Cat Judge Career
In my personal life, I am a registered cat breeder. Aside from having adorable kittens every once in a while, I also go to cat shows to let them be judged and in order to get titles for them. This is how my mind came up with this career. I added several breeds, and some information about them, so go ahead and install this mod! Who knows, you might learn a thing or 2 about cats while playing the sims 4

Cat Shows are hosted during the weekend (at least in my country), thus you only "work" on Saturday and Sunday. Pay isn't extremely high, but it's basically a hobby which can net you some income.
Install all files (3) in your mods folder to add this new career to your game.
This career mod is compatible with Game version, from 23 March 2021.
Career details
Are you a true cat-lover, who is looking to turn a hobby into a (parttime) career? Learn all about cat breeds and be booked by cat show hosts during the weekend, to judge participating cats and share your knowledge with cat breeders!
Level 1 - Assistant Clerk (- - - - - S S, 0§/h, 0§/d, Energized)
You won't make any money yet, but as an Assistant Clerk, you will come in contact with many breeders and cat breeds and learn the fundamentals of how cat shows work.
Level 2 - Master Clerk (- - - - - S S, 2§/h, 20§/d, Energized, Writing 1)
You won't make much money, but as a Master Clerk you are in charge of all Assistant Clerks and work side-by-side with professional judges. This is where you first see what it is like to be an actual judge and get plenty of experience to help become one yourself!
Longhair Cat Judge - Path 1
As a Longhair Cat Judge, you will focus on learning all about longhaired cat breeds and becoming a professional judge for them.
Level 3 - Norwegian Forest Cat Expert (- - - - - S S, 10§/h, 100§/d, Focused, Logic 1)
After countless of hours, you have learned all about the Norwegian Forest Cat. Their triangular shaped head, large pointed ears, large oval-shaped eyes, long strongly build body, long tail and large size.
You are now capable of judging all Norwegian Forest Cats and will be booked by some small organizations.
Level 4 - Maine Coon Expert (- - - - - S S, 25§/h, 250§/d, Focused, Writing 2 + Logic 2)
Aside from the Norwegian Forest Cat, you have now learned all about the Maine Coon. Their high prominent cheekbones, large ears, large slightly oval-shaped eyes, rectangular appearance, long body, long tail, dense coat and large size. You are now capable of judging both Norwegian Forest and Maine Coon cats and will be booked by small organizations.
Level 5 - Persian Expert (- - - - - S S, 50§/h, 500§/d, Focused, Writing 4)
After the Norwegian Forest Cat and Maine Coon, you have now learned all about the Persian. Their large oval head, round cheeks, short broad nose, small rounded ears, large round eyes, short tail, long dense coat and medium size. You are now capable of judging the Norwegian Forest Cat, Maine Coon and Persian and will be booked by small to medium-sized organizations.
Level 6 -British Longhair Expert (- - - - - S S, 75§/h, 750§/d, Focused, Logic 4)
Expanding your longhaired knowledge, you decided to learn all about the British Longhair. Their broad chest, strong legs, medium-length tail, large round head, broad cheeks, large round eyes, large ears, dense coat and large size. You are now capable of judging the Norwegian Forest Cat, Maine Coon, Persian and British Longhair and will be booked by medium-sized organizations.
Level 7 - Somali Expert (- - - - - S S, 125§/h, 1250§/d, Focused, Writing 5 + Logic 5)
You couldn't sit still and decided to add the Somali to your list of longhaired cat breeds you know all about. Their ticked tabby longhaired coat, slender appearance, fine-boned, wedge-shaped head, relatively large pointed ears, long tail and medium size. You are now capable of judging the Norwegian Forest Cat, Maine Coon, Persian, British Longhair and Somali and will be booked by medium to large organizations.
Level 8 - Highland Fold Expert (- - - - - S S, 155§/h, 1550§/d, Focused, Writing 7 + Logic 7)
Many people requested from you that you would add the Highland Fold to your expertise, and thus you learned all about them. Their folded ears, large round eyes, round face, short nose, and medium size. You are now capable of judging many longhaired breeds including the Highland Fold and will be booked by large organizations for your expertise.
Level 9 - Longhair Cat Judge (- - - - - S S, 250§/h, 2500§/d, Confident, Writing 9 + Logic 9)
You learned all about longhaired cats and made it to the top. You are now a renowned Longhair Cat Judge; every breeder wants their longhaired cat judged by you and learn from the best!
Semi-Longhair Cat Judge - Path 2
As a Semi-Longhair Cat Judge, you will focus on learning all about semi-longhaired cat breeds and becoming a professional judge for them.
Level 3 - Turkish Angora Expert (- - - - - S S, 10§/h, 100§/d, Focused, Logic 1)
After countless of hours, you have learned all about the Turkish Angora. Their wedge-shaped head, large pointed ears, large almond-shaped eyes, finely boned but muscular body and medium size. You are now capable of judging all Turkish Angoras and will be booked by some small organizations.
Level 4 - Turkish Van Expert (- - - - - S S, 15§/h, 150§/d, Focused, Writing 2 + Logic 2)
Aside from the Turkish Angora, you have now learned all about the Turkish Van. Their wedge-shaped head, medium to large ears, large oval-shaped eyes, long body, van pattern and large size. You are now capable of judging both Turkish Angora and Turkish Van cats and will be booked by small organizations.
Level 5 - Siberian Cat Expert (- - - - - S S, 25§/h, 250§/d, Focused, Writing 3)
After the Turkish Angora and Turkish Van, you have now learned all about the Siberian Cat. Their slightly arched back, well muscled barrel-shaped body, medium-sized ears, moderately large eyes, tight undercoat and medium size. You are now capable of judging the Turkish Angora, Turkish Van and Siberian Cat and will be booked by small to medium-sized organizations.
Level 6 - Neva Masquerade Expert (- - - - - S S, 45§/h, 450§/d, Focused, Logic 3)
Expanding your semi-longhaired knowledge, you decided to learn all about the Neva Masquerade. Their slightly arched back, well muscled barrel-shaped body, medium-sized ears, moderately large eyes, pointed color, tight undercoat and medium size. You are now capable of judging the Turkish Angora, Turkish Van, Siberian Cat and Neva Masquerade and will be booked by medium-sized organizations.
Level 7 - Ragdoll Expert (- - - - - S S, 65§/h, 650§/d, Focused, Writing 5 + Logic 4)
You couldn't sit still and decided to add the Ragdoll to your list of shorthaired cat breeds you know all about. Their large blue eyes, medium-sized ears, strong chin, long body, pointed color and medium size. You are now capable of judging the Turkish Angora, Turkish Van, Siberian Cat, Neva Masquerade and Ragdoll and will be booked by medium-sized organizations.
Level 8 - Birman Expert (- - - - - S S, 100§/h, 1000§/d, Focused, Logic 5)
You are a rather known judge in the semi-longhair catindustry, but decided to expand your knowledge. You learned all about the Birman and added them to your list. Their pointed color, silky coat, deep blue eyes, white paws, small rounded ears and medium size. You are now capable of judging several shorthaired breeds including the Birman and will be booked by medium to large organizations.
Level 9 - Nebelung Expert (- - - - - S S, 135§/h, 1350§/d, Focused, Writing 7 + Logic 7)
Many people requested from you that you would add the Nebelung to your expertise, and thus you learned all about them. Their athletic body, large emerald-green eyes, blue-grey coat, semi-long dense fur, double coat, large pointy ears and long medium-boned body. You are now capable of judging many semi-longhaired breeds including the Nebelung and will be booked by larger organizations.
Level 10 - Cymric Expert (- - - - - S S, 180§/h, 1800§/d, Focused, Writing 9 + Logic 8)
You are now a well-known judge, but decided to learn all about just one more breed; the Cymric. Their short back, broad chest, large round head, large round eyes, medium-sized ears, double semi-longhaired coat and medium size. You are now capable of judging many semi-longhaired breeds including the Cymric and will be booked by large organizations for your expertise.
Level 11 - Semi-Longhair Cat Judge (- - - - - S S, 275§/h, 2750§/d, Confident, Writing 10 + Logic 10)
You learned all about semi-longhaired cats and made it to the top. You are now a renowned Semi-Longhair Cat Judge; every breeder wants their semi-longhaired cat judged by you and learn from the best!
Shorthair Cat Judge - Path 3
As a Shorthair Cat Judge, you will focus on learning all about shorthaired cat breeds and becoming a professional judge for them.
Level 3 - Russian Blue Expert (- - - - - S S, 10§/h, 100§/d, Focused, Logic 1)
After countless of hours, you have learned all about the Russian Blue. Their athletic body, large emerald-green eyes, blue-grey coat, short dense fur, double coat, large pointy ears and long medium-boned body. You are now capable of judging all Russian Blues and will be booked by some small organizations.
Level 4 - Bengal Expert (- - - - - S S, 15§/h, 150§/d, Focused, Writing 2 + Logic 2)
Aside from the Russian Blue, you have now learned all about the Bengal. Their wild appearance, small head, medium ears, large oval-shaped eyes, muscular body and medium to large size. You are now capable of judging both Russian Blue and Bengal cats and will be booked by small organizations.
Level 5 - Exotic Expert (- - - - - S S, 25§/h, 250§/d, Focused, Writing 3)
After the Russian Blue and Bengal, you have now learned all about the Exotic. Their large oval head, round cheeks, short broad nose, small rounded ears, large round eyes, short tail, fluffy short hair and medium size. You are now capable of judging the Russian Blue, Bengal and Exotic and will be booked by small to medium-sized organizations.
Level 6 - British Shorthair Expert (- - - - - S S, 45§/h, 450§/d, Focused, Logic 3)
Expanding your shorthair knowledge, you decided to learn all about the British Shorthair. Their broad chest, strong legs, medium-length tail, large round head, broad cheeks, large round eyes, large ears, dense plush coat and large size. You are now capable of judging the Russian Blue, Bengal, Exotic and British Shorthair and will be booked by medium-sized organizations.
Level 7 - Abyssinian Expert (- - - - - S S, 65§/h, 650§/d, Focused, Writing 5 + Logic 4)
You couldn't sit still and decided to add the Abyssinian to your list of shorthaired cat breeds you know all about. Their ticked tabby coat, slender appearance, fine-boned, wedge-shaped head, relatively large pointed ears, long tail and medium size. You are now capable of judging the Russian Blue, Bengal, Exotic, British Shorthair and Abyssinian and will be booked by medium-sized organizations.
Level 8 - Siamese Expert (- - - - - S S, 100§/h, 1000§/d, Focused, Logic 5)
You are a rather known judge in the shorthair catindustry, but decided to expand your knowledge. You learned all about the Siamese and added them to your list. Their blue almond-shaped eyes, pointed color, triangular shaped head, large ears, slender muscular body and medium size. You are now capable of judging several shorthaired breeds including the Siamese and will be booked by medium to large organizations.
Level 9 - Scottish Fold Expert (- - - - - S S, 135§/h, 1350§/d, Focused, Writing 7 + Logic 7)
Many people requested from you that you would add the Scottish Fold to your expertise, and thus you learned all about them. Their folded ears, large round eyes, round face, short nose, and medium size. You are now capable of judging many shorthaired breeds including the Scottish Fold and will be booked by larger organizations.
Level 10 - Manx Expert (- - - - - S S, 180§/h, 1800§/d, Focused, Writing 9 + Logic 8)
You are now a well-known judge, but decided to learn all about just one more breed; the Manx. Their short back, broad chest, large round head, large round eyes, medium-sized ears, double coat and medium size. You are now capable of judging many shorthaired breeds including the Manx and will be booked by large organizations for your expertise.
Level 11 - Shorthair Cat Judge (- - - - - S S, 275§/h, 2750§/d, Confident, Writing 10 + Logic 10)
You learned all about shorthaired cats and made it to the top. You are now a renowned Shorthair Cat Judge; every breeder wants their shorthaired cat judged by you and learn from the best!
Curlhair Cat Judge - Path 4
As a Curlhair Cat Judge, you will focus on learning all about Curlhaired cat breeds and becoming a professional judge for them.
Level 3 - Cornish Rex Expert (- - - - - S S, 15§/h, 150§/d, Focused, Logic 1)
After countless of hours, you have learned all about the Cornish Rex. Their egg-shaped head, medium-sized eyes, large ears, long-shaped body, fine boning, long tail and short curly hair. You are now capable of judging all Cornish Rex cats and will be booked by some small organizations.
Level 4 - Devon Rex Expert (- - - - - S S, 67§/h, 670§/d, Focused, Writing 3)
Aside from the Cornish Rex, you have now learned all about the Devon Rex. Their large, slightly rounded ears, large eyes, slightly upturned nose, short whiskers, fine boning, long legs, medium size and curly hair. You are now capable of judging both Cornish Rex and Devon Rex cats and will be booked by several small organizations.
Level 5 - German Rex Expert (- - - - - S S, 111§/h, 1110§/d, Focused, Writing 4 + Logic 3)
After the Cornish Rex and Devon Rex, you have now learned all about the German Rex. Their round head, well-developed cheeks, large ears, medium-sized eyes, short curly hair and medium size. You are now capable of judging the Cornish Rex, Devon Rex and German Rex and will be booked by medium-sized organizations.
Level 6 - LaPerm Expert (- - - - - S S, 150§/h, 1500§/d, Focused, Writing 6 + Logic 6)
Expanding your curl-haired cat knowledge, you decided to learn all about the LaPerm. Their athletic build, high cheek bones, firm chin, almond-shaped eyes, semi-long or short curly hair and medium size. You are now capable of judging the Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, German Rex and LaPerm and will be booked by large organizations for your expertise.
Level 7 - Curlhair Judge (- - - - - S S, 210§/h, 2100§/d, Confident, Writing 8 + Logic 8)
You learned all about curly haired cats and made it to the top. You are now a renowned Curlhair Cat Judge; every breeder wants their curl-haired cat judged by you and learn from the best!
Hairless Cat Judge - Path 5
As a Hairless Cat Judge, you will focus on learning all about bald cat breeds and becoming a professional judge for them.
Level 3 - Sphynx Expert (- - - - - S S, 15§/h, 150§/d, Focused, Logic 1)
After countless of hours, you have learned all about the Sphynx. Their wedge-shaped head, prominent cheekbones, lemon-shaped eyes, large ears, muscular body and medium-sized. You are now capable of judging all Sphynx cats and will be booked by some small organizations.
Level 4 - Donskoy Expert (- - - - - S S, 80§/h, 800§/d, Focused, Writing 3)
Aside from the Sphynx, you have now learned all about the Donskoy, also known as the Don Sphynx. Their almond-shaped eyes, long webbed toes, large ears, muscular body and medium-sized. You are now capable of judging both Sphynx cats and Donskoy cats and will be booked by medium-sized organizations.
Level 5 - Peterbald Expert (- - - - - S S, 140§/h, 1400§/d, Focused, Writing 5 + Logic 5)
After the Sphynx and the Donskoy, you have now learned all about the Peterbald. Their narrow and long head, almond-shaped eyes, wedge-shaped muzzle, large ears, long tail, slim shaped and muscular build. You are now capable of judging the Spynx, Donskoy and Peterbald and will be booked by large organizations for your expertise.
Level 6 - Hairless Cat Judge (- - - - - S S, 200§/h, 2000§/d, Confident, Writing 8 + Logic 7)
You learned all about bald cats and made it to the top. You are now a renowned Hairless Cat Judge; every breeder wants their hairless cat judged by you and learn from the best!
Available Languages
English only. I sadly do not have time to implement other languages.
Additional Credits:
Create-a-Career by Neia
S4PE by Kuree
Satira Cat Judge Career.rar
Uploaded: 17th Mar 2021, 795.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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Updated: 24th Mar 2021 at 1:45 PM - Update
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