MTS has all free content, all the time. Find out how YOU can help to keep it running. Tell me how... with Fixes applied [update 2013.11.29]

by ellacharmed Posted 6th Nov 2013 at 7:57 PM - Updated 3rd Jan 2014 at 12:44 PM by ellacharmed : fixes as reported by Trickai
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Test Subject
#251 Old 27th Nov 2018 at 5:15 PM
I have followed all of the instructions and renamed the files. Only part one can be extracted. The rest say that the file is broken.
Test Subject
#252 Old 28th Dec 2018 at 8:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Aurelas
I have followed all of the instructions and renamed the files. Only part one can be extracted. The rest say that the file is broken.

Did you remove only that "MTS_ellacharmed__" part or string of numbers too? I didn't remove string of numbers at first, and it didn't work. Then I removed that too, and it worked.
Test Subject
#253 Old 23rd Apr 2019 at 9:13 PM
I just installed this mod but it didn't really change much in my save, do I have to wait longer or do I have to start a new game for it to work?

Test Subject
#254 Old 15th Jun 2019 at 11:56 PM
I cannot download the other parts but only the first part and even at this moment i can't even download it again... Why ?
Test Subject
#255 Old 1st Jul 2019 at 3:34 PM
You have told me how to do it thanks!
Lab Assistant
#256 Old 9th Jul 2019 at 2:09 PM
Many thanks! I'm certainly going to try this, because I LOVE Isla Paradiso, but HATE the lagging!
Field Researcher
#257 Old 13th Jul 2019 at 6:17 AM
Firstly - thank you so much for making all these fixes!!

Secondly.. I've been googling but have yet to figure out why this is happening but Sims 3 does not show up under my Origin Games folder (in Program Files (x86)). Because of this, I cannot access the correct string of files to replace and add these fixes. Oddly enough... I have no issue running or playing the game, otherwise. I have only recently reinstalled it via Origin along with other Origin games and yet that folder is blank. It's strange and frustrating because I would love to complete the process to fix this particular world! I apologise in advance if this issue has been addressed already and do welcome any and all feedback you (or anyone else) can offer.

Test Subject
#258 Old 4th Apr 2020 at 4:07 PM
thank you
Test Subject
#259 Old 3rd May 2020 at 9:53 AM Last edited by simmeryllonjohnb : 3rd May 2020 at 9:58 AM. Reason: typos
Default After a successful install of the world fix, i found a routing problem.
Hi ellacharmed i found a bug that might help furbish this fix . First, to make sure i installed the world fix properly, i checked on the fortress boat bathroom and the port pleasant changes, and yes, the changes are present, so it is successful.

Then, I played. Thinking i wont get any routing problems again after installing this world, but then sadly the game freezes again and the plumbob is still moving ( i knew immediately this is a routing problem), so i quickly turned off overwatch's "Auto-reset sim" so i can check where is the problem. There, the overwatch notification lead me to the sim Rubisel Ichtaca from "The Prince" household ( a moving boat lot), he is stuck at the side of the bridge trying to go home in his moving boat. I did reset him using "resetSim Rubisel Ichtaca". After that i recreated his action by going to his last position(right side of the bridge entrance) and then Visit "The prince household" by clicking his house. There, I confirmed the routing issue because everytime i do it the game freezes, and i thought i should share this asap for a fix.

I attached a picture, and also uploaded a video on youtube of me recreating the routing problem with my sim. LINK TO VIDEO :

I hope you see this and i hope it will help

Ts3 Version:
Test Subject
#260 Old 28th Jun 2020 at 8:27 AM
I installed this, and the water for some reason was very dark in map view, almost pitch black. Do you know what might be the cause?
Test Subject
#261 Old 13th May 2021 at 9:00 PM
I appreciate your hard work in fixing this world. Thanks!
Test Subject
#262 Old 16th Aug 2021 at 8:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by spankenstein89
I appreciate your hard work in fixing this world. Thanks!


I've been thinking about trying out isla paradiso again since it was my all time favourite pack, but it didn't last long until it was completely broken.. So I've been searching for fixes, the last few efforts to try and fix it hasn't been working so I'm thinking about trying this out. Did you install this mod? If yes, did it work?
Mad Poster
#263 Old 27th Dec 2021 at 9:44 PM
Do I install the world fix by extracting a single file and replacing it with every subsequent part order (part1, then part2, then part3, etc.) or should I have selected all (in respective order) and "Extract Here" all of them at the same time?

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Test Subject
#264 Old 17th Jan 2022 at 12:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Do I install the world fix by extracting a single file and replacing it with every subsequent part order (part1, then part2, then part3, etc.) or should I have selected all (in respective order) and "Extract Here" all of them at the same time?

Download all parts, rename all parts, then select only part1 and click extract here. All parts will be extracted automatically into the one "" file.
Test Subject
#265 Old 22nd Jan 2022 at 12:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Nausicaa
Download all parts, rename all parts, then select only part1 and click extract here. All parts will be extracted automatically into the one "" file.

Hey not sure if you'll be able to help but I'm doing this on Mac and that originally worked for 1 and 2 I think but now everyone just creates its own new "" file. DOn't know what to do, if you have any help its much appreciated!
Test Subject
#266 Old 21st Oct 2022 at 12:58 PM Last edited by phantom99 : 3rd Aug 2024 at 5:53 PM.
Default Updated version
I've updated this world file a bit with new fixes for problem areas near some of the ports that were causing severe freezes for me. I hope this will be helpful to those who also experienced them. Works on new saves only. Change the file extension from ".package" to ".world".

Upd1: Fixed the direction of some front doors where sims could not ring the doorbell.
Upd2: I made a mistake that caused terrain glitches after placing new lots or deleting existing ones. This will no longer happen in new saves.
Upd3: Found and fixed another problematic spot near Port Pleasant. The WA pack is no longer required for houseboats to display correctly. Also found that Ellacharmed's version has two non-functional resorts if the WA pack is not in play, so that's now fixed as well.

You can also try my other default replacement of Isla Paradiso here. It's based on Ellacharmed's version and has a bridge between the two main islands, which seems to eliminate the lag caused by boat routing.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  IslaParadisoFIXED.rar (70.05 MB, 1099 downloads)
Field Researcher
#267 Old 24th Oct 2022 at 3:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by phantom99
I've updated this fix a bit with new fixes for problem areas near some of the ports that were causing severe freezes for me. I hope this will be helpful to those who have also experienced them. Change the file extension to .world
UPD: Fixed the direction of some front doors where sims could not ring the doorbell.

Thank you SO much!
Test Subject
#268 Old 3rd Jul 2023 at 2:18 AM
Default Glitches
Quote: Originally posted by phantom99
I've updated this fix a bit with new fixes for problem areas near some of the ports that were causing severe freezes for me. I hope this will be helpful to those who have also experienced them. Change the file extension to .world
Upd: Fixed the direction of some front doors where sims could not ring the doorbell.
Upd2: I made a mistake that caused weird map glitches after placing new lots or deleting existing ones. This will no longer happen in new saves

Most houseboats seem to be glitched out and out of the map, still visible but not reachable while the floor is still glitched into the dock. Thanks for the mod tho
Test Subject
#269 Old 9th Mar 2024 at 12:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ellacharmed
  1. Go to
  2. click the big red square area shown on the image

For any mac 64bit users out there, this drive is a LIFESAVER.
My unarchiver decided to skip part03 and kept spitting out corrupted worlds. Downloaded a finished one and dropped it right into EP10. THANK YOU Ella!

And a huge thanks for making this fix! Runs so much better omg
Test Subject
#270 Old 18th May 2024 at 7:14 AM
I haven't tried this yet, but it's my first time playing in this world and it looks so beautiful -- I'll be BEYOND grateful if this fixes it!
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