Biotechnology Major - Available In Two Versions

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This is my final offering for the monthly themes - for February 2016's theme, "Into The Future". This is a Biotechnology major, which is available in two versions. One version is a normal EA major, which works like all of the in-game majors, and the other is designed to work with Cyjon's Semester Changes mod (and, if desired, my set of default replacement majors).

Biotechnology is "the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of micro-organisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc." This major focusses on the use of genetic engineering and other science-y stuff to produce GMO crops. It seemed suitably future-focussed to me, hence why I decided that it worked well for this monthly theme.

The two versions of my Biotechnology major share a GUID, so you can only have one of them in your game. Basically, if you use Cyjon's Semester Changes, use the Cyjon version, and if you don't use Cyjon's Semester Changes, use the EA version. The GUID is unique to them, so they won't over-write anything else in your game. The major reuses the Natural Scientist career icon - see the attached picture if you're not sure what it looks like. I cloned the Biology major to make these, so they link to the following careers: Natural Science, Law Enforcement, Medicine, Education, Oceanography. I hope to eventually make a Biotechnology/Genetic Engineering career to go with these majors, but I ran out of time to make it before February ends! But we'll see what the future holds..... :-)

Biotechnology Major - EA Version

Description: Biotechnology: the study of altering life! Learn how to make mice glow in the dark - as well as more useful things like increasing the yield of tomato plants and making rice more drought-resistant......

Class Titles: Global Food Security - Because Starvation Is Bad; Introduction To Genetics: Genes & Cells & DNA (Oh My!); Plant Physiology: How Do They Work?; Molecular Plant Pathology: Diseases Not Welcome!; Bioethics: Because It Isn't Good To Be Bad; Genetic Engineering: Making Plants More Useful, Professional Skills For Bioscientists: Statistics Are Your Friends; Senior Thesis: The Laganaphyllis Simnovorii.

Skills: Cleaning (6), Mechanical (6), Logic (5), Creativity (2), Body (1)

Biotechnology Major - Cyjon Version

Description: Biotechnology: the study of altering life! Learn how to make mice glow in the dark - as well as more useful things like increasing the yield of tomato plants and making rice more drought-resistant......

Class Titles: Global Food Security - Because Starvation Is Bad; Plant Physiology: How Do They Work?; Genetic Engineering: Making Plants More Useful; Professional Skills For Bioscientists: Statistics Are Your Friends.

Skills: Cleaning (3), Mechanical (3), Logic (3), Creativity (1)

So, I hope that you enjoy my Biotechnology major! :-) If you have any problems, or would like to make a suggestion or tell me how awesome I am, please do leave a comment! :-D

Additional Credits:
Thank you to Nysha for her awesome major creation tutorial!

Thank you, as always, to the makers of SimPE.

Thank you to the University of Nottingham - I loosely based my Biotechnology major on their Biotechnology BSc :-)

And thank you to the mods who have been organising the monthly themes - I'm going to miss them!
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