MTS has all free content, all the time. Find out how YOU can help to keep it running. Tell me how... with Fixes applied [update 2013.11.29]

by ellacharmed Posted 6th Nov 2013 at 7:57 PM - Updated 3rd Jan 2014 at 12:44 PM by ellacharmed : fixes as reported by Trickai
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Lab Assistant
#51 Old 29th Nov 2013 at 5:38 PM
Palm trees, babes and dudes in bikinis and swim trunks, cute little beach shacks, water cabs, and a bustling shopping district with park...what more could a sim want.
Test Subject
#52 Old 1st Dec 2013 at 9:08 PM
This really has helped my game considerably. I've been recommending it everyone.
Test Subject
#53 Old 13th Dec 2013 at 7:33 AM
Hello there, I'm just checking in to say that part6 is down.
In the Arena
retired moderator
Original Poster
#54 Old 13th Dec 2013 at 11:05 AM
Thanks for the report, have you tried again?
I could download it just probably just hit a congestion period when there's a lot of people downloading from the site.
Test Subject
#55 Old 15th Dec 2013 at 6:49 PM
I have a question. I suspect the answer is no but I have to try as I've had massive issues with Isla Paradiso and it's horrific routing/lot placement. Is there anyway to use this file if I have the digital version of the game? I don't think so as I don't have a folder for the expansion pack, it's all done through Origin, but I have to try. I love your resource and fixes files and they are the reason I will always try to get a physical disc copy of the game. If I had to spend the extra money to get the physical copy I will but let me know, can you use this fix with a digital copy?
In the Arena
retired moderator
Original Poster
#56 Old 16th Dec 2013 at 4:51 AM
Origin games have the same world files; just in different locations. Of which, if you have installed to Defaults, have been documented in Game_Help:World_Routing_Lags/Wherewiki, under Install Paths.

If yours is different and not customised, let me know and I'll add.
Test Subject
#57 Old 16th Dec 2013 at 7:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ellacharmed
Origin games have the same world files; just in different locations. Of which, if you have installed to Defaults, have been documented in Game_Help:World_Routing_Lags/Wherewiki, under Install Paths.

If yours is different and not customised, let me know and I'll add.

Nope, it was there. Thanks a million! I had no idea where origin put the game files!
Test Subject
#58 Old 19th Dec 2013 at 7:23 PM
Downloaded all files, tried to unrar them, i get stuck because the part02 file is named different than it needs to be. meaning the files is worthless? Something must have been missed. Updated files and have old startfile or something?
In the Arena
retired moderator
Original Poster
#59 Old 20th Dec 2013 at 3:16 PM
Did you do the "rename all files" after downloading step?
Test Subject
#60 Old 24th Dec 2013 at 12:55 AM
I don't know how much I can help in your brave en devour but instruct me if you can. The world still stalls/lags. It's NO WHERE NEAR as bad but it still does. That's not your fault or problem. However, if you want to make it better I would like to help you find problems. I sincerely want to play on this world. I like the design over all others and your work on other worlds has been phenomenal.

Please let me either here or via PM how I can help.
In the Arena
retired moderator
Original Poster
#61 Old 24th Dec 2013 at 5:48 AM
Sure, just tell me when you have lag in an EA world; any world, not just this one
- how long in Sim weeks and days this Save is,
- how big the file size is
- what Sim and Lot you're playing,
- what action did you just queued up or is the Sim autonomously doing,
- if on the way to a Job, what is the Career track, career level, own vehicle or carpool,
- if on a Community Lot, which one and how many Sims are present,
- by using Overwatch and setting the Stuck Check Auto-reset to false, what Sims are always reported as stuck and where,
- plus the basic info: CPU, RAM, GPU, Operating System, gameversion, DVD or Digital (Origin/Steam).

...and many more, all documented in the Game Help:Intermittent Freezeswiki article, i.e if you answer the questionnaire in that and provide the answers, that should cover most scenarios where I could get an idea of whether it is a routing issue correctable in CAW, or not.

This reporting has to be done on a Save based on EA's default Sims and Households, however. So, that I can try and replicate the issue. And the more information I have, the more things I can try...and pictures is always a BIG help! Instead of describing "Sim stuck in that bush near so-n-so Lot", you can just point to a spot in the picture and say "look here!".

If the world hasn't got a fixes thread yet,
- PM me, or
- post in my Guestbook, or
- comment in or
- if a Store world, post in the "What I've read/saw/etc about <worldname>" in Sims 3 Discussion, or
- via tweet, or
- via Google Talk/Hangout ( ellacharmed[at]gmail[dot]com or routing.fixer[at]gmail[dot]com ), or
- via Skype (ellaz.cinders)

See? So many ways to reach me... And only the Skype ID has been hidden, up till now.
Lab Assistant
#62 Old 26th Dec 2013 at 3:03 AM
O____O too many files. I'll download it when theres less files. Till then i'll just use the island town from the store.
In the Arena
retired moderator
Original Poster
#63 Old 26th Dec 2013 at 10:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kinghorus_02
...too many files. I'll download it when theres less files....

Urm, did you reach the end of the post?
Alternate Download:
No multi-parts. <snipped>Full .world upload is now on Google Drive

...Till then i'll just use the island town from the store.
Yes, well....need fixes for that one too. Which is also available here.
Lab Assistant
#64 Old 26th Dec 2013 at 11:14 PM
DLed it. I cant figure out how to install it. The links that you posted dont help
In the Arena
retired moderator
Original Poster
#65 Old 29th Dec 2013 at 4:04 PM
I posted so many links , which one are you referring to?
And which part of the install instruction can I further clarify, which line, that is?
Lab Assistant
#66 Old 1st Jan 2014 at 11:43 AM
Does this remove all of the routing issues?
In the Arena
retired moderator
Original Poster
#67 Old 2nd Jan 2014 at 2:14 PM
Not ALL routing issues, just the routing issues that were
- correctable in Create-A-World, and
- I was informed about,
as shown in the thread and blog post.

If you find more areas, do let me know...
#68 Old 4th Jan 2014 at 10:16 AM
As always, Ella, thank you a million for cleaning up after shit EA makes. <3
Test Subject
#69 Old 4th Jan 2014 at 2:25 PM
Hey there! Thank you so much for this awesome mod, I hope this will get rid of the freezes every 10 seconds!
I'm guessing those were caused by bad routing because the game ran well when I used "resetsim *".
I'd also like to know when is the new version going to be available in .world format.
In the Arena
retired moderator
Original Poster
#70 Old 4th Jan 2014 at 3:55 PM
"I'd also like to know when is the new version going to be available in .world format."
What new version?
Test Subject
#71 Old 5th Jan 2014 at 7:44 AM
Thank you so much I hope this fixes my problem with the lag.
Lab Assistant
#72 Old 13th Jan 2014 at 3:26 AM
Hey ella, I'm interested in taking the base Isla Paradiso and updating it for Nightlife/Showtime/etc. I'd like to start with the fixed version (and in the past, when I've imported EA worlds into CAW, everyone's personality traits are messed up and they end up unemployed, so I'd rather not go through that again); is there any chance you could upload the relevant CAW files to your wordpress account? I think you'd just need to put the appropriate WORLD file and the corresponding folder in the Worlds folder.
Field Researcher
#73 Old 13th Jan 2014 at 9:29 AM Last edited by Marcy : 13th Jan 2014 at 9:32 AM. Reason: Sorry, was meant to be a feedback post but was posted as thanks
So backed everything up, downloaded all parts, renamed them to get rid of the numbers and MTS_Ella Charmed bit, extracted part 1 with 7zip and replaced my isla file with the extracted file. I deleted ALL caches, and started the game (I have no previous saves in Isla Paradiso). I loaded a new save with isla paradiso, and noticed there was no picture for the world and the world description was in complete gibberish. Then the bar loaded to 100% in 2 seconds flat and I got an error message saying "a serious error occurred when loading Isla Paradiso. It is recommended that you restart the application." I played the un-fixed Isla Paradiso, which loads fine (but is laggy and takes forever to load, which is why I downloaded this).

I tried re-downloading everything again, but same results. I have windows 7, nvidia GEFORCE graphics card [yeah, I know it's not made for gaming, so this could be the problem] and a 1.60 Ghz processor.

EDIT: Sorry, I meant to post this as feedback and not thanks!
In the Arena
retired moderator
Original Poster
#74 Old 13th Jan 2014 at 3:34 PM
Folks would really want that? O_o
Done -

forcing the game to re-render stuff would normally have that kind of unwanted side-effects on underspec'd machines.
Can you name the caches and their locations? Did you include the WorldCaches folder?

If you have s3pe, you can test if the joined and extracted .world file still maintains its file integrity, by opening the file in s3pe.
You might also want to try the full .world file from my blog, in case the extraction and joining process went kablooey. Unless you want to try redownloading and reextracting all files again...
Field Researcher
#75 Old 13th Jan 2014 at 4:34 PM
I deleted the missingdeps.idx file (this causes my launcher problems), all worldcaches (none were listed for isla paradiso, but I deleted them to be safe) and all the caches under documents/electronic arts/sims 3. I think I'll just download the one from your blog- but thank you so much! (I know most of my lag is probably caused by my under-specs laptop, but I have overwatch and it resets all the families in the lag-causing houses you've fixed like every 5 minutes, and I'm sick of it.)
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