1 Illinois Way, 3-Story Victorian

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1 Illinois Way, 3-Story Victorian

I used the Mission Stairs by Chrissy6930. They will work fine, without installation, inthis house. If you want to use them in other houses, you'll need to go HERE for installation instructions.

Although, This house was built in a neighborhood using Any Game Starter (University, NightLife, OpenForBusiness and Season's), AGS IS NOT REQUIRED TO PLAY HOUSE. AGS was created by Numenor and can be found HERE.

If you like my creation or effort, please hit the THANKS button. It only takes a few seconds

Additional Content Included In rar File:
Chimney Recolor by Kimsie and found HERE
Lilac Roof by Loco and found HERE

Lot Size: 2x3
Lot Price: 91,162

Custom Content by Me:
- White Pine Wood Flooring
- floor_TBd3be6396
- Numenor_DeckStairs_main_RedDecoWhite Recolour
- BelAire55 2TonePink Recolour
- wall_13d2c6b9
- wall_TBf3d207b4

Custom Content Included:
- Mission Rail (whitewood) by chrissy6930
- mission stairs Mesh by chrissy6930
- mission stairs whitewood Recolour by chrissy6930
- georgian2ovalwindow by phoenix_phaerie
- georgian2roundwindow by phoenix_phaerie
- georgian2shortdoublewindow by phoenix_phaerie
- georgian2talldoublewindow by phoenix_phaerie
- georgian2tallshutterless by phoenix_phaerie
- georgianarchwindow by phoenix_phaerie
- georgiandoorway by phoenix_phaerie
- georgianentrydoor by phoenix_phaerie
- georgianfrenchdoor by phoenix_phaerie
- georgianfrenchdoubledoors by phoenix_phaerie
- georgianinteriordoor by phoenix_phaerie
- georgianinteriordoor_diagonal by phoenix_phaerie
- georgianpalladianwindow by phoenix_phaerie
- georgianwindow1 by phoenix_phaerie
- SpringBlossomTree_MESH by corvidophile2
- CrotonPlant by macarossi
- Veil Of Dreams Single Curtain by dgandy
- BelAire55_MESH by DR Pixel
- FlowerBox2 by Macarossi
- FlowerHeadStatue by Macarossi
- GargoylePlanter by Macarossi
- gartenbeistelltischrattan Mesh by taroo
- gartenbeistelltischrattan_REC_Roses by SimsArtGallery
- Gartendoppelsofarattan Mesh by taroo
- Gartendoppelsofarattan_REC_Roses by SimsArtGallery
- gartenhockerrattan Mesh by taroo
- gartenhockerrattan_REC_Roses by SimsArtGallery
- Gartensesselrattan Mesh by taroo
- Gartensesselrattan_REC_Roses by SimsArtGallery
- Victorian Quaint Fence in White by Holy Simoly
- Victorian Porch Fence in White by Holy Simoly
- Stairwall1 by Inge Jones
- Stairwall2 by Inge Jones
- Stairwall3 by Inge Jones
- Stairwall4 by Inge Jones
- Stairwall_recolCC by Inge Jones
- Center Easy Breeze Gable Vent - Tall - Center (1 Tile) by Kate
- Easy Breeze Gable Vent - Tall (2 Tile) by Kate
- Numenor_DeckStairs_main Mesh by Numenor
- LiberatedDaisies_HystericalParoxysm Mesh by HystericalParoxysm
- wall_51261834 by karinssims
- wall_d4b130de by Christine
- wall_d4b13110 by Christine
- wall_f4b12348 by Christine
- lafenetre window short by windkeeper

Additional Credits:
Thanks to all the Custom Content Creators.
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