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Vampire Death & More Mod

by PolarBearSims Posted 10th Mar 2017 at 7:50 PM - Updated 11th Nov 2024 at 12:24 AM by PolarBearSims : Patch Update 11/17/20
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#26 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 8:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by luvbunnyxx2
Can you add the <T n="affordance">119504<!--death_SteamRoom--></T> as an optional death as well? You can make vampires even more dangerous by editing the night time visit interaction tuning file.

I can see what I can do. Adding extra affordance there hasn't gone over very well in other flavors I'm trying to create. I've never been in the steam room, are you wanting vampires to be able to go in it? Bc you put that affordance in under the target not the vampire.
Test Subject
#27 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 8:46 PM Last edited by Dario Maesar : 14th Mar 2017 at 9:03 PM.
Hello PolarBearSim,
I like to ask if you ever had run into problems like mine... My vampire has a doctors carreer and when going to work, only children are coming and then just few... the hospital is never full and when I get specials like a sim dropping over in the entrance, its not there... I tested by removing your mod and run just MCCC .... everything back to normal, and adults come again to visit during work time as patients the hospital... adding the mod again has it back to just 2 child-patients and everything going wonky...

I was running just MCCC and Vampire Fun 2 and Vampirism Drink Pregnant Sim is Fun... no other mod... Could you test it if you get the same problem with one of your sims going doctors carreer? Maybe I am doing something wrong



P.S: Funny thing about it is that it used to work until my Sim reached Doctors Carreer Level 7 ...thats when it became that way... until then everything was quite normal playing with the mods. It also seem to make problems just with the workable carreer... at home when I do group meetings or parties the mod does autonomiously what it suppose to do...
PPS: Correction... disregard this... I doubt its connected to your mod... I will hopefully figure whats this all about...
Original Poster
#28 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 9:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Dario Maesar
Hello PolarBearSim,
I like to ask if you ever had run into problems like mine... My vampire has a doctors carreer and when going to work, only children are coming and then just few... the hospital is never full and when I get specials like a sim dropping over in the entrance, its not there... I tested by removing your mod and run just MCCC .... everything back to normal, and adults come again to visit during work time as patients the hospital... adding the mod again has it back to just 2 child-patients and everything going wonky...

I was running just MCCC and Vampire Fun 2 and Vampirism Drink Pregnant Sim is Fun... no other mod... Could you test it if you get the same problem with one of your sims going doctors carreer? Maybe I am doing something wrong



P.S: Funny thing about it is that it used to work until my Sim reached Doctors Carreer Level 7 ...thats when it became that way... until then everything was quite normal playing with the mods. It also seem to make problems just with the workable carreer... at home when I do group meetings or parties the mod does autonomiously what it suppose to do...
PPS: Correction... disregard this... I doubt its connected to your mod... I will hopefully figure whats this all about...

I have heard of it. Just can't remember where I read it at. I don't think it is a mod issue. I can test it later and see if I get the same thing. I haven't done the dr career since before toddlers and I read this issue sometime after toddlers.
Original Poster
#29 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 9:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by luvbunnyxx2
What I meant is something like this seen below:

I see the sim dies but with out having any knowledge of the steam room I'm having trouble seeing what you want. Are you wanting sims to die in the steam room? Are vampires restricted from entering the steam room? It's just not a lot I've ever played so just trying to see what they can and can't do

I will take a look at the nighttime visits and see what all it prevents or does.
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 10:46 PM
hey I just want to check if I understand your description of Vampirism Drink from Pregnant Sims is Fun right.
If I just use that file the only thing that changes is that I can drink from pregnant Sims or is this only for npc vampires?
Test Subject
#31 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 10:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
I have heard of it. Just can't remember where I read it at. I don't think it is a mod issue. I can test it later and see if I get the same thing. I haven't done the dr career since before toddlers and I read this issue sometime after toddlers.

Hey PolarBearSim,

I actually figured the problem by starting a new game and cheating my sim up to doctors career level 7... Although possible through MCCC, its not wishful to have a household be allowed to grow larger than 20 Sims... *whistles* Its an lag issue happens when one set the MCCC to allow too many sims as Maximum Household count. I learned my lesson... Its save to say that the amount of sims the respective player is able to handle depends on their computer... mine can handle 15 Sims per household, then it goes the way I have written above... I set my Maximum Household now to 10... it shouldn't be larger than that... Lesson learned. XD

Thanks anyways and sorry for causing trouble XD

Original Poster
#32 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 11:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Buddy92
hey I just want to check if I understand your description of Vampirism Drink from Pregnant Sims is Fun right.
If I just use that file the only thing that changes is that I can drink from pregnant Sims or is this only for npc vampires?

Yes you can use it alone or paired with any others. It will allow your active sim and npc vamps to feed off of pregnant sims.
Original Poster
#33 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 11:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Dario Maesar
Hey PolarBearSim,

I actually figured the problem by starting a new game and cheating my sim up to doctors career level 7... Although possible through MCCC, its not wishful to have a household be allowed to grow larger than 20 Sims... *whistles* Its an lag issue happens when one set the MCCC to allow too many sims as Maximum Household count. I learned my lesson... Its save to say that the amount of sims the respective player is able to handle depends on their computer... mine can handle 15 Sims per household, then it goes the way I have written above... I set my Maximum Household now to 10... it shouldn't be larger than that... Lesson learned. XD

Thanks anyways and sorry for causing trouble XD


It's ok that's how we learn. Glad it's all working good for you now
Original Poster
#34 Old 15th Mar 2017 at 12:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by luvbunnyxx2
Not in the steam room. When the vampire drinks deeply from the victim I want them to die from death_SteamRoom and not Death_ElderExhaustion.

Ok I see what your talking about. Unless in the code it's written to check location the code isn't going to know where the interaction takes place. I have experimented with having the codes check certain circumstances but so far unsuccessful. So as of now that request will have to be put on the back burner im probably wishful thinking on what all xml tuning can do lol that's why I tried to choose a death that seemed as much well rounded as I could
Original Poster
#35 Old 15th Mar 2017 at 1:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by luvbunnyxx2
I've edited your mod (please forgive me) and added the steam death and it works perfectly. I had to remove the death from old age from the pregnancy mod and this mod for it to work properly. Try this and see:

Its ok if you edited it as long as its not uploaded for download so all I ask is that you remove the download link in the post Yes it is possible to change it to a different death except it would change it for all the deaths in every location. Thought you were referring to just a different death for that specific location. That would take more editing along with writing in a lot more custom codes. Editing other simmer's codes in Sims 3 is how I was able to learn how to ready EA's coding and write it
#36 Old 17th Mar 2017 at 7:53 AM
I just started a new game and placed Vlad with the three rebellious vampires from the trailer in a club allowing them to use their powers! The vampire who has the red Mohawk started using drink plasma and was targeting the 2 Sims who came as my welcome wagon and became friends of my new Sim! She used the "Deep Drink" interaction and first killed Travis who I could plead to survive, then a couple minutes later the same vampire attacked with Deep Drink Summer Holiday! And she died. :O OMG! The blonde vampire also from the trailer did only drink from the wrist, Vlad didn't do anything, except sabotaging objects LOL But boy... club gatherings of vampires are dangerous with this mod for deadly Deep Drink!
Original Poster
#37 Old 18th Mar 2017 at 12:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Tanja1986
I just started a new game and placed Vlad with the three rebellious vampires from the trailer in a club allowing them to use their powers! The vampire who has the red Mohawk started using drink plasma and was targeting the 2 Sims who came as my welcome wagon and became friends of my new Sim! She used the "Deep Drink" interaction and first killed Travis who I could plead to survive, then a couple minutes later the same vampire attacked with Deep Drink Summer Holiday! And she died. :O OMG! The blonde vampire also from the trailer did only drink from the wrist, Vlad didn't do anything, except sabotaging objects LOL But boy... club gatherings of vampires are dangerous with this mod for deadly Deep Drink!

I'm glad your enjoying it! Sounds like loads of fun
#38 Old 18th Mar 2017 at 12:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
I'm glad your enjoying it! Sounds like loads of fun

BTW. I wonder if at all it would be possible to code the deadly Deep Drink interaction that there is let's say a 30% chance for the victim to survive? I know in the Alien abduction files there are settings for success chances for pregnancy through abduction. Does this also work for this interaction somehow?

The Truth is out there!
Original Poster
#39 Old 18th Mar 2017 at 1:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Tanja1986
BTW. I wonder if at all it would be possible to code the deadly Deep Drink interaction that there is let's say a 30% chance for the victim to survive? I know in the Alien abduction files there are settings for success chances for pregnancy through abduction. Does this also work for this interaction somehow?

I can look at the alien codes and maybe try it but no gaurantees may see what all ways a sim can die. Sometimes all new codes have to be written in.
#40 Old 20th Mar 2017 at 7:34 PM
Hey PolarBearSims! I just changed the Nighttime visit Deeply Drink interaction for my game and personal preferences to allow the Sims to die after the interaction was used! This will definitely force me to check for all kind of protection ways and maybe I finally create a hunter Sim! Because if at any given moment a vampire can break in and drink from my sleeping Sim, I better start building my skills to protect them! brings a little more suspense to the whole vampire business! The vampire club continues to kill Sims in club gatherings LOL :D

The Truth is out there!
Original Poster
#41 Old 20th Mar 2017 at 7:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Tanja1986
Hey PolarBearSims! I just changed the Nighttime visit Deeply Drink interaction for my game and personal preferences to allow the Sims to die after the interaction was used! This will definitely force me to check for all kind of protection ways and maybe I finally create a hunter Sim! Because if at any given moment a vampire can break in and drink from my sleeping Sim, I better start building my skills to protect them! brings a little more suspense to the whole vampire business! The vampire club continues to kill Sims in club gatherings LOL :D

when I was adding it to the mod. I got to thinking, not sure if having them kill autonomously in your sleep should be implemented yet lol. But if others want it I will make the change keep an eye on your sim! One night may be their last lol. Still looking into the autonomous slaying.
Test Subject
#42 Old 25th Mar 2017 at 10:37 PM
Hey PolarBearSim, I second what Tanja1986 wrote ... I, too, would want my sime to be able to die during night time visits... It is not like it would kill all sims in one night in entire Sim-World... but it would be fun knowing night time can be dangerous... and me looking for a way to protect them :D

The only thing that really hits me is that the vampire that kills someone actually is mourning along... unless he has a trait for the deep sorrow, it shouldn't be that way.... I know very little vampire movies where the vampire has sorrow for their victim...*laughs* Says something about the type of movie I watch Anyhow, still loving this mode Keep your good work up


Original Poster
#43 Old 25th Mar 2017 at 11:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Dario Maesar
Hey PolarBearSim, I second what Tanja1986 wrote ... I, too, would want my sime to be able to die during night time visits... It is not like it would kill all sims in one night in entire Sim-World... but it would be fun knowing night time can be dangerous... and me looking for a way to protect them :D

The only thing that really hits me is that the vampire that kills someone actually is mourning along... unless he has a trait for the deep sorrow, it shouldn't be that way.... I know very little vampire movies where the vampire has sorrow for their victim...*laughs* Says something about the type of movie I watch Anyhow, still loving this mode Keep your good work up



Having them autonomously kill at night I can add not sure yet what would need to be done to stop them from mourning. I too think that's a little odd. I will look into it
Lab Assistant
#44 Old 26th Mar 2017 at 12:05 PM Last edited by darksarcasm : 26th Mar 2017 at 2:09 PM. Reason: typo's
hello, thank you for your mods, this looks great, but I have not downloaded them yet as Im a little confused as to witch ones to get, I like the idea of a vampire asking my sim to come over and then the question do I want my sim to be turned, but I don't want to make my sim to ask to be turned, but then I don't want prego sims to die either, but if a vamp is low on blood I wouldn't want them to starve either,

like you can drink deep but don't kill, don't give into the beast, keep what ever humanity you have left and keep that beast in check, that keeps the masquerade going and don't let anyone see you feeding, a little take off from Jack from the game The Masquerade - Bloodlines its not the exact quote word for word but close,

oh and I don't want to see any red negatives from other sims in the same house hold if it was done at my sims house, and I also like my sim and/or the vamp sim to have a little fun in the chat especially if I'm play the vampire sim, I know, I'm probably asking too much,

but then every time I play I keep wishing for that window to pop up do I want my sim to be turned when the friends meter is high enough to be asked, and then the same go's for my vampire sim being asked to turn the other sim,

wait, I know my problem of the state of confusion is, I watch and play too much different stuff, ........... smiles
Original Poster
#45 Old 26th Mar 2017 at 5:17 PM

All of the vampire flavors are autonomous unless you get one that says it is not. It will say in the file name on the downloads If it is not.

Sounds to me like you want autonomous but you don't want death. Then you want vampirism is fun! The first one listed in the description. Your vamp will get some fun increase as well. If that's not enough fun increase then get Fun Motive Gain Addon. That will increase the amount of fun given.

Sounds like you want to bite pregnant sims too. Get the Vampirism Drink From Pregnant Sims is Fun. Will not conflict and they won't die because the vampire flavor I suggested doesn't allow it.

You said you want more fun socializing, the first flavors Friendly Socialization Is Fun and Romance is Fun will get you some fun increase on the interactions listed in their spoilers.

Now on to the rest of your message with this mod, there is no guarantee you will be asked. Also, they may turn your sim with out asking. And they may attack your sim at night.

On the part of having no negatives happen in the household, that would have to be the magic of a script mod and I don't currently do those. The only way I could remove the negatives is by removing them completely and at this time I do not want to do that.

Hope I helped with you choosing what to get the ones I chose for you will not conflict and should give you all that you were looking for also if you want fun with babies there's one for that too

Thank you
Original Poster
#46 Old 29th Mar 2017 at 6:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Tanja1986
How about testing if vampire hunters could actually be autonomous in curing vampirism, then it would bring a little challenge to the whole vampire game play. Could you imagine you meet this new Sim and he turns out to be a vampire hunter? uh oh! :D

I did some checking, and research, looks like hunters are already by default autonomous. I'm looking to see about maybe spicing them up though I've read that there's a pre-made vampire hunter in willow creek named bunny winters. I haven't fully checked on that though lol
#47 Old 29th Mar 2017 at 7:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
I did some checking, and research, looks like hunters are already by default autonomous. I'm looking to see about maybe spicing them up though I've read that there's a pre-made vampire hunter in willow creek named bunny winters. I haven't fully checked on that though lol

Hmm that's weird, because when I checked the slaying tuning interactions I am sure I saw that most of them were on autonomy: false.
Also I never have heard or seen a Sim called Bunny Winters in Willow Creek. Where did you hear or read about this? I never saw any autonomous slaying, maybe also because Sims usually don't have the cure in their inventories!

The Truth is out there!
Original Poster
#48 Old 29th Mar 2017 at 8:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Tanja1986
Hmm that's weird, because when I checked the slaying tuning interactions I am sure I saw that most of them were on autonomy: false.
Also I never have heard or seen a Sim called Bunny Winters in Willow Creek. Where did you hear or read about this? I never saw any autonomous slaying, maybe also because Sims usually don't have the cure in their inventories!

I looked at a few different slay Interactions and those were autonomous. They are set up differently and i have ideas i want to make happen but not sure if they will work lol. here's the post on bunny winters. At the bottom under Gameplay. The post claims while their vampire wrecked havak on the town she showed up and slayed them. I'm not sure how much I believe it though. I don't usually play with a vamp as my sim but I did do a test on slaying. The Sims needed a horrible relationship before it even appears as an option so I'm not sure how bunny winters would of just shown up and slayed. Plus I'm not sure what slaying with or without garlic is since that option didn't appear for me.
#49 Old 29th Mar 2017 at 10:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
I looked at a few different slay Interactions and those were autonomous. They are set up differently and i have ideas i want to make happen but not sure if they will work lol. here's the post on bunny winters. At the bottom under Gameplay. The post claims while their vampire wrecked havak on the town she showed up and slayed them. I'm not sure how much I believe it though. I don't usually play with a vamp as my sim but I did do a test on slaying. The Sims needed a horrible relationship before it even appears as an option so I'm not sure how bunny winters would of just shown up and slayed. Plus I'm not sure what slaying with or without garlic is since that option didn't appear for me.

I think when your Sim has a garlic braid or something in their inventory they will autonomously fight with garlic before slaying. There are also files that say slaying with dark form and without. Maybe Bunny Winters is a NPC like the Grim Reaper and only shows up when you do something like turn many sims? Not sure though as I certainly did never hear about a pre-made slayer!

The Truth is out there!
Original Poster
#50 Old 29th Mar 2017 at 11:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Tanja1986
I think when your Sim has a garlic braid or something in their inventory they will autonomously fight with garlic before slaying. There are also files that say slaying with dark form and without. Maybe Bunny Winters is a NPC like the Grim Reaper and only shows up when you do something like turn many sims? Not sure though as I certainly did never hear about a pre-made slayer!

I think I need to play around with it a bit so I can get a better understanding on what all they can do. I like vampires in my town I just don't play with them in my household lol
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