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Kickmouldings & Crowns *UPD 22 FEB 2007*

by MaryLou & Numenor Posted 10th Aug 2006 at 12:28 AM - Updated 22nd Feb 2007 at 6:59 PM by MaryLou & Numenor : Bug-fixed all meshes
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Field Researcher
#51 Old 21st Aug 2006 at 9:19 AM
Thanks to both of you. Your creations are amazing. You are a great team.

Poetry soothes the mind, art pleases the eye, but music touches the heart.
Field Researcher
#52 Old 21st Aug 2006 at 8:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by cerisedrea
- Is there a trick to getting a door to close when it is sharing the same tile as the diaganol mouldings?

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Can yuo show me with a screeshot, please?
Quote: Originally posted by cerisedrea
-Is it possible to add a little piece to the set that covers the endcap of walls, where a wall ends that has no corner. I'm doing the boolprop snapobjectstogrid false thing with a couple of the corner piece mouldings now, and it works pretty well, it's just a wee bit tricky lining pieces up perfectly that way. Not that I'm complaining though. It does work, and it gives the end result I'm after, I'm just wondering if an actual endcap would be possible.

The walls have many different width and configuration and we have chosen to make a piece that works fine with more configuration.The piece you sad is possible only for the straight element, for the diagonal element it isn't, as you can see in the game, becouse my diagonal mesh is longer than the wall-end diagonal. The diagonal mesh needs to be longer becouse when you connect a diagonal wall with another wall, the diagonl will be longer....... and we must cover the connection.... Hope you understand my english......
I'm thinking over to make this new little piece
Quote: Originally posted by Alektra
-Hiding: in wall cutaway view inside walls, the top runners do not disappear altogether, for me they often leave a line of jagged pixels. Some corner pieces do not disappear at all.
-Hiding: on wall cutaway view inside walls, the bottom runners DO disappear altogether, like cupboards and lights, so what you can see of inside walls in that view look as though they don't have runners, even if they do. I don't think there is anything that can be done about this though, but for me it leaves little point to using them on walls which will cutaway.

Yes, I already know these's more difficult for me to explain you with my bad english the causes.If you turn around with the video-camera you'll can see the jagged pixels disappear and show-up on another element......
I can tell you that we are trying to fix these problems, but I'm not sure it's possible. We have chosen the best way to make the kickmoulding works fine, and we have chosen some priorities, example to must put on the wall others objects as windows, doors, painting, phone...... and sims must use the phone on the wall ofcourse........
-I tried using them on a bathroom wall diagonal, and the colors didn't match up (same wood selected, though) - some lighting thing I guess.

Yes, is something about the light. Also on this problem we are working.

When Numenor comes back from the vacantion sure he can explain to you better than me.

If you like my creations, you may consider to make a little donation to support my site and my modding activity.
MaryLou's Sims 2 World - MaryLou Sims 2 Forum (Italiano)
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 22nd Aug 2006 at 3:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MaryLou
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Can yuo show me with a screeshot, please?

Oops, it turns out that it was a toilet being too near the diagonal wall that was preventing the door from closing, not the moulding. My apologies for the mix-up.

"Copper boom!"
#54 Old 22nd Aug 2006 at 8:46 AM Last edited by SciBirg : 22nd Aug 2006 at 12:27 PM.
I have tested this in my game now, and there seems to be a problem.
I can put the molding in my game and it looks great (especially with those messed up stairway walls) but if I go to build mode and back to buy mode they disappear completely. If I go out of the game and back in they are there again. BUT the corner molding stays the whole time. I didn't realize this at first and though I had just forgotten to put the molding up and so put more molding on top of the invisible one. Very confusing...

I also have problems putting them on diagonal walls (using the diagonal version, of course), as the kick molding stops partway on the wall. The crown molding goes all the way across but not the kick molding.

I may have missed something here, so please tell me how to put the molding in properly if I have done it wrong.

EDIT: I have all the EP's but no stuff packs installed. My mods are Pescado's plus InSIM and InTEEN.

Paladins/SimWardrobes downloads:
The ModFather
retired moderator
#55 Old 24th Aug 2006 at 11:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SciBirg
I have tested this in my game now, and there seems to be a problem.
I can put the molding in my game and it looks great (especially with those messed up stairway walls) but if I go to build mode and back to buy mode they disappear completely. If I go out of the game and back in they are there again. BUT the corner molding stays the whole time. I didn't realize this at first and though I had just forgotten to put the molding up and so put more molding on top of the invisible one. Very confusing...

I also have problems putting them on diagonal walls (using the diagonal version, of course), as the kick molding stops partway on the wall. The crown molding goes all the way across but not the kick molding.

Kickmouldings and staircases: I already noticed that sometimes, when a staircase is placed near a kickmoulding, the kickmoulding disappears. I have not the faintest idea why this happens and unfortunately I can provide no solution, at the moment. This should only happen with normal staircases, though, not with modular ones.

Kickmouldings on diagonal walls: you shouldn't manually pick the diagonal from the catalog. As explained in the first post, "You need to purposely pick the diagonal from the catalog only in specific cases: when you want to put the kickmoulding over a diagonal door."

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
#56 Old 25th Aug 2006 at 8:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Numenor
Kickmouldings and staircases: I already noticed that sometimes, when a staircase is placed near a kickmoulding, the kickmoulding disappears. I have not the faintest idea why this happens and unfortunately I can provide no solution, at the moment. This should only happen with normal staircases, though, not with modular ones.

Kickmouldings on diagonal walls: you shouldn't manually pick the diagonal from the catalog. As explained in the first post, "You need to purposely pick the diagonal from the catalog only in specific cases: when you want to put the kickmoulding over a diagonal door."

Doh! Should have read that about the diagonal kickmoldings. Anyway, this happened to two rooms that I put the moldings into. Both rooms were near modular staircases. The moldings vanished for the entire room, even the parts that were pretty far from the staircase.

I really like this stuff and would love to use it but I get too ticked off when it suddenly doesn't show up.

Paladins/SimWardrobes downloads:
#57 Old 29th Aug 2006 at 12:48 PM
I nearly missed these. I rarely go beyond page 2 of a thread and this was down on page 3
Absolutely amazing idea. I hate those skirting boards and mouldings the maxis have on their wallcoverings
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#58 Old 6th Sep 2006 at 9:28 PM Last edited by MaryLou & Numenor : 6th Sep 2006 at 9:55 PM.
BUGFIX: KICKMOULDING & CROWN (now the kickmouldings do NOT disappear any more when a staircase is placed nearby; also, they are correctly restored when the walls are torn down and then up again).
UPDATE: ALL THE RECOLOUR PACKS AND RECOLOUR SETS (now they include the half-wall crown, too)
(look for the symbol in the POST on the top!)


If you need to contact us, PM directly to "Numenor" or "MaryLou".

Please visit our sites: and
#59 Old 7th Sep 2006 at 1:51 PM
Great! I will test this over the weekend.

Paladins/SimWardrobes downloads:
Test Subject
#60 Old 12th Oct 2006 at 5:10 PM
I love these things OMG!!

I had one problem though when I tried to use it in the game, whenever i tried to stick it to the wall the game crashes They're so great and its frustating not being able to use them. Help...
The ModFather
retired moderator
#61 Old 12th Oct 2006 at 6:45 PM
The game crashes? Never heard of this problem...
Please, redownload the set, in case some package got corrupted while downloading/unpacking.

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
Test Subject
#62 Old 13th Oct 2006 at 3:25 AM
I redownloaded and reinstalled it today but it still does the same thing. I thought maybe I needed to have specific placing cheats enabled like moveobjects or snapObjectsToGrid and not use it in any of the default lots the base game has (I only have base game) to make it work but unfortunately same result. Maybe I have too much stuff on my downloads folder or something. Its a great item though and if I could make it work it'll be all over my sims house.

The ModFather
retired moderator
#63 Old 14th Oct 2006 at 12:39 AM
I'm sorry for not being able to help you... I can only say that you don't need any cheat to place these objects, and that they have been extensively tested in a base-game only installation.

I've finally started my Journal. Information only, no questions.

My latest activity: CEP 9.2.0! - AnyGameStarter 2.1.1 (UPD) - Scriptorium v.2.2f - Photo & Plaques hide with walls - Magazine Rack (UPD) - Animated Windows Hack (UPD) - Custom Instrument Hack (UPD) - Drivable Cars Without Nightlife (UPD) - Courtesy Lights (FIX) - Custom Fence-Arches - Painting-TV - Smarter Lights (UPD)

I *DON'T* accept requests, sorry.
Lab Assistant
#64 Old 17th Jan 2007 at 10:45 PM
well, i don't know how i missed these...i spend most of my time building and these are great...thank you both for sharing your talent.
Forum Resident
#65 Old 28th Jan 2007 at 3:52 AM
I noticed that sometimes when I place the straight mesh over "diagonal wall without door", the straight mesh change into the diagonal mesh with "the holes, and when I select the diagonal mesh, I can't pick the segment without holes because there is none. Therefore, I suggest that you guys add "piece without holes" straight recolor in the both kickmoulding and halfcrown diagonal mesh.
Forum Resident
#66 Old 11th Feb 2007 at 2:34 AM
New problem: the diagonal mesh from both the kickmoulding and half crown are not visible in Buy Mode when we are playing community lot, except in Wholesale Mode.
#67 Old 15th Feb 2007 at 5:03 AM
Oh em effing gee.
Even my kitty agrees that this rocks.
-Pokes kitty-
-Kitty purrs in agreement-
This just plain pwns. xD No more having to make zillions of copies of the same color paint or wallpaper just to add kickmouldings. Never seen them in real life, but they're pretty cool in-game. xD
Thanks for these! You two are fawesome.
Test Subject
#68 Old 20th Feb 2007 at 9:55 PM
When I try and place any of these moldings, my game completely crashes.. I have a decent computer that runs the sims fine, so I don't think it's that.
I only have the exp. Uni.

Please help... I dont want to have to delete them..
Field Researcher
#69 Old 21st Feb 2007 at 8:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by anak_ponti
I noticed that sometimes when I place the straight mesh over "diagonal wall without door", the straight mesh change into the diagonal mesh with "the holes, and when I select the diagonal mesh, I can't pick the segment without holes because there is none. Therefore, I suggest that you guys add "piece without holes" straight recolor in the both kickmoulding and halfcrown diagonal mesh.
New problem: the diagonal mesh from both the kickmoulding and half crown are not visible in Buy Mode when we are playing community lot, except in Wholesale Mode.

Quote: Originally posted by *Serenity*
When I try and place any of these moldings, my game completely crashes.. I have a decent computer that runs the sims fine, so I don't think it's that.
I only have the exp. Uni.

Please help... I dont want to have to delete them..

We'll try to reproduce these problems in our game, and testing again with only the EP Uni.
In case we'll fix our items as soon as possible.
Thanks to report

If you like my creations, you may consider to make a little donation to support my site and my modding activity.
MaryLou's Sims 2 World - MaryLou Sims 2 Forum (Italiano)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#70 Old 22nd Feb 2007 at 6:48 PM
Default Thread Update!

There was a bug, now fixed, that caused the University-only games to crash. Also fixed the bug that prevented users from picking the right colour from the catalog for the diagonal items.

The updated RARs are:
Please redownload the two updated RARs (you can click on the links in this post, if you like).

Thanks to anak_ponti and Serenity for reporting the bugs

If you need to contact us, PM directly to "Numenor" or "MaryLou".

Please visit our sites: and
Forum Resident
#71 Old 25th Feb 2007 at 3:36 AM
It works great now. Thanks, MaryLou & Numenor, you guys are the best.
Test Subject
#72 Old 27th Feb 2007 at 9:16 PM
Thank you so much for fixing the problem I agree with anak_ponti, you are the best.
Lab Assistant
#73 Old 16th Mar 2007 at 9:24 PM
it's always nice to have more freedom when building your houses. like in this case being able to use any wall and apply kickmouldings anytime you like. is there a chance that you will also make sometime like this with woodpanels (if that is the right word) that go up to half of the wall?
Lab Assistant
#74 Old 6th Apr 2007 at 7:53 PM
Default moldings
my computer crashed big time [ nothing to do with the sims2].... the first thing i did was put my sims 2 back on is sooooooo empty....and then i came looking for your moldings...they work great and look great....i wouldnt even play my game if it were not for your creations and know how....i really want to thank you for sharing your great, im off to get the cep...catstale
Lab Assistant
#75 Old 27th Jul 2007 at 5:20 AM
I recently saw other molding like this somewhere else but I cant remember. I did want to mention though that that set also had 3d wainscotting. You guys plan on making those too? Or gonna leave that to the wallpapers?
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