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The Mod Squad Presents- The SimStones!! A Complete Themed Set!

by The Mod Squad Posted 8th Jul 2006 at 1:40 AM - Updated 27th Jan 2009 at 9:44 AM by Numenor
632 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 624 Feedback Posts, 7 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 1:41 AM Last edited by Numenor : 27th Jan 2009 at 9:35 AM. Reason: Updated car to be used even without NL
Default Vehicles and Neighborhood Objects

Car UPDATED 27.01.2009

Notice: The Simstone Mobile requires either NIGHTLIFE, or the "Drivable Cars without NL" mod.

On the other hand, the DinoDigger works in any game configuration.
It is a Neighborhood decoration: you can find it in the Neighborhood catalog only, and it can be placed over terrain, roads and even lots!

Attached files:
File Type: rar  SimStoneMobileNL.rar (653.0 KB, 18712 downloads)
Description: Requires either NL or Numenor's "Cars w/o NL" mod.
File Type: rar  SimStone_DinoDigger.rar (618.4 KB, 15731 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 1:41 AM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 8th Jan 2008 at 12:16 PM.
Default Edible Foods

NOTICE: These plates are NOT buyable objects! They are NEEDED for all the "edible" foods to work: you MUST have them in your downloads, in order to use the Simstone Food (Bronto Leg, Dino Leg and Dino Slices).

Since the plates are not stand-alone objects, they are NOT RECOLOURABLE.



This is a buyable food, i.e. you can't cook or prepare it: you can buy it ready-to-eat from the Buy Mode catalog (section Misc -> Misc). Just buy it, place it on a counter or table, and the sims can go immediately to grab their slice
If you have OFB, the Bronto Leg can be placed in the refrigerator and sold to customers. You can even sell single portions (you need a sim to grab the slices from the leg).
Up to 10 portions can be grabbed from a single Bronto Leg: perfect for Simstone Parties!

Due to the complex structure of the food, the Bronto Leg is NOT RECOLOURABLE.


The Dino Leg (unlike the Bronto Leg) must be prepared, in order to be edible (it has a custom ingredients tray).
The Leg is a lunch/dinner food, and it doesn't require an actual cooking (Sims eat it raw), so no stove or grill is required to prepare the Dino Leg. Therefore, the only way to serve Dino Leg is to click on the fridge.
This means also that, if you have OFB, you will NOT find a "Make / Make Many" option for it (because only stoves have that option, and the Dino Leg does not appear on the stove menu). Nevertheless, once prepared, it can be stored into the OFB refrigerator. It is also available in OFB restaurant menus.

Again, the food can't be recoloured.



The Grilled Dino Slices is a "full-feature" food that must be prepared (custom ingredient tray and prepare animation), cooked on a grill or stove (raw/cooked/burnt texture) and then... eaten (correct "morph mesh": the slice slowly "disappears" as the sim eat it, and the serving plate gradually empties as the sims grab portions).
In an OFB game, you will find the usual "Make / Make Many" options by clicking on the stove.
Note: it's a "grill" food, like the Maxis hamburgers, and therefore it will be available only in the afternoon/evening.

Don't even mention it
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Plates-for-Food.rar (28.4 KB, 15814 downloads)
File Type: rar  BuyableBrontoLeg.rar (543.7 KB, 15452 downloads)
File Type: rar  CookableDinoLeg.rar (467.4 KB, 15493 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrilledDinoSlices.rar (310.9 KB, 15548 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#4 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 1:42 AM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 8th Jan 2008 at 12:45 PM.
Default SimStone Career
So, you've installed the latest mammoth shower. Your record player is fine and dandy, and your kids are safely asleep in the turtle shell crib after a day playing with the Dino-In-The-Box. You've just finished your bronto leg steak, and feel something just isn't quite right. You need a job. And what job do you go for? The SimStone career of course!

The SimsStone career incorporates every aspect of a typical Stone Age town, from the people who shovel the dung to the people who head the Water Buffalos Lodge. Some levels include

Dung Gatherer (Lvl 1)
Animal Appliance Engineer (Lvl 5)
Flintmobile Mechanic (Lvl 6)
Rock'n'Roll FM’ Radio Presenter (Lvl 9)
and, of course, the top job, Pre...{Data Corruption, Data Corruption}...ub. Swell level eh?


Clothing? Would you expect Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble to go to work dressed in suits and ties? (Well, I expect some of you would, but I'm going with the majority of the population on this issue )

To install clothing, you need the following files and folders-
SimStone- Clothing files (1-3)-SF.package
SimStone- Clothing files (4-10)-SF.package

The files in the folder 'SimStone Meshes and Clothing' must be extracted to your downloads folder. If it prompts you to overwrite, select yes (not no, definitely not no, as the files are the same as the ones made by Tiggy and marvine).


A taxi? A limo? Even a helicopter? What vehicle should transport you around SimStone on your day-to-day buisness? The two seater flintmobile, that's what!

The flintmobile is a different version to the four seater flintmobile, in that it looks different and isn't buyable. Instead, it appears as a normal carpool and picks you up as any carpool would. It overwrites no other cars. To install, place the file
Exnem Carpool.package
in your downloads folder, and it will appear as a normal carpool.


All hard working caveman deserves a reward for their continual hard work and effort. If you disagree then I'm sure your sims are probably plotting to overthrow your game and leap out of your screen like something from the Ring.

The reward is the bird and turtle record player, downloadable as a normal object in lower down in this thread. To install it, you need the file named
Career Reward-BobL-Nmn_SimStone_RecordPlayer.package

To get the ArcheoSnake remote control to appear when operating the device, you need the ArcheoSnake file installed as well (not included). for more details, see below (on screen, not under your computer)

The device will appear at level 5, when you are promoted to Animal Appliance Engineer (a job that provides a lot of work- some things animals see can be quite disturbing )

Career info
**Top pay for the career is $1,950 a day, 3 days a week (which is more than some mammoths earn in a year!)
**The career and all its associated files will work for any EP combination and all have unique GUID's.
**Careers come in a range of delicious flavours- chocolate, strawberry, raw granite and melted plastic.
**Chance cards are fully complete and stocked with a variety of rewards and downfalls for picking right and wrong choices.
**At level 9 there is a sharp increase in the amount of charisma points needed for promotion- I suggest you work on building charisma points early on in the career.

Enjoy! (You'll sure need the cash to pay for all the new furniture and items!)
Attached files:
File Type: rar  SimsStoneCareerFiles.rar (1.52 MB, 14441 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 1:43 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 1st Aug 2006 at 8:20 AM.
Default Living Room Set
Attached files:
File Type: rar  SimStoneCoffeeTable.rar (95.9 KB, 14921 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneSofaAndChair.rar (195.7 KB, 14824 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneEndTable.rar (146.9 KB, 14509 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#6 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 1:43 AM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 8th Jan 2008 at 12:52 PM.
Default Bedroom/Nursery Sets

Although this solid stone-framed bed may look uncomfortable, thanks to the ingenious use of newly discovered dinosaur feathers, the mattress will ensure that your Simstone Sim will have a great night's fact, they'll sleep like a rock!

As for the bedding, both beds borrow the Maxis textures from the Colonial Double Bed: recolour the Colonial bedding and the recolour will apply to all beds, including the Simstone ones.
A "TigerSkin" bedding recolour is provided in separate file.
The frame, on the other hand, is contained in the Simstone double bed, and is shared with the single bed: create a recolour for the Simstone double bed, and the recolour will apply to the single one, as well.
Two additional frame recolours can be downloaded separately.
The Simstone Dresser is autonomously recolourable.

Poly count
Double bed: 4264 faces / 3214 verts
Single bed: 3028 faces / 2399 verts
Dresser: 2319 faces / 2811 verts

Attached files:
File Type: rar  SimStone2BedsAndRecolors.rar (743.9 KB, 15650 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneDresser.rar (328.8 KB, 14862 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneCrib.rar (320.2 KB, 14737 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#7 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 1:46 AM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 8th Jan 2008 at 12:20 PM.
Default Bathroom Set
(The "rear externalizations are a bit less frequent...)

FEATURES (for both mammoths):

You can find the LARGE Outdoor Shower HERE

- Idle animations: the mammoths move the eyes and - every now and then - move the nose to sip some water; obviously, drinking so much water during the day causes occasional "wet surprises" from the... back end
Keep a mop at hand!
PS: keep the game volume up, to enjoy the funny sounds that come with the animations

- Placement: both mammoths can be placed outside a house, with their head passing through a window; placed this way, they can be used as indoor shower, while not taking the whole space of the bathroom (hey, they are mammoths, after all! ) - The Simstone "Hole in the Wall" windows are specifically designed for the purpose.

- Dress changing: the big mammoth, as said, is intended to be an outdoor shower; therefore, the sims will change to swimwear (and not naked) while showering. The smaller mammoth is a normal indoor shower, and the sims will shower naked.

- Game Compatibility: both mammoth showers are compatible with any game configuration.

- Recolours: the mammoths are separately recolourable; each package contains its own textures. Three additional recolours are provided (in separate download): green, grey-brown and reddish brown.

- Poly Count: Big shower (9 tiles) : 3716 faces / 2178 verts; Small shower (3 tiles): 4222 faces / 2613 verts

If you have already downloaded the large shower from the teaser thread, then please discard the recolors from the indoor shower file as they will be duplicates.

And to make your bathroom complete - there are two sinks and two toilets (see pics below)
Attached files:
File Type: rar  TurtleBathroomSink.rar (320.2 KB, 14503 downloads)
File Type: rar  LogSink.rar (340.3 KB, 14473 downloads)
File Type: rar  ClamShellToilet.rar (501.7 KB, 14544 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneStonetoilet.rar (251.5 KB, 14260 downloads)
File Type: rar  MammothShower_Indoor.rar (396.9 KB, 14796 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#8 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 1:47 AM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 8th Jan 2008 at 12:58 PM.
Default Kitchen/Dining Set

BONE O MATIC Stove and Trash Burner

After less than two years since the invention of fire, Simstone Laboratories have finally found the best way to *use* it! The Simstone 'Bone-O-Matic' will let you COOK (a new process that involves exposing food to a mild fire) and also BURN your wastes and trash.
Warning! In some cases, the 'Bone-O-Matic' can also burn your food, but it will be *your* fault, so don't blame us...

The 'Bone-O-Matic' is a fully functional stove and a trash burner at the same time. The fire in the stove lits up (and emits a custom light) when the sims cook or dispose trash; and whenever the fire is lit, the upper stones become hot and glow red. Like any other stove, it gets dirty (and gets dirty quite fast, with all that soot!), and occasionally gets on fire, too.

Game Compatibility
This stove will work in any game configuration, including base-game. If OFB is found, the "Make" and "Make Many" interactions will be automatically included in the pie menu.

The stove can be recoloured like any other object; no oddities, this time


A stone slab is more than enough for you Simstone Sims to prepare even the most elaborate dish!

The Simstone Counters can host any appliance and any sink, though they look at best with the Dino-Turtle Shell Kitchen sink.
On the other hand, the Dino-Turtle sink can be placed on any counter, including the Maxis ones (the undersink won't be visible with Maxis counters, of course).

Please notice that the sims are well aware that this counter has no doors or drawers, and they won't pretend to open invisible doors when taking pans and pots (like they do with the UNI 'Locker Room' counter...).

The counters work in any game configuration


They can be recoloured in the usual way (it's a stand-alone object).

Your sims will also enjoy the ICE AGE BOX, KITCHEN SINK, and DINING SET to make their experience complete.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  SimstoneDiningTable.rar (158.9 KB, 14802 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneDiningChair.rar (172.7 KB, 14422 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneCounter.rar (331.1 KB, 15053 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneFridge.rar (213.5 KB, 14692 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneKitchenSink.rar (315.2 KB, 13998 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneStove.rar (368.2 KB, 14844 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#9 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 1:48 AM Last edited by Numenor : 8th Dec 2009 at 11:03 PM.
Default Electronic/Lighting Items

The set is composed by the following elements, all working in any game configuration:
"FireLine" Wall Torch (must have! includes all the needed textures!)
"FireLine" Wall Sconce
"FireLine" Garden Torch
"FireLine" Fence Post and All-surfaces Lamp

All the lamps use their own custom light, that is included in the .package, but (due to a game bug) when exiting and re-entering the lot, the light isn't read from the package anymore. Therefore - unless you want to live with this bug - you need to install an additional, separate light definition files (included in the" archive).
To do that, the SCRIPTORIUM is required to enable the support for custom lights, and the provided ".nlo" file must be installed in the "Scriptorium_CustomLights" folder, easily accessible from the shortcut in your Downloads.

If a user decides not to install the light definition, the lamps will work fine, but when the lot is reloaded (e.g. after having visited a community lot), the "diffuse" light will be missing, and the light will not be reflected any more by walls and floors (only objects and sims will be hit by the light).

Please note that this is a game limitation: some Maxis objects, too, have the same problem, and don't emit any light after reloading the lot; but installing the separate light definition solves the problem

The Wall Torch is the Repository object: create a recolour for it and it will automatically apply to the whole set.

NOTICE: this is NOT a buyable object; you will NOT find it in the catalogue.
This remote control is needed for several Simstone electronic device to work properly. In particular, the devices that need the Archeo-Snake remote are:
Simstone 'Stylobird' Record Player
Rocketeer 15" stand-alone TV set
Stony 27" TV set RO-CK01

If you don't install the remote in the downloads (or you remove it), all the electronic equipment will work fine anyway; only, no remote will be shown in the sim's hand.

IMPORTANT: this object needs the "Archeo-Snake remote control" (downloadable separately) to work properly.

This state-of-the-art Simstone record player has a built in radio too!
Its modern design used the latest dinobird and dinoturtle technology to bring you some real 'rock' music... and because dinobirds and turtles live for a long time, it's guaranteed never to break down...(well, not in your lifetime!)

Fully recolourable (except the record, that is always black) using Object Workshop. Stand-alone object.

The record player works in any game configuration.

Table Phone: The handset is rotated by 90°, so now it rests in an horizontal position, unlike the Maxis one

Recolours: The table phone is slave to the wall one, so that recolours for the latter will apply to both. The rar contains three packages, all required for the phones to work properly.
NB: The recolour feature is better than the CEP one used on Maxis phones: now the handset gets automatically the right recolour when you go to live mode
Attached files:
File Type: rar  SimstoneTorchLamps_Set.rar (426.6 KB, 16189 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStonesLampWithShade.rar (154.4 KB, 13163 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneSnakeRemoteControl.rar (32.6 KB, 12610 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStonesBoxRadio.rar (138.3 KB, 12770 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneTVLegged.rar (253.1 KB, 12818 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneBirdRecordPlayer.rar (244.1 KB, 13000 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStone2Phones.rar (188.6 KB, 13768 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstonePedestalTV.rar (160.9 KB, 12531 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneWallClock.rar (166.9 KB, 12465 downloads)
File Type: zip (895 Bytes, 7995 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#10 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 1:49 AM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 8th Jan 2008 at 1:22 PM.
Default Decorative/Miscelaneous Items

Hours and hours of polishing the finest highly high grade slate is needed to produce this 'super shiny' surface for your Simstones to check themselves out.

Recolours: the mirror is fully recolourable; when you recolour it, both the solid frame and the semitransparent mirror will be recoloured at the same time.
bulb HINT: when creating a recolour, edit the texture at will, but keep the original alpha channel: this will ensure a proper balance of the solid and transparent parts.

There are many other items here - paintings, curtains, bones, a grill, vases, trees, two dino toys, a trampoline and mushroom chair.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  SimStoneAlphaCurtains.rar (419.1 KB, 12349 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneLargePainting.rar (453.2 KB, 11151 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneBonePainting.rar (297.3 KB, 10867 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneBBQ.rar (237.7 KB, 11917 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneVase.rar (70.7 KB, 11034 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimsRock.rar (161.1 KB, 10909 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStonesPalmtrees.rar (485.6 KB, 11368 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneDinoTeddy.rar (268.2 KB, 12157 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneDino_in_Box.rar (479.9 KB, 11330 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneTrampoline.rar (266.5 KB, 11686 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneMushroomChair.rar (89.1 KB, 11100 downloads)
File Type: rar  DecoRoastedDinoLeg.rar (157.0 KB, 10502 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneCavePaintings.rar (534.1 KB, 11076 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneMirror.rar (234.5 KB, 12388 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStonepileobones.rar (30.4 KB, 10563 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#11 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 2:13 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 1st Aug 2006 at 8:41 AM. Reason: fix pics
Default Build Items

The set is composed by the following elements, working in any game configuration:
Small Hole in the Wall: 1-tile window
Large Hole in the Wall: 2-tile window
Tall Hole in the Wall: 1-tile arch
Huge Hole in the Wall: 2-tile arch
Closed Hole in the Wall: 1-tile door

Recolouring Instructions
The 1-tile window is the Repository object: create a recolour for it, and it will automatically apply to the whole set, except the garage door (that is autonomously recolourable).

NOTE: none of the doors and windows can be placed on diagonal walls; they only work on straight walls


Attached files:
File Type: rar  SimstoneDoors-Windows.rar (220.7 KB, 15401 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneGarageDoor_NL-Required.rar (187.8 KB, 12763 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneWallsFloorsTerrains.rar (1.67 MB, 14225 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#12 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 2:14 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 1st Aug 2006 at 8:46 AM. Reason: fix pics
Default Body Shop Accessories and Hair
Pebbles hair currently ONLY comes in red. Please feel free to recolor and post ONLY on MTS2.

Attached files:
File Type: rar  SimStoneNoseBone.rar (44.3 KB, 10531 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneRockNecklace.rar (27.2 KB, 10579 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneSundialWatch.rar (164.4 KB, 9676 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneWaterbuffaloHat.rar (101.6 KB, 9533 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneBamBamHat.rar (78.0 KB, 9640 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneBettyBow.rar (19.4 KB, 9899 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneBamBamClub.rar (157.1 KB, 9714 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneFormalBowtie.rar (22.6 KB, 9877 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneWilmaSleevelessCoat.rar (205.2 KB, 10701 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneWilmaFurCoat.rar (248.4 KB, 15069 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimstoneLunchbox.rar (66.5 KB, 9290 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneWilmaHat.rar (21.2 KB, 9399 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStoneWilmaPurse.rar (35.4 KB, 9486 downloads)
File Type: rar  SimStonePebblesHairmesh.rar (766.5 KB, 11268 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#13 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 2:15 AM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 8th Jan 2008 at 1:29 PM.
Default Tigs Alpha Mesh for males and females
Notes: The Male mesh has an alpha editable hemline, so you may recolor this and change the shape. The Female does not.

Make sure you download the MESH first, Then the recolor packs.

All recolors for Adult Male and Female will also show for YA and Elder as well.

Attached files:
File Type: rar  MESHTigALPHA-ALL.rar (427.2 KB, 16001 downloads)
File Type: rar  TigMeshTodFem.rar (702.8 KB, 13208 downloads)
File Type: rar  TigMeshAllChildRecolors.rar (1.14 MB, 13281 downloads)
File Type: rar  TigMeshTeenFemale.rar (1.92 MB, 13776 downloads)
File Type: rar  TigMeshTeenMale.rar (4.29 MB, 13868 downloads)
File Type: rar  TigMeshAdultFemale.rar (1.94 MB, 14126 downloads)
File Type: rar  TigMeshAdultMale.rar (5.28 MB, 15631 downloads)
File Type: rar  TigMALE-MESH.rar (868.7 KB, 14044 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#14 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 2:15 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 1st Aug 2006 at 8:52 AM. Reason: fix pics
Default Marvines Barefoot Alpha mesh for Adult Females
Please download the MESH first, then the recolor pack

Attached files:
File Type: rar  MESHjuAlphaDress.rar (128.8 KB, 16064 downloads)
File Type: rar  RecolorsforJuAlphaMesh.rar (1.69 MB, 13469 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#15 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 2:16 AM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 8th Jan 2008 at 1:36 PM.
Default Maxis and other mesh recolors
Recolors of TiggeryPum's Adult Male Alpha Loin Cloth Mesh (mesh is included below with permission)

Recolors using Maxis Meshes

Attached files:
File Type: rar  TigMeshAdultMaleLoinCloths.rar (5.77 MB, 13275 downloads)
File Type: rar  TigMeshTeenMaleLoincloth.rar (2.46 MB, 12087 downloads)
File Type: rar  ToddlerOutfitsSS.rar (361.5 KB, 11227 downloads)
File Type: rar  ChildrensClothingSS.rar (1.51 MB, 11127 downloads)
File Type: rar  FamilySwimpack.rar (1.11 MB, 11026 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#16 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 2:16 AM Last edited by Numenor : 9th Jan 2009 at 2:51 AM. Reason: Fixed pics *again*
Default Lots and housing
Lot Name: Stonesims_Rs001_AZVALgas


A. Brief Intro:

AZVALgas is a Simstone version of an actual Flintstone-themed building... But obviously, it's used as a residential building in this instance.

1. With invisible windows and doors, this building will function as a normal building in terms of game-play.
2. Buildable internally.. Just use the wall tool to compartmentalise it when necessary.

B. Copyright Issues: (Things work out when all criteria are reached at the same time.)
B1. Feel free to decorate/re-decorate it... (Feel free to remodify and if share, you can only claim credits for what you've done on it.
B2. This lot is banned to be for any direct or indirect commercial or trading usage.)
B3. This lot is subject to the group "The Mod Squad"'s redistribution policy.

C. System specifications (when the lot was made):
C1. hack-free (except RGiles' transparent tiles, and Numenor's transparent windows)
C2. some customised contents (check with the Clean Installer; for authors, credits, and links for infos & downloads, please read part H.)
C3. made without any EP (So, EP what and/or what not required)
C4. Running smooth @ build mode & @ play mode in a system (OS = MS-winxp-sp2; P4 3.0GHz; 1Gb DDR RAM; video card = 8x 128Mb) If any problem, welcome to report your system settings for providing info to other readers.

D. Lot Specifications:
D1. Lot Size: 4 x 3
D2. Lot type: Residence
D3. Price: 31,999

E. Building Specifications:
E1. Major Theme: Simstone.
E2. Major Colourational Style: red, yellow, brownish
E3. Major Structural Characteristics: A whole big stony room!
E4. Building Motivation: aesthetic usage >>= efficiently functional usage

F. File Decompression & Install Tips:
F1. double click on the sims2pack to open it. To install it with Clean Installer is recommended coz you can choose what to install to avoid unwanted or redundant contents installed into your game system.
F2. [No restart of the game] is needed to [install a lot in sims2pack file] and [access the installed lot @ "house bin"]. The trick is by any means to have your neighbourhood screen reload. Say, entering a lot and go back to the neighbourhood screen, or switching to another neighbourhood. After a neighbourhood screen has reloaded, the installed lot will appear in the house bin without the game restart. This is true when the Clean Installer is used.
F3. Floor tiles, wallpapers, terrain paints have to be installed earlier than or at the same time as the lot is installed for them to show up in a lot.

G. Play-tips:
G1. Whenever geting a new house, you can scan and choose for things in the package with Clean Installer before installation
G2. You can ALWAYS check the playability of the lots to your system @ lot-building mode in the neighbourhood screen before playing them.
G3. Should you need, you can play-test it with the cheat "BoolProp TestingCheatsEnabled (True/false)".

H. Credits, links and authors:

000-artists (all NOT included, except Maxis recolours and the Numenor Wall-window recolour)

"WallWindow" glass set V.3 - *NEW GARAGE DOOR* (Basically all sets, except the garage)
The recolour was done by the lot author.

The Mod Squad
Simstone (torch and pot lamps, "Hole in the wall" windows)\
This thread

As for those floor tiles, wallpapers, and terrain paints with "Moi_" prefix, they were made/"sim"-ulated by this lot author. Thus, they're provided with the lot "as if" any other free things. Credits are not to be claimed on but these floor tiles, wallpapers, and terrain paints are regarded as the world public's things. So, feel free to use them however and redistribute them wherever with no permission needed, except that file renaming or any direct and/or indirect commercial or trading usage is prohibited. (included)


Lot Name: Stonesims Rs002 Rochouse (build-furnished)


A. Brief Intro:

Rochouse is a Simstone version of an actual cartoon Flintstone building... But obviously, modifications were necessary to fit the style into the Simstone theme set and the TS2 environment.

1. Buildable internally.. Just use the default wall tool to compartmentalise it when necessary.

B. Copyright Issues: (Things work out when all criteria are reached at the same time.)
B1. Feel free to decorate/re-decorate it... (Feel free to remodify and if share, you can only claim credits for what you've done on it.
B2. This lot is banned to be for any direct or indirect commercial or trading usage.)
B3. This lot is subject to the group "The Mod Squad"'s redistribution policy.

C. System specifications (when the lot was made):
C1. hack-free
C2. some customised contents (check with the Clean Installer; for authors, credits, and links for infos & downloads, please read part H.)
C3. made without any EP (So, EP what and/or what not required)
C4. Running smooth @ build mode & @ play mode in a system (OS = MS-winxp-sp2; P4 3.0GHz; 1Gb DDR RAM; video card = 8x 128Mb) If any problem, welcome to report your system settings for providing infos to other readers.

D. Lot Specifications:
D1. Lot Size: 3 x 3
D2. Lot type: Residence
D3. Price: 36,891

E. Building Specifications:
E1. Major Theme: Simstone.
E2. Major Colourational Style: stony...
E3. Major Structural Characteristics: A type of 1-floor stony house!
E4. Building Motivation: aesthetic usage = efficiently functional usage

F. File Decompression & Install Tips:
F1. double click on the sims2pack to open it. To install it with Clean Installer is recommended coz you can choose what to install to avoid unwanted or redundant contents installed into your game system.
F2. [No restart of the game] is needed to [install a lot in sims2pack file] and [access the installed lot @ "house bin"]. The trick is by any means to have your neighbourhood screen reload. Say, entering a lot and go back to the neighbourhood screen, or switching to another neighbourhood. After a neighbourhood screen has reloaded, the installed lot will appear in the house bin without the game restart. This is true when the Clean Installer is used.
F3. Floor tiles, wallpapers, terrain paints have to be installed earlier than or at the same time as the lot is installed for them to show up in a lot.

G. Play-tips:
G1. Whenever geting a new lot, you can scan and choose for things in the package with Clean Installer before installation
G2. You can ALWAYS check the playability of the lots to your system @ lot-building mode in the neighbourhood screen before playing them.
G3. Should you need, you can play-test it with the cheat "BoolProp TestingCheatsEnabled (True/false)".

H. Credits, links and authors:

The Mod Squad (NOT included)
Simstone (fire torch and pot fire lamps, "Hole in the wall" windows and doors, Endtable, palm trees,)\
This thread

As for those floor tiles, wallpapers, and terrain paints with "Moi_" prefix, they were made/"sim"-ulated by this lot author. Thus, they're provided with the lot "as if" any other free things/items. Credits are not to be claimed on but these floor tiles, wallpapers, and terrain paints are regarded as the world public's things. So, feel free to use them however and redistribute them wherever with no permission needed, except that file renaming or any direct and/or indirect commercial or trading usage is prohibited. (included)


Lot Name: Stonesims Cs001 Simstone Centre (build-furnished)

A. Brief Intro:

Where may your Simstone sims hang around? Surely, the Simstone Centre where they can buy some grocery stuffs or things for "daily" consumption... or play and communicate with other stonesims...

1. Buildable internally except the 1 grid row around the stair due to warped walls... So, build walls not at the centre unless capable of handling warped walls. Just use the default wall tool to compartmentalise it when necessary.

B. Copyright Issues: (Things work out when all criteria are reached at the same time.)
B1. Feel free to decorate/re-decorate it... (Feel free to remodify and if share, you can only claim credits for what you've done on it.
B2. This lot is banned to be for any direct or indirect commercial or trading usage.)
B3. This lot is subject to the group "The Mod Squad"'s redistribution policy.

C. System specifications (when the lot was made):
C1. hack-free
C2. some customised contents (check with the Clean Installer; for authors, credits, and links for infos & downloads, please read part H.)
C3. made without any EP (So, EP what and/or what not required)
C4. Running smooth @ build mode & @ play mode in a system (OS = MS-winxp-sp2; P4 3.0GHz; 1Gb DDR RAM; video card = 8x 128Mb) If any problem, welcome to report your system settings for providing infos to other readers.

D. Lot Specifications:
D1. Lot Size: 3 x 3
D2. Lot type: Community
D3. Price: nil

E. Building Specifications:
E1. Major Theme: Simstone.
E2. Major Colourational Style: stony...
E3. Major Structural Characteristics: A multiple-floored stony building!
E4. Building Motivation: aesthetic usage = efficiently functional usage

F. File Decompression & Install Tips:
F1. double click on the sims2pack to open it. To install it with Clean Installer is recommended coz you can choose what to install to avoid unwanted or redundant contents installed into your game system.
F2. [No restart of the game] is needed to [install a lot in sims2pack file] and [access the installed lot @ "house bin"]. The trick is by any means to have your neighbourhood screen reload. Say, entering a lot and go back to the neighbourhood screen, or switching to another neighbourhood. After a neighbourhood screen has reloaded, the installed lot will appear in the house bin without the game restart. This is true when the Clean Installer is used.
F3. Floor tiles, wallpapers, terrain paints have to be installed earlier than or at the same time as the lot is installed for them to show up in a lot.

G. Play-tips:
G1. Whenever geting a new lot, you can scan and choose for things in the package with Clean Installer before installation
G2. You can ALWAYS check the playability of the lots to your system @ lot-building mode in the neighbourhood screen before playing them.
G3. Should you need, you can play-test it with the cheat "BoolProp TestingCheatsEnabled (True/false)".

H. Credits, links and authors:
"WallWindow" glass set V.3 - *NEW GARAGE DOOR* (Basically only the 270 curved window)
The recolour was done by the lot author.

The Mod Squad (NOT included)
Simstone (fire torch and pot fire lamps, "Hole in the wall" windows and doors, Endtable, palm trees, trampoline, all tiles & wallpapers)
This thread

As for those floor tiles, wallpapers, and terrain paints with "Moi_" prefix, they were made/"sim"-ulated by this lot author. Thus, they're provided with the lot "as if" any other free things/items. Credits are not to be claimed on but these floor tiles, wallpapers, and terrain paints are regarded as the world public's things. So, feel free to use them however and redistribute them wherever with no permission needed, except that file renaming or any direct and/or indirect commercial or trading usage is prohibited. (included)

Attached files:
File Type: rar  Stonesims_Rs001_AZVALgas.rar (702.9 KB, 9147 downloads)
File Type: rar  Stonesims_Rs002_Rochouse.rar (1.60 MB, 9502 downloads)
File Type: rar  Stonesims_Cs001_SimstoneCentre.rar (1.65 MB, 8953 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#17 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 2:18 AM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 24th Jul 2006 at 6:23 PM.
for the SimStone set

The attached zip contains the Collection packages for the SimStone set.

NOTE: these packages are NOT to be copied into the Downloads folder!
Unpack them to MyDocuments\EA Games\The Sims 2\Collections.

When you browse the 'Buy Mode' catalog, the 'Build Mode' catalog or the clothings catalog in the CAS, you will find, among the available collections, the following icons:

buy Buy Mode collection (available in both residential and community lots): this collection contains all the buyable objects from the SimStone set.
build Build Mode collection (available in both residential and community lots): this collection contains all the build items from the SimStone set (doors, windows, wallpapers, floors, trees).
build CAS collection (only available in the Create-A-Sim screen): this collection contains all the clothings from the SimStone set; it does NOT include the accessories (hats, clubs etc...), that must be manually retrieved from the normal CAS catalog.
Attached Images
Attached files:
File Type: zip (16.6 KB, 6030 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#18 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 2:18 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 1st Jun 2007 at 2:17 PM.
Uploads from Community Members!!!!

***You guys are making some awesome stuff here!!***

Fred Flintstone by mtthwjef here
Wilma by mtthwjef here
Dino by Tiggerypum here
Dino by GraFXGirl here

Tiger Skin Rug by Jonesi here
Add Ons by SwtNess2 here
More Fur Rugs by 15pupmaus49 here
Zebra Recolors of the set by SimmieCal here
Skill objects recolor by SwtNess2 here
New Mesh- Bird Alarm Clock by Claireh82 here
Stone OFB shelves by SimmieCal here
Stone Recolors by SimmieCal here
Stone Walls and Floors by Tiggerypum here
Even More awesome recolors by SwtNess2 here
NEW MESHES- by Hchangari (Grill and Ribs) here
Simrock trashcan and mailbox by crocobaura here

Recolors of Pebbles Hair mesh by Ghanima Atreides here
More recolors of Pebbles hair by Roxxy here
Accessory Recolors by Callum91 here
Everyday clothes for the SimStones (warlokk recolours) by killercsaj here

Starter Home by bluetexasbonnie here
Pleasantview SimStone Lot by SimmieCal here
Cute Home Lot by andreaautrique here
Swamp Lodge - SimStone starter home by Numenor here
"Simstoned"- luxurious cavern by corvidophile2 here
Rockystone House - 2 Storey Simstone Starter by maskeysims here
Boulder Rock Park - Outdoor community fun for your Simstones! by maskeysims here

Mt. Rockystone Island - New neighborhood for your Simstones! by maskeysims here
Test Subject
Original Poster
#19 Old 8th Jul 2006 at 2:18 AM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 8th Jan 2008 at 1:28 PM.
Storage Space for New Group Shots (ignore)
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#20 Old 24th Jul 2006 at 7:03 AM
zomg!!! You guys rock so hard! Check it out, Maxis... your users are WAY better at this stuff. Man, this set is incredible... it's gonna take me days to look through everything. WAY more stuff than those piddly little stuff packs, and all for free! Huzzah!

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#21 Old 24th Jul 2006 at 7:05 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 12th Aug 2006 at 2:09 AM.
I am really tickled that I got to work with such a talented, dedicated, and zany team. Keeping this a secret when I'd come to our forum and find something totally new and amazing posted was one of the hardest things I've had to do.

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

Please do NOT PM me with requests, creation questions, or game help questions. Click for help:
Game Help | Create | Content List | Where Can I Find?
Lab Assistant
#22 Old 24th Jul 2006 at 7:22 AM
Wow, You guys did an amazing job, it must have taken a very long time, you're really dedicated and very creative, awesome work
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 24th Jul 2006 at 7:24 AM
Wonderful Job must have taken a while. Thanx :D

Don't piss me off. I'm running out of places to hide the bodies.
Field Researcher
#24 Old 24th Jul 2006 at 7:25 AM
Fantastic! Just fantastic!! That must have taken soooo many hours of work to complete. Way talented you folks are, thank you so much for sharing this totally awsome set.

Lab Assistant
#25 Old 24th Jul 2006 at 7:28 AM
i just want to say, i love you guys! and i hate you! LOL!! curse my dial up connection!!

but seariously, this is GREAT GREAT GREAT work! even if it will take me a week to download it all! LOL!

"Just because llamas don't clean up after themselves doesn't make it right." - The Naked Dancing Llama
"Don't frolic in the wet spots."- NDL
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