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50 New Lifetime Wants for Sims 2

by Lamare Posted 2nd Aug 2022 at 1:37 AM - Updated 21st Jul 2024 at 1:36 AM by Lamare
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just a girl
Original Poster
#151 Old 10th Jan 2023 at 2:06 PM
RenegadeSims, thanks for noticing, I fixed the description, it's supposed to be 20 and 20. The number is the same for both activities, for the sake of being easier to customize. I would say I could make a separate version for you, but I already promised a ton of stuff, and Mac people are still waiting for BV versions, so... not soon.
Test Subject
#152 Old 13th Jan 2023 at 8:45 AM
Default Russian localization
Hello! In the Russian localization of mod, the ltw of achieving a career in show business is called "getting a position: illusionist" and the position of the 10th level is also called "illusionist", although it should be a "cult figure" or "icon".
Tell me what to do?
just a girl
Original Poster
#153 Old 13th Jan 2023 at 11:06 AM
Hi @Rowena_Styx
I think you might be confusing show business and entertainment. These are different careers, with cult figure and illusionist on top, respectively. The mod doesn't affect those texts, actually, so if there's really something wrong with the title, you might have a career default replacement that changes it. The lifetime want description pulls the title from the actual career.
Test Subject
#154 Old 14th Jan 2023 at 11:50 PM
These look amazing! I am a bit of a mod noob: the description says base game compatible, but the instructions say you need M+G, Freetime or AL to install. I am a Mac user without any of these packs: does that mean this mod will not work for me? Many thanks!
just a girl
Original Poster
#155 Old 16th Jan 2023 at 5:24 PM
Hi @ShadowsintheLight23
Yes. The mod won't work properly and will cause errors. I plan on making a version for Mac users, but I don't know when it will happen.

It says base game compatible, because I have all versions in one thread and couldn't pick any particular pack that is needed for all of them. There's no option to say "any pack in range" in the Packs Needed field.
Test Subject
#156 Old 17th Jan 2023 at 7:27 AM Last edited by Rowena_Styx : 17th Jan 2023 at 8:00 AM.
Default the title is wrong
no, I'm not confusing careers, but for some reason the title is wrong. I used to only have a mod for these four careers and everything was fine. but it was after removing another mod and installing your mod that the title changed, so I decided to write to you
maybe I have some kind of bug, but I do not know how to fix it
I don't really understand how it works
just a girl
Original Poster
#157 Old 17th Jan 2023 at 3:11 PM
@Rowena_Styx, this mod doesn't replace career titles. 100%, checked it in game even. If yours has changed you must have downloaded something else that replaces it, or maybe you've removed something that fixed it if it's a localization bug (could happen).

First of all, see if you have any career defaults. Not LTW, career! Do you know how to speed up the process by dividing your stuff in halves? It's often called binary search or 50/50 method. Try it, makes it easier to find the culprit.

If you remove everything and the title is still wrong, then it may be a bug, so try to remember what you have removed. There may have been something that fixed it for you before.
Test Subject
#158 Old 17th Jan 2023 at 8:18 PM
Default The title is wrong
the problem was because of mod - Phaenoh_JobLevelTranslations. thank you for your time!
Lab Assistant
#159 Old 20th Jan 2023 at 6:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
RenegadeSims, thanks for noticing, I fixed the description, it's supposed to be 20 and 20. The number is the same for both activities, for the sake of being easier to customize. I would say I could make a separate version for you, but I already promised a ton of stuff, and Mac people are still waiting for BV versions, so... not soon.

No worries AT ALL - I don't mind increasing them for both! I just didn't know if having them separate was something I could do, because I would if I could. You've been doing a lot for Sims 2 and I'm enjoying come across your work. Just found and picked up the Part-Time jobs mod last night. I can't believe we didn't have stuff like this before. So thank you! <3 - my new Sims page, mods & Quarantine Challenge.
Lab Assistant
#160 Old 21st Jan 2023 at 6:10 AM
Hi, The Witches LTW seem to conflict with Pick N Mix.s More Witch Craftables, is there a way to solve this conflict? Thanks!
just a girl
Original Poster
#161 Old 24th Jan 2023 at 11:02 AM
Hi @Segfred
I think the same patch as for creaturefixes will solve it (zzPatch_creaturefixes_WitchLTW). The conflicting BHAV (Make - Put Appropriate item in Inventory) is pretty much the same in both mods. You can rename the file for your own convenience, just make sure that it loads after my LTW and Pick'N'Mix's mod.
Test Subject
#162 Old 25th Jan 2023 at 12:13 AM
my sim has 'gain 5 gold badges' ltf. i've checked it in want tuning, it is definitely 5. my sim has all 5' gain a gold badge' memories, but the want is not fulfilled. what am i doing wrong? :c
p.s. i havent updated my mod since august
just a girl
Original Poster
#163 Old 25th Jan 2023 at 12:42 PM
Hi @sadananas
It's probably a mod conflict.
1. Do you have any mods affecting badges? Maybe some that add new custom badges or change something about badge gain process?
2. How did your sim achieved her last badge? Was it through a hacked object? (IIRC, gaining badges through Monique computer or SimBlender should work just fine; I don't know about other hacks.)
Test Subject
#164 Old 25th Jan 2023 at 6:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
Hi @sadananas
It's probably a mod conflict.
1. Do you have any mods affecting badges? Maybe some that add new custom badges or change something about badge gain process?
2. How did your sim achieved her last badge? Was it through a hacked object? (IIRC, gaining badges through Monique computer or SimBlender should work just fine; I don't know about other hacks.)

no custom mods that add new badges. i definitely have a mod that speeds up one badge, a cashier one.
The last badge was for fishing and was acheved while fishing you can even see a pond on the screen. i am not sure about the other badges, some of them could be maxed out through Monique's computer or on community lots, but you say it is fine.
just a girl
Original Poster
#165 Old 25th Jan 2023 at 7:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sadananas
no custom mods that add new badges. i definitely have a mod that speeds up one badge, a cashier one.
The last badge was for fishing and was acheved while fishing you can even see a pond on the screen. i am not sure about the other badges, some of them could be maxed out through Monique's computer or on community lots, but you say it is fine.

Have you scanned your downloads folder for conflicts?
Test Subject
#166 Old 25th Jan 2023 at 9:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
Have you scanned your downloads folder for conflicts?

I have all sorts of mod conflicts, but this exact 'LTW_GoldBadges' does not conflict with anything. I can send you the log if needed
just a girl
Original Poster
#167 Old 25th Jan 2023 at 9:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sadananas
I have all sorts of mod conflicts, but this exact 'LTW_GoldBadges' does not conflict with anything. I can send you the log if needed

No, thanks, if it doesn't show up, the log won't help. It may be an indirect conflict, when the mod doesn't override the same function, but prevents it from running, and these kinds of conflicts are hard to detect. I have a couple more ideas, though.

Was your sim a townie that you temporarily made selectable, by any chance? Non-playables aren't allowed to fulfil LTWs.

If it's a playable, could you try this: using SimBlender, decrease any badge to silver level and raise back to gold again.
Test Subject
#168 Old 25th Jan 2023 at 10:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
No, thanks, if it doesn't show up, the log won't help. It may be an indirect conflict, when the mod doesn't override the same function, but prevents it from running, and these kinds of conflicts are hard to detect. I have a couple more ideas, though.

Was your sim a townie that you temporarily made selectable, by any chance? Non-playables aren't allowed to fulfil LTWs.

If it's a playable, could you try this: using SimBlender, decrease any badge to silver level and raise back to gold again.

she is playable. I removed one badge, set it back to gold, added a new one via sim blender (she even got a memory). the ltw is not fulfilled still :c
even ten gold badges and changing each of them to silver and then back to gold did not trigger ltw :c
I've tried the same with a different sim, it did not work as well.
i guess i am going skip this ltw from now.
just a girl
Original Poster
#169 Old 25th Jan 2023 at 11:16 PM
@sadananas, there's something else you can do. Add this zzz_badge_tracker_conflict_detection file to your root Downloads folder and scan again for conflicts. If some other mod conflicts with this file, it may be the cause of the problem. I included a few in-game badge related resources. If you have a mod that replaces any of them, conflict report will show it. You can remove the file afterwards, it's just for testing.

If you'd rather ignore this lifetime want than spend more time troubleshooting possible conflicts or whatever, I understand. The answer is somewhere out there and we can find it, but at some point, one of us may feel like it isn't worth it, and that's fine.
Attached files:
File Type: zip (2.0 KB, 26 downloads)
Test Subject
#170 Old 26th Jan 2023 at 10:20 PM Last edited by sadananas : 26th Jan 2023 at 10:31 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
@sadananas, there's something else you can do. Add this zzz_badge_tracker_conflict_detection file to your root Downloads folder and scan again for conflicts. If some other mod conflicts with this file, it may be the cause of the problem. I included a few in-game badge related resources. If you have a mod that replaces any of them, conflict report will show it. You can remove the file afterwards, it's just for testing.

If you'd rather ignore this lifetime want than spend more time troubleshooting possible conflicts or whatever, I understand. The answer is somewhere out there and we can find it, but at some point, one of us may feel like it isn't worth it, and that's fine.

I was born for debugging!
now hcdu detects 2 conflicts: with badge ltw itself and with this.i will try to change the order of files, relevant vages were the last to load
File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Badge - Get in Temp 0/1/2/3 - Total/Bronze/Silver/Gold
Group ID: 0x7FD46CD0
Instance ID: 0x000004F3
Packages Containing This Procedure:

upd. yoohooo, that was the conflict. if your mod loads last, it works. Thanks!
just a girl
Original Poster
#171 Old 27th Jan 2023 at 3:48 PM
@sadananas, I'm glad it's sorted out
Ok so, the relevantwages mod changes the badge counting procedure to not count all the badges, this is why it didn't count all 5. My zzz_badge_tracker_conflict_detection.package overrides that, but if you remove it, relevantwages will prevent my LTW from fulfilling next time. I can edit the LTW to avoid using this procedure, thus eliminating the conflict, but until then -- you may want to leave the testing file in your folder.
that chaos-loving 'bre
staff: trainee moderator
#172 Old 11th Feb 2023 at 9:07 PM Last edited by LimeyYoshi : 2nd Oct 2023 at 5:18 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
Severino's Astronomy Mod is not compatible with my Astronomer LTW and can't be easily made compatible without some fiddling. Remove it if you want to use my LTW (or remove the Astronomer LTW and edit it out of the WantTuning package).

I have been moping about this response for a while in quiet, because I enjoy both the Astronomer LTW and this mod and didn't want to live without either.
So I decided to do the fiddling myself.

I did not make changes to the Logic skill influence as Severino did it in the exact same way.
I also left the star/planet limit untouched because it's not too realistic anyway. Yes, the universe is vast, but you simply can't discover everything with just a wobbly telescope at home. :p
So in the end, I was only left with randomising the amount of money for each new discovery and make sure the notification showed up correctly, and that was fairly simple to do (and make tunable just like the original). So here's an add-on for the mod, for all those interested! Must load after lamare_LTW_Astronomer. Default money values are the same as in Severino's mod (stars §200-§1000, planets §300-§1,500). Introduces a new BCON 0x2006 in the TelescopeGlobals.

EDIT (2023-10-02) to fix a bug so then the correct given amount of money is also displayed in the discovery notification. Re-download if you want it fixed, but it's not a must. I guarantee that the amount given out is, indeed, random either way.
Attached files:
File Type: zip (922 Bytes, 493 downloads)
Test Subject
#173 Old 17th Feb 2023 at 6:12 AM
How important is "creaturesfixes" in general and can I chuck it if I use this mod? I've had it forever but it's showing a lot of conflicts in HCDU. I'd rather toss it if I can instead of working around it. Can't find info on it. Thank you!
just a girl
Original Poster
#174 Old 18th Feb 2023 at 2:44 PM Last edited by Lamare : 18th Feb 2023 at 5:32 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by LimeyYoshi
So in the end, I was only left with randomising the amount of money for each new discovery and make sure the notification showed up correctly, and that was fairly simple to do (and make tunable just like the original). So here's an add-on for the mod, for all those interested! Must load after lamare_LTW_Astronomer. Default money values are the same as in Severino's mod (stars §200-§1000, planets §300-§1,500). Introduces a new BCON 0x2006 in the TelescopeGlobals.

Cool! Added the link and info to the post. Thank you!

Quote: Originally posted by marinka512
How important is "creaturesfixes" in general and can I chuck it if I use this mod? I've had it forever but it's showing a lot of conflicts in HCDU. I'd rather toss it if I can instead of working around it. Can't find info on it. Thank you!

I don't know. You should ask in Random Questions thread, someone might know the answer.
Mad Poster
#175 Old 19th Feb 2023 at 1:31 AM
Creaturefixes is pretty essential since it prevents grand vampires from biting untouchable NPCs, and it also fixes a number of other glitches.
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