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[OUTDATED] BaseGameStarter Pro v.2.5

by Numenor Posted 5th Nov 2006 at 3:29 PM - Updated 27th Nov 2013 at 10:16 PM by Nysha
Closed Thread Locked by: Numenor Reason: Get the new AGS at [url][/url]
332 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 331 Feedback Posts
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The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#26 Old 28th Sep 2007 at 10:16 AM
Pollyg - Please attach your AppFiles folder, as explained above.

MogBog - You too should attach your Appfiles folder; in addition to that, plese give me these additional info:
Open the folder Program Files\EA Games; you should see all the folders for the various EPs. Check the folder names: they should be exactly these ones:
The Sims 2
The Sims 2 Nightlife
The Sims 2 Open For Business
The Sims 2 Pets
The Sims 2 University
(not necessarily in this order).

Is it correct?

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
Test Subject
#27 Old 28th Sep 2007 at 9:47 PM
I am having the same problems in both the BGS and your new Any Game Starter, my sims have no bodies, I have selected just the base game to be installed and bodyshop for the BSG, when I try to create a family in CAS the application crashes.

Attached files:
File Type: zip (33.4 KB, 22 downloads)
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 28th Sep 2007 at 10:03 PM
Thank you for the much anticipated update!
Test Subject
#29 Old 28th Sep 2007 at 11:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Numenor
To anyone asks for help - The description of the problem is important, but I can't do anything if you don't include your "AppFiles" folder as an attachment to your post.

In order to do that, open your Documents folder and then open the BaseGameStarter folder; right-click on the "AppFiles" folder icon and choose any option like "Compress in ZIP", "Create a ZIP", "Add to ZIP" or similar (RAR archives are fine, too).
When you have created the zip or RAR, come here to this thread and click the button "Go Advanced", located immediately under the text box (where you write your post).

In the new page that opens up, scroll down until you find the button "Manage Attachments".

Click the button, and a new small window will open up. Use the topmost "Browse" button to attach the zip or RAR.

When the upload is finished, close the attachment window, write your post and click "Submit Reply".
ok thanks, EA sent me a new code but i will zip my program just in case there is a glitch

Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.
- Franklin P. Adams
Test Subject
#30 Old 28th Sep 2007 at 11:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Numenor

MogBog - You too should attach your Appfiles folder; in addition to that, plese give me these additional info:
Open the folder Program Files\EA Games; you should see all the folders for the various EPs. Check the folder names: they should be exactly these ones:
The Sims 2
The Sims 2 Nightlife
The Sims 2 Open For Business
The Sims 2 Pets
The Sims 2 University
(not necessarily in this order).

Is it correct?

all i see is sims 2 open for business, sims 2 pets, sims 2 deluxe (containing ep2 folder...strange..) uni, ffs, gls, seasons

Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.
- Franklin P. Adams
#31 Old 28th Sep 2007 at 11:26 PM
here you go
Attached files:
File Type: zip (27.5 KB, 20 downloads)
Test Subject
#32 Old 29th Sep 2007 at 1:11 AM
another problem, no matter what nightlife disc (yes i have the main nightlife, its a long story but i dont have main base game) i insert (1 or 2) it always says insert disc number 1...has anybody else had this problem in the past?

Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.
- Franklin P. Adams
Test Subject
#33 Old 29th Sep 2007 at 1:38 AM Last edited by simbody872 : 29th Sep 2007 at 4:39 AM.
Sigh I have had trouble with BGS since Seasons, I could ONLY run up to seasons, not the full game not seasons only, not base game only, only the up to seasons option. Even after removing BGS and returning my backed up My Documents Sims 2 Folder my game would not function. It took 3 uninstalls to finally remove all registry info before I could get the game to install and run properly.

I was excited to see the new version last night and this morning installed them, after making a back up of course. First thing I tried was your any game starter, using OFB Seasons and BV as the new game configuration. The game loads fine, Neighborhood loads fine, but when I entered into the Random house things get weird. First off neither sim looks like the original. Randy has a green shirt on and Rhonda has long hair, The lot will totally load, but both sims' appearance has changed yet again. Randy wearing a Kimono and Rhonda in a long skirt. Within a min or so the game crashes.

The same thing happened with BGS I choose to install all options, I have every ep and SP EXCEPT Pets, GL, Celebrations, and H&M ( I have pets and GL but not installed)

The first game I open is a BV only game, loads fine, Hood loads fine, house, same issue as before only now Randy's skin tone is invisable and you see the blue background where his arms and neck should be in the family load screen. The lot will load to the 2 standing out front, different clothes again for both sims and Randy is missing the top of his head.

I uninstalled both AGS and BGS and tried my original game. It seemed to work fine, I could enter a vacant lot, so I exited to neighborhood and entered a occupied lot. The lot loads but when it finally opens the sims appearance has changed, and so has the everyday clothes. I was able to run the game for about 2 sim days before it crashed when I went to 'change appearance'

My game was working fine before installing both of these. Now I can't even run my full game. OH and how did I end up with Quaxi Censor for NL OFB and Pets? I don't have these in my game and never have had them? But they are in the APPFiles.

Edit: adding that I have removed my old sims 2 file and replaced it with the back up I made and STILL see the same crash. As a last resort I removed my entire folder and had the game create a new one (after uninstalling BGS and AGS) and even Maxis sims are randomly changing appearance.

Here is a shot of Don Lothario, it is a fresh install of pleasantville and this is how I found him upon entering the lot for the first time.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  AppFiles Simbody (126.7 KB, 19 downloads)
File Type: zip  AppFiles Simbody (37.2 KB, 14 downloads)
Test Subject
#34 Old 29th Sep 2007 at 8:51 AM
I am now experiencing my problems in my full game, actually the same problems has simbody872, game loads fine, but sims have a different appearance, CAS Crashes when trying to create a Sim.

Bodyshop loads but when you click to start a project it crashes, so the problems are based around the sims files somehow...looks like I might have to totally reinstall because I don't know where to find the problem or how to fix it., and I really don't want to have to do that.

The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#35 Old 29th Sep 2007 at 4:59 PM Last edited by Numenor : 30th Sep 2007 at 2:29 AM.


  1. Open the folder where you have installed your game: I mean the PROGRAM folder, not the Documents!

  2. Browse to: EA Games\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\Skins

  3. If you see a small file named Skins.package, with size 1Kb only, delete it.

  4. RENAME the file Skins.disabledpackage to Skins.package.
    (If you DON'T see the .disabledpackage file or the Skins.package is NOT only 1Kb, then this solution is NOT for you: don't delete anything!)

That's all. All the crashes in the CAS, or changing appearance, or entering the lots should immediately stop; the unexpected hair colour or skin tones over your sims should also revert to normal.

NOTE: if you HAVE SAVED a lot while the sims were showing unexpected hair or skin colour, I'm not 100% sure that the hair or the skin in that lot will automatically revert to the right tones.

So, who was to blame for all this fuss? ME, and only me, I'm sorry.
The ability to rename the Skins.package was a discontinued function of the AGS that I forgot to remove from the final release.

Therefore, the problems were not due to a bug in the game or in some custom content, but only to a bug in my brain -

HOWEVER, this bug only affected the ANYGAMESTARTER: the BaseGameStarter never had this function, and doesn't rename the Skins.package.

I'm going to restore the BGS, and I'll soon post an updated version of the AGS (hoping that you'll still trust it )

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
Test Subject
#36 Old 29th Sep 2007 at 6:18 PM Last edited by simbody872 : 29th Sep 2007 at 6:26 PM.
No I tried this fix and it didn't fix my game issues. I still get the same crash when I change appearance. I'm sorry this didn't fix it, now I'm off to spend the rest of my Saturday to uninstall and reinstall my game. Deadlines to keep so loosing another day doesn't work for me.

Edit: Oh and no hard feelings, these things happen. Frustrating and annoying but the BGS is worth a few headaches. I don't know what other files would help or I would send them to you before I uninstall
Test Subject
#37 Old 29th Sep 2007 at 6:52 PM
Same for me also, the fix didn't work, CAS still crashes along with Bodyshop.

I can live with it for a few more days, I don't actually play the game much or do clothes, I just use it to test my objects, so if you do think of something else I will try it out for you, if not then I suppose I will have to do a total reinstall too...

Test Subject
#38 Old 29th Sep 2007 at 7:00 PM
Me again, when trying out Bodyshop and it crashing a file and text was generated in my sims2 folder, do you think looking at that may help is part of the script

Call stack:
(Debug information (.pdb files) appears to be absent).
0x0001:0x00031f9e C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x000320ca C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x00019b44 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x0001b4e4 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x00050af7 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x0031c228 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe public: virtual bool __thiscall cTSCommonCOMDirector::OnStart(class cIGZCOM *)() + 22504
0x0001:0x00018c48 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x00001b40 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x00122db3 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x00122e17 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x00011f95 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x001219e6 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x00012170 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x00004274 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe.
0x0001:0x005973d7 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe public: virtual bool __thiscall cTSCommonCOMDirector::OnStart(class cIGZCOM *)() + 2623895
0x0001:0x00015fd7 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 73

I can upload the rest if you think it may help, I notice it say's (Debug information (.pdb files) appears to be absent), I don't know what that you.

Test Subject
#39 Old 29th Sep 2007 at 10:36 PM
I'm also having a crash problem in the game since installing AGS. I noticed this because all of my redheads are now displaying black hair. This is across the board on both cc hair and Maxis hair. The first one I saw, I sent to the mirror to change his appearance and the game crashed. Same with the second one.
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#40 Old 29th Sep 2007 at 10:56 PM Last edited by Numenor : 30th Sep 2007 at 10:48 AM.
GREAT NEWS!!! Read again Post #35!

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
Test Subject
#41 Old 30th Sep 2007 at 2:56 AM
YAY! That's great news! I'm willing to give it a shot I love using BGS and I'm sure AGS is just as great! Thanks for being so quick at fixing the problems
Test Subject
#42 Old 30th Sep 2007 at 3:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Numenor


  1. Open the folder where you have installed your game: I mean the PROGRAM folder, not the Documents!

  2. Browse to: EA Games\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\Skins

  3. If you see a small file named Skins.package, with size 1Kb only, delete it.

  4. RENAME the file Skins.disabledpackage to Skins.package.
    (If you DON'T see the .disabledpackage file or the Skins.package is NOT only 1Kb, then this solution is NOT for you: don't delete anything!)

That's all. All the crashes in the CAS, or changing appearance, or entering the lots should immediately stop; the unexpected hair colour or skin tones over your sims should also revert to normal.

NOTE: if you HAVE SAVED a lot while the sims were showing unexpected hair or skin colour, I'm not 100% sure that the hair or the skin in that lot will automatically revert to the right tones.

So, who was to blame for all this fuss? ME, and only me, I'm sorry.
The ability to rename the Skins.package was a discontinued function of the AGS that I forgot to remove from the final release.

Therefore, the problems were not due to a bug in the game or in some custom content, but only to a bug in my brain -

HOWEVER, this bug only affected the ANYGAMESTARTER: the BaseGameStarter never had this function, and doesn't rename the Skins.package.

I'm going to restore the BGS, and I'll soon post an updated version of the AGS (hoping that you'll still trust it )
my problem still isnt solved

i have even uninstalled BGS and it still don't let me install NL (note: my disc is fine, i have checked it is not scratched, dirty ect) so i think you may have made a mistake for deluxe users...

Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.
- Franklin P. Adams
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#43 Old 30th Sep 2007 at 3:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mogbog123
all i see is sims 2 open for business, sims 2 pets, sims 2 deluxe (containing ep2 folder...strange..) uni, ffs, gls, seasons

I knew it! Maxis always LOVES making things more complex then they need...

So, you have this "Sims 2 Deluxe" folder instead of the two standard "The Sims 2" and "The Sims 2 Nightlife"...

I was talking about Deluxe in another thread: pleas read THIS POST and - if you can - provide the requested information, and I'll modify the BGS to make it "Deluxe-compatible" (and fix your game, too).

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
#44 Old 30th Sep 2007 at 4:13 AM
hmm...i found the simplest way ever to solve you may not have to reasearch my deluxe i posted on the thread you linked gonna complain to maxis to give me a replacement serial code for deluxe and install it
#45 Old 30th Sep 2007 at 4:55 AM
btw, i just noticed something, i would like to inform you that morgonrocks2 and mogbog123 are both my accounts (i have 2 computers and havent switched the account logged in on one to my new one, namely, morgonrocks2)
#46 Old 30th Sep 2007 at 6:34 AM
This is doing what the any game starter is doing, it starts my normal game with my normal downloads folder if I click on only BV. If I try one of the other icons it will tell me to ensure I have the correct disk and click ok. I have attached my appfiles folder.
Attached files:
File Type: zip (112.8 KB, 16 downloads)

Love will humiliate you and hate will cradle you.
Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits.
Test Subject
#47 Old 30th Sep 2007 at 9:14 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Numenor
GREAT NEWS!!! Read again Post #36!

Thanks Numenor, it worked for me...

everything now functioning correctly...thanks again I knew you would find the culprit.

Field Researcher
#48 Old 30th Sep 2007 at 9:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Numenor
GREAT NEWS!!! Read again Post #36!

It worked, I can now use both Bodyshop & CAS without crashing
However it wasn't simbody872's post that provides the solution(Post #36) but rather your Post #35 :D

Life's a game, so let's play!
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#49 Old 30th Sep 2007 at 11:03 AM
morgonrocks2/mogbog - Thanks for the very useful info I think that the new BGS, compatible with Deluxe, will be out way before Maxis gives you a new registration code
In fact, I believe I can post it in few hours.

Christine - The problem that I spotted in your previous AppFile folder in NOT present any more in this AppFiles; so the reason why this happen must be another one...
Sorry for the silly question, but have you by chance copied/moved something (by hand) from the full game to the Basegamestarter folder? Please check the content of these folders:
  • (Documents)\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads (this is your full game), and
  • (Documents)\BaseGameStarter\BV\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads (this is your mini-BV game)
I expect you to find a lot of stuff in the first (the full game) and few packages in the second (the mini-game). Please confirm.

shakeshaft - LOL! You're right, I deleted an outdated post of mine, above, and #36 became #35 - Luckily, the link is correct, anyway.

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
#50 Old 30th Sep 2007 at 12:57 PM
I have not moved anything from my main downloads folder to the base game starter folder and there is nothing in that downloads folder besides the cep.

Love will humiliate you and hate will cradle you.
Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits.
Closed Thread
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