I wanted to challenge my self, because I rarely build with colours, especially yellow and pink. I really enjoyed the combination of blue and orange, so I played with that a lot. The cyan/turquoise works extremly well, not only with the wood colour of the dining table and chairs, but also with the wood colour of the counters and cabinets. It makes the kitchen look extremely cozy, in my opinion. Some people have the washer&dryer in the kitchen, so I wanted to try that. Since, I knew from the begining that the bedroom was going to be mostly in yellow, I was left with a few colour options for the bathroom. Green, blue and yellow were out of the question and I didn't want the colour to be a plain black or white. Red could work, but the bathroom was already small, so it would make it look smaller. I ended up with pink. My first ever pink bathroom.
If you want my ceiling, I use Notorious Rose - Base Game Ceilings , the Limber Lumber Fashion Hardwoods v8 one. It's NOT necessary for this build to work, I just like the way it looks.
Lot Size: 9x10 Lot Price (furnished): 41.166
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