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The "CEP" - Color Enable Package v. 9.2.0 - 15 MAY 2009

by Numenor Posted 27th Sep 2005 at 3:46 AM - Updated 27th Apr 2020 at 2:30 PM by HugeLunatic : adding supercollection instructions
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The ModFather
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#126 Old 19th Oct 2008 at 1:10 AM Last edited by Numenor : 19th Oct 2008 at 8:02 PM.
Exactly. If you, for any reason, don't want "warnings" in the custom content list, you have to deselect all the Extras while installing the CEP (read the CEP-Extra documentation to know which optional functionalities you will lose).
My suggestion, of course , is to keep the Extras installed and ignore the warnings.

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#127 Old 19th Oct 2008 at 6:43 PM
HELP. In Wizards of SimPE, there are only a few objects in each category that are recolourable
The ModFather
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#128 Old 19th Oct 2008 at 8:04 PM
I'm sorry, I'm not expert with the Wizard. You could try the normal Object Workshop, maybe.

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My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

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#129 Old 20th Oct 2008 at 9:46 PM
I was wondering, now that you have found the diagonal cornice that maxis has hidden, is there a mirror version (left side) of the ornate corbel.

Never trust a smiling Chicken
Test Subject
#130 Old 20th Oct 2008 at 11:08 PM
Hey Numenor,

I went to install v9 today and now whenever I load the game (with or without CEP installed) I get a small, blank error window with a red X popping up. I tried to uninstall and then reinstall CEP again (and tried downloading the file from your website) and still no luck. Also tried installing it without the extras and got the same error.

Sob, I can't believe I broke it!
Field Researcher
#131 Old 21st Oct 2008 at 12:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by swammi
whenever I load the game (with or without CEP installed) I get a small, blank error window with a red X popping up.
Delete Accessory.cache & Groups.cache in your Sims folder.

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#132 Old 21st Oct 2008 at 2:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Lord Darcy
Delete Accessory.cache & Groups.cache in your Sims folder.

Haha! I thought I already had done that. I guessed I missed it. Thank you~ :D
The ModFather
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#133 Old 21st Oct 2008 at 3:29 AM
Perhaps I should instruct the CEP installer to always delete those two files... After all deleting them doesn't harm in any way -

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My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

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Lab Assistant
#134 Old 22nd Oct 2008 at 7:09 PM
Thought I would add (if nobody has yet ) that the CEP adds back the original 3 color options to the new stone cornice,corner pieces and base trim that came with the game but don't show up if you don't have the CEP.
But for some reason Maxis borked up the textures or something and they flash blue in the neighborhood view but not in the lot.
Thankfully DGandy over at the Sims Fashion Barn has created a fix for this if it's not been fixed anywhere else.
The ModFather
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#135 Old 22nd Oct 2008 at 10:42 PM
Thanks Swmeek, we (actually, Havelock, see post #17) already discovered that the CEP, while restoring the three lost colours, borked the texture. Havelock quickly prepared a fix, and uploaded it in post #22. The fix contains also a 'lost' diagonal for the bohemian set; then, in post #52 Havelock posted another fix for the neighborhood view, and lastly gave to me (by PM) another unlocked diagonal. I have included all these fixes in the upcoming CEP (I also fixed the placement of the diagonals). The only problem is that I'm becoming slower in my work than I'd like to be and therefore I'm continuously delaying the release of the new CEP -

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

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Lab Assistant
#136 Old 23rd Oct 2008 at 8:43 AM
Thanks Numenor!
#137 Old 24th Oct 2008 at 9:42 AM
A little thing about some mistakes in the German setup translation:
Welcome screen (after choosing the language):
Headline stays the same
Das CEP wird auf Ihrem Computer installiert.
Bevor Sie fortfahren, schließen Sie:
(SimPE... stays the same)
oder das CEP kann nicht installiert werden.
The ModFather
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#138 Old 24th Oct 2008 at 8:11 PM
Thank you Randir. I don't remember who translated that for me; anyways, I've included your corrections in the CEP installer

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

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#139 Old 24th Oct 2008 at 11:16 PM
You are welcome, Numenor. I'm suporting where I can.
Lab Assistant
#140 Old 26th Oct 2008 at 6:31 AM
Numenor, your work is invaluable to the Sims community, and I cannot thank you enough for this CEP update. Not only do you work tirelessly on improving and perfecting it, you offer it free of charge (*small bone sticks in throat*). You are absolutely wonderful. :lovestruc

Also, Lord Darcy and Havelock, I appreciate the time you have taken to work on the CEP. I don't know the first thing about programming - not the little stuff, and certainly not the big stuff. So I really appreciate the two of you and Numenor doing what you do. You make my game better, and for that I owe you a heartfelt "thank you".

Nice one.

Test Subject
#141 Old 29th Oct 2008 at 12:46 AM
Hi, i have a question about the new CEP 9.0 Installer? Well it keeps telling me "my login is invalid to log in" which i did log in. And it says that if i am logged in to allow cookies for the site, which i did again but still nothing. What is wrong? I had no problems with the other CEP downloads back in the past, its just this one. Can u please help me?
The ModFather
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#142 Old 29th Oct 2008 at 2:45 AM
How odd... If the problem persists, please report to the Site Issue forum. In the meantime, you can get the CEP using the alternate links hidden under the grey "Spoiler" button, in the main post.

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

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Lab Assistant
#143 Old 31st Oct 2008 at 10:05 AM Last edited by Numenor : 9th Nov 2008 at 2:16 AM. Reason: Fix now included in CEP 9.1
Numenor i dont know if you started to make a fix for Counter/Island Club trim. If not i have made one you could use if you like. Trim got separated from countertop and is added as a second counterfinish subset. The counterClubCounterOnly needs the finish added as designmode enabled in GMND. Fix got tested in Game everything is working as it should.

Edit: I have made the GMND also and added him to the fix file.
Field Researcher
#144 Old 31st Oct 2008 at 11:55 AM
Yet another great fix, Havelock!



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The ModFather
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#145 Old 31st Oct 2008 at 4:36 PM
You both are great, in finding and fixing the many graphic glitches of the game! I never noticed that problem with the trim! It's the same as the corner commercial counter, right? the problem already fixed by Havelock.
How odd that the linear commercial counters don't suffer for the same bug... You confirm this, right?

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

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Field Researcher
#146 Old 31st Oct 2008 at 5:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Numenor
How odd that the linear commercial counters don't suffer for the same bug... You confirm this, right?
Both linear commercial counter and matching espresso machine are OK.

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Lab Assistant
#147 Old 31st Oct 2008 at 6:08 PM Last edited by Numenor : 9th Nov 2008 at 2:17 AM. Reason: Fix now included in CEP 9.1
Quote: Originally posted by Numenor
You both are great, in finding and fixing the many graphic glitches of the game! I never noticed that problem with the trim! It's the same as the corner commercial counter, right? the problem already fixed by Havelock.
How odd that the linear commercial counters don't suffer for the same bug... You confirm this, right?

The mesher at EA made the trim on the commercial counters part of the finish but on the commercial counter corner part of the top. I wish i would know why.

Edit: Numenor here are two wallmask fixes. One is for the build in dressers and the other for the onetile securitydoor. Both where to small so you got a small gap between the frame and the wall.
Field Researcher
#148 Old 31st Oct 2008 at 10:04 PM
Im running anygame with uni/nightlife/ofb and I cannot get the bathroom stall recolors to show up. This didnt seem to be a problem with my older CEP. All other recolors seem to be showing up fine. Any thoughts?
The ModFather
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#149 Old 1st Nov 2008 at 5:05 PM
Havelock - Thanks again, good finding!
I will try shooting a couple of screenshot of glitch, similar to the "before/after" screenshots by Lord Darcy.

Sunni9676 - Please check that:
  • when you run the CEP installer you see the "Toilet Stall" option in the Extras list, and that the option is checked;
  • you should then have a file named "CEP-EXTRA_ToiletStall.package" in both these folders:
    • (Program Files)\EA Games\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA
    • (Documents)\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA
    Can you see them?

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

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Lab Assistant
#150 Old 9th Nov 2008 at 12:52 AM
Thank you very much for all your hard work. It is greatly appreciated. I love playing the Sims2 and don't know what I would do without all your hard work to fix the game. Thank you again.

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