Antibodies after a Sickness!
antibodies.png - width=370 height=316
stayhealthy.png - width=600 height=447

- 2024-07-01: Removed unintentional behaviour where a morning sickness would also grant a disease immunity after it ended. Thanks to Latestfire for the report. The Comfort Soup add-on is unaffected as Maxis already included an exception for morning sickness in the default code.
- 2023-12-13: (minor) Fixed a mistake I made when naming the standard version after I finished the changes. It will now overwrite as before if you haven't changed filenames. I also removed the "ZZZ" from the Disease Mod version because it's not actually important to the load order between this mod and Disease Mod.
- 2023-12-12:
(1) Another complete re-write of both flavours and the add-on, because errors on load-up of a lot were frequent and would cause tokens to fail to get deleted. This is a mandatory re-download, also because I changed the GUID of the Antibodies controller, so any old ones will fail to work from here on out.
(2) Optional debug messages so you know what's happening behind the scenes (yeah, I did these mostly for myself). If you want to enable them and see the function of the mod for yourself, simply change the single constant in the table "Debug Switch" to 1.
(3) Added a small item (it looks like a coffee mug, can be found in Misc > Misc and costs §1) that helps you delete old stuck tokens and controllers (that's why I went through with the GUID change). Old Disease Immunity tokens are different because they have no extra attribute to them. I check for that and delete those old ones in the entire neighbourhood. Any of the new ones will stay. Use the item if you suspect that Sims are not getting sick anymore for no reason. - 2023-05-30: Complete re-write of both flavours and the add-on to prevent an issue where the progression of all diseases on the lot would be halted for the duration of the antibodies. Also, the Comfort Soup add-on now requires one of the flavours of Antibodies after Disease. Please re-download! Thanks to Latestfire for the help in pinning the problem down.
- 2023-05-09:
(1) Thanks to guirnaldas, I was able to fix a bug that would occasionally cause errors when the disease immunity token is due for deletion. This fix concerns both versions of my mod so please re-download.
(2) Added an optional add-on that grants the same one-day immunity when a Sim eats Grandma's Comfort Soup, too. Do not get this add-on if you use simler90's Grandma's Comfort Soup mod. - 2023-04-01: Attempted to fix a bug that would prevent the immunity token from being deleted again after a while. This bug concerns both versions of my mod so please re-download. I would also appreciate it if you sent me any error logs that are tied to Disease - Token or Token - Disease Immunity.
- 2023-01-05: I uploaded a modified version of the BHAV as found in the Disease Mod by simler90, in order to include the functionality of both their and my mod. It is renamed to load after the Disease Mod so then both mods work as intended.
- 2022-07-30: Fixed a bug that would cause every Sim's immunity tokens to be removed after 24 Sim hours, instead of only the Sim in question as it was intended by me.
Ever got annoyed about Sims in a large household constantly infecting one another once one contracted a cold or the flu? Did you ever get tired of having the family in a constant state of throwing coughing fits and having to keep their motives very high, and eventually them being the cause for neighbourhood-wide infections when they start throwing parties? I know I did.
At the same time, I dislike mods that give permanent immunity to Sims, even if this treatment costs a lot of Simoleons, it is simply not what I wish to have in my game.
In real life, whenever someone is sick with anything, be it the flu, the cold, or anything else, their immune system develops antibodies against the particular branch of disease, making them unable to contract it again for a certain amount of time, usually several months.
I wanted to reflect this in the game, too, but I know that the disease tokens, which spread the sicknesses to those walking over them, stick around for quite a while, so it'd have to be longer than that, in order to achieve what I was going for.
So after thinking about it for a while, I went to work and created my own solution to the problem I saw.
With this simple mod in your Downloads folder, any Sim that gets healthy after having had any disease will be immune to any disease for one full Sim day, giving the family a realistic chance to let the sickness fade away and finally break out of the loop.

If you play with the aspiration rewards, you'll have heard of Grandma's Comfort Soup as the ailment to every disease. So far, it was exempt from the antibodies, as it removes the illnesses on the spot instead of letting the normal healing process proceed. With the optional AntibodiesAfterComfortSoup add-on, you can grant Sims the same one-day immunity to all diseases after they ate such a soup.

Not to worry, you only need the base game for the base mod!
If you also want the Comfort Soup add-on, you will need FreeTime, otherwise the mod will not serve any purpose.

Antibodies After Sickness:
Resource name | Type name | Type | Group | Instance | Instance (high) |
Sub - Get Healthy | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F8A70B6 | 0x0000101B | 0x00000000 |
Antibodies After Comfort Soup:
Resource name | Type name | Type | Group | Instance | Instance (high) |
CT - Exit Action | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F61E069 | 0x0000100C | 0x00000000 |
There are also a handful of new resources all associated with the custom Controller - Antibodies object. These all have the GUID 0xFFFFFFFF and thus won't conflict with anything.

The fourth mod, "Caffeinated Token Destroyer", helps you get rid of old tokens and controllers if you used a previous version of this mod (before 2023-12-12). It looks like a coffee mug, has the GUID 0x007891AD, costs §1 and can be found in Misc > Misc. One option deletes all Disease Immunity tokens in the entire neighbourhood, the other deletes all old, unneeded Antibodies controllers on the lot only.
Unfortunately it is not possible to restrict the antibodies only to the type of disease the Sim used to have. This means that if a Sim is cured of a cold, they will also be immune to food poisoning, for example. I found no way to circumvent this yet.
The Antibodies controller has the GUID 0x00203114.

Anything that overwrites this particular BHAV will also conflict with this mod.
- MATY's real-sickness mod does not alter the resource so it is okay to use along with this mod.
- simler90's Disease Mod conflicts with my mod, but you can download a version that resolves the conflict. It must load after Disease Mod.
- Note that the only difference between the versions is: with the compatible version the game shows "Sim is healthy again" notifs only with family members, while the normal version shows these notifs for all Sims currently on the lot. - simler90's Grandma's Comfort Soup Mod (add-on to his Disease Mod) conflicts with my AntibodiesAfterComfortSoup add-on. Do not use the two together as they would cancel out one another. simler90 has a different approach to the soup.
- kestrellyn's Pneumonia Fix is fine to use alongside my mod, despite being extracted from the Disease Mod. Use the standard version if you have this mod and decided against simler90's larger mod.
- My own mod Better Disease Notifications has a conflict. If you wish to use both mods, you will need the compatibility patch I posted on the other mod's page.

Maxis and EA for creating Sims 2 in the first place
The creators of SimPE and especially the BHAV plugin
guirnaldas and Latestfire for helping me squash bugs
Have fun and happy Simming!
~ Blueybre
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_AntibodiesAfterSickness.package | package | 4277 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_AntibodiesAfterSickness_DiseaseMod.package | package | 4323 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_AntibodiesAfterComfortSoup.package | package | 657 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_CaffeinatedTokenDestroyer.package | package | 4013 |
Note from the Creator:
Antibodies After Comfort Soup requires one of the Antibodies After Sickness versions!
| The standard version of my mod, use this if you do not use a mod that changes how diseases work, OR if you use real-sickness from MATY, OR kestrellyn's Pneumonia Fix.
Uploaded: 1st Jul 2024, 1.6 KB.
| Provides compatibility with simler90's Disease Mod.
Uploaded: 1st Jul 2024, 1.6 KB.
| Add-on to include immunity after a portion of Grandma's Comfort Soup. FreeTime required.
Uploaded: 12th Dec 2023, 494 Bytes.
| Use this if you have used this mod before 2023-12-12. It will help you get rid of old stuck tokens and controllers without the need of SimPE.
Uploaded: 12th Dec 2023, 1.6 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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About Me
I'm Blueybre, that chaos-loving 'bre. Call me Koko or Bluey. I make mods for Sims 2, my favourite Sims game.
As my title suggests, I like wreaking havoc... but I also like providing useful bug fixes, features or new mechanics.
I make sure my mods can be enjoyed by as many players as possible, so I strive to make my mods as compatible with different game setups as I can. Mac players want to enjoy mods, too!
I love the language diversity we have in the world and so am always looking for human translators to provide translations to languages other than English.
I have been a childhood Sims 1 player but did not get to enjoy the newer games until my fiancée sparked my interest again. Starting with Sims 3, followed by 4, then 2. Nowadays, I choose to only play Sims 2 (and also Sims 3), because they're the zenith of the series in my Humble opinion. (...Get it? Humble? Rod? Haha...)
I prefer building houses over actually playing, and I have made my own custom world on Sims 3. Maybe I'll publish some of my Sims 3 works at some point...
My Sims 3 traits would be: Clumsy, Eco-Friendly, Frugal, Loner, Night Owl. (And a hidden Pyromaniac. Hehe.)
My pronouns are he/him, but to be fair I don't mind what you use to address me.
I am a little obsessed with the British way of spelling words.
I am an Aspie, diagnosed at the age of five, so I may show strange behaviour at times, and used to often jump at people with like-minded interests (such as a certain profile picture) to try and socialise with. I have this under better control now, but it is how I met my fiancée, back in 2012 on YouTube. Engaged since 26/07/2019. :luff:
Besides Sims, I also like Pokémon (duh), Palworld, Yoshi, and Genshin Impact! (Nilou best girl~ :3)