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Sim Transformer *UPDATED 02/09/2009*

by treeag Posted 25th Apr 2008 at 8:01 PM - Updated 24th Mar 2009 at 3:01 PM by treeag
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Test Subject
#301 Old 9th Mar 2012 at 10:48 PM
Well two of your mods that I use so far appear to work fine with Showtime. The Sim Tranformer works outside of the new option to become a genie so I'm guessing your going to need to look into that matter, hopefully soon.

Keep up the good work and thanks for the mods
Test Subject
#302 Old 17th Mar 2012 at 1:56 AM
OMG!!!! This is so cool. I've been trying to get a plantsim forever and it just takes too long... Thanks!!
Test Subject
#303 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 2:19 PM
Haha awesome! Just the thing I've been looking for!
Lab Assistant
#304 Old 25th Mar 2012 at 6:13 PM
This is awesome, thanks! I only have Nightlife, FreeTime and Seasons but am getting Uni soon, I can't wait to make a zombie family when I do get it! For now I am obsessed with making PlantSims and Vampires.
Test Subject
#305 Old 25th Mar 2012 at 6:17 PM
This is so cool! Will help my zombie apocalypse town allot.
Test Subject
#306 Old 29th Mar 2012 at 8:12 AM
Thank you very much for this download, it helped me so much. With this item I got a plantsim for the first time!
Is there any possibility now to cure sims who were born als aliensims from alienism? Or any tip? That is the only thing I miss about the item .
Again, thank you very much for uploading.
Top Secret Researcher
#307 Old 11th May 2012 at 1:52 PM
Awesome, I have this on my sims 2 and I use it most of the time to make all the creatures I need .
Test Subject
#308 Old 28th May 2012 at 10:22 PM
Kooooool thanks. I never did understand alienism but i noticed all im able to do with it was to turn them green. You should add another option to make your sims genies instead of always bringing you one.
Test Subject
#309 Old 29th Jul 2012 at 4:04 AM
This helps alot!I have apartment life and pets the zombies are just like the sims but they won`t attack any advice?
Forum Resident
#310 Old 2nd Aug 2012 at 11:59 PM
awesome the hack I always wanted to have many thanks it's a must have !
#311 Old 14th Aug 2012 at 7:00 PM
Error 404,it won't work
Test Subject
#312 Old 21st Dec 2012 at 11:28 AM
Its awesome! thanks

Let there be Sims! I'm a bit of a writer, but who cares.
I'm 'Livin' it Large'. Like I've just been 'Unleashed'; I'll be a 'Superstar' that needs a 'Holiday'. Then I'll be 'Makin' Magic' with my Sims. When I need a day off, 'Bon Voyage', I'll take it any 'Season'.
Test Subject
#313 Old 24th Dec 2012 at 8:29 PM
Amzing, thanks!
Test Subject
#314 Old 5th Jan 2013 at 5:48 PM
Default Genie
Quote: Originally posted by milka268
how do you get a genie, i've tried and it won't work :\

You can get one by using the ''boolprop testingcheatsenabled true''. Shift&Click on a Sim and then, after clicking on the sim's face to see more options, you will find somewhere a Genie Lamp Cheat. Click on it and a lamp may appear in front of you.
Field Researcher
#315 Old 11th Feb 2013 at 2:01 AM
This is great for filling up my town with some pre-made supernatural sims. Thanks.
Test Subject
#316 Old 14th Feb 2013 at 6:49 PM
Um, for some reasons, vampires made using this mod can't bite/turn other Sims. Influencing them to bite/turn Sims works, and the bitten/turned Sims can bite other Sims. I tried taking out every hack I have that messes with the Bite Neck interaction, but the problem persists.

That's the only problem I find. Otherwise, this mod is brilliant Thanks a million for making it ^.^
Test Subject
#317 Old 28th Feb 2013 at 4:42 PM
really useful. THANKS :-*
Test Subject
#318 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 8:48 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but the alien transformations don't work. My sims stop being aliens if I leave the lot and come back.
Test Subject
#319 Old 5th May 2013 at 6:46 PM
Why am i only able to spawn a male bigfoot,and not a female one?
I would like to have a whole bigfoot faimly,is this possible?
Space Pony
#320 Old 17th May 2013 at 7:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by nananare
Um, for some reasons, vampires made using this mod can't bite/turn other Sims. Influencing them to bite/turn Sims works, and the bitten/turned Sims can bite other Sims. I tried taking out every hack I have that messes with the Bite Neck interaction, but the problem persists.

That's the only problem I find. Otherwise, this mod is brilliant Thanks a million for making it ^.^

Vampires created by this mod CAN TURN OTHER SIMS into vampires so long as the other SIM you want to turn into a vampire has a high enough relationship rating with your vampire.

Or you could try using the "SIMs accept bite" mod found here:
Test Subject
#321 Old 1st Jun 2013 at 8:56 PM
Thank you so much! This is gonna be really helpful in a challenge I'll be starting up! :D
#322 Old 5th Jul 2013 at 9:41 PM
A must have! Becoming a werewolf is too hard..
Will the zombie option appear if I just have Freetime?
Test Subject
#323 Old 7th Jul 2013 at 9:14 PM
This is perfect for a creature sim set i made and will upload in the next 4 months
Test Subject
#324 Old 4th Aug 2013 at 4:37 AM
Everything works perfectly except for aliens-- once I leave the lot, they turn back to normal and stay that way until I try turning them into aliens again.. They're the only ones that do that. Is there anything that can fix that?
Test Subject
#325 Old 9th Feb 2014 at 2:54 PM
Why I can't turn into werewolf?
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