Retirement Home & Elder Care
Elder sims can now stay in a Retirement Home or Elder Care facility in their golden years.
This is a script mod that can be placed in your Packages folder. It was built and tested on 1.69 but should work fine on 1.67.
This mod requires The Sims 3: Late Night and The Sims 3: Showtime.
- Added Hungarian translation by aragorn
- Added Chinese translation by PieceOfCarambola
[spoiler=Previous Versions]4/23/2024
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation by Ynidy
- Updated French translation by JenniferB
- Updated Czech translation by ProtectusCZ
- Added Russian translation by HYDRO1st
- Fixed issue with "Go to Elder Care" interaction sometimes not appearing for elders that have been admitted.
- Added European Spanish translation by Paampi
- Updated Finnish translation by mucephei
- Updated Italian translation by Damon05
- Notifications appearing blank while an elder sim is in the Retirement Home should no longer occur.
- New strings added. Existing translations will need to be updated!
- Updated translation strings.
- Added Italian translation by Damon05
- Added Finnish translation by mucephei
- Added Czech translation by ProtectusCZ
- Added French translation by JenniferB
- Retirement Home
- Elder Care
- New Moodlets
Retirement Home
The Retirement Home at the Day Spa offers short-length stays to elder sims looking to relax, boost their skills, and make new friends.
Checking In
Elder sims can “Check Into Retirement Home” at the Day Spa rabbithole for 1, 3, 5, or 7 day periods. They are charged §10 per hour of their stay.
If your sim’s household funds fall below the hourly rate at any point during their stay, they will be automatically checked out of the Retirement Home and the total cost will be added to the next household bill.
Other elder sims in the world who are retired, self-employed, or unemployed will also be drawn to the Retirement Home while an elder sim in your active household is there. They will have opportunities to become friends and socialize every few hours.
Note: Inactive elders will not be charged for staying at the Retirement Home.
Activities & Accommodations
All of an elder sim’s needs will be taken care of during their stay at the Retirement Home.
They also have a variety of different activities available to them in the form of tones (like career tones). These include the following:
- Enjoy Stay - Default
- Attend Art Class - Raises Painting skill
- Attend Music Class - Raises Instrument skills (guitar, bass, piano, and drums)
- Chat With Other Residents - Raises Charisma skill and boosts Social need
- Do Yoga - Raises Athletic skill
- Practice Chess - Raises hidden Chess skill and boosts Fun need
- Play Dominoes - Raises hidden Dominoes skill and boosts Fun need
- Play Indoor Golf - Raises hidden Golfing skill and boosts Fun need
- Play Shuffleboard - Raises hidden Shuffleboard skill and boosts Fun need
Sims can visit elder sims in the Retirement Home to boost their relationship.
Visitors and elder sims will gain positive visit-related moodlets depending on their relationship (friendly, romantic, or familial).
Retirement Home visiting hours are from 8:00am to 8:00pm.
Checking Out
Elder sims can check out of the Retirement Home at any time during their stay. They will be charged based on how many hours they stayed multiplied by the hourly rate.
If your sim cannot afford to pay the total cost of stay upfront, the cost will be added to the next household bill.
Once your elder sim leaves the Retirement Home, any other inactive elders staying will leave as well.
If your elder sim remains at the Retirement Home for the full duration of their stay, they will be given spa related moodlets on checkout. The longer the stay, the stronger and longer lasting the moodlets.
Elder Care
If you’re looking for more permanent arrangements for your elder sims, applying for Elder Care at the Hospital may be a better fit.
Application Process
In order to be admitted into Elder Care, elder sims or other household members must “Apply For Elder Care” or “Apply For Elder Care For…" at the Hospital. The application fee costs §120.
Elder sims’ traits can either increase or decrease their chances of qualifying for Elder Care. The base chance of admission is 40% and each trait increases or decreases the base chance by 5%.
Increased Chance Traits - Absent Minded, Clumsy, Insane, Neurotic, Coward, Inappropriate, Technophobe, Unstable, Brooding, Couch Potato, Evil, Grumpy, Mean Spirited, and Loner
Decreased Chance Traits - Athletic, Disciplined, Genius, Family Oriented, and Nurturing
If an elder sim’s application is accepted, they will get the custom Application Accepted moodlet and can “Be Admitted to Elder Care” at the Hospital.
If their application is rejected, they’ll get the custom Application Rejected moodlet and won’t be able to apply again for 24 hours.
If your household has some extra funds, they can “Bribe For Elder Care Admission” or “Bribe For Elder Care Admission For…” for guaranteed admission to Elder Care for §5,000.
Evil or Schmoozer sims can “Manipulate” or “Schmooze” for Elder Care admission for §3500.
Once an elder sim has admitted themselves to the Elder Care facility, they will be charged a §120 check-in fee and then §120 per day.
If your sim’s household funds fall below the daily rate at any point during their stay, they will be automatically checked out of Elder Care.
Note: Inactive elders will not be charged for staying in Elder Care.
All of an elder sim’s needs will be taken care of during their stay in Elder Care.
Sims can visit elder sims in Elder Care to boost their relationship.
Visitors and elder sims will gain positive visit-related moodlets depending on their relationship (friendly, romantic, or familial).
Elder Care visiting hours are from 8:00am to 8:00pm.
Checking Out
Elders cannot check themselves out of Elder Care and will remain in the facility until they pass away from old age.
Other sims aged Teen or older can remove an elder from Elder Care at any time.
New Moodlets
Application Accepted: Given when an elder sim is accepted into Elder Care, lasts 1 day, +10 mood
Application Rejected: Given when an elder sim is rejected from Elder Care, lasts 1 day, -10 mood
Family Visit: Given when a sim visits an elder family member, lasts 8 hours, +15 mood
Friendly Visit: Given when a sim visits an elder friend, lasts 8 hours, +15 mood
Romantic Visit: Given when a sim visits an elder romantic partner, lasts 8 hours, +15 mood
All of the following values are tunable in the mod’s XML files.
kVisitorHoursStart = 8
kVisitorHoursEnd = 20
kRetirementHomeCostPerHour = 10
kRelationshipIncreaseFromVisiting = 10
kRetirementHomeVisitLength = 120 (minutes)
kChanceOfSocialGame = .50 (percent)
kMinutesBetweenSocialChecks = 120
Elder Care
kVisitorHoursStart = 8
kVisitorHoursEnd = 20
kElderCareCostPerDay = 120
kRelationshipIncreaseFromVisiting = 10
kElderCareVisitLength = 120 (minutes)
kElderCareApplicationCooldownTime = 1440 (minutes)
kGetChanceForAcceptedApplication = .40 (percent)
kElderCareApplicationFee = 120
kElderCareBribeCost = 5000
kElderCareBribeCostEvil = 3500
kElderCareBribeCostSchmoozer = 3500
kAbsentMindedModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kClumsyModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kInsaneModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kInappropriateModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kNeuroticModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kCowardModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kTechnophobeModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kCouchPotatoModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kBroodingModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kUnstableModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kEvilModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kGrumpyModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kMeanSpiritedModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kLonerModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kAthleticModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kDisciplinedModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kGeniusModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kFamilyOrientedModifier = 0.05 (percent)
kNurturingModifier = 0.05 (percent)
Retirement Home Tones
kAttendArtClassFunDelta = 20
kAttendArtClassSkillRate = 5
kAttendMusicClassToneFunDelta = 20
kAttendMusicClassToneSkillRate = 5
kChatWithOtherResidentsSocialDelta = 20
kChatWithOtherResidentsSkillRate = 5
kDoYogaFatigueDelta = -20
kDoYogaAthleticRate = 5
kDoYogaMuscleDelta = 0.25
kPlayChessFunDelta = 20
kPlayChessSkillRate = 5
kPlayDominoesFunDelta = 20
kPlayDominoesSkillRate = 5
kPlayGolfFunDelta = 20
kPlayGolfSkillRate = 5
kPlayShuffleBoardFunDelta = 20
kPlayShuffleBoardSkillRate = 5
Conflicts & Known Issues
This is a new script mod so there shouldn’t be any conflicts.
EA/Maxis for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, Visual Studio 2019, ILSpy, s3pe, Notepad++, and Script Mod Template Creator.
Thank You
Thank you to Anton, olomaya, and MonocoDoll!
Filename | Type | Size |
twinsimming_Retirement Home & Elder Care.rar | rar | |
twinsimming_Retirement Home & Elder Care.package | package | 512526 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Retirement Home & Elder Care STBLs for Translators.rar | rar | |
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S3_220557DA_00000000_06000000717AB478_Strings_FIN_FI_0x06000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8775 |
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S3_220557DA_00000000_10000000717AB478_Strings_POR_PT_0x10000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_11000000717AB478_Strings_POR_BR_0x11000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_12000000717AB478_Strings_RUS_RU_0x12000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_13000000717AB478_Strings_SPA_ES_0x13000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_14000000717AB478_Strings_SPA_MX_0x14000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_15000000717AB478_Strings_SWE_SE_0x15000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
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S3_220557DA_00000000_0A000000717AB478_Strings_HUN_HU_0x0A000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_0B000000717AB478_Strings_ITA_IT_0x0B000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 9377 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_0C000000717AB478_Strings_JPN_JP_0x0C000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_0D000000717AB478_Strings_KOR_KR_0x0D000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_0E000000717AB478_Strings_NOR_NO_0x0E000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_0F000000717AB478_Strings_POL_PL_0x0F000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_01000000717AB478_Strings_CHS_CN_0x01000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
S3_220557DA_00000000_02000000717AB478_Strings_CHT_CN_0x02000000717AB478%%+STBL.stbl | stbl | 8675 |
twinsimming_Retirement Home & Elder Care.rar
Uploaded: 7th Dec 2024, 346.0 KB.
Retirement Home & Elder Care STBLs for Translators.rar
Uploaded: 11th Mar 2024, 58.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 7th Dec 2024 at 8:30 AM
#elder, #retirement, #hospital, #day spa
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
Late Night | |
Showtime |