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50 New Lifetime Wants for Sims 2

by Lamare Posted 2nd Aug 2022 at 1:37 AM - Updated 21st Jul 2024 at 1:36 AM by Lamare
322 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 262 Feedback Posts, 59 Thanks Posts
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Link Ninja
#51 Old 5th Aug 2022 at 2:29 AM
Hey there! Still checking back and I see another update for today (Aug 4th). Just making sure it's not something that requires a re-download. Thanks!
Test Subject
#52 Old 5th Aug 2022 at 3:22 AM
I just wanted to double-check something. MidgeTheTree has a witch memory fix that fixes a mistake in Pescado's creaturefixes, specifically:

"Pescado meant to make it so sims who didn’t want/fear becoming a witch would have if they got the good or bad version of the memory determined by personality (nice sims like being good witches but not evil, grouchy sims vice versa) with neutral witches/sims with 5 nice points getting their memory based on aspiration.

Problem is there were two typos, one that sometimes removed all of your sim’s nice points and one that meant neutral and evil witches were getting mixed up. Now the fix will work as Pescado actually intended."

Will her fix conflict like creaturefixes does? This fix is also included in her Supernatural Fans/Skeptics Memory Mod.
just a girl
Original Poster
#53 Old 5th Aug 2022 at 7:34 AM
Hey @Charmful. I haven't updated the files, but added a new separate file for those who use Midge's Supernatural Fans/Skeptics mod. And later I'll add one for another conflicting mod.

Quote: Originally posted by DellaLuna
MidgeTheTree has a witch memory fix

It won't conflict with my files.
Test Subject
#54 Old 5th Aug 2022 at 9:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
Hey @Charmful. I haven't updated the files, but added a new separate file for those who use Midge's Supernatural Fans/Skeptics mod. And later I'll add one for another conflicting mod.

It won't conflict with my files.

Thank you so much
that chaos-loving 'bre
staff: trainee moderator THANKS POST
#55 Old 5th Aug 2022 at 3:13 PM
Hey, amazing mod! I'm already using it and I love it!

One inquiry I have is that the Astronomer package conflicts with Severino's Astronomy Mod:

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Sub - Stars Thought Balloons
Group ID: 0x7FFEA664
Instance ID: 0x0000202E
Packages Containing This Procedure:

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Sub - Planets Thought Balloons
Group ID: 0x7FFEA664
Instance ID: 0x00002014
Packages Containing This Procedure:

Any chance this is resolvable? Thanks in advance!
just a girl
Original Poster
#56 Old 5th Aug 2022 at 6:03 PM
Two more conflicts resolved

Midge's CC Potions Made Better (betterccpotions-witchescancraft) conflicts with my Witches LTW. To use both mods: 1) download zzPatch_creaturefixes_WitchLTW (yes, it's the same as for creaturefixes), 2) make it load after BOTH mods, 3) put the files in the same folder and/or make a note for yourself not to forget about the load order arrangement.

Pick'N'Mix's Sims Salary Bonus Scheme (WH_PayBook_C) conflicts with my Job Hopper. To use both mods: 1) download zzPatch_WH_PayBook_C_JobHopperLTW, 2) make it load after BOTH mods, 3) put the files in the same folder and/or make a note for yourself not to forget about the load order arrangement.
Quote: Originally posted by LimeyYoshi
One inquiry I have is that the Astronomer package conflicts with Severino's Astronomy Mod:
Any chance this is resolvable? Thanks in advance!

Severino's Astronomy Mod is not compatible with my Astronomer LTW and can't be easily made compatible without some fiddling. Remove it if you want to use my LTW (or remove the Astronomer LTW and edit it out of the WantTuning package).
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 5th Aug 2022 at 10:56 PM
Thanks for these amazing mods! There's a conflict with Pescado's vacation fixes (, I don't see anything about it mentioned here (sorry if you did and I missed it) and the mementos LTW. Does your mod make those fixes unneccesary?

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Sub - Dig Loop
Group ID: 0x7F33BE70
Instance ID: 0x00001005
Packages Containing This Procedure:

There's also a conflict with Inteen, is this one resolvable? Even if it's a case of losing functionality from one or the other (if so, what functionality would be lost?).

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Soc&Rel: Adjust STR From A->B w/ nIDs
Group ID: 0x7FD46CD0
Instance ID: 0x00000352
Packages Containing This Procedure:
Lab Assistant
#58 Old 6th Aug 2022 at 3:30 PM
Got the same conflict with Inteen as the poster above me, hoping it's just a matter of load order or that i can just lose some functionality from this LTW mod instead. Also got this one:

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Influenced - Charge Influencer
Group ID: 0x7FD1A4B4
Instance ID: 0x0000101A
Packages Containing This Procedure:

Link to mod (MTS). I didn't start the game yet to see what happens exactly, just checked the files with conflict detector and it came up.
Field Researcher
#59 Old 6th Aug 2022 at 6:02 PM
Amazing work, I'm so excited to explore!! :D
Mad Poster
#60 Old 7th Aug 2022 at 3:46 AM
You may need a few harvestable trees or plants to pass the Garden Club inspection with the highest score, but I'm not certain.
I can confirm that you absolutely do not need any harvestable trees or plants to get a Maximum Garden Score. I got it once just by covering every open space of yard w flowerbeds (according to my notes, it should require 70 flowerbeds to earn the Wishing Well, so long as you don't have anything that's deducting points).
just a girl
Original Poster
#61 Old 7th Aug 2022 at 10:03 AM Last edited by Lamare : 7th Aug 2022 at 10:58 PM.
Thank you for the reports, everyone!

Quote: Originally posted by TheDarkLady
There's a conflict with Pescado's vacation fixes (, I don't see anything about it mentioned here (sorry if you did and I missed it) and the mementos LTW. Does your mod make those fixes unneccesary?

There's also a conflict with Inteen, is this one resolvable? Even if it's a case of losing functionality from one or the other (if so, what functionality would be lost?).

Let VacationsMementos load after Pescado's vacation fixes and it should be Ok. Pescado's change to the "Sub - Dig Loop" procedure is that it lets uncotrolled vacation pals find things in the sand, but it's no too bad if they can't, I'd say.

As for InTeen, I'm looking at AL version and see zzzInTeenimater_B.package. I will assume that this file is the same as yours, but slightly renamed. If it loads after my VacationsMementos, the lifetime want may not get fulfilled, as it won't count the friendship with Bigfoot, although it will count if you move the Bigfoot in. If it's the other way around and VacationsMementos loads after InTeenimater_B, teens won't receive crush flags toward adults and vice versa (those little hearts on the relationship panel). It will probably mean that interactions that require sims to be in love won't be availbale to them. Just to be clear, it concerns teen-adult relationships.

If you switch to the new version of Mementos LTW these conflicts will go away completely.

Quote: Originally posted by magicslippers

'Vampires can turn sims into Ghouls' mod is outdated and needs fixing for newer EPs. The influencing system or at least some parts of it will not work properly with it. I won't make patches for it. If you decide to keep it for some reason, my LTW_Influencer must load after LBFInfluenceZombie+Ghoul, otherwise influence actions won't be counted and the lifetime want will never get fulfilled. For that mod this arrangement will mean that influencer will be charged points as usual, but other mod functions won't be affected by the conflict.

Quote: Originally posted by Rosawyn
I can confirm that you absolutely do not need any harvestable trees or plants to get a Maximum Garden Score. I got it once just by covering every open space of yard w flowerbeds (according to my notes, it should require 70 flowerbeds to earn the Wishing Well, so long as you don't have anything that's deducting points).

Good to know, thanks!
just a girl
Original Poster
#62 Old 7th Aug 2022 at 10:08 AM
Default Update
Today I added Polish and German translations and a special version of Mementos LTW that doesn't conflict with anything. If you're not interested in these additions, you don't have to download anything today.
About this special version of 'Collect All Vacation Mementos' LTW. It has no BHAV overrides, but requires replacing ObjectScripts.package in game files. This version is OPTIONAL, you may stick with the regular fussy version from the bundle if you want.
How to switch:
1) download VacationsMementos_ObjScripts for your latest pack (FT/AL/MG),
2) put LTW package with other LTWs in your Downloads,
3) remove LTW_VacationsMementos_x2,
4) remove all zzPatches that have MementosLTW in their names,
5) backup your original ObjectScripts.package found where your latest pack is installed (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\ObjectScripts),
6) replace the ObjectScripts.package with the downloaded version.

If you happen to uninstall my LTWs and forget to restore your ObjectScripts package, nothing bad will happen. It's safe to leave it there, but it also won't hurt to make a note or something to remember.
Lab Assistant
#63 Old 7th Aug 2022 at 4:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
'Vampires can turn sims into Ghouls' mod is outdated and needs fixing for newer EPs. The influencing system or at least some parts of it will not work properly with it. I won't make patches for it. If you decide to keep it for some reason, my LTW_Influencer must load after LBFInfluenceZombie+Ghoul, otherwise influence actions won't be counted and the lifetime want will never get fulfilled. For that mod this arrangement will mean that influencer will be charged points as usual, but other mod functions won't be affected by the conflict.

Oh yeah that's fine, my game is very old so i have some older mods in. It's no big deal to just remove that one. Thanks for the quick reply! Excited to try out the mod now that all the conflicts are out of the way!
Lab Assistant
#64 Old 7th Aug 2022 at 6:09 PM
Thanks for these awesome new LTW's and your LTW chooser I found that in practice, I had a lot of the same Sims (like the career achiever, the store owner, the supernatural, the romance sim) which did the exact same things. Also meaning that I never played with certain other things in the game (like vacations). Hopefully this will shake things up a bit and give me new inspiration!

Also, thanks to your extensive installation instructions, I have managed to remove all conflicts but one in my massive downloads folder. Those instructions really helped a lot! The last conflict I'm having is with woohoo teens and vacation mementos. I saw you had a non-conflicting version of the vacation mementos, which I might try if necessary since I don't want to remove woohoo teens, but I think this should be fine since your mod loads last. I can let you know more once I've played with the mod (which at this point I haven't) .

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Soc&Rel: Adjust STR From A->B w/ nIDs
Group ID: 0x7FD46CD0
Instance ID: 0x00000352
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Mods\3. Twojeffs & Simbology\WooHooTeens_6n_Apartment_Life.package
\downloads\Mods\5. MTS\lamare_LTW_VacationsMementos_x2.package
Lab Assistant
#65 Old 7th Aug 2022 at 8:40 PM
Hmmm now I've started playing I notice something I haven't noticed before: Sims I made in university that have 5 wants slots instead of 4 to start out with. It might not be your mod, but I suspect it might be. One sim has the mansion & butler LTW, the other wants to reach the platinum aspiration level. The other four I made are fine.
just a girl
Original Poster
#66 Old 7th Aug 2022 at 11:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Simone95
Hmmm now I've started playing I notice something I haven't noticed before: Sims I made in university that have 5 wants slots instead of 4 to start out with. It might not be your mod, but I suspect it might be. One sim has the mansion & butler LTW, the other wants to reach the platinum aspiration level. The other four I made are fine.

I can't recreate this problem, so I can't say what it is... My guess was the WantTuning acting up, but even if I deliberately mess it up it doesn't affect want slots. But I'll ask you anyway: Did you edit it or remove any files from the the bundle? If your problem is related to my mod, the WantTuning package is the prime suspect.

Can not find WooHooTeens mod on the internet to look at it.

I'm glad the instructions helped. This is a big mod and I wanted to make it easier to deal with for other people (and myself in the future when I forget all about it).

I hope you'll sort out your issue with want slots and will be able to enjoy your game.
Lab Assistant
#67 Old 7th Aug 2022 at 11:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
I can't recreate this problem, so I can't say what it is... My guess was the WantTuning acting up, but even if I deliberately mess it up it doesn't affect want slots. But I'll ask you anyway: Did you edit it or remove any files from the the bundle? If your problem is related to my mod, the WantTuning package is the prime suspect.

Can not find WooHooTeens mod on the internet to look at it.

I'm glad the instructions helped. This is a big mod and I wanted to make it easier to deal with for other people (and myself in the future when I forget all about it).

I hope you'll sort out your issue with want slots and will be able to enjoy your game.

I did not change any files: I just removed the other mods that were conflicting, or adjusted load order. But with a large download folder like mine, I wouldn't be surprised if a conflict was acting up . I have had it happen before this mod that a Sim after year 1 of uni did not get the 5th want slot, but never the other way around until now, that's why I suspect that this mod might have anything to do with it. I would have to look at it with a clean install of the mod, and even then it seems random whether it happens or not, so no idea how to reproduce it exactly.

WooHooTeens used to be on Symbology, but can now be found here .
just a girl
Original Poster
#68 Old 9th Aug 2022 at 8:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Simone95
WooHooTeens used to be on Symbology, but can now be found here .

Looked into it, and the nature of this conflict with "Soc&Rel: Adjust STR From A->B w/ nIDs" seems to be the same as with InTeen, so I'll just copy my own words:

If it loads after my VacationsMementos, the lifetime want may not get fulfilled, as it won't count the friendship with Bigfoot, although it will count if you move the Bigfoot in. If it's the other way around and VacationsMementos loads after WooHooTeens, teens won't receive crush flags toward adults and vice versa (those little hearts on the relationship panel). It will probably mean that interactions that require sims to be in love won't be available to them. Just to be clear, it concerns teen-adult relationships.

Quote: Originally posted by Simone95
I would have to look at it with a clean install of the mod, and even then it seems random whether it happens or not, so no idea how to reproduce it exactly.

What was different about those sims, apart from LTWs you already mentioned? How many sims did you create in that household at once? What kind of lot did you move them into? Maybe you could recreate those steps and it'll happen again.
Test Subject
#69 Old 10th Aug 2022 at 12:49 AM
Hey! I'm super excited to try these out but wanted to clarify something first: In the post you say not to load your neighborhood without your downloads. Would it still be possible to load my neighborhood without my other downloads, so long as I keep these in? I frequently have to 50/50 my content to ferret out bugs in specific lots.

tumblr and [URL=[/URL]
Mad Poster
#70 Old 10th Aug 2022 at 1:28 AM
When you do a 50/50 on a neighborhood you care about, you should make a backup of the neighborhood, do the 50/50, and then when you've found the problem delete the neighborhood and replace it with the backup. Then it does not matter at all what you remove during the 50/50. There are a number of mods that shouldn't be removed, and many more that will lose settings if you remove them, so you should be doing that regardless.
just a girl
Original Poster
#71 Old 10th Aug 2022 at 7:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Pooklet
Hey! I'm super excited to try these out but wanted to clarify something first: In the post you say not to load your neighborhood without your downloads. Would it still be possible to load my neighborhood without my other downloads, so long as I keep these in? I frequently have to 50/50 my content to ferret out bugs in specific lots.

What kestrellyn said. I can only add that if you keep custom objects in sim's inventories they will vanish too when you load the 'hood without downloads (IIRC, it's been a while since I tested it). You don't even have to load any lot and save the game to lose data, it happens in 'hood view, and you can't "undo" it.
Test Subject
#72 Old 12th Aug 2022 at 1:23 PM
Omg you just created my dream mod! I’ve been looking for something like this for years! Thank you thank you thank you ????
Test Subject
#73 Old 12th Aug 2022 at 2:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
When you do a 50/50 on a neighborhood you care about, you should make a backup of the neighborhood, do the 50/50, and then when you've found the problem delete the neighborhood and replace it with the backup. Then it does not matter at all what you remove during the 50/50. There are a number of mods that shouldn't be removed, and many more that will lose settings if you remove them, so you should be doing that regardless.

Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
What kestrellyn said. I can only add that if you keep custom objects in sim's inventories they will vanish too when you load the 'hood without downloads (IIRC, it's been a while since I tested it). You don't even have to load any lot and save the game to lose data, it happens in 'hood view, and you can't "undo" it.

Thank you both for this info, I appreciate it!

tumblr and [URL=[/URL]
Test Subject
#74 Old 13th Aug 2022 at 5:08 PM
you are a gift to the sims 2 modding community!! thank you
just a girl
Original Poster
#75 Old 16th Aug 2022 at 7:20 AM

Main Bundles:
- Added Czech translation by HerrUhr
- Lowered the numbers for cooking contest winners (20 instead of 30), street performer, musician, and DJ (§10k instead of §20k).
- Updated LTW_LifeLiver to be seen by updated LTW Chooser (there was a bug that chooser showed this LTW for those who don't have it).

New Files:
- Added a compatibility patch for Nopke's Novel Royalty Fixes (regular version) and my Novel LTW. You can use them both now, thanks to Meduza who was kind enough to make it. Download zz_Patch_novelRoyaltyFixes_NovelLTW and make it load after BOTH mods.
As usual, you may skip on this update if you're not interested in these changes. Nothing critical here.

Big thanks to @HerrUhr and @Meduza for their help! ❤
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