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Waterfall shower - and tons of rocks! :D

by marvine Posted 2nd Mar 2008 at 11:19 PM
176 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 135 Feedback Posts, 40 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#76 Old 21st Oct 2008 at 1:20 AM
Wow, this is AWESOME! But does it really require all the expansion packs?
Lab Assistant
#77 Old 29th Oct 2008 at 4:51 AM
This is awesome... Say where did you get that lantern in the night pic?
Field Researcher
#78 Old 13th Nov 2008 at 8:11 PM
Buaah! You don´t know much I would like to use this, but don´t have all those EP´s. Is there eny chance (even a small one) you coud make BaseGame version too?
Test Subject
#79 Old 27th Nov 2008 at 1:47 AM
To figure out how cold/hot a sim is look at their portrait's lower right there should be a thermometer shape
Test Subject
#80 Old 29th Nov 2008 at 5:05 PM
It looks nice but when my sim tries to shower of cool down the water doesn't show up!
What's wrong..?
Test Subject
#82 Old 10th Jan 2009 at 1:41 AM
This is just great! No other words for it... I was literally thinking one day "I wish my themed sims didn't have to take a shower in the regular old shower and take away from the time period..." and then here I find this... great job
Test Subject
#83 Old 19th Jan 2009 at 8:50 AM
I tried this in the game straight after I downloaded it and it works brilliant. The texture of the water looks so realistic, it's so nice to look at. My Sims loved it too!x
Lab Assistant
#84 Old 28th Jan 2009 at 10:57 PM
Thank you for this wonderful creation. I have used it in so many of my pictures as a backdrop. Thank you for sharing all of your hard work.
Test Subject
#85 Old 23rd Feb 2009 at 5:35 AM Last edited by okasen : 23rd Feb 2009 at 5:42 AM. Reason: oops, turns out I can't use it :(
This is amazing! I make a lot of 'lost in the wild, raised by wolves, etc.' sims, and I always have had to have a little section of wall in the far corner of the forest for a 'bathroom', and it's always ruined the fun.

Thank you so much, it makes it so much more fun to play when there are great creators who think creatively and are willing to spend time on things like this for the community :D

..though I've just noticed that it requires BV

Ah well, I will live Though this has inspired me to try some new combos...
Top Secret Researcher
#86 Old 24th Feb 2009 at 2:18 AM
dang it, i wish i could download it, but i dont have Uni anymore.. oh well, great work! Better than any other waterfall I've seen yet!

Test Subject
#87 Old 24th Feb 2009 at 3:15 PM
Wow ! Good job !
Test Subject
#88 Old 24th Feb 2009 at 8:26 PM
thanks for sharing this. My sims are taking showers now on the beach, it works perfect also with the last EP (mansion) Realy a very good job
Test Subject
#89 Old 25th Feb 2009 at 1:36 AM
This is amazing!!! reminds me of home when I use to go to the rivers everyday with my friends and spend hours under the waterfalls! I LOVE it! Thank you so much!
Test Subject
#90 Old 25th Feb 2009 at 8:33 PM
HELP!! im so sad i cant get this to work and i dont know why. i put it in the game along with the two things on the related page and only 2 wall papers and 2 tiles show up. im so confused what did i do wrong. i have all the packs needed. is it cause im playing of apartment life???? please help me
Mad Poster
#91 Old 26th Feb 2009 at 1:47 AM
freaking. awesome. idea. :D

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Field Researcher
#92 Old 26th Feb 2009 at 5:16 PM
Something I definitely shouldn't put in my Mooshoo Island(yes,Mooshoo Island) neighbourhood.I've made a family that has to use no objects to do with water,except baby bottles.Baby bottles are only excused because they are a baby's only food resource.But toddlers can't use them.Because I say so.As you can imagine,they constantly piss themselves and smell very,VERY bad. That,and I don't have OFB.

"What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay.
So long and goodnight,so long and goodnight."-Helena,My Chemical Romance
(( ))
// \\
Test Subject
#93 Old 27th Feb 2009 at 7:29 PM
Can it be used with AL (I have FT, too) without BV and Seasons?
Test Subject
#94 Old 9th Mar 2009 at 10:14 PM
thank you so much for sharing this marvine, i was trying to find a way to have a sim wade through water and this is perfect!
Test Subject
#95 Old 10th Mar 2009 at 10:31 AM
The Water(fall) doesn't show,but the lake is shown.Is it because I don't have the BV or I did something wrong? Besides that it works perfectly with all my Sims (they enjoy it too much) especially the "cooldown" thing. Your guide for positioning is very helpfull!!! Thank you veeery much!
Test Subject
#96 Old 24th Mar 2009 at 6:21 AM
Still works beautifully with Apartment Life & Mansion & Garden Stuff too.
Thank you so very much for such a wonderful, useful & pretty landscaping object!
Test Subject
#97 Old 27th Mar 2009 at 8:01 AM
i cant find it, if its under "plumber misc",,,, well its not
so i would appriciate help, its so beautiful and i want it in my game!!!!
Test Subject
#98 Old 11th Apr 2009 at 2:07 AM
Goes well with a trick I learn to make an "underground" pool with different terrains. It's lovely and works perfectly! <3 It sits in the corner and they'll often go there just to cool off during the summer months, which means they do have to swim to get to it... but it's so beautiful.
#99 Old 13th Apr 2009 at 7:16 AM
oh my! I was going to go out and take a walk, but Now I think I'll play sims, haha
Field Researcher
#100 Old 14th Apr 2009 at 4:30 AM
Neat thanks for sharing.
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