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The Grand Trianon Collection - *UPD 20 MAR 2008*

by The "Dream Team" Posted 11th Jul 2005 at 5:49 AM - Updated 7th May 2009 at 10:01 AM by Numenor
1512 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 1488 Feedback Posts, 23 Thanks Posts
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Creators of the "Grand Trianon"
Original Poster
#2 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 5:50 AM Last edited by The "Dream Team" : 1st Oct 2007 at 4:31 PM.
Hidden Treasures in the Grand Trianon collection
---------- (Technical Data sheet) ----------

We've put a great effort in making the Grand Trianon collection a high-quality creation, both for how the objects look, and for how they work. You can judge the exterior look by yourself, but let me explain some advanced technical solutions that are embedded into the Grand Trianon objects.

1 - New Meshes
In the Grand Trianon collection you won't find anything but truly brand new meshes, created exclusively for the collection. Please, spend a couple of minutes to take a close-up look at the Poster Double bed (in the Mirror Bedroom set): it was the first object ever made for this collection, and its style - and even parts of its mesh - were used for all the other objects. We are sure you'll greatly appreciate the fine capitals and feet and the giant mirror placed on the bed head.
The very same high-level meshing tecnique can be found in all the Grand Trianon objects: just look with your own eyes!

2 - Colors and Recolors
See separate thread in the Tutorial forum.

3 - New Animations?
Err... not actually...! The current knowledge still doesn't allow to edit or create animations.
But take a look at the two bunk beds (in the "Loft Bed" set): now the Sims can actually climb the ladder leading to the upper bed and perform all the needed animations to enter and exit the bed!
Another interesting object is the "High Dresser" (in the "Mirror Bedroom" set): see how the Sim opens the sliding shelves, turns around them and then changes clothes.
And some objects, too, have unusual animations: see, for instance, the unusual way the Roto-Dresser or the Left-Side dresser (in the "Loft Bed" set) open up.
The beautiful minds of the Dream Team have found new and original ways to use the existing animations, and make them look as they were new ones!

4 - New Object Functions
This is true :D. For instance, the "Shelf Mirror" and the "Mirror Dresser" (in the "Mirror Bedroom" set), can host *two* objects on their surfaces; and many object have working lights that actually lit up when the Sims use them: for instance, the "Poster Mirror Light" and the mentioned "High Dresser" (in the "Mirror Bedroom" set), or the "Bathroom Mirror Light and the "Shower Stall" (in the "Mirror Bathroom" set).
See how the Sims, now, enjoy to admire themselves in front of the many mirrors, and how they wash the windows in the spare time (and if they don't do it spontaneously, you can always order them to do it, using the new pie menu options! :3dcool: )
The Sims can now be directed to throw up in the toilet, and if you have a very sloppy Sim with a full bladder, and there are no toilets around, he will pee in the bidet! (Eeeww! )
In some cases, we didn't add new functions, but managed to merge the standard functions of different object into one: for instance, you can use the "Mirror Dresser" to change clothes and practice romance ; and the "Poster Desk and Hutch" is a working desk and a working bookcase at the same time!

5 - The "Collection" packages
You might have noticed that each set (Mirror Bedroom, Mirror Bathroom, Loft Bed and Architecture) contains a "Collection" package. These packages must be installed in the following folder: [MyDocuments]\EA Games\The Sims 2\Collections. Once installed, you'll find in the game 4 new Collection icons, that will let you access all the Grand Trianon pieces of furniture that you've chosen to install (you won't find in the collection the items that you have not installed).

6 - Low Poly Count
We have done our best to keep the poly count as low as possible; our talented mesh creators have spent many hours trying to reduce the number of polygons to the minimum. In most cases, we managed to use fewer polygons than the original object. We've done everything: cut the knobs in half, delete all the hidden faces one by one, get rid of every single vertex that wasn't really needed. In rare cases, though, we've decided that some particular objects really needed a more detailed mesh. But don't worry: no "monster objects" here!
Even low-specs computers can safely manage all the objects in the Grand Trianon collection.


And now, the Dream Team kindly invites his guests to download and "explore"
the many hidden treasures of the Grand Trianon collection.


To prevent flashing blue objects you need to install the FLOOR MIRROR

The "Dream Team" members:
Atavera, JWoods, Numenor, Peter_halland, Raquelcesar
Creators of the "Grand Trianon"
Original Poster
#3 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 5:50 AM Last edited by The "Dream Team" : 23rd Dec 2007 at 2:15 PM. Reason: UPD Complete Collection rar
The Grand Trianon Mirror Bedroom Set

20 December 2007 - Updated the Floor mirror, to "extend" its functions to the new Kitchen set.

20 November - Updated again the Mirror Dresser (fixed an animation glitch that affected the children after having changed dress).

16 November - Updated the Mirror Dresser (now it doesn't use global BHAVs any more; fixed animations for the "Practice Romance" interaction) - Updated the Complete Collection rar, too.

09 October - Updated the Complete Collection rar: Added updated version of "Narrow Window" (Fixed cut-out).

11 August - Updated the Complete Collection rar: Added updated version of "Lower Loft" bed (increased ratings).

25 JULY - Updated the Complete Collection rar: added the updated version of the "TempleFountain" (fixed recolor issue).

25 JULY - The "Complete Collection" now contains also the "White" and "Optical" recolours.

20 JULY - Adjusted "room, comfort and, energy" rating's for both "Poster Mirror Double Beds" and, updated Complete Collection rar accordingly.

19 JULY - Fixed mipmaps in the "Horizontal painting" and updated Complete Collection rar accordingly.

18 JULY - Added "New File" Closed Version of the Bedroom Drapes, Updated

16 JULY - Updated the Complete Collection rar: added the updated version of the "Right Desk Module and Left Desk Module" - Homework and Bills now retrievable.

15 JULY - The "Poster Desk & Hutch" now comes in two versions: EP-ONLY (to be used with the University EP: contains the "Research" animation) and NO-EP (to be used without the University EP). Choose the one that best fits your game: only one version is allowed in the game.

15 JULY - Updated the Vanity Table (fixed the clickable area)

14 JULY - Updated the Complete Collection rar: added the updated version of the "Shower Stall" - See post #6 for details

14 JULY - Updated and improved the Floor Mirror: it doesn't "float" above ground any more, has correct indoor shadows and the metal particles now use the metal textures (the colour of the metal will change accordingly to the chosen wood colour)

14 JULY - Updated the Complete Collection rar: added the updated version of the "Poster Loft Bed" (upper) and "Arched Bunk Bed" (upper and lower) - See post #4 for details

13 JULY - Updated the Complete Collection rar: Added the individual collection files to each set's rar file in the Complete Collection rar. Also added the updated version of the "Poster Loft Bed" which will now work with all modules.

12 JULY - Updated the High Dresser: fixed the "pink door" problem.

11 JULY - Updated the Bedroom Drapes: now they can be placed on diagonal walls, too.

GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_Drapes_Closed- 73 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_BedroomChair.rar - 19 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_ChestOfDrawers.rar - 44KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_Drapes_UPD-11July.rar - 73 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_FloorMirror_UPD-23Dec07.rar - 215 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_GlassCandle.rar - 273 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_HighDresser_UPD12July.rar - 98 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_HorizontalPainting.rar - 53 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_MediumTableLamp.rar - 27 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_MirrorDresser.rar - 65 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_NightStand.rar - 27 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterDoubleBed1.rar - 115 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterDoubleBed2.rar - 99 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterFloorLamp.rar - 33 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterMirror_Armoire.rar - 49 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterMirrorLight.rar - 38 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterPillars_FloorLamp.rar - 33 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_ShelfMirror.rar - 17 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_SmallTableLamp.rar - 28 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_TallTableLamp.rar - 26 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_TVcabinet.rar - 59 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_VanityTable.rar - (UNI Required) - 92 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_VerticalPainting.rar - 60 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_WallMirror.rar - 18 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_Collection.rar - 2 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterDeskAndHutch_EP-ONLY.rar - 145KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterDeskAndHutch_NO-EP.rar - 145KB

Attached files:
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_BedroomChair.rar (19.1 KB, 22718 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_ChestOfDrawers.rar (44.2 KB, 21121 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_GlassCandle.rar (272.2 KB, 19603 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_MediumTableLamp.rar (27.7 KB, 19057 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_NightStand.rar (27.2 KB, 19744 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterFloorLamp.rar (33.5 KB, 18433 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterMirror_Armoire.rar (49.1 KB, 19614 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterMirrorLight.rar (38.7 KB, 18494 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterPillars_FloorLamp.rar (33.7 KB, 18050 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_ShelfMirror.rar (17.5 KB, 18554 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_SmallTableLamp.rar (28.1 KB, 18127 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_TallTableLamp.rar (26.9 KB, 17792 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_TVcabinet.rar (62.7 KB, 19082 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_VerticalPainting.rar (60.4 KB, 17742 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_WallMirror.rar (18.7 KB, 18238 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_Drapes.rar (68.8 KB, 18003 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_HighDresser_UPD-12July.rar (101.0 KB, 18680 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_VanityTable_UPD-15July.rar (78.1 KB, 19030 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterDeskAndHutch_EP-ONLY.rar (145.3 KB, 17966 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterDeskAndHutch_NO-EP.rar (144.0 KB, 14273 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_Drapes_Closed_18July.rar (68.1 KB, 15507 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_HorizontalPainting_UPD-19-July.rar (54.3 KB, 15185 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterDoubleBed1_UPD-20July.rar (116.0 KB, 17304 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_PosterDoubleBed2_UPD-20July.rar (99.7 KB, 17009 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_MirrorDresser_UPD-20nov05.rar (63.4 KB, 13637 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_MirrorBedroom_FloorMirror_UPD-23dec07.rar (205.9 KB, 4145 downloads)

To prevent flashing blue objects you need to install the FLOOR MIRROR

The "Dream Team" members:
Atavera, JWoods, Numenor, Peter_halland, Raquelcesar
Creators of the "Grand Trianon"
Original Poster
#4 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 5:51 AM Last edited by The "Dream Team" : 1st Oct 2007 at 4:39 PM.
Grand Trianon Loft Bed Set

11 August: Added updated version of "Lower Loft" bed (increased energy and comfort ratings to match upper bed).

16 JULY: Updated the "Left and Right Desk Modules": Homework and Bills can be retrieved from the desk's surfaces.

15 JULY: Updated the "Poster Loft Bed - Lower Bed" (now it has the same stats for Energy then the other 3 beds)

14 JULY: Updated the "Poster Loft Bed" (upper) and the "Arched Bunk Bed" (upper and lower): fixed the problem of the texture flashing blue when the "Tuck In" interaction was performed. Adjusted the bed prices (lowered to 420-470 §)

13 JULY: Updated "Poster Loft Upper Bed": ("Foot Prints" modified) The Sims will now be able to enter the lower bed with any module combination in place.

12 JULY: Updated the Left Cabinet Module (the texture is now correct)

GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_LowerBed.rar 80 KB
GrandTrianon_PosterLoftbed_UpperBed_UPD-14July.rar - 208 KB
GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_ArchLowerBed_UPD-14July.rar - 80 KB
GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_ArchUpperBed_UPD-14July.rar - 190 KB
GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_LeftCabinet_Module_UPD-12July.rar - (UNI Required) - 18 KB
GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_LeftDesk_Module.rar - 76 KB
GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_LeftMirror_Module.rar - 55 KB
GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_RightDesk_Module.rar - 72 KB
GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_RightMirror_Module.rar - 15 KB
GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_RightRotoDresser_Module.rar - (UNI Required) - 58 KB

Attached files:
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_LeftMirror_Module.rar (55.3 KB, 50556 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_RightMirror_Module.rar (15.2 KB, 47793 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_RightRotoDresser_Module.rar (58.2 KB, 46999 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_PosterLoftbed_UpperBed_UPD-14July.rar (198.0 KB, 54648 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_ArchUpperBed_UPD-14July.rar (189.6 KB, 52639 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_ArchLowerBed_UPD-14July.rar (80.2 KB, 53240 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_LeftCabinetModule_12July.rar (19.5 KB, 43889 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_LeftDeskModule_16July.rar (76.6 KB, 44961 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_RightDeskModule_16July.rar (71.2 KB, 44628 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_PosterLoftBed_LowerBed_UPD-11August.rar (80.8 KB, 49074 downloads)
Creators of the "Grand Trianon"
Original Poster
#5 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 5:52 AM Last edited by The "Dream Team" : 1st Oct 2007 at 4:41 PM.
Grand Trianon Bathroom Set

26 OCT 06 - UPDATED Toilet and Bidet
Now both objects are compatible with the PETS expansion, while keeping the compatibility with all the previous games (including base game).
Please NOTE that, for unknown reasons, you can train cats to use both the Suspended Toiled and the Bidet, and the interactions work perfectly. But then, when the cats need to pee, they will never use spontaneously these toilets.

14 JULY 05 - Updated the Shower Stall (now it works even without the EP)

GrandTrianon_MirrorBathroom_MirrorLight.rar - 113 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBathroom_ShowerStall_UPD-14July.package - 144 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBathroom_SuspendedBidet.package - 498 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBathroom_SuspendedSink.package - 187 KB
GrandTrianon_MirrorBathroom_SuspendedToilet.package - 157 KB


To prevent flashing blue objects you need to install the FLOOR MIRROR

The "Dream Team" members:
Atavera, JWoods, Numenor, Peter_halland, Raquelcesar
Creators of the "Grand Trianon"
Original Poster
#6 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 5:52 AM Last edited by The "Dream Team" : 23rd Dec 2007 at 4:41 PM.
Grand Trianon Architecture Set

23 DEC 2007 - Added 6 new windows (all with diagonales) and updated the 2 existing ones.

09 OCT 2006 - Updated the "Poster Narrow Window" rar: Corrected the wall mask cut-out.

25 JULY - Updated the "TempleFountain rar: Replaced "TempleFountain" Corrected GUID in Material Override (fixed recolor issue).


GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterWindows(ALL) 467 KB
GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterColumn.rar - 18 KB
GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterDoubleArch.rar - 51 KB
GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterDoubleDoors.rar - 148 KB
GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterMirrorDoor.rar - 71 KB
GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterNarrowArch.rar - 40 KB
GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterSingleDoor.rar - 93 KB
GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterWoodenDoor.rar - 71 KB
GrandTrianon_Architecture_TempleFountain.rar - (UNI Required) - 237 KB

Attached files:
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterColumn.rar (18.7 KB, 15027 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterDoubleArch.rar (51.1 KB, 15634 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterDoubleDoors.rar (148.5 KB, 16261 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterMirrorDoor.rar (71.8 KB, 15565 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterNarrowArch.rar (40.4 KB, 15279 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterSingleDoor.rar (93.2 KB, 15520 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterWoodenDoor.rar (71.0 KB, 15253 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Architecture_TempleFountain_UPD-25July.rar (242.2 KB, 13247 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Architecture_PosterWindows(ALL).rar (468.0 KB, 2899 downloads)

To prevent flashing blue objects you need to install the FLOOR MIRROR

The "Dream Team" members:
Atavera, JWoods, Numenor, Peter_halland, Raquelcesar
Creators of the "Grand Trianon"
Original Poster
#7 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 5:53 AM Last edited by The "Dream Team" : 23rd Dec 2007 at 2:20 PM.
Grand Trianon ReColor Set

23 DEC 2007 - Updated the Recolour Packages to make them work with the new Kitchen set.

01 OCT 2007 - Updated the "GT Wall Papers And Floors.rar": 5 wallpapers have been renamed to avoid the "&" character (that caused problems with the Clean Installer)

25 JULY 2006 - Added WHITE and OPTICAL recolours

GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_CherryWood.rar - 107 KB
GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_Fabric.rar - 36 KB
GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_GlassEtchings.rar - 133 KB
GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_Mahogany.rar - 106 KB
GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_Paintings.rar - 781 KB
GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_WornWood.rar - 66 KB
GrandTrianon_VerticalPainting_TeamRecolor.rar - 54 KB
GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_White.rar - 84 KB
GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_Optical.rar - 85 KB


Grand Trianon Wallpapers, Floors and Carpets

GT_BeigeStripe_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_BluePaintedFloral_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_BurgandyStripe_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_CowsAndSheep_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_CrackleStripe_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_FloralStripeGld_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_FloralWaterColorStripe_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_FormalBeige_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_GoldenPrint_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_GoldToneStripeAndPrint_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_GreenAndGold3D_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_KidsDoll_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_KidsRaggedyAnneAndAndy_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_KidsRockingHorse_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_LgtRosePrint_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_LightGreenPrint_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_Maroon_Carpet.package - 39 KB
GT_Mdium_Tiel_Carpet.package - 33 KB
GT_MoonAndSun_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_NavyBlue_Carpet.package - 29 KB
GT_OliveToneStripe_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_PineApple_TexturedDrkGld_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_PineApple_TexturedLgtGld_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_RustRedSimplePrint_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_SatinSwirl_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_SimpleFloralPrint_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_Timeless_WP.package - 130 KB
GT_WaterColorStripe_WP.package - 128 KB

Attached files:
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_CherryWood.rar (107.5 KB, 16919 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_Fabric.rar (36.9 KB, 14913 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_GlassEtchings.rar (133.1 KB, 15223 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_Mahogany.rar (106.3 KB, 16631 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_Paintings.rar (781.7 KB, 14419 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_WornWood.rar (66.6 KB, 15328 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_VerticlePainting_TeamRecolor.rar (54.4 KB, 13732 downloads)
File Type: rar  GT Wall Papers And Floors.rar (1.25 MB, 14314 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_White.rar (83.8 KB, 14834 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_Optical.rar (99.1 KB, 12493 downloads)
File Type: rar  GT_Wall_Papers_And_Floors.rar (1.25 MB, 1772 downloads)

To prevent flashing blue objects you need to install the FLOOR MIRROR

The "Dream Team" members:
Atavera, JWoods, Numenor, Peter_halland, Raquelcesar
Creators of the "Grand Trianon"
Original Poster
#8 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 5:54 AM Last edited by The "Dream Team" : 20th Mar 2008 at 9:26 PM. Reason: Updated Fridge to FreeTime
Grand Trianon Kitchen Set

20 mar 2008 - UPDATE: Fridge.
The Fridge now has the FreeTime options "Serve Platter..." and "Prepare for Contest". The updated fridge is included in the archive "GrandTrianon_Kitchen_Appliances.rar", attached below.
(Click image to enlarge)

07 JAN 2008 - UPDATED: Cabines.
Fixed a bug that caused the cabinets (including the corners) to reset every 18 hours. The updated cabinets are in the archive "GrandTrianon_Kitchen_Counters-Cabinets.rar": please redownload it.

06 JAN 2008 - UPDATED: GT Fridge
Got rid of the annoying tooltip that showed up when clicking on the fridge (thanks to Macey246 for reporting and to MaryLou for fixing it).
Redownload the archive "GrandTrianon_Kitchen_Appliances.rar" that contains the updated fridge.


Quote: Originally posted by The Dream Team, on 10 July 2005
Kitchen: Coming soon... hopefully

Have you trusted in the Dream Team and feared not? Have you faithfully waited for two years and a half, filled with an unbreakable certainty that the Kitchen set would have come to life, sooner or later? Then, this brand new set is dedicated to you!!! :D

First off, we all (creators and users of the Grand Trianon set) should express our gratitude to MaryLou: with relentless effort and determination, she has greatly helped in building meshes, fixing problems, adjusting uv-maps, creating screenshots and forcing (what remains of) the Dream Team to finally finish this huge project.

A special 'thank you' goes also to JWoods, founder of the Dream Team and creator of the original "beveled glass" cabinet (that we used as a base fo all the other objects), and for the decorative objects. Thanks also to Boblishman for the "disgustingly dirty" texture used for the kitchen counters and stove.

The set is composed by several pieces, split in different rar archives.
  • Counters and Cabinets: the archive GrandTrianon_Kitchen_Counters-Cabinets.rar contains three different counters ('wooden', 'glass' and 'beveled glass'); each one comes in the usual 'doors' and 'drawer' version; in addition, for each style, there is a matching Cabinet; the rar also contains two Corner Cabinets (wooden and glass).

  • Appliances: the archive GrandTrianon_Kitchen_Appliances.rar contains the Grand Trianon Frigidaire, the Stove and the Cooker Hood.

  • Dining Set: the archive GrandTrianon_Kitchen_DiningSet.rar contains a 1x2 table and the dining chair to go with it.

  • Multi-shelf: this shelf is packed in an archive of its own (GrandTrianon_Kitchen_MultiShelf.rar); it's a transformable multi-mesh shelf that works exactly like the "Illumutation" shelf (the Grand Trianon one has no lights).

  • Decorative objects: the archive GrandTrianon_Kitchen_Decorative.rar contains a small wall mirror and two paintings, suitable for a kitchen; in particular, the Square Painting is designed to be positioned (if you like) between the counter and the hanging cabinet, using the "moveobjects" cheat.

The Grand Trianon set was already very complex, under this point of view, and the Kitchen set, with its "untouchable" counter tops, has added to the pot
This situation forced us to make some adjustments:
  • The counter tops are not autonomously recolourable: each finish colour is associated to only one top colour; therefore, when you buy a counter from the catalog, you can only choose the colour of the main body, and a decoration for the glass; you can't freely choose the colour of the counter top.
  • The Floor Mirror has been updated, to act as repository for the kitchen, too; therefore, you must redownload the Floor Mirror.
  • All the Recolour Packs created by the Dream Team have been updated, too, to work with the kitchen counters; if you already downloaded the old version of our Recolour Packs, redownload them.
  • All the Recolour Packs created by other users will NOT work for the kitchen counters (they will work with the other kitchen objects, as well as with all the other Grand Trianon sets). All the third-party recolour packages must be updated, in order to be used on the new kitchen counters: specific instructions for the creators are published in the specific 'Colours & Recolours' thread.

Nothing special to mention, under this point of view. The Cabinets and the Multi-Shelf can be found in catalog under Surfaces -> Misc.
As for the operating instructions for the Multi-shelf, read about them at the "Illumutation" shelf thread (remembering that the Grand Trianon multi-shelf has no lights). The Cooker Hood comes with a built-in light that works like any other light in game (you can set it to Manual ON, Manual Off, or Auto). Please note that the built-in light only illuminates the objects and the sims, NOT the walls and floors (technically speaking, it's only a practical light, without a diffusion light); this was purposely done, to not interfere with the overall lighting generated by the lamps placed in the room.
For your convenience, we have created a new Collection file for the kitchen set: you can find it in the archive "CollectionPackages_(DO-NOT-PUT-IN-DOWNLOADS).rar", located on the first post.

All the elements of the Grand Trianon Kitchen Set work in any game configuration, including the base game only and all the EP's up to FreeTime. If you have OFB, then the stove will have the "Make..." options; if you have SSN, then the Fridge can be used to store leftovers; if you have FT, the fridge will let you to "Serve Platter" and "Prepare for Contest".
Attached files:
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Kitchen_Counters-Cabinets.rar (574.0 KB, 4173 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Kitchen_DiningSet.rar (72.4 KB, 3832 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Kitchen_Appliances.rar (286.2 KB, 4041 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Kitchen_MultiShelf.rar (13.5 KB, 3668 downloads)
File Type: rar  GrandTrianon_Kitchen_Decorative.rar (464.3 KB, 3587 downloads)

To prevent flashing blue objects you need to install the FLOOR MIRROR

The "Dream Team" members:
Atavera, JWoods, Numenor, Peter_halland, Raquelcesar
Creators of the "Grand Trianon"
Original Poster
#9 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 5:55 AM

To prevent flashing blue objects you need to install the FLOOR MIRROR

The "Dream Team" members:
Atavera, JWoods, Numenor, Peter_halland, Raquelcesar
Creators of the "Grand Trianon"
Original Poster
#10 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 5:55 AM
:Slap: Reserved :Slap:

To prevent flashing blue objects you need to install the FLOOR MIRROR

The "Dream Team" members:
Atavera, JWoods, Numenor, Peter_halland, Raquelcesar
Mesh Maestro
#11 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 6:10 AM Last edited by JWoods : 11th Jul 2005 at 9:29 AM.
I Took the oppertunity to reserve this post for good reason... I would like to Thank my fellow members of the "Dream Team": Peter Halland, Numenor, Raquel Ceaser, and, Atavera. This set started with a few pieces, particularly the "Poster Mirror" bed.
I asked all the folks above after several hundred hours of trying to get the mirror's reflection to work. Each of the members spent an incredible amount of time on this and eventually we formed the "Dream Team" and decided to make a collection of it.
The skills of my partner's are incredible as was thier dedication to the project which lasted almost 4 months, every day and night for many hours. We not only built a wonderful set but also great friendships...

That being said, I also would like to thank Delphy and his team for thier genrosity in allowing us to host the collection here and for being there when we needed them...

Also Thank's to all the developers who created the tools we needed to accomplish the collection: Quaxi, Delphy, Miche, Numenor, RGiles and WesH.
Test Subject
#12 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 8:54 AM
:bump: Great-Great-Great :bump:
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:00 AM
Great does not even begin to describe all your wonderful work!!
Thank you!!!!
Test Subject
#14 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:02 AM
Very Nice!!! My sims thank you from the bottom of their simulated hearts!
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:06 AM
WOW! I would say more.. but for once in my life I'm speechless! THANK YOU! -N-
#16 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:22 AM
Amazing! Thank you SO much
Test Subject
#17 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:23 AM
I'm normally a dedicated lurker but I just have to delurk and say WOW!!! Thank you so much to all of the dream team from me and my sims.
#18 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:25 AM
GEEZUS, MARY AND JOSEPH!!!!..........theses are absolutely wonderful Thank you very much and whats next from the dream team?:D
#19 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:27 AM
Astonishing... Thank you very very much...
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:29 AM
Wow! You guys have been busy! Everything looks really nice and thanks so much for your time and talents everyone! God bless! :D
Field Researcher
#21 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:33 AM
This is incredible! You did an outstanding job!! My hats off to you all!!
Test Subject
#22 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:35 AM
Awesome!!! What a huge project! Beautiful work!!!!
Test Subject
#23 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 9:42 AM
Awesome Work Dreamteam!!
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 10:02 AM
Stuff a duck! talk about the big bang with style. Awesome!!
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#25 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 10:07 AM
Wow Wow Wow!
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