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Vampire Death & More Mod

by PolarBearSims Posted 10th Mar 2017 at 7:50 PM - Updated 11th Nov 2024 at 12:24 AM by PolarBearSims : Patch Update 11/17/20
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Original Poster
#76 Old 15th Jun 2017 at 2:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MizoreYukii
Hi! Thank you for this mod! Is it possible to make an add-on that forces sims to react when someone is drank from? Someone on the Sims forums was saying how EA could have used the fire panic animations when it happened, so I was hoping one of the modders could enable this. Or one of the other panicking/reaction animations in the game. Anything really to have more impact on our gameplay.

Maybe I can take a look and see
Original Poster
#77 Old 20th Jun 2017 at 2:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by _Elk_
Ok, so I've downloaded this mod, played it and everything but I still am unsure of what this new version does exactly. Can I safely assume that this gives my vampires autonomy? I saw it happen once in game (where a vampire asked my sim to come over 'to discuss something with him' but I had to decline because he was alien) and was excited, but that was the only time it's worked since getting the new verison.

I want to re-create my vampire hunting party (it was functional till the 1.29 update), and have them one: drink without restriction (I have the mod), two: drink from other vampires (have that mod and they don't conflict), and three: have deep drink kill (have that one too). I just want your mod to tie it all together and make the NPC sims in the group go and attack sims around the world at night again (I set it where they would meet at random nightclubs, or parks and it was so cool! Sometimes they'd just show up and kill a random NPC bartender or late night jogger. The unpredictability made for some compelling gameplay and stories.)

I got the jist of how your mod worked before, but with the new features added, I just wanted to know if vampiric autonomy for NPC's was still functional. I've downloaded, 'Vampirism is fun!' only, but I'm not getting the results I'd like. So, if you wouldn't mind, could you point me in the right direction to which file will grant autonomy, I'd appreciate it.

No problem they all have autonomy unless you choose one that says it doesn't. Most vampires won't drink unless they are hungry so it takes a little bit sometimes to get them drinking since this isn't an open world. I haven't changed anything to recent other than adding moods in to help get them drinking. The little I've played since then I've seen my sims vampire boyfriend drink from her guests. He chooses her friends instead of her. But she's gets quite frequent nightime visits.

First flavor doesn't kill. The 2nd flavor does. I made the 3rd flavor bc I requests for it not to conflict with another one of my mods. In each spoiler gives you info on what each of them do along with if they have any conflicts.

Creating clubs helps a lot. I see more of it happening when I put a group of vamps into a club. Most things in the game is done by random. What my goal is with this mod is to make them do it based on their personality. I plan here soon adding it where their traits will impact their decision heavily along with conversations adding to their choices. I don't mind random things but think it should try to make some sense lol.

Hope that helps
Original Poster
#78 Old 21st Jun 2017 at 6:14 PM

CHANGED: Autonomous vampire flavors now have traits affecting their choices in interactions. This does not include the non autonomous flavors.

Thank you for all of your support!

Test Subject
#79 Old 3rd Jul 2017 at 4:26 PM
You do not detail the "Fun from Funny 15" mod in your description, unless it is the mod which increases Fun motive by 15...

The description is kind of confusing in general. I would suggest larger text fonts, if possible, for the headers.

Playing with your "Fun from Funny" mod is really fun, especially when the teenagers come home from a long day of school, to crack jokes while sitting around the Bubble Blower. Without your mod, this would not bring them any fun at all...
Original Poster
#80 Old 3rd Jul 2017 at 6:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by shedevil
You do not detail the "Fun from Funny 15" mod in your description, unless it is the mod which increases Fun motive by 15...

The description is kind of confusing in general. I would suggest larger text fonts, if possible, for the headers.

Playing with your "Fun from Funny" mod is really fun, especially when the teenagers come home from a long day of school, to crack jokes while sitting around the Bubble Blower. Without your mod, this would not bring them any fun at all...

Actually fun from funny 15 increase is explained in its spoiler. Each spoiler gives an explanation of each flavor/add on.

Periodically I go in and try to make it easier to find info and I try to explain the best I can.

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Test Subject
#81 Old 13th Jul 2017 at 2:46 PM
First of all, thank you so much for all your mods. I use several of them and I like them a lot!

I'd like to ask for some clarification on what's different between Flavor 2 and Flavor 3 of the vampire tuning mod. I can't see much difference between them. Is the pregnancy aging thing off in Flavor 3 the only difference? Specifically I'm wondering if there's a difference between the death chance of Drink Deeply. Thanks!
Original Poster
#82 Old 13th Jul 2017 at 3:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Luxim
First of all, thank you so much for all your mods. I use several of them and I like them a lot!

I'd like to ask for some clarification on what's different between Flavor 2 and Flavor 3 of the vampire tuning mod. I can't see much difference between them. Is the pregnancy aging thing off in Flavor 3 the only difference? Specifically I'm wondering if there's a difference between the death chance of Drink Deeply. Thanks!

Death from a deep drink is the same. The difference is on the aging for a pregnant sim. The separate flavors was created for compatibility for my pregnant death and aging mod. In their spoilers it will tell you what flavor of my pregnant death and aging mod to use. One flavor has aging and one doesn't. It will say in its spoiler. Hope that helps

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Test Subject
#83 Old 13th Jul 2017 at 6:47 PM
It does, thank you!
Lab Assistant
#84 Old 15th Jul 2017 at 2:14 AM
Is there any way you could remove the mood restrictions from drinking to death and turning or create a flavor for non-a**hole vamps lol I don't have angry vampires, ever. So that means I will never get to use the best features of this mod Either that or the mod isn't working for me because I cannot use the "turn" or "drain all blood" features with any of my Vamps (they are all happy Vamps) it ques but then vanishes. My vamps are all completely leveled up so I know that isn't it. I was looking forward to being able to actually cause death
Original Poster
#85 Old 15th Jul 2017 at 4:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Kaotikah
Is there any way you could remove the mood restrictions from drinking to death and turning or create a flavor for non-a**hole vamps lol I don't have angry vampires, ever. So that means I will never get to use the best features of this mod Either that or the mod isn't working for me because I cannot use the "turn" or "drain all blood" features with any of my Vamps (they are all happy Vamps) it ques but then vanishes. My vamps are all completely leveled up so I know that isn't it. I was looking forward to being able to actually cause death

First I've heard that the que vanishes so I will take a look at it. The moods and traits wouldn't prevent it but I can take a look at the settings and see about adjusting them. I also think a happy vamp would bite so I will look at it. Thank you for the report

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Lab Assistant
#86 Old 15th Jul 2017 at 6:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
First I've heard that the que vanishes so I will take a look at it. The moods and traits wouldn't prevent it but I can take a look at the settings and see about adjusting them. I also think a happy vamp would bite so I will look at it. Thank you for the report

Thank you so much. It really weird. When the cue disappears they dance, or the other sim dances. lol I thought maybe that was the mods way of saying they were too happy to take a life or turn someone.
Original Poster
#87 Old 17th Jul 2017 at 1:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Kaotikah
Thank you so much. It really weird. When the cue disappears they dance, or the other sim dances. lol I thought maybe that was the mods way of saying they were too happy to take a life or turn someone.

I went through and tested my vampire flavor 1, 2 and 3 for the turning and deep drink interactions. They both work in all 3 flavors. My vamp could turn or deep drink whether he was in a bad mood, uncomfortable mood, confident or happy. The sims also died in flavors 2 and 3 just like they are supposed to. Since they worked the way they were supposed to in my game during my tests, makes it hard to see what is wrong to fix it. The most I can do is tell you to check for compatibility with other mods. If your unsure on if you have a conflict, you can let me know what you have and I can help and see. The interactions went through all their steps. None of them dissappeared from the que and worked all the way through. I will hopefully soon, when life slows down a bit lol, take a look at some more settings. The moods and traits just help make the vamps do the interaction more often or less often. But I can see about making a few adjustments.

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Lab Assistant
#88 Old 18th Jul 2017 at 12:31 AM
Thank you for testing it. It is probably something on my end then even though I have no other vampire mods. That seems to be my life story with this game. Always something conflicting with something else lol
Test Subject
#89 Old 22nd Jul 2017 at 7:51 PM
So the names of the drinking interactions (Compel for small drink, deep drink, etc) doesn't change. Is it supposed to be like that or is the mod not working? I have MCCC and a mod that allows a vampire to drink without limits.
Original Poster
#90 Old 22nd Jul 2017 at 10:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by nikipoo19
So the names of the drinking interactions (Compel for small drink, deep drink, etc) doesn't change. Is it supposed to be like that or is the mod not working? I have MCCC and a mod that allows a vampire to drink without limits.

You'll have to be a little more specific
What isn't working and what flavor do you have?

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Test Subject
#91 Old 22nd Jul 2017 at 11:21 PM Last edited by nikipoo19 : 22nd Jul 2017 at 11:33 PM. Reason: adding detail
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
You'll have to be a little more specific
What isn't working and what flavor do you have?

The drink name options remain the same, I have flavour 2 non autonomous, and no matter what I do, drink deeply and drain life spirit doesn't kill. I have MCCC, a mod that changes plasma to blood, some work from home mods, and a mod that allows my vampires to drink without any limits. (EDIT: Also a mod that makes songwriting faster, plus replacing the godawful premade paintings)
Original Poster
#92 Old 23rd Jul 2017 at 12:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by nikipoo19
The drink name options remain the same, I have flavour 2 non autonomous, and no matter what I do, drink deeply and drain life spirit doesn't kill. I have MCCC, a mod that changes plasma to blood, some work from home mods, and a mod that allows my vampires to drink without any limits. (EDIT: Also a mod that makes songwriting faster, plus replacing the godawful premade paintings)

This mod doesn't affect the drain life spirit interactions. I didn't change the names of the interactions so I'm not sure on what you mean on the names. If your trying to deep drink off of lot, unfortunately even with code changes. Death doesn't always occur. I havent figured out why yet. But they should always die on a lot. I don't think the mod that allows unlimited drinking will conflict since they use different codes.

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Test Subject
#93 Old 23rd Jul 2017 at 12:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
This mod doesn't affect the drain life spirit interactions. I didn't change the names of the interactions so I'm not sure on what you mean on the names. If your trying to deep drink off of lot, unfortunately even with code changes. Death doesn't always occur. I havent figured out why yet. But they should always die on a lot. I don't think the mod that allows unlimited drinking will conflict since they use different codes.

Even if I drink on a lot they don't die. For example, I went over to Diego Lobo's to drink his plasma/blood deeply and he didn't die.
Original Poster
#94 Old 23rd Jul 2017 at 1:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by nikipoo19
Even if I drink on a lot they don't die. For example, I went over to Diego Lobo's to drink his plasma/blood deeply and he didn't die.

Ok, thank you, I will take a look at it

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Test Subject
#95 Old 23rd Jul 2017 at 1:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
Ok, thank you, I will take a look at it

No problem
Test Subject
#96 Old 23rd Jul 2017 at 10:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
Ok, thank you, I will take a look at it

Did the sims you drank from die?
Original Poster
#97 Old 24th Jul 2017 at 12:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by nikipoo19
Did the sims you drank from die?

Sorry, I haven't had a chance to check it. Life's busy right now and havent played in awhile but will try to get to it at the beginning this week.

Also, is this issue before or after the recent game patch?

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Test Subject
#98 Old 24th Jul 2017 at 4:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
Sorry, I haven't had a chance to check it. Life's busy right now and havent played in awhile but will try to get to it at the beginning this week.

Also, is this issue before or after the recent game patch?

After, as far as I know. I got it after, but nobody said anything before this patch.
Original Poster
#99 Old 24th Jul 2017 at 5:05 AM Last edited by PolarBearSims : 24th Jul 2017 at 5:35 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by nikipoo19
After, as far as I know. I got it after, but nobody said anything before this patch.

Ok, I finally got to sit down and load the game and do a test on the Vampire Flavor 2 Non Autonomous. The first look I did was for patch compatibility. It is fine, so no conflicts there. I then went and put that flavor into my mods folder and loaded my Vampire Test game to take a look and see if the Drink Deeply kills. The first test I did was on a sim on the current lot which was a home lot. She did indeed die. I then went and checked it from a sim just walking by not on a lot. They also died.

So based on my tests the flavor works just fine. The next thing I will do and take a look at the mods you listed, its getting late here but will try to take a look at those mods.

Ok, I wasn't sure what vampire mod you had for the drinking with no limits so here are the ones I found:

Drink, Drain, and Turn with out Restrictions <-- Does NOT conflict

Vampires Mega Mod <--DOES conflict and is listed in my mods description.

So if you have the Meda Mod by Tanja than that would be why it is not working. It is conflicting. My suggestion if all you want is for it to allow you to drink all you want, then choose the Drink, Drain and Turn without Restrictions.

Hope this helps!

Thank you again for saying something about it not working, you never know till you ask


For help with my mods please join my discord HERE

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Test Subject
#100 Old 24th Jul 2017 at 9:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
Ok, I finally got to sit down and load the game and do a test on the Vampire Flavor 2 Non Autonomous. The first look I did was for patch compatibility. It is fine, so no conflicts there. I then went and put that flavor into my mods folder and loaded my Vampire Test game to take a look and see if the Drink Deeply kills. The first test I did was on a sim on the current lot which was a home lot. She did indeed die. I then went and checked it from a sim just walking by not on a lot. They also died.

So based on my tests the flavor works just fine. The next thing I will do and take a look at the mods you listed, its getting late here but will try to take a look at those mods.

Ok, I wasn't sure what vampire mod you had for the drinking with no limits so here are the ones I found:

Drink, Drain, and Turn with out Restrictions <-- Does NOT conflict

Vampires Mega Mod <--DOES conflict and is listed in my mods description.

So if you have the Meda Mod by Tanja than that would be why it is not working. It is conflicting. My suggestion if all you want is for it to allow you to drink all you want, then choose the Drink, Drain and Turn without Restrictions.

Hope this helps!

Thank you again for saying something about it not working, you never know till you ask


Thank you so much it worked
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