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OUTDATED: The "CEP" (Color Enable Packages) - V. 2.0 - 14-MAR-2005

by Numenor Posted 31st Dec 2004 at 3:52 AM - Updated 27th Nov 2013 at 10:30 PM by Nysha
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637 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 636 Feedback Posts
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Test Subject
#101 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 1:13 AM
I have read this whole thread and got more confused by the second....When you are making a new picture or you have to rename the texture image and reassign the hash and all the other steps as though your making any object? Or do you just run the photo studio pick one of the three the picture you want to put in and hit create? Is that it? There has to be more to it right?

Please someone help...I've gotten myself so frustrated and crazy.

Another thing...I have the tutoral about the version 0.12t and using the object there a more up to date one...or is this one fine if I want to learn to use that.

I've just got recoloring down to an art...have a ball now a new version and new plugins...and I swear I'm lost again... :weep:

BTW: you guys who created all of this... cheers because your geniuses...Love ya!
Administrator of Loverat's Tea and Underpants
#102 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 1:37 AM
The one about using 12t still applies to the current version. The only thing it doesn't include is Photo Studio, which is not a required part of recoloring an object. I haven't really had a chance to look at Photo Studio yet, but if it's needed I'll add a tutorial on using that on my list of things to write. I have a few that I want to do.

Quaxi and Numenor, excellent work. Thanks so much. I'm glad you were able to get this beta up while I was away.

Lab Assistant
#103 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 1:47 AM
I know this is going to be a dumb question but I have to ask is there another thread that would explain how to d/l the color option files a little bit more simpler for ppl like myself that are not so smart when it comes to comps? Only reason I ask is cause I'm unsure how to make a temp file and after I do I'm not sure where to put it and yes I read the directions above and I'm ambarrased to say this but I really don't want to do it wrong and screw up my comp
Test Subject
#104 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 1:48 AM
Thanks for responding RGiles...I'm doing the Object Workshop tutorial now...I'm so is so easy so far...LOL! Keep up the good work...Cheers!
Test Subject
#105 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 2:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Nemi
Alright, not starting anything here but some people over at TSR seems to think its okay to upload objects made with this feature to that site.
I posted that it wouldn't be fair and that you all requested it not be sold anywhere and that most people wouldn't even see it cause they'd need these extra files but it might very well fall on deaf ears.

Just a heads up.

To be fair...this is not what was actually said and if it was (which I can't seem to find) then certainly not by the majority. People were commenting on how the rider wasn't entirely clear. The suggestion was that Quaxi, RGiles and Numenor et al. would need to be more specific i.e, we do not want you to upload these files from our plugin if the site is a paysite or you plan to sell them on disc etc... This is something I would respect and adhere too.

I know there is great resentment toward TSR et al. but I just don't want this post turning into another slanging match. It's starting to put people off coming to sites (me included).

Personally I think it's a dreadful shame how this subject has really split the community up...
Lab Assistant
#106 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 2:18 AM Last edited by Nemi : 2nd Jan 2005 at 2:24 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by nanshi_nibble
To be fair...this is not what was actually said and if it was (which I can't seem to find) then certainly not by the majority. People were commenting on how the rider wasn't entirely clear. The suggestion was that Quaxi, RGiles and Numenor et al. would need to be more specific i.e, we do not want you to upload these files from our plugin if the site is a paysite or you plan to sell them on disc etc... This is something I would respect and adhere too.

I know there is great resentment toward TSR et al. but I just don't want this post turning into another slanging match. It's starting to put people off coming to sites (me included).

Personally I think it's a dreadful shame how this subject has really split the community up...

I know it wasn't by the majority but it was already stated by at least one member that they'd already uploaded what they made with this, which I think was unfair. And like I stated at TSR, I would've done it with any site.

And I made sure to write, 'not to start anything' cause I know its a touchy subject.

And I agree, it is a shame.
#107 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 2:46 AM Last edited by Quaxi : 2nd Jan 2005 at 3:06 AM.
Please wait until Numenor and RGiles confirm this!

I hope I did understand Numenor and I hope RGiles agrees! We decided that for the sake of all Sims 2 Gamers, the Enablers can be used for Pay Content.

So you can use them for the Recolors you sell. The only thing we want, is that you do NEVER sell the SetupFile (or it's content or part of that Content).

If you host the Files on your Server, please make sure you update them when we release new Updates and please give Numenor and RGiles some credit for the Packages.

Until we reach a stable Point, we wont put it to the Downloads Section here at MTS2. If you don't want to host the File you can link to I will always put the latest Version there, Numenor will allways update the Version you find in the First Post, so you can also link to this Thread.
When the Packages are stable, we let you know the alternative Location here at MTS2.

So here is the "license" again:
You can sell Recolors based on the Recolor Packages
You don't have to mention SimPE You have to give Numenor and RGiles the credit for creating the packages
Youre not allowed to sell the Enabler packages or its content or part of it.
Please let your Costumers know that this is in the Testing stages!
You can offer the Setup on your own Server, or just link to this Thread or to the download on the SimPE site.
Lab Assistant
#108 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 2:49 AM
Your openmindedness and generousity is amazing. You guys rock! :D
#109 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 3:04 AM
This is probably the wrong thread to answer this, but Recolors you create with Photo Studio are finished.

Just save them to your downloads Folder and use thm in the Game. No Hash changes or anything else needed.
Field Researcher
#110 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 3:09 AM
If I start thanking each and every one of you individually, it would go on longer than an Academy Award speech, so just THANK YOU, all of you who have turned SimPE into a real Object-Recoloring Machine! I'm so excited about the new color options, I can hardly wait to dive in.

THANK YOU, too, for being so generous in allowing those of us with our own websites to distribute the Enabler for our recolors, in such an easy-to-use form (the .exe file). I'll link to the SimPE site until it's all stabilized, however...good advice.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: You're all shining beacons of the Sims Community. Your Community spirit and generosity must put an enormous grin on "Uncle Will's" face every day. :D
Lab Assistant
#111 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 3:09 AM
Thanks guys, just checking for answers to my previous question, guess it is okay to advertise my update now Having read the rules above >.<
Annie -x-
Lab Assistant
#112 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 3:38 AM
THANKS Numenor so much for explaining to me how the file worked so that I could get it into my game and if anyone else was'nt sure where to put the file (wich I hardly doubt theirs anyone as computer illerite as me lol) you can d/l the file right to your desk top and then double click on it and it will automatically insert it into your game now I'm off to get all the objects that now can be recolered you guys are the best thanx again
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#113 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 3:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Quaxi
Please wait until Numenor and RGiles confirm this!
So here is the "license" again:
You can sell Recolors based on the Recolor Packages
You don't have to mention SimPE You have to give Numenor and RGiles the credit for creating the packages
Youre not allowed to sell the Enabler packages or its content or part of it.
Please let your Costumers know that this is in the Testing stages!
You can offer the Setup on your own Server, or just link to this Thread or to the download on the SimPE site.

Quote: Originally posted by Nemi
Your openmindedness and generousity is amazing.

First of all, I confirm completely the licence rules stated in Quaxi's post.
I discussed this problem with Quaxi and decided that our priority is to create a guideline to recolouring modders. We love the game, we like to understand what's "behind" the game and we'd like to prevent some problems that occurred with The Sims 1. You know, there are alternative ways to recolour objects (have you read the post by glacier1701?) but these alternative methods would lead to chaos and internal conflicts that would make worse the game functionality. So, we decided to give the results of our work to the Community for free, because it's important that every recolouring modder used the Enabler packages. And if you want to sell your own recolours (made with the Enabler packages) for money, it's OK with us.
But we would get *very* angry if we'd discover that someone *sells* our Enabler packages for money; and we *did* get very angry when we discovered that a user from this Community (he knows who I'm talking about) had sold (without our permission and before we had officially released the Enabler packages) some objects created with our recolouring methods.

Thanks anyway for your compliment. The appreciation and the good feedback we get from the Community is all that we need.
Test Subject
#114 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 4:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Quaxi
This is probably the wrong thread to answer this, but Recolors you create with Photo Studio are finished.

Just save them to your downloads Folder and use thm in the Game. No Hash changes or anything else needed.

Thanks Quaxi, I appreciate the help...My husband says I'm a negative thinker...I just couldn't believe that was all there was to it...LOL!

I second what Nemi said "Your generosity is amazing you guys rock"

The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#115 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 4:20 AM
Attention everybody!
More objects has been added to the Enabler packages, so redownload the installer (and the Excluded Objects list)!
Lab Assistant
#116 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 4:37 AM
Just wanted to say *Thankyou so much for all your hard work, also thankyou for sharing and giving up your time to do this*
I'm still working on my first set but when it's finally complete I shall be posting my efforts here.
Lab Assistant
#117 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 4:46 AM
i have had some problems with using SimPE in alliance with txtr extractor to make a recolor of the alienware pc. Is there a way that i can use it now with the way SimPE is set up for addiing textures. Cause it isnt in the object workshop and it doesnt get tagged right to be used in txtr extractor
Lab Assistant
#118 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 9:03 AM
numenor are the gender doors ment to be not recoloured cause when u open it in OW nothing cmoes up, just like the kids stove which didnt get fixed in the new versoin
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#119 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 11:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by hippi
Just wanted to say *Thankyou so much for all your hard work, also thankyou for sharing and giving up your time to do this*
I'm still working on my first set but when it's finally complete I shall be posting my efforts here.

Thanks hippi for your feedback. I'll be very glad to look at the results of your artistic efforts; just remember to post them in the Object Recolours forum (you meant that, when you've said "here", didn't you ).
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#120 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 11:38 AM Last edited by numenor : 2nd Jan 2005 at 11:42 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by kidwizz
numenor are the gender doors ment to be not recoloured cause when u open it in OW nothing cmoes up, just like the kids stove which didnt get fixed in the new versoin

As for the gender door, I haven't examined at all, because they had already colour option in the original game. So, I simply skipped them, like any other object that originally had more than one color option, because the Enabler packages have nothing to do with already enabled objects. That's why those doors aren't included in the Enabler packages AND they are not listed in the Excluded Objecs list.
Anyway, you're right, OW can't extract correctly the right files for recolouring, and that's quite interesting. I'll try and understand why and then will ask Quaxi to modifying SimPE in a suitable way.

As for the toy oven, it's strange: it shows up correctly in the OW listbox and OW extracts the right files when asked to create a recolour package.
I can't think of any reason for this different behaviour between my SimPE and yours... The obvious things to check are: SimPE version (v014 *minimum*) and the Option menu (check the correct paths to the game and document folders).
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#121 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 11:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mattym
i have had some problems with using SimPE in alliance with txtr extractor to make a recolor of the alienware pc. Is there a way that i can use it now with the way SimPE is set up for addiing textures. Cause it isnt in the object workshop and it doesnt get tagged right to be used in txtr extractor

Currently, all the objects that Maxis released as add-ons don't show up in the OW listbox, because it list only the original Maxis objects contained in the objects.package.
So, you have to manually create the recolour package, following the procedure described by Pinhead in his tutorial, minding that all the original files that have to be extracted are contained into the alienware package that is located into your download folder (I don't remember the original package name, I renamed it so long ago...)
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#122 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 12:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kidwizz
numenor my game has gone crazy since i installed this thing! my game keeps andding things i'm not even downlaoding! like just then i have 4 other alien ware computers they were all hacked like mattym's and coldfusion (stuff like that) and i have 4 other correres added to my game for no reasion and i have like 30 taps that i never had before. and i have the latest SimPE for the oven thing... weird
BTW havent downloaded anyhting form yesterday and still more things appear.

anyone else having this problem???????????? :confused: :weep:

Black magic?
Seriously, I really don't know what's happened to your game.
I only know that there are absolutely NO references in the Enabler packages to the Alienware PC (as I stated in my previous post).
What are the "taps" you are talking about? I don't understand...

Anyway, if for any reason these objects/colours decided to show up at once, it's a good thing: it means that you already had them nested somewhere in your game, and now you are able to *delete* them if you don't like it. :D
Have you read what I've posted about my experience with the game patch?
Maybe the patch and/or our packages had removed the causes that prevented those object to show up correctly, but don't ask me how it happened!
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#123 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 12:50 PM
Kidwizz: have you found what the problem was? Let me know, please!
Field Researcher
#124 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 3:53 PM
I want to download the package to be able to use the new recolored objects but I don't want to make anything. So, can I just download the package by itself. I do not have net frame or simpe.

sorry if this is a stupid question, I have read all the posts and I still don't understand if this is a stand alone download or I need the net frame and SimPE thingy.

sorry but I am an old person with sometimerers
The ModFather
retired moderator
Original Poster
#125 Old 2nd Jan 2005 at 4:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LynnMar
I want to download the package to be able to use the new recolored objects but I don't want to make anything. So, can I just download the package by itself. I do not have net frame or simpe.

sorry if this is a stupid question, I have read all the posts and I still don't understand if this is a stand alone download or I need the net frame and SimPE thingy.

sorry but I am an old person with sometimerers

I repeat myself: there aren't stupid questions, only stupid answers...
The Enabler packagers are stand-alone; you don't need either .NET or SimPE in order to get benefits from our packages, as long as you don't want to create some recolours. You still need the packages (stand-alone) if you want to download recolours for objects that originally had only 1 color.

We are very glad to have older members in our Community: TS2 is a cross-generation game!
Closed Thread
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