View Single Post in: HoodChecker 1.0.3 - Neighborhood Corruption Detector (Updated February 11, 2013)

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#4 Old 29th Sep 2011 at 6:54 AM
Default Memory Categories
Memories are checked for validity by the HoodChecker based on their category:

Memory about Self:
These are memories which require the valid Owner as both the Subject and Subject Instance. If this is a memory, click Me for the Owner and Me for the "Subject...Sim:" in the SimPE Memory Properties window. If this is gossip, ensure that the Owner and Subject...Sim refer to the same sim.

Memory about Sim:
These are memories which require a valid Owner, as well as a valid Sim as both the Subject and Subject Instance. In the SimPE Memory Properties window, select a valid sim from the drop-down list for "Subject...Sim:". The word $Subject in the displayed string will be replaced by the sim's name.

Memory about Object:
These are memories which require a valid Owner and an Object as the Subject. These memories should have no Subject Instance. In the SimPE Memory Properties window, select a valid object from the drop-down list for "Subject...Object:". Memories about Object are further categorized by the type of object.
Memory about Work Object:
These are Object memories which require a Career as the Subject. To find valid Career GUIDs in SimPE, click on the Tools menu and select PJSE / Simantics Resource Finder. Search for an OBJD Name containing the string "JobData -". Custom content may define new work objects.

Memory about Food Object:
These are Object memories which require a Food as the Subject. To find valid Food GUIDs in SimPE, click on the Tools menu and select PJSE / Simantics Resource Finder. Search for an OBJD Name beginning with the string "Food". Custom content may define new food objects.

Memory about Skill Object:
These are Object memories which require a Skill object as the Subject. Note that Self may be valid for Yoga and Sim may be valid for Impart Knowledge, so the subject for these memories is not currently being checked. Here are some examples of skill objects. Custom content may define new skill objects.
0x0AAD5584: Easel
0x905C1374: Mirror - Wall - Oval
0x8C69FD68: Television - Wall
Memory which takes a specific Object GUID:
These are Object memories which require a specific Object GUID as the Subject; the GUID is listed in the table below.
Memory about Unknown:
These are memories which require a valid Owner, but which have not yet been categorized based on the type of Subject. No checks are done on the Subject or Subject Instance.

Memory Data Items:
All memories have the same internal format for their data, described here: NGBH#Data_Decoding_for_Memory_Itemswiki. Here is a brief explanation of the data items which are verified by the HoodChecker:

Data 4: The memory Owner as the instance number of the Sim Description (SDSC) for the sim who has the memory.

Data 5 & 6: The memory Subject as the GUID of the subject of the memory. All memories have a subject, which is either a Sim or an Object.

If the subject is a Sim, then the GUID is the SimID, which is found in the Sim Description (SDSC) in the neighborhood package. The Mystery Sim does not have a Sim Description record; the GUID of the mystery sim is 0x6DD33865.

If the subject is an Object, then the GUID is found in the Object Data (OBJD) record, normally found in the objects.package in the game installation folder. Custom content may also contain OBJD records. To find a specific Object GUID in SimPE, click on the Tools menu and select PJSE / Simantics Resource Finder. Click "GUID" and type in the GUID that you are looking for, then click Search.

Data 12: The memory Subject as the instance number of the Sim Description (SDSC) for the subject sim. If the subject of the memory is not a sim, then this data item should not exist.

Tokens and other non-memory items:
These are items which are not actual memories. They do not usually have 12 or 13 raw data items, like memories do. Instead, each token has specific data requirements. Only the specified data is checked; other data items may be required, but we do not yet understand those requirements.

You will notice that the majority of non-memory items are not yet checked for validity. Any help that you can provide in determining expected data items for non-memory items will be greatly appreciated.

Here are the valid NPC Types:

Please note that the categories shown here may be incorrect. I have categorized memories and tokens based on examination of existing neighborhoods. Not all memories have been categorized, since I need to be able to see the memory as it was generated in-game.

Please let me know if you notice a memory which seems to be miscategorized, or if you have the log file for a memory which has not yet been categorized. The log file is generated each time that you run HoodChecker and is located in the folder which contains HoodChecker.exe.


You can include your CC in the SimPE Simantics Resource Finder search by going to Extra -> Preferences -> System Folders and ensuring that Savegame points to your save game, then going to Extra -> Preferences -> FileTable and clicking on "Add downloads folder". Your downloads folder will be added under Advanced Settings; make sure that the line "Recursive folder: (SaveGameFolder)Downloads\" is checked.