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Sim Transformer *UPDATED 02/09/2009*

by treeag Posted 25th Apr 2008 at 8:01 PM - Updated 24th Mar 2009 at 3:01 PM by treeag
373 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 280 Feedback Posts, 92 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#276 Old 1st Aug 2011 at 11:32 PM
So Epic!!! I Remember Getting This For Ts3 :d
Test Subject
#277 Old 1st Aug 2011 at 11:33 PM
ok my caps didnt work above...:-)
Test Subject
#278 Old 2nd Aug 2011 at 1:14 AM
My sister is working on creating a town filled with vampires, werewolves, aliens, zombies, and witches, and this was the perfect tool for her to get the ball rolling. So now her "Freakville" as she calls it can have instant life
Test Subject
#279 Old 2nd Aug 2011 at 7:31 PM
Cure lycanthopry
Quote: Originally posted by za1susi
I´ve tried it yesterday and there are no problems with vampires, zombies and plantsims, but now I´ve the problem that I can´t cure my werwolf. I´ve tried it on two lots but this option doesn´t work for me.

To cure a wolf you can try what your'e doing but as you said it dosen't usaully work so i have another way you only need a bit of money though. So what you do is get the obidence trainer round to your house then get the person with the wolf thing to click on her and click buy potion or something like that, so click on that then click 1 it should be cheap then click on yourself click drink potion or something you should then be cured.


Test Subject
#280 Old 3rd Aug 2011 at 12:04 PM
Can someone please help me with downloading this im really stuck I know you guys are all calling it simple and stuff but I really don't know how you do it can someone please help me I want this so bad thanks.
Original Poster
#281 Old 3rd Aug 2011 at 1:23 PM Last edited by treeag : 3rd Aug 2011 at 1:37 PM.
There's a tab up there called "Install Instructions", and for any further downloading and installing question you can ask in the help forum. They'll be able to help you better than me.
Test Subject
#282 Old 17th Aug 2011 at 5:06 PM
I cant find the picture
Test Subject
#283 Old 18th Aug 2011 at 11:14 PM
thanx man!
Test Subject
#284 Old 23rd Aug 2011 at 3:45 AM
simple and easy, i made the ultimate monster, thanks for this
Test Subject
#285 Old 1st Oct 2011 at 9:35 PM
Whenever I try to cure a Sim of a life-state with this, it never works. The action appear in the queue, then disappears, with no change to the Sim. I've tried doing it for various Sims on various lots, but with no change. They can turn INTO the life-states, but can't turn OUT of them. Help please?
Original Poster
#286 Old 2nd Oct 2011 at 4:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Rarar
Whenever I try to cure a Sim of a life-state with this, it never works. The action appear in the queue, then disappears, with no change to the Sim. I've tried doing it for various Sims on various lots, but with no change. They can turn INTO the life-states, but can't turn OUT of them. Help please?

No idea. Never encountered that problem. Which EPs do you have installed, and what creatures have you tried so far?
Test Subject
#287 Old 3rd Oct 2011 at 12:52 AM Last edited by xSkyBirdx : 3rd Oct 2011 at 1:05 AM.
Thanks this has been really useful for me!

BTW, if you are interested in learning about making the alien pieces work better, you could try this thread:
Test Subject
#288 Old 16th Oct 2011 at 10:22 PM
*Faints* I love this! Thank you SOO much! The painting is so cool and i've been looking for something like this for awhile!
Test Subject
#289 Old 18th Oct 2011 at 11:01 PM
I've been using this for many years, thank you for such a great mod!
Test Subject
#290 Old 20th Oct 2011 at 3:15 PM
Very cool!!
I only have Nightlife, Pets and Freetime but I can also turn my Sims into zombies. The best bug that an object has ever had!!
Lab Assistant
#291 Old 22nd Oct 2011 at 6:13 PM
This really help me a lot, thank you so much.
Test Subject
#292 Old 24th Oct 2011 at 1:47 AM
OMG thank u soooo much gonna test it now will witches and servos work if i dont have the expansions?
Original Poster
#293 Old 24th Oct 2011 at 5:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MaRRiEllE
Very cool!!
I only have Nightlife, Pets and Freetime but I can also turn my Sims into zombies. The best bug that an object has ever had!!

It's not a bug, it's a feature Yes, I'm serious.

Quote: Originally posted by Starfire265
OMG thank u soooo much gonna test it now will witches and servos work if i dont have the expansions?

As per the overview page:

Quote: Originally posted by treeag
Of course, you need appropriate expansions for the creatures transformation. The options will appear accordingly to the EP you have installed. For example, if you don't have Pets then the pie menu "turn into werewolf" and "cure lycanthropy" won't even appear.
Test Subject
#294 Old 12th Nov 2011 at 8:51 AM
Thanks a lot~!
Lab Assistant
#295 Old 20th Nov 2011 at 3:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Simple Star
AWESOME! thanks now i can have alot of cool things for my sims! but do i have to have night life for the vampire part?? i really like to hyave vamps...

Yes, you do. If you don't have the required expansion pack for a particular creature, then it shouldn't show up in the pie menu.
Test Subject
#296 Old 10th Dec 2011 at 11:09 AM
This is great, just what I needed.
#297 Old 14th Dec 2011 at 1:39 PM
this looks absolutely AWESOME!! I'll be running off to dL in two seconds...'quick' question(s): 1-does this conflict with any of the other supernatural cc, such as the potion bottles that parasimons has etc? 2-it honest to goodness, no doubt whatsoever turns zombies back to human? that is really the most exciting part for me, I would love to be able to cure zombinism in a neighborhood (forgot to remove zombie hack from MATY before switching 'hoods, some of my favorite familes joined the league of the damned :'( )
Original Poster
#298 Old 14th Dec 2011 at 2:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sweetbaby160
this looks absolutely AWESOME!! I'll be running off to dL in two seconds...'quick' question(s): 1-does this conflict with any of the other supernatural cc, such as the potion bottles that parasimons has etc? 2-it honest to goodness, no doubt whatsoever turns zombies back to human? that is really the most exciting part for me, I would love to be able to cure zombinism in a neighborhood (forgot to remove zombie hack from MATY before switching 'hoods, some of my favorite familes joined the league of the damned :'( )

No it shouldn't conflict with anything and yes it will cure zombies back to human
Test Subject
#299 Old 15th Jan 2012 at 5:42 PM
Thanks for the download! So much easier to get plantsims!
#300 Old 26th Feb 2012 at 5:58 AM
Yay! I'm so happy this is still here! I made a Addams Family and wanted everyone to be a different creature. After several sim days of courting vampires, petting creepy glowing eyed dogs, and molesting witches... I wasn't getting anywhere. So I'm very happy to have this!!
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