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Correlated Skins *5 Year Creator Anniversary*

by Phaenoh Posted 19th Jul 2012 at 5:58 PM - Updated 12th Dec 2017 at 6:31 PM by Phaenoh
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#2 Old 11th Jul 2012 at 1:03 AM Last edited by Phaenoh : 6th Mar 2013 at 2:13 AM.
Infant Hair (and Clothes)

Ok, so maybe furry bodies aren't your thing, but you are tired of your babies being bald. This is the spot for you. I've created a version of my mod that puts hair on your babies heads and *shouldn't* interfere with any other defaults you have in your game. (If they do, open up your other defaults and delete the infant TXTRs) No more pausing the game seconds after the baby is born to zoom in to peak at the eyebrows before you are prompted with giving this child a name. Now you can see the cute little hairs right when they are born. You can also use this package to apply painted baby clothes to your infants, you can have 16 different clothes, one for each hair/skin combination. My download currently only has the hair on their head, you have to find and apply the clothing yourself. There is a much better way of doing infant clothing however, and it lets you use different meshes and different outfits for each gender. Fakepeeps and bienchen83 both have cute outfits that take advantage of that. I have looked into the possibility of a 'correlated diaper' for these kidlets and I haven't got it working yet, but I'm still hopeful about it. That would let us have more meshes and more outfits. Keep a look out for it!

You can not have two Correlated sets that have overlapping ages. This will likely happen when you download an Infant Correlated set and then also find a nice regular Correlated skin that has infant textures. The best thing to do in that case is, either, open up your main correlated skin and replace the infant textures with the ones you want to use, or delete all the infant resources from the main one.

Other Creator's Infant Correlated Skins
Upload them here to MTS and send me a link! I'll include it in my list of Infant Correlated skins available to everyone:
Infant Correlated Skins
Links go here!

Suggestions for baby clothes that will work in combination with Infant Correlated Skins:

Attached files:
File Type: rar  Phaenoh_EugenicSkin-buHair.rar (2.96 MB, 24997 downloads)
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#3 Old 11th Jul 2012 at 1:09 AM Last edited by Phaenoh : 6th Mar 2013 at 2:14 AM.
The Supernaturals

In our effort to be more racially diverse, we can't forget that we already have diversity in species. Many of the supernaturals can also benefit from having extra defaults come into play.

How about four different alien skintones, cuz you know only black hair ever looked good with that weird green skin. Now we can include purple skinned aliens and blue and red and yellow! Well, you can have 4 of those colors, choose your favorites based on which look good with the four hair colors.

It's come to my attention, that it might not be possible to do the other supernaturals. I'm going to keep investigating it and trying, but sadly, no promises right now.

As creators make Supernatural Correlated Skins, I'll add their links to this post.
SpeciesReady to Use Super Correlated Skins

For now however, here are some pretty skins worthy of becoming Correlated Skins. I didn't make them, I just think they are well made. You just need to export them to the templates to create them. The Supernaturals Template is included at the bottom of this post. Please take the template, find a skintone you like, (and can get permission for turning into a correlated/default), create it, and upload here to MTS. Send me a link and I'll include it in the table above!


Attached files:
File Type: rar  Phaenoh_EugenicSuperSkin_Alien-TextRef.rar (10.8 KB, 797 downloads)
File Type: rar  Phaenoh_EugenicSuperSkin_Mannequin-TextRef.rar (12.5 KB, 496 downloads)
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#4 Old 11th Jul 2012 at 1:28 AM Last edited by Phaenoh : 6th Mar 2013 at 2:15 AM.

Because this isn't just another set of defaults for you to play with, I've created templates for you all to work from. This is meant to be a new system of defaults. I'm hoping that creators will download my template and create correlated skins out of their skins, or other creators use my template for creators who don't make their own defaults. Please don't bother trying to make your own package/template, just use mine. I've spent months working out all the kinks so that everything shows up properly and ages correctly and is easy to use. I've done the hard work for you, so you can do the fun stuff!

I've also included my edits of AllenABQ's hair overlays for you to use. They are .pngs so they are already transparent, all you have to do is place them on top of your skins. I've also included a label in the top right corner so you can get the placement perfect every time. That's one of my pet peeves, when things that are supposed to be the same are off by a few pixels and it 'dances'. With the place marker graphic it should prevent that. The version I've included in this thread are the ones that are allowed by MTS and PayPal ToS - meaning no pubic hair. If you want overlays with a more natural look, then check my corresponding SexySims' thread. They are labeled by age, gender, hair color, and fitness tone fat/normal/fit. The fatter and more out of shape the sim, the hairier they get was what I was thinking, but you can do whatever with the overlays. Smaller versions are pictured attached at this post, but please download and use the correct sized ones.

My templates are easy to use. Here's your tutorial:
  • 1. Find a full (all ages) skintone you'd like to make into a correlated skin.
  • 2. Export every single TXTR in that skin.
  • 3. Decide which of the 16 skins you are creating it for.
  • 4. Import all your skintone images into my template using 'Build DXT'. 'Commit' each image, and save the package.
  • 5. Test it out in game. That's it!

I've written a more in-depth tutorial with pictures over in Bodyshop Modding. If you want to create your own Correlated Skin, please download the template from this post and then head over to that thread for more help. Please do not ask help questions about making new skins in this thread, that's exactly what I've set up the other one for.

There is one downside to these 16 Correlated Skins, each skintone has to share elder textures between the four hair colors. Because of how the game deals with the gray hair color, you still only have 4 skintones when it comes to the oldies. The brown hair is the one that contains the elders. Please keep that in mind when you are making your sets.

It would also be nice if we could keep the same naming convention going, so it's easier for people to find them in their downloads folder to make sure they have all 16. Name yours 'CorrelatedSkin_S#Color_YourName-SkinName.package'. Like a skin I make that is for red hair and pale skin with freckles all over would be 'CorrelatedSkin_S1Red_Phaenoh-Ginger.package'.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Phaenoh_EugenicSkin-Template.rar (104.0 KB, 768 downloads)
File Type: rar  AllenABQedits_HairOverlays_AdultMen.rar (4.51 MB, 445 downloads)
File Type: rar  AllenABQedits_HairOverlays_ElderTeenMen.rar (7.07 MB, 392 downloads)
File Type: rar  Phaenoh_EugenicSuperSkin_Alien-Template.rar (15.4 KB, 385 downloads)
File Type: rar  Phaenoh_EugenicSuperSkin_Mannequin-Template.rar (14.6 KB, 261 downloads)
Test Subject
#5 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 6:05 PM
Hail to the Queen!
Test Subject
#6 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 6:43 PM
Yah sister! I am glad this much is done; it makes a good anniversary post!
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#7 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 7:34 PM
/me puts party hats on all her guests and throws confetti around
Gone Fishin'
#8 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 7:39 PM
/me joins in the confetti throwing

Have I told you lately that I love you? :lovestruc Queen of Bodyshop modding? Goddess, I say! What a splendid anniversary gift!
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 7:41 PM
So much info at one. Question: Can I go into SimPE and change the 16 defaults to another custom skinblend? I'm thinking this what the packages are for.

EDIT: Scratch that, you answered above. Thanks.
Field Researcher
#10 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 7:58 PM
You, my dear, are a GENIUS!!! :lovestruc
No, AN EMPRESS!!!!!!!!!!!

This is pure AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

Will this work with different bodyshapes?

Whatever you do, do it ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
My mission: To fill the gaps!
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Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#11 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 8:03 PM
jbeach, as it stands, I'm thinking probably not, but there is no reason it couldn't. I'm assuming you are talking about things like showerproof skintone shapes. If that's not what you are asking about, send me a link and I'll look into it. With this, creators could have the ability to use different body shapes for different hair colors. Maybe blonde aliens are sexy thin and brunette aliens have a bodybuilder shape. It could be possible now. You'd still need the right clothes of course, that's not changing.

Thanks for commenting everyone! Y'all know how much I love reading your comments
Field Researcher
#12 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 8:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Phaenoh
jbeach, as it stands, I'm thinking probably not, but there is no reason it couldn't. I'm assuming you are talking about things like showerproof skintone shapes. If that's not what you are asking about, send me a link and I'll look into it.

Thanks for commenting everyone! Y'all know how much I love reading your comments

Yes, that's what I was referring to! I've learned how to link custom male bodyshapes with custom female shapes for showerproofing (?) purposes. And was just curious if that could still be done with your AWESOME-ness!

Thanks you, by the way! ;D

Whatever you do, do it ALL for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
My mission: To fill the gaps!
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Snag my creations from my LiveJournal!
Test Subject
#13 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 8:24 PM
AmaZing! Can't wait to check them out, hoping someone is brave enough to make some yummy skin tones for this. Awesome, I bow to you :P
Test Subject
#14 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 8:36 PM
These are kinda neat, but what you should do, is a load of maxis match skins to the teeth of a bunch of unnatural shades and different shades of regular skintones, but a lot!!!
Field Researcher
#15 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 8:36 PM

This is just so mindbogglingly

Please forgive the following questions (as they are likely silly) but I'm still trying to *wrap my head* around exactly what this means in terms of in-game application.

#1: Does this system mean that changing hair color in-game will automatically change the skin too? Like if I have a light skinned (S1) Sim with blonde hair & I give them a *dye job* to red hair, do they keep the same skin color or become whatever color S1 *red hair* is tied to?

#2: Where do custom hair colors fit in? (Will giving a Sim a hair color with no correspondingly coded skin mean trouble?)

#3: Where do towniefied/genetified non-standard skins fit in, or are they even possible to have with this system? Like the various shades coded to fall *in between* the standard S1, S2, S3 & S4 ones? Are they still possible or does this system mean no more *intermediate* shades anymore?

Sorry if the questions seem lame, but I'm still *digesting* all this info & just what to make sure I understand it completely!

Again, this is truly an amazing breakthrough in TS2 genetics! I am totally blown away!

**** Leader of the MoonBats! ****
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#16 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 9:00 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 6th Mar 2013 at 2:54 AM.
Ziconia, you raise some interesting points.

#1 and #2, Dye-jobs via the mirror will not cause your sim to change skintone. They keep the one they are supposed to have. This includes custom hair colors. Making a CAS sim with a custom hair color is always trouble, and it won't work with these sets. Your sim will have a mis-matched skin. This should remind you to choose an actual hair color for your skin and then you can change to custom colors via the mirror. We are all about better genetics, remember!

#3, it is possible to create new templates for inbetween skins so you can have correlated inbetween skins, but I haven't created any templates for them. Right now you can keep using your inbetween skins and they just won't have anything to do with hair color - like before. Do you feel you still need inbetween skins when you can now have 16 defaults?
Test Subject
#17 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 9:04 PM
There is only one word 'Amazing' you and all the other creators keep the sims 2 alive so we not so talented simmers can enjoy this game thanks a lot from one of your fans
Field Researcher
#18 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 9:16 PM
@Phaenoh: The only reason I thought about the *in-between* shades is that I really enjoy it when an S4 & a S3 Sim (for example) can produce offspring with a skin color that looks to be truly a mix of their parents...but that's just a *me* thing & hardly a necessity.

I must say the ability to have true ethnic diversity (not Maxis's...odd system) is quite amazing! Makes me wonder what other things long thought to be *impossible* may still be done in TS2!

(BTW, thank you for still making stuff for us TS2 fans! Not all of us got caught up in TS3)

**** Leader of the MoonBats! ****
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#19 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 9:21 PM
Zirconia, yeah the giant gap between S3 and S4 drives me crazy. In my own personal version I'll be making S4black super dark and S3black what S4 used to be. S4 in the other hair colors won't be as dark. S1black and S2black will be asian, so I'm ok with a large gap between my asian skins and my african skins. That's the beauty of this set. You can make them how you think it ought to make sense!
Mad Poster
#20 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 9:36 PM
So I think I can follow the tutorial with the skins I want (probably will find out I can't and ask questions then)--but just have a question about what happens with already-made sims, for example Ophelia Nigmos. Will she automatically fall into the blond-S4 slot, or do I need to do something in SimPE?
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#21 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 9:40 PM
Ophelia will automatically pick up the new S4blonde you use. It's that easy
Field Researcher
#22 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 9:42 PM
This is a really great idea. I just wish I could see pictures. All I get is "Image is not available or does not exist".

Never mind, they just appeared.
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 9:45 PM
Yay, yay, yay and yay! Perhaps I am much too excited by this, but yay! I can't wait to play my game now.
Mad Poster
#24 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 10:27 PM
These are BEAUTIFUL! My biggest pet peeve was what Maxis did in terms of genetics . . . this solves it! All hail the Bodyshop Queen! :D
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 10:32 PM
*faints in appreciation* This is super amazing! You've done what I've been hoping a creator would do! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are amazing and this is out of this world!!!
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