create
things for our games.And to Delphy and the entire MTS2 crew for giving us a place to share our creations, and to all the downloadaholics without whom there would be no need. Sorry the pics are not the greatest.Enjoy!
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
SwtNess2SugarplumsWallStereo.package | package | 46144 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsAlarmClock.package | package | 25239 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsArtNouveauBookcase1.package | package | 267444 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsArtNouveauPic1.package | package | 90183 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsArtNouveauPic2.package | package | 90183 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsBurglarAlarm.package | package | 24442 |
SwtNess2SugarPlumsCandieswallpaint.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 28888 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsCandystripes2.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 22400 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsCandystripesWall.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 24831 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsCheapSink2.package | package | 92195 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsCheapSink.package | package | 92195 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsChessboard.package | package | 46180 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsChinaVase1.package | package | 13617 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsColonialCounter2.package | package | 98807 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsColonialCounter.package | package | 98807 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsColonialShowerTubCombo.package | package | 286703 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsComputer.package | package | 46301 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsDiningChairClub1.package | package | 92099 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsDresser.package | package | 46183 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsEasel.package | package | 90014 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsEcho3x4Rug2.package | package | 352124 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsEchoBathmat1.package | package | 46370 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsExpToilet2.package | package | 354749 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsGroovyFloorlight.package | package | 53721 |
SwtNess2SugarPlumsGroovySingleBed1.package | package | 89963 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsHorozontalAbstract2.package | package | 90146 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsHorozontalAbstract.package | package | 90146 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsKiteClock1.package | package | 46362 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsMaxisChangetable.package | package | 89873 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsMaxisCribBedding.package | package | 352041 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsMaxisCribRecolor.package | package | 352141 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsMaxisGroovyDresser.package | package | 179988 |
SwtNess2SugarPlumsMedevilDbleBed2.package | package | 878814 |
SwtNess2SugarPlumsMedevilDbleBed.package | package | 878814 |
SwtNess2SugarPlumsMedevilDiningChair.package | package | 90016 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsMedevilDiningTable2.package | package | 89983 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsMedevilEndTable1.package | package | 46384 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsMedevilEndTable2.package | package | 46384 |
SwtNess2SugarPlumsMedevilLivingChair.package | package | 90204 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsMirror1.package | package | 24319 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsMirror2.package | package | 24495 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsOrientalRug.package | package | 177370 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsPapershadeHangingLight.package | package | 48652 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsPiano.package | package | 90073 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsPotsandPanswallhanging.package | package | 27001 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsQuaintDesk.package | package | 89849 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsQuaintDiningTable2.package | package | 177305 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsQuaintShortCurtains1.package | package | 24422 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsQuaintShortCurtains2.package | package | 24427 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsQuaintShortCurtains3.package | package | 24426 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsSmokeAlarm.package | package | 24467 |
SwtNess2Sugarplumssparkles2.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 24697 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsSparkleswall.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 8697 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsSquareDaisy1.package | package | 24565 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsSquareDaisy2.package | package | 24565 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsTeddyBearChair.package | package | 89930 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsToiletmat1.package | package | 89958 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsTrashcan2.package | package | 24661 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsTrashcan3.package | package | 24661 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsTrashcan.package | package | 24661 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsUMEndtable2.package | package | 24413 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsUMEndtable.package | package | 24413 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsValueCurtains1.package | package | 24369 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsValueCurtains3.package | package | 24358 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsValueSink.package | package | 92494 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsVaseCollection1.package | package | 24512 |
SwtNess2Sugarplumswallpaint2.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 19577 |
SwtNess2CinnamonStickTiles.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 9901 |
SwtNess2SugarPlumstilefloor1.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 4914 |
SwtNess2Sugarplumssparkletile2.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 10712 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsSparkleTile.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 14798 |
SwtNess2Sugarplumsgreenwoodflooring.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 32299 |
SwtNess2Sugarplumstarscarpet.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 37516 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsStars2Carpeting.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 43806 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsWoodFlooring1.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 35194 |
SwtNess2SugarplumsExpToilet.package | package | 355193 |
Bamboolivingroompt2.package | package | 90020 |
SwtNess2Bambooliving1.package | package | 352196 |
This is a new mesh recolour, and means that you will need to download the particular mesh itself in order for this to show up in your game. See the Meshes Needed section or read the text for more information.
MTS has all free content, all the time. Donate to help keep it running.
Uploaded: 4th Feb 2006, 3.61 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
Tester Wanted: ★ Meshes for Rugs & Mats ★ by Numenor | (non-MTS link) | (non-MTS link) |
Packs Needed
None, this is Sims 2 base game compatible!