Sims 3 Careers Global Overhaul
MFC_Careers-EA_Retuned.jpg - width=890 height=806
Let your sims be rich and happy!
Since I first time play Sims I am very confused to see that hard work does nothing to improve my sims life. Yeah, you know what I am talking about, you know very well this sad story -
You were born in a trailer…
You work hard day by day and the day will come... when you buy a cheap TV.
Then you will work hard day by day and the day will come... when you die in the trailer you were born in.
Do you want to change your life for the better? Find a rich fool, marry her, then kill her and take her money!
Huh, EA economic system is really killing me.

Well, what’s wrong with EA Rabbit Hole Careers?
Low wages in the RH careers even at high levels.
It is really killing you if you play the game with NRaas Story Progression.
For example, if inactive Sim is The Leader of Free World (Political Career lvl 10), I suppose it is normally if he lives in a rich manor with his family, but… well, you know – the bills are coming. NRaas SP makes property management realistic – and at one day you will find this respectable politician in a starter house.
Inefficient time management.
At low and medium levels, there are too many workdays and working hours per workday combines with low wages per hour. At high levels, the salary per hour is higher, but the numbers of working hours per day is less – and let’s not forget about two hours on the way to the office and back, so anyway the day is lost.
Fine, and when will my Sim be able to live for himself and have enough money for this?
Huh, not in this life…
Another painful point - the working hours in different careers are not related to each other.
Do you want to meet someone? – “Oh, sorry, I have to go to office!...” – grrrrrr!!!! (ForeverAlone.jpg).
Awkward WakeupTime.
Sunset Valley was a village – early get up, early go to bed.
Bridgeport comes with vibrant nightlife and EA added DowntownTime – the late wake ups for sims who spent the night at the dance club.
Great, but now there are bars and clubs in every custom world, but DowntownTime work for Downtown worlds only!

What’s wrong with EA Active Careers?
Inactive Sims don't make money on tasks.
All they get is EA weekly stipend…
…and this is the real problem if you play the game with NRaas Story Progression.
Fashion Phenomenon is a very poor person, you know…
Time management, WakeupTime.
Same things.

What’s wrong with EA SkillBased Careers?
Inactive Sims are too lazy and that’s why they are poor.
Huh, what can I say… It's just the truth.
All those Writers, Inventors and Nectar Makers don’t spend much time for work… maybe they are waiting for the stipend? But there is no stipend in EA SkillBased Careers.
It is matter if you play the game with NRaas Story Progression, sure.
Promotion at high levels is really mad.
No way to get level 10 in simlife even if lifetime you choose is Long!
Actually, this is not an easy task, even if your Sim is immortal.

Well, here we go.

What’s changed in EA Rabbit Hole Careers?
Mod name: MFC_CareersOverhaul_RH
Resource used: Careers.xml
Realistic wages per hour.
Less number of workdays.
6 working hours per workday at all levels.
So what we have now per week:
Level 1 = 5 workdays, the salary is about 1500 sml a week.
Level 2-5 = 4 workdays, the salary is about 2000-5000 sml a week.
Level 6-8 = 3 workdays, the salary is about 6000-9000 sml a week.
Level 9-10 = 2 workdays, the salary is about 10000-13000 sml a week.
More difficult careers (related with Charisma skill and Celebrity Level) get higher salaries.
Every career was checked and get its own salary and work time management.
Workdays were changed
Most of careers get Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday as free days,
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday as workdays
and Friday as free day at high levels.
Criminals, culinary specialists, sportsmen and fortunetellers work when others have a rest – like was made by EA. But they are also part of the community, so Wednesday looks like free day for all careers up level 1.
WakeUp and Start time in all worlds is close to Downtown for now.
Usually it's like this:
You can be sure that I check every career and keep untouched some specific things like nightwatch in Medicine Career.
FortuneTeller Career
– promotion was changed:
Logic was added for levels 1-10 for both branches.
Relationship with Coworkers was deleted for both branches.

What’s changed in EA Active Careers?
Mod name: MFC_CareersOverhaul_Active
Resource used: ActiveCareers.xml
Stipend has been increased accordingly to RH Careers Overhaul
So now we get per week:
Level 2-5 = the salary is about 1000-5000 sml a week.
Level 6-9 = the salary is about 6000-9000 sml a week.
Level 10 = the salary is about 10000 sml a week.
Sure your active Sim will be really rich with this stipend plus money from tasks. But stipend pays once a week, so you can use the cheat code and manually minus this money from family funds if you like.
WakeUp and Start time in all worlds made close to Downtown for now.
Usually it's like this:
Do not worry about Ghost Hunter! He is hunting at night as usually.
Well, don’t worry about Daycare too. She is not hunting at night.

What’s changed in EA Skill Based Careers?
Mod name: MFC_CareersOverhaul_SkillBased
Resource used: SkillBasedCareers.xml
Stipend has been increased accordingly to RH Careers Overhaul
So now we get per week:
Level 2-5 = the salary is about 1000-5000 sml a week.
Level 6-9 = the salary is about 6000-9000 sml a week.
Level 10 = the salary is about 10000 sml a week.
Yes, your active Sim will be really rich with this stipend plus money from tasks. But stipend pays once a week, so you can use the cheat code and manually minus this money from family funds if you like.
Promotion becomes realistic.
…and individual for every Skill Based Career. Don’t worry about this.
Waiting for your feedback!
All files made with Patch 1.67.
Must work fine with 1.63, 1.66, 1.69.
= OLD VERSION - I keep it here for some reasons.
* added careers from EP University Life.
* added careers from EP Into the Future.
well, now there are all EA careers in the list.
* pensions made about 50% from the new salaries.
* number of estimated coworkers fixed in some careers.
* some other fixes.
Some problem with RockStar - Music Career lvl-10 Electric Rock Branch.
Originally this lvl has no workdays, no salary and sim get money from playing concerts only.
So there are 2 options at your choice (use only one!):
= EA RockStar with no changes - no workdays, no salary, just his pension was overhauled.
= RockStar get 2 workdays and salary like all other careers in Careers Global Overhaul.
The Modeling Career by rspn99
This is the custom career but I like it so much so I remade it for Careers Global Overhaul.
All credits for the original mod goes to wonderful rspn99.
What was changed:
* workdays and salaries made according to Careers Global Overhaul.
* requirements for Mood and Charisma for promotion made realistic and close to Political Career.
* Athletic skill is now required for promotion for lvl 1-10 and requirements are close to Sport Career.
* relationship with Boss is now required for promotion for lvl 1-5 only and requirements are close to Political Career.
* relationship with Coworkers now is not required for promotion.
* Celebrity Level is now required for promotion for lvl 6-10 and requirements are close to Acting Branch of Film Career. So ЕР Late Night is now required for this career.
* some fixes made for career events.
* salary for lvl 1 now is positive instead of negative salary in original mod.
* Russian Translation added.
There are 2 options at your choice (use only one!):
= Rabbit Hole is Theatre as in original mod.
= Rabbit Hole is MovieSet because it is more logical for gameplay - all other careers which required Celebrity Level are there.
Don't forget that Modeling Career is a custom career, so you do need NRaas Careers for this career work.
Extract files from the archive using 7zip by Igov Pavlov or any other same tool.
7-zip is free software with open source which correctly unpacking 7z, ZIP, .RAR and many others.
Download 7-zip from the official website:
Just put selected files in Mods/Packages.
You can use all these mods at the same time or choose one or two.
This is tuning mod so don't forget to check if any other mods uses the specified xml.
Must work fine will all script mods.
Must work fine will all tuning mods which not affect the specified xml.
Regarding mods which uses same xml - it most probably be a problem because of massive changes made in Sims 3 Careers Global Overhaul.
Works correctly with all EP's.
Requires Base Game only.
Because of every career affected and most of sims affected too it is recommended to start the new game.
Inge and Peter Jones - for Sims3 Package Editor
Filename | Type | Size |
MFC_Modelling_Career_Overhaul-en-Movie_v2.7z | 7z | |
MFC_Modelling_Career_Overhaul-en-Movie_v2.package | package | 319338 |
Filename | Type | Size |
MFC_Modelling_Career_Overhaul-en_v2.7z | 7z | |
MFC_Modelling_Career_Overhaul-en_v2.package | package | 319333 |
Filename | Type | Size |
MFC_CareersOverhaul_RH_v2_music.7z | 7z | |
MFC_CareersOverhaul_RH_v2_music.package | package | 73822 |
Filename | Type | Size |
MFC_CareersOverhaul_RH_v2.7z | 7z | |
MFC_CareersOverhaul_RH_v2.package | package | 73889 |
Uploaded: 16th Apr 2024, 34.3 KB.
Uploaded: 16th Apr 2024, 34.2 KB.
Uploaded: 16th Apr 2024, 63.8 KB.
Uploaded: 16th Apr 2024, 63.8 KB.
Uploaded: 1st Jul 2021, 35.0 KB.
Uploaded: 1st Jul 2021, 3.8 KB.
Uploaded: 1st Jul 2021, 10.6 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
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