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The Dark Project

by The Guild Masters Posted 17th May 2007 at 10:13 AM - Updated 23rd Mar 2008 at 1:09 PM by The Guild Masters
340 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 321 Feedback Posts, 18 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
Original Poster
#2 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:17 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 25th Jul 2007 at 10:26 PM.
Default Build Sets
The sound seems to come out of nowhere: "Do you feel safe at night?" As you hastily turn round you see a merchant grinning widely. He ushers you into his shop. The place is dusty and smells heavily of resin, wood and... sulphur?
"You need something to keep the bandits out at night, don't you?" the merchant asks, showing your through the workshop where artisans are busy varnishing wood and stitching leather awnings. In one back room it looks like someone tried to blow up a door using a strange black powder. "Can't be too safe, " the merchant laughs, as you run out of the shop.

New Meshes

1. Alchemist build set
Set consisting of a very solid vault door with matching arch and two excentric cog windows. For the budding alchemist or Verne-adept.
Poly count:
- Portholewindow: 968
- Twotile cog window: 1045
- Verne door: 934
- Verne arch: 364
You will need the door for the arch to work properly.
File contains all four meshes, and four recolours for each mesh.

2. Medieval Awnings
Rough looking awnings. Give your peasant's a place to shelter from the sun and rain.
Cloned from paintings and consisting of four pieces, a single tile one and left, right and center pieces.
Poly count: 300

3. Twotile Rounded door
Big double door, would look good on a castle
Poly count:
- Twotile rounded door: 2420
- Twotile rounded arch: 688
You need the door for the arch to work properly in your game.
The file includes the door and the arch and five recolours.

4. Gate garage
*Requires Nightlife*
Cause automatic aluminum doors just look silly against your victorian carriage or horse-drawn cart.
Poly count: 2000

Maxis Recolours

1. Justadoor
Two recolours in dark wood

2. Open Sesame Door
Two recolours in mahogany and dark wood

3. Independent Window
Recolour in mahogany

4. Divingboard and pool ladder
Recolour in rough wood

5. Wooden gates and fence
Recolour in dark wood

6. Uprite column
Recolour in dark wood

7. Roofs
Recolours in light and dark straw

New Mesh Recolours

*No meshes are included in these packages. You must download the linked meshes for the recolours to appear in your game*

1. MsBarrows waterwheel
- Darkwood and mossywood recolors
- Mesh is here

2. Phelana awnings (vordach)
- Darkwood recolors
- Mesh is below - be sure to get the mesh AND recolors (Meshkiste is down)

3.Simwardrobe arched and square column
- Three recolors each:darker brick, dark wood panelled, oak
- Mesh is here

4. Numenor deck stairs
- One darkwood recolor
- Mesh is here (url updated May 23)

5. Ziiz dongle arch by Shufonk
- One dark wood recolor
- Mesh is here

6. Sup@tramp new fence and gate
- Darker wood recolors
- Mesh is here
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Awnings.rar (552.8 KB, 21465 downloads)
File Type: rar  msb waterwheel darkwood 2 recolors.rar (64.5 KB, 17881 downloads)
File Type: rar  Phelana vordach 2 recolors.rar (54.6 KB, 16813 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2_Numenordeckstairs_recolor.rar (14.7 KB, 16122 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2_zizz_donglearch_recolor_darkwood.rar (79.8 KB, 16221 downloads)
File Type: rar  Sup@tramp fence and gate darkwood rec by corvidophile2.rar (74.0 KB, 16474 downloads)
File Type: zip  F-P Gate (440.6 KB, 20062 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2_simwardrobe_arch_and_square_columns-3_recolors_each.rar (530.1 KB, 16760 downloads)
File Type: rar  Twotile-rounded-door-and-arch+recolours.rar (524.6 KB, 20975 downloads)
File Type: rar  Alchemist-build-set+recolours.rar (1.20 MB, 19494 downloads)
File Type: rar  Maxis-build-recolours-corvidophile2.rar (429.6 KB, 19212 downloads)
File Type: rar  Roof-recolours-corvidophile2.rar (595.1 KB, 18517 downloads)
File Type: rar  Phelena_Vordach-MESH-Meshkiste.rar (71.5 KB, 14907 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:18 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 23rd May 2007 at 1:31 AM.
Default Clothes for Medieval Ladies
As you continue your explorations, you hear the sounds of happy chatter and find yourself in a shop. There you see five women, needles flying through cloth. You gaze beyond them and find a room filled to bursting with clothing. You notice a box of tattered patched clothing. "For the poor", one of the women explains, "We ask people to bring their unwanted things here when they buy new."

You'll find over 130 outfits here for sims of all ages, and over 25 new clothing meshes. These screenshots barely do justice to all the detail work on the outfits, but this does give you an idea of what's in each file. On to the files:

Make sure your SIM/OBJECT DETAIL settings are set to HIGH or some of the custom meshes might look deformed in your game

5 Peasant/Robbers by Liz, 1 Knight by Alex with helmet (helmet requires ofb)
Includes Marvine's Athletic Mesh , 3 meshes by Kate at Parsimonious , 1 mesh by Tig

Princess: - updated May 22 with corrected hood mesh
10 Dark Princess gowns in 2 colors by Liz, 1 Princess with hood and cape by Alex
Includes Cape meshe by General Zoi, Gown mesh by WDS Brianna, 3 meshes by Kate at Parsimonious , Hood mesh by Bipsouille, 1 mesh by Tig

3 Filthy Tavern Wenches by Liz, 5 Gypsy Dresses by Enblith
Includes 4 meshes by Tig

2 Seamstresses, 1 Innkeeper, 1 Cook, and 1 Field Hand by Liz. Adventurer and 2 cutout gowns by Alex.
Includes 4 meshes by Tig, alpha dress mesh by PAF

5 Peasant Dresses by Zoe, 4 Medieval Surcotes by Enblith, which also can be used as outerwear if you have Seasons
Includes 3 meshes by Tig

4 simple shifts by Alex. Doubles as sleep, swim and workout. Maxis meshes
Attached files:
File Type: rar  DP-Women-Peasant.rar (4.93 MB, 53738 downloads)
File Type: rar  DP-Women-RenBelted.rar (3.30 MB, 48192 downloads)
File Type: rar  DP-Women-RobberKnight.rar (3.18 MB, 36265 downloads)
File Type: rar  DP-Women-Working.rar (5.26 MB, 49762 downloads)
File Type: rar  DP-Women-Undies.rar (1.29 MB, 34593 downloads)
File Type: rar  DP-Women-Princess.rar (3.89 MB, 44351 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#4 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:19 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 23rd May 2007 at 3:37 AM.
Default Clothes for Medieval Men
In the next room a bunch of nervous looking men stand in line for a small podium, where a busy matron with several needles between her lips is fitting up an older man. Behind them, stacks of cloth are piled up, ranging from rags to the finest silk. The man looks decidedly uncomfortable, and you decide not to stop here.

5 Robber/Peasants by Liz, 4 Poor Peasants by Zoe
Includes 5 meshes by Tig

Guild Men - Master, Journeyman, and Apprentice, Kitchen Boy and Field Hand by Liz, 4 tunic outfits by Alex
Includes hood mesh by General Zoi, child mesh from All About Style, 3 meshes by Tig

Dark Knight by Zoe, Adventurer, Fighter and Blacksmith by Alex, Butcher by Enblith, and Hot Guy (2 colors) by Besen
Includes new mesh by Besen and 2 meshes by Tig

3 Villagers by Alex, Sly Merchant and Horse Groomer by Liz, 4 Gypsies by Enblith with matching Scarf (Uni required for scarf)
Includes 4 meshes by Tig

WizPrince: - updated May 22 with corrected wizard mesh
10 Dark Prince outfits in 2 colors by Zoe, 2 Wizards by Alex
Includes 4 meshes by Tig, 1 mesh by Besen

4 Authentic Medieval Underwear by Alex, uses Maxis meshes
Attached files:
File Type: rar  DP-Men-Imagine.rar (4.42 MB, 37351 downloads)
File Type: rar  DP-Men-Peasant.rar (3.88 MB, 41499 downloads)
File Type: rar  DP-Men-RenShirt.rar (6.38 MB, 41029 downloads)
File Type: rar  DP-Men-Undies.rar (102.8 KB, 30846 downloads)
File Type: rar  DP-Men-Working.rar (5.00 MB, 38538 downloads)
File Type: rar  DP-Men-WizPrince.rar (5.94 MB, 48427 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:19 AM Last edited by Lethe_s : 20th May 2007 at 9:59 PM.
Default Clothes for Victorian Ladies
Outside you hear a whirring sound coming through an open window. Another clothes shop, but a very different one. Several rows of sewing machines are lined up here and young women under the gaze of a stern chief work hard on lacey shirts and hats. A smugded boy in shorts and a cap peeks out from an open doorway, and you go after him.

Here you'll find some outfits for your poor and middle class ladies of all ages.

4 Middle Class outfits, 1 Dark dress and Hat, a Vendor, Poor Child and Teen by Alex
Includes hat accessory mesh by Biene, 4 meshes by Sussi, 1 mesh by Shannara, 1 mesh by WDS Brianna, girl's mesh by Tig
Attached files:
File Type: rar  DP-Women-Victorian.rar (5.73 MB, 21948 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#6 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:19 AM Last edited by Lethe_s : 20th May 2007 at 10:15 PM.
Default Clothes for Victorian Men
The boy ducks into an alley and before you know it, you're in another sweatshop. Machines whir and whizz while small, dirty children duck between them to pick up dropped cotton. "It's the industrial age!" an enthusiastic man with a monocle tells you, "It's the next revolution of man!"

Hard at work, or busy inventing, your men will be well dressed for the job.

4 outfits for your poor, 1 worker, 4 for middle class, and 1 dark victorian outfit by Alex. All meshes Maxis, middle class elderly outfit requires Uni.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  DP-Men-Victorian.rar (7.13 MB, 19281 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#7 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:20 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 29th May 2007 at 11:50 AM.
Default Dark Clothes for Curvy Ladies
Still feeling greasy from the sweatshop, you walk up to a stream to wash your hands. Across the stream a painter is setting up his easel. In front of him, several very curvy women chatter and get ready to pose. The calm painter's scene is rudely interrupted by the sound of horses. The women squeal and giggle, and run up to the main road.

Tired of slender ladies? When we saw Warlokk's new Renaissance Gal Bodyshape, we wanted her in our world - so now she can be in yours also.

This is a new bodyshape - in order for your sim to look this new size, you need to purchase the larger bodyshape clothing in all the clothing categories (casual, formal, undies, workout, etc).

If you want your sim to also keep her shape in the shower - you must use the special skintone and make a new sim in CAS that uses the skintone. Right now there is only a Maxis pale skintone, we will link to more skintones as folks create them.

Tig created 4 additional meshes for the lady for this project. The meshes and all recolors are included in the download.

Install in the usual way, put all the files in your Downloads or Saved Sims folder.

You can find more outfits for your RenGal here and here

And more showerproof skintones
Louis Skintones by Jwilson5

Thank you Warlokk for sharing your meshes and for making the skintone file for us.

Peasant, 2 Dark Princesses by Zoe
2 Wenches, 2 Middle Class, 2 Victorian, 2 Undies by Alex
Includes Warlokk's RenGal Nightgown Mesh, 4 meshes by Tig

Warlokk RenGal:
showerproof pale skintone and necessary meshes
Attached files:
File Type: rar  DP-Woman-RenBodytype.rar (7.84 MB, 18450 downloads)
File Type: rar  Warlokk_RenGal_BarbieLtSkn.rar (3.18 MB, 13287 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#8 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:21 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 22nd May 2007 at 8:59 AM.
Default Dark clothes for studly guys
Following some giggling women, you come up to a band of adventurers. Big, muscled men that have just come back from some foreign land, laden with treasure. They get lots of female attention and are obviously enjoying it, until the beer overheats their minds and a fight breaks out. You run off, determined not to get involved.

With Marvine's blessing, we have expanded the selection for the BodyBuilder and Slim Bodybuilder series.

This is a new bodytype - in order to have your sim look like he is this new size, you must buy him correct sized clothing for all the clothing categories (everyday, formal, undies, etc)

If you want your sim to keep his new buffness in the shower - you must create your sim with a special skintone - the skintones and meshes are available from Marvine & Beosboxboy's Projects at Insiminator

Thank you again to Marvine & Beosboxboy

Hired Goon by Liz
Black Archer, Crusader, Dragon Slayer, Green Hunter, Medieval, Medieval Underwear, Soldier, and Dark Knight by Alex. The Dark Knight comes with a helmet (requires ofb) and loincloth
Includes 4 new meshes by Tig, Loincloth mesh by General Zoi, and meshes from Marvine and BBB as required
Attached files:
File Type: rar  DP-Men-Bodybuilder.rar (6.54 MB, 17918 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#9 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:21 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 21st May 2007 at 1:04 AM.
Default Hair meshes
As you duck into another shop, you're immediately pushed into a chair, and a cloth is draped over your shoulders. A woman smiles down on you and asks: "Just the ends, or do you want more cut off?" You stare at her, and then at the interior of the room. In a chair next to you, a man is having his ponytail trimmed, and behind him a woman's hair is curled and done up in a scarf. You let the hairdresser fix up your hair and leave feeling much cleaner than you came in.

Male Shorter Ponytail
A new hairstyle for your men - a shorter ponytail, and a lovely scarf and tied up hair for the ladies.

Female Windblown Hair
Available in the 4 basic colors, binned, for all ages.
Created by Besen
Attached files:
File Type: zip (670.2 KB, 13227 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.72 MB, 14691 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#10 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:22 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 9th Jun 2007 at 5:49 PM.
Default Dark Lots
As you walk the streets of this strange place, you marvel at the different buildings that stand side by side. The smell of salt in the air takes you to the docks. You nearly reach them when the sound of bells makes you look up and stare at the dark clock tower. As you make your way past manorhouses and impossible desert palaces, you think you hear a voice crying out. It comes from one dark back road, where an old abandoned mansion stands. You start to investigate, when eerie whispers drive you away, into the warmth of a cozy village square. Past the square the countryside starts, dotted with barns, mills and farms.

1. Abandoned Victorian Mansion

*Required EP's: Nightlife, OFB, Seasons*

On the outskirts of town you'll find this house, once full of laughter and light.

Lot type:Residential
Lot size:3x3
Lot prize:58.020$
Furnished:Layout furniture only

Custom content included:
- 1 floor, clump of grass lethe_s
- 1 floor tribecca
- 1floor annasims2stuff
- 1 floor sexysims2
- 1 wall the builder
- georgian window and door phoenix_phaerie
- victorian carriage by Fresh-Prince
- Rest of the walls/floors/recolors by corvidophile2

2. The Artificer's Manor

*Required EP's:Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, Seasons*

A remote manor with enough room to carry out an experiment or two.
- Lot Type: Residental
- Lot Size: 5x5
- Lot Price: $220,743
- Furnished: Fully

No custom content included.

Custom Content Used in Pics:
- 1932 Dodge by Fresh-Prince

3. The Clock Tower

*Expansion Packs: University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets & Seasons required*

Situated in the town’s square, the gothic clock tower comes complete with belfry, gables, lead glass, turrets, steeply sloping roofs, and Venetian-Gothic accents.

- Lot Type: Community
- Lot Size: 2X2
- Lot Price: $0
- Furnished: Partial
- Created with these Stuff Packs: Family Fun and Glamour
- Note: these packs are NOT required to install this lot if you install it with the Sims2Pack Clean Installer, found here:

Custom Content Included:
- Lethe’s Verne Door
- Lethe’s Verne Arch
- Lethe’s Twotile Rounded Arch
- Targa’s Designer LadderStairs, found here
- Custom wallpapers and tiles by V1ND1CARE

4. Medieval Barn

*Required EP's:Nightlife, OFB, Seasons*

A medieval barn for your farmer peasants.

- Lot type:Residential
- Lot size:2x2
- Lot prize:27.870$
- Furnished:Decor only

Custom content Included:
- thatch roof mia86
- poolwater floor frillen
- hay/haystack suiryuue
- horsewaggon hexameter recolor by me
- clump of grass lethe_s
- hayfork blackypanther
- pig,chicken mickyss
- ladderstairs targa
- fence and fence gate sup@tramp recolors by me
- open me windows fixedwindkeeper
- invisible drivewayroddyaleixo
- horses Dragon_Slave
- medieval barrel UK1967
- wagon and boxes meshkiste
- rest of the walls/floors/recolors by corvidophile2

5. Medieval Village

*Required EP's: Nightlife, OFB, Seasons*

A cozy medieval village, consisting of (from left to right) a mill , barn, main buildings, tower, church and another tower.

- Lot type:Residential
- Lot size:4x4
- Lot prize:94.293$
- Furnished:Decor only
- Note:can be used as community medieval market if you use the "changelotzoning community" cheat

Custom content included and many thanks to:
- hay/haystack suiryuue
- deck stairs Numenor recolor by corvidophile2
- horses Dragon_Slave
- design kit-open top diagonal fatdrecolor by corvidophile2
- wagon and boxes,vordach meshkiste
- clump of grass.lothlorien door and windows lethe_s
- pig,chicken,duck,goose mickyss
- arch column simwardrobe recolor by corvidophile2
- medieval barrel,flag,sack,roof decoration,well UK1967
- open me windows fixedwindkeeper
- ziiz dongle arch shufonk recolor by corvidophile
- thatch roof,wall mia86
- waterwheel by MsBarrows
- haystack bedmaylin
- Rest of walls/floors/recolors by corvidophile2

6. Mill-Mart

*Required EP's: Nightlife, OFB, Seasons*

A lonely mill for your sims to visit.

Lot type:Community
Lot size:3x3
Lot prize:0$

Custom content Included:
- thatch roof,maxis toiletstal recolor mia86
- hay/haystack suiryuue
- clump of grass,shelf lethe_s
- hayfork blackypanther
- pig,duck mickyss
- ladderstairs, old tree swing targa
- fence and fence gate,sinkbucket,sink toilet sup@tramp recolors by corvidophile2
- open me windows fixedwindkeeper
- horses Dragon_Slave
- medieval stool UK1967
- boxes meshkiste
- breadrack rollrack by Zelia_Theb
- changintent , linencart by Brasstex
- waterwheel by MsBarrows
- Rest of the walls/floors/recolors by corvidophile2

Not included ,Please download:
- the potpourri Display at retail sims here and
- the recolors by BillySIMS139 here
- the reflex sims habita bath rug mesh which you will find at reflexsims
dowloads>bathrooms>page1>habita bath

7. Old Sector Docks

*Created with these Expansion Packs: University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, & Seasons*

Walk the cobbled streets and alleyways of the old sector with its wharf, restaurant and bar.

- Lot Type: Community
- Lot Size: 3X4
- Lot Price: 0$
- Furnished: Yes
- Created with these Stuff Packs: Family Fun and Glamour
- Note: these packs are NOT required to install this lot if you install it with the Sims2Pack Clean Installer, found here:

Custom Content Included:
- Custom wallpapers and tiles by V1ND1CARE

- Note: To achieve the shoreline as I have pictured, position the lot along a low coastline neighborhood such as in Bluewater Village. Patul has created various neighborhoods that are ideally suited for such seaside lots.

8. Peasant's Hovel

*Required EP's: Nightlife, OFB, Seasons*

A little hovel for your peasants. Garden plot in the back. A sufficient budget left to add the first necessities. Accessible attic.

Lot type: Residential/starter
Lot size:2x2
Lot prize:16.235$
Furnished:Decor only

Custom content Included:
- thatch roof and 1 wallpaper mia86
- poolwater floor frillen
- hay suiryuue
- design kit-open top diagonal fatdrecolor by corvidophile2
- horsewaggon hexameter recolor by me
- clump of grass lethe_s
- garden fresh pedestal sink tarox
- hayfork blackypanther
- pig,chicken mickyss
- arch column simwardrobe recolor by me
- ladderstairs targa
- bucket toilet sup@tramp
- open me windows fixedwindkeeper
- invisible drivewayroddyaleixo
- 9 walls/1 floor and maxis trashcan and mailbox/door recolors by corvidophile2

9. The Town of Wolfcumbe

*Created with these Expansion Packs: University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, & Seasons*

Hidden deep within the alpine woods lies the old town of Wulfcombe. Stepped in superstition, the small town boasts a tavern, store, inn, and grill (store and inn are unfurnished).
- Lot Category: Community
- Lot Size: 3X3
- Lot Price: $0
- Furnished: Yes
- Created with these Stuff Packs: Family Fun and Glamour
- Note: these packs are NOT required to install this lot if you install it with the Sims2Pack Clean Installer, found here:

Custom Content Included:
- Crocobaura’s Medieval Awning Middle
- Lethe’s Porthole Window
- Lethe’s Medieval Door
- Xanathon’s Errie Green Wallamp
- Custom wallpapers, tiles and terrain paint by V1ND1CARE

10. Victorian Row Houses

*Required EP's:Nightlife, OFB, Seasons*

A street straight out of Dickens.

- Lot type:Residential
- Note:can be used as community if you use the "changelotzoning community" cheat
- Lot size:2x3
- Lot prize:53.155$
- Furnished:Decor only

Custom content included and special thanks to:
- georgian windows and double door phoenix_phaerie
- deckstairs (dark wood recolor by me)and outdoor lantern by Numenor
- horsewaggon,victorian coach hexameter recolor by corvidophile2
- ladderstairs targa
- victorian carriage by Fresh-Prince
- two walls marinasims
- one floor dhsims
- rest of walls/floors/recolors by corvidophile2

11. Wizard's Holt

*Created with these Expansion Packs: University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets & Seasons*

A lair that is both magnificent and excentric. For the conoisseur of arcane arts.

- Lot Type: Residential
- Lot Size: 3X4
- Lot Price: $137,153
- Furnished: Yes
- Created with these Stuff Packs: Family Fun and Glamour
- Note: these packs are NOT required to install this lot if you install it with the Sims2Pack Clean Installer, found here:

Custom Content Included:- Custom wallpapers and tiles by V1ND1CARE

Custom Content NOT Included:
- Skeleton on a Wall by Gromit, found here:
- Sitting Skeleton by Gromit, found here:

- Note: To achieve the shoreline as I have pictured, position the lot along a low coastline neighborhood such as in Bluewater Village. Patul has created various neighborhoods that are ideally suited for such seaside lots.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Peasant's Hovel-starter by corvidophile2.rar (3.45 MB, 13707 downloads)
File Type: rar  Medieval barn by corvidophile2.rar (4.68 MB, 13448 downloads)
File Type: rar  The Mill-mart by corvidophile2.rar (7.51 MB, 12251 downloads)
File Type: rar  V1ND1CARE_WizardsHolt.rar (1.67 MB, 12443 downloads)
File Type: rar  V1ND1CARE_OlSectorDocks.rar (2.43 MB, 11841 downloads)
File Type: rar  V1ND1CARE_ClockTower.rar (2.51 MB, 12329 downloads)
File Type: rar  Medieval village by corvidophile2.rar (8.70 MB, 13346 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2_Victorian row houses.rar (4.13 MB, 9716 downloads)
File Type: rar  Victorian Palace.rar (895.1 KB, 9343 downloads)
File Type: rar  V1ND1CARE_Wulfcombe.rar (2.53 MB, 11745 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2-Abandoned victorian.rar (2.18 MB, 9979 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#11 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:22 AM Last edited by The Guild Masters : 23rd Mar 2008 at 1:07 PM.
Default Object meshes
You are risen from your slumber by the smell of freshly baked bread. You get up from your bedroll in the woods and follow the smell to a large building, a guild house with the line 'Crea, Parte, Lude' in gold letters above the door. Inside you find a woman in a shop, fussing with plates and what looks like bread in different stages of cooking, while her companion makes beans add up numbers. You frown and walk on, to see a bunch of strange looking men poring over books, trying to open a massive chest. One of the wild-eyed men entrusts in you that there's mounds of gold in it. You decide to move on quickly, past a woman throwing acid on metal and making it sizzle into a cog shape. Against your better judgement you investigate the sound of clanging metal and end up in a big hall full of steam and smoke. Goggled men and women are here, hard at work on several contraptions, sometimes squealing when they make them run of their own accord. As you stand in awe, one of the machines bumps into you, picking you up and carting you outside.

1. Alchemist Office Set

Update: The spyglass now has a version that works in Free Time. Please download and let it overwrite the old one.

Fire-, acid and explosionproof set, for the excentric and undertaking genius.
Consists of a desk, chair, table and spyglass, with added recolours.
The file includes all four meshes, plus two recolours for the spyglass, three for the desk, five for the table and seven recolours for the chair.
Poly count:
- Desk: 3058
- Chair: 1490
- Table: 1141
- Spyglass: 2458

2. Bakeable Country Bread

[COLOR=Red]*requires Open for Business*[/COLOR]

A delicious loaf of freshly baked bread.
This was cloned from the cake and requires OFB and a cooking skill of 7. Appears under make and make many options on the fridge.
Comes with wooden custom plate and serving platter.
Poly count: from 190 (bread) to 3200 (ingredients)

3. Carryable Kerosene Lamp

If you go down to the woods tonight, make sure to light your way.
This lamp can be turned on and off. It can also be placed on most surfaces and on the ground.
It has two main interactions, which allow your sim to pick it up and drop it.
Your sims can have it lit while holding it.
In the catalog, find it under Lighting/Miscellaneous
Poly count: 1248

4. Early Flight Machine

[COLOR=Red]*requires Echo's carnival set*[/COLOR]

Give those victorian technology minded guys something to fiddle with.
This cart works on community lots only, and requires the and found here.
In the catalog: find it in community lots under Miscellaneous.
Poly count: 1996

5. Eerie Green Lantern

Give your houses and streets an eerie touch with this grimy walllamp.
But beware of those ripper-types sneaking up behind!
Poly count:347

6. Medieval Tent/Bed

For the adventurers, cause sleeping under the stars is only fun when it's not raining.
Your sims can use this bed like any other bed, they can sleep or relax in it.
There is a bedcovers recolour and the bed included in the file.
Your sims can enter from both sides, so sometimes they may come through the canvased area.
Found under Comfort/Beds
Poly count: 1832

7. Merchant Basics

[COLOR=Red]*requires Open for Business*[/COLOR]

A set of items for your medieval merchant.
Set consists of worn wood shelves, decra chill, and money chest with beans as computing power.
All five meshes are included in the file.
Poly count
- Money chest: 1270
- Corner shelves, small shelf, larger shelf and food display: 166

8. Old Tome

A decorative tome that could contain all kinds of Dangerous Knowledge.
Comes with a ton of recolours.
Find it under Decorative/Miscellaneous
File includes the mesh and thirteen recolours.
Poly count: 58

9. Steampunker: a Wizard's contraption

[COLOR=Red]*requires Echo's carnival set*[/COLOR]

Mad-maxish cart that'll make your sims squeal in delight, or horror.
This cart works on community lots only, and requires the and found here.
In the catalog: find it in community lots under Miscellaneous.
Poly count: 1000

10. Treasure Chest

A big, solid, wooden chest to stash your loot in.
When you use the interaction "Take Treasure", your sim will walk up to the object and get 10,000 simoleons.
They can use it as many times as they want.
Found under Miscellaneous/ Miscellaneous
Poly count: 626

11. Victorian Carriage

[COLOR=Red]*requires Night Life*[/COLOR]

Very elegant carriage for your Victorian sims.
Sits 4 sims. Has no back lights. Must be placed on a driveway.
Find it under Automotives.
Poly count: 13400

12. Wallmask
A thin, poster-like mesh that allows for all kinds of effects to be placed over walls.
The file comes with four pelt recolours and three steampunk recolours. All included.
Poly count: 4
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Bread.rar (569.6 KB, 18607 downloads)
File Type: zip  F-P Victorian (592.3 KB, 16635 downloads)
File Type: rar  xan_dp_wallamp01.rar (67.0 KB, 13463 downloads)
File Type: rar  Merchant Basics.rar (605.6 KB, 18339 downloads)
File Type: rar  Crocobaura_Steampunker.rar (171.8 KB, 10816 downloads)
File Type: rar  JB1-Kerosene-Lamp.rar (78.5 KB, 15804 downloads)
File Type: rar  Crocobaura_Flying Machine.rar (118.9 KB, 9616 downloads)
File Type: rar  JB1-Medieval-Tent-Bed.rar (1.01 MB, 18428 downloads)
File Type: rar  JB1-MedievalChest.rar (311.1 KB, 16785 downloads)
File Type: rar  Alchemist-office-set+recolours.rar (2.60 MB, 18688 downloads)
File Type: rar  Dark-tome+recolours.rar (848.5 KB, 18187 downloads)
File Type: rar  tig-lethe-wallmask+recolours.rar (75.7 KB, 13547 downloads)
File Type: rar  Alchemist-spyglass-FreeTime.rar (653.8 KB, 10391 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#12 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:22 AM Last edited by Lethe_s : 20th May 2007 at 5:33 PM.
Default Object recolours
When the contraption finally stops moving (and you stop screaming) you find yourself in a large barn, amid a crowd of staring artisans. You see rows upon rows of old clocks, ragged pelts and old furniture. "We refurbish them," one of the artisans explains, "give them a lick of paint, fix the cogs and send them back on their way."

[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4]New Mesh Recolours[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Boblishman Animated Pyramid Clock
- Steampunk recolour
- mesh is here

Boblishman Animated School Wall clock
- Steampunk recolour
- mesh is here

Echo rugs
- six pelts on the floor
- mesh by echo included

Hexagon Wagon
- redwood and darkwood recolor
- Mesh is here

Khakidoo Decorative mantle clock and wall clock
- Steampunk recolours
- meshes are here and here (both of khakidoo's recolors are in the one upload)

Maylin Wall phone
- dark recolour
- mesh is here (much of the texture originally by maylin, modified to look darker and with brass details)

Reflex Fur rugs- six furs
- mesh is here (go to downloads>bathrooms>page1>Habita bathroom)

[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4]Maxis Recolours[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Community Phone Booth
Dark wood recolour

Cypressus tree
Dark and bare recolour

Easel and card table
Dark recolours

Fire and burglar alarm
Gritty recolorus

Compost Bin
[COLOR=Red]*requires Seasons and the latest CEP*[/COLOR]
Non-shiny dark wood
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Maxis trashcan and mailbox recolors by corvidophile2.rar (79.1 KB, 11789 downloads)
File Type: rar  ReflexSims_FurRugs recolors_by corvidophile2.rar (674.8 KB, 10803 downloads)
File Type: rar  Maxis easel and cardtable recolors by corvidophile2.rar (63.2 KB, 11445 downloads)
File Type: rar  Maxis cypressus recolors by corvidophile2.rar (144.5 KB, 9260 downloads)
File Type: rar  Maxis fire-burglar alarm recolors by corvidophile2.rar (22.7 KB, 11227 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2_Maxis_CommunityPhonebooth_recolor2.rar (37.7 KB, 10365 downloads)
File Type: zip (33.9 KB, 8224 downloads)
File Type: zip (145.8 KB, 8344 downloads)
File Type: zip (118.9 KB, 10073 downloads)
File Type: zip (36.1 KB, 8149 downloads)
File Type: zip (427.4 KB, 10452 downloads)
File Type: zip (28.5 KB, 10326 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2_hexameter_horsewaggon_darkwood_2_recolors.rar (197.8 KB, 10083 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#13 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:23 AM Last edited by Lethe_s : 14th Jul 2007 at 9:31 AM.
Default Walls and floors
You walk on, head slightly spinning, and run straight into a wall. Quite a big wall, in fact. "End of the line", a woman behind you says, "there's nothing more after this."

Medieval Village Walls
Thirteen walls to make a cozy old town.

Medieval Village Floors
A set of aged and darkened floors. Mostly adapted from maxis originals.

Mine/Railroad Floors
A puzzle set of ten floors to make a mine or old railroad.

Old grey brick
A set of six messy brick walls and a matching floor.

Old red brick
Fifteen aged red brick walls and a matching floor.

Red and Grey brick
Six brick walls with grey quoining.

Tudor Walls with a darker frame
A big set of 24 Tudor walls, both in clean and 'grunge' version.
It is recommended that you only download one of the Tudor sets, since they're much the same, apart from the frame.

Tudor Walls with a lighter frame
A set of 18 Tudor walls, both in clean and 'grunge' version.

Timberframe walls
A total of nine european style timberframe walls, some clean and some damaged.

Victorian Floors
A small set of victorian floors: Two woods and a nice mosaic floor.

Credit and many thanks to Melly_Sim for a ts1 wall edited and used in the medieval wall set.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  corvidophile2-Tudor walls-darker frame.rar (1.36 MB, 12075 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2-Medieval village walls.rar (749.1 KB, 13064 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2-medieval village floors.rar (1.47 MB, 14171 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2-Tudor walls-lighter frame.rar (1.07 MB, 10959 downloads)
File Type: rar  xanathon-Timberframe-walls.rar (544.2 KB, 10964 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile2-red-and-grey-brick.rar (450.8 KB, 10885 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile-mine-railroad-floors.rar (313.1 KB, 9848 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile-old-grey-brick.rar (309.1 KB, 11641 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile-old-red-brick.rar (1.09 MB, 11337 downloads)
File Type: rar  corvidophile-victorian-floors.rar (101.2 KB, 10700 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#14 Old 17th May 2007 at 10:31 AM Last edited by Lethe_s : 20th May 2007 at 4:28 PM.
Default Helpful links
Dark paths to walk.

1. For more themed content, please stop first at the Wiki Content list, specifically the medieval and renaissance one and the Victorian and Regency Era list.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#15 Old 18th May 2007 at 11:02 PM Last edited by tiggerypum : 21st May 2007 at 3:54 AM.
Default Clothing Meshes
Reserved for shots and downloads of just the barebone clothing meshes, descriptions, uvmaps, etc. A convenience for recolorers and folks just looking for meshes.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#16 Old 20th May 2007 at 4:28 PM
Test Subject
Original Poster
#17 Old 20th May 2007 at 4:29 PM
One more, just because we can.
retired moderator
#18 Old 20th May 2007 at 11:20 PM
Just taking the opportunity here to thank all the amazingly talented people working on the project.
I still have fangirl issues with you guys :D
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#19 Old 20th May 2007 at 11:20 PM
Wow, this has been an incredible project to work on. We had a few slow starts, a setback or two, but we always pulled things back together.

Working with such talented people has been just amazing. I never knew what I'd see next when I came to check the project.

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

Please do NOT PM me with requests, creation questions, or game help questions. Click for help:
Game Help | Create | Content List | Where Can I Find?
#20 Old 20th May 2007 at 11:27 PM
Well done, this is really fanatstic, great work on the set.


kind of.
Field Researcher
#21 Old 20th May 2007 at 11:34 PM
Truly impressive! Congratulations on such an awesome project

My 100% free site Carnaby Sims
Field Researcher
#22 Old 20th May 2007 at 11:35 PM
Fantastic job everyone! Truly amazing. This is a project worth millions of downloads! I apprecaite your hard work and keep it up!
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#23 Old 20th May 2007 at 11:36 PM Last edited by Delphy : 20th May 2007 at 11:45 PM.
WOW! You guys did a terriffic job coming up with so much stuff! Thanks!
Test Subject
#24 Old 20th May 2007 at 11:38 PM
Im going to be using this alot!

Baw Chicka Wa Wa.... Banana!!
#25 Old 20th May 2007 at 11:41 PM
Everything looks amazing! It was such fun to work with astonishing, nice and very talented people. All the clothes, lots, objects, walls, floors, everything came out magnificant! Well put together thread! Everyone in the group is truely great and all members of the group, each with their unique way of creating, have made this project outstanding! Beautiful job you guys! Thank you!
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