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Warlokk's Female BodyShape Variety Project - Clothes-Bottoms

by Warlokk Posted 25th Sep 2005 at 8:41 PM - Updated 25th Sep 2005 at 9:06 PM by Warlokk
55 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 54 Feedback Posts
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Original Poster
#26 Old 27th Sep 2005 at 1:28 AM
There's a tutorial in the Create session on how to assign a different default mesh to something, but I haven't looked at it and have no idea what in involves, although I'm sure it's a bunch of ID-changing in SimPe. However since each item ties to it's own custom mesh, all you could do is make all your ShortSkirtShoes items either 36 or 38, same with the FlairedPantsSandals and SlinkySkirt meshes. This is fine, if you want all your sims to have that size bottoms for those outfit types, but personally I don't have a use for it. If you're feeling adventurous though, go check out the tutorials and have at it!
Test Subject
#27 Old 28th Sep 2005 at 5:21 AM
Very thanks! Your meshes is the best! Please, make more clothers! I love this meshes!

Sorry for my bad english. I am a brazilian guy.
Field Researcher
#28 Old 29th Sep 2005 at 2:40 PM
Oh yesss...thankees so much! :D
Top Secret Researcher
#29 Old 6th Oct 2005 at 3:44 PM
your like a god! Thankz
#30 Old 11th Oct 2005 at 8:29 AM
Thank you so much Warlokk, I really like the curves, and Thank you for your dedication on converting so many meshes, to make a consistent body shape in the gameplay.
Test Subject
#31 Old 12th Oct 2005 at 11:52 AM
Default Adding detail to these amazing bodies?
How could I add realitic detail to the nude bodies here, they are much better than the original meshes especially the Natural shapes. However it gets a bit silly when they shower etc as they turn back into 'barbie'. Is there a set of 'Nude' skins available for them or has anyone made real skin for these real women? :wave:
Original Poster
#32 Old 12th Oct 2005 at 4:33 PM
Ken-- There are instructions in the main BodyShape post about how to convert skintones to the new meshes with BodyShop... it's easy, but time consuming. Also, Duschenka has uploaded a couple sets for the 36D and 38DD meshes, do a search for "Warlokk" and you'll find them.
Test Subject
#33 Old 12th Oct 2005 at 10:41 PM
Default Thank you ....but
I should say that until now I had very little fun with Sims it was a program my step children loaded on to my computer to play when they visited. I love these meshes, but have no idea how you did it, they make the Sims look like real women, the society within the game becomes so much better now, I will try to do as you say but might need more help.
Thank you though..,. Ken
Test Subject
#34 Old 13th Oct 2005 at 2:02 PM
Default Please could someone good at skinning do this!!!
I am going mad trying to get a blonde 'real' skin onto the mesh of the 34c 38 woman by Warlokk, it is afabulous shape and much more realistic than the normal Maxis shapes, but I am unable to get SimPE to do it. I am trying to put Allan Akbars blonde Version 3 onto this mesh, I can't do it. Could someone please post a realistic nude skin for the incredibly good meshes made by Warlokk.
Original Poster
#35 Old 13th Oct 2005 at 4:38 PM
Use BodyShop, it's much easier... export my skin from BodyShop, replace textures with the ones from the skin you want to use, and re-import... it'll keep the shapes, but use your new textures. I've gone over it several times in the main BodyShape post
#36 Old 14th Oct 2005 at 9:43 AM
Default Need help with teen problem!
I'm trying to a make teen mesh. I want it made like Warlokk's 38dd enhanced
38hips mesh scaled down to 94%. I think the mesh looks great. I have figured out how to make it part of the same genetic makup as the adults, but I can't get the meshes to export correctly from milkshape. I have followed the tutorials and my meshes get screwed up. I have even tried to export a mesh without making any changes to it and I still haven't had any luck.
Could somedody please make me a mesh just like the adult 38dden38hips scaled down to 94%. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
#37 Old 14th Oct 2005 at 12:45 PM
I figured out what my problem was. I'm going to work on some teen meshes now.
Test Subject
#38 Old 14th Oct 2005 at 5:37 PM
Even not yet installed, I think this is a great work. Many thanks Warlokk.
Just few questions:
1. I have installed the GunMod's default replacement skintones, that I think are the better around. Are your meshes compatible or I should use yours custom skins?
2. I have also installed some custom "invisible" clothes. Can I see your meshes naked with these into BodyShop?
3. As far you know, any conflict with the nude-hack by dizzy2 ?

Thanks again, anyway and sorry for my bad english (isn't my mother language).
Original Poster
#39 Old 15th Oct 2005 at 1:12 AM
In order for my meshes to show up when your sims are nude, you have to use my skins, or create new ones using them as a base with BodyShop (see main BodyShape Variety post, instructions are there several times). In fact the light skintone I use myself for these is from GunMod's set, but I uploaded the default Barbie skintones so I wouldn't be distributing other people's work. Converting other skintones to these shapes is pretty easy though.

There are separate invisible clothes for all body sizes posted here in the Adults Only section, by topcatdk. Those are the only ones that will keep the body shapes.

Since they're just a bunch of custom meshes, there shouldn't be any conflicts with any hacks out there... I use Crammyboy's Nudist hack found here, and it works great.
Test Subject
#40 Old 15th Oct 2005 at 4:13 PM
Many thanks for your quickly reply. Now I have more light into my head. :D
Test Subject
#41 Old 26th Oct 2005 at 7:38 AM
This is exactly what I was missing for booby girls.. They usually have a curvier bottom too Thanks

+ElinazarieL+ \/^-^-^\/ The Countess of Midnight
Test Subject
#42 Old 30th Nov 2005 at 9:28 PM
Warlokk I recently added a set of undies to fit your body sizes on this site.I will be adding more,but I am limited to Certian Clothing.I Can only do coppies of other skinner clothing. Im not that skilled yet.Anyway I need the meshes in the right sizes to do so! I need A Short Dress mesh In all 26 of your body sizes to make the nighties.
Original Poster
#43 Old 30th Nov 2005 at 10:33 PM
I've been working on a higher-poly Nude mesh lately, but I'm thinking about converting some more outfits too. I'll keep that in mind, you're right we do need a short skirt outfit.
#44 Old 1st Dec 2005 at 12:34 PM
I agree a short skirt outfit would be a welcome addition, I really don't like to have to use the invisible tops if I can avoid it, a mesh has much cleaner lines.

I appreciate your hard work on all this.

*♥.¸Here we go again .♥*
Test Subject
#45 Old 2nd Dec 2005 at 12:28 AM
I love your meshes they have become the only meshes I will use in my game!!
I have tried my hand at creating meshes and was hoping to create a mesh similar to your 38 jeans with sandals but instead with heels and the jeans flared. I figured out quickly why I leave the meshing to the pros!!! I did manage to get the heels and the jeans flared but I could not get the hips or thighs right so I left it just with heels and flared jeans. Any tips that could help me get the curves closer to yours? My girls need some thanks for any insight.
Lab Assistant
#46 Old 2nd Dec 2005 at 12:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Warlokk
I've been working on a higher-poly Nude mesh lately, but I'm thinking about converting some more outfits too. I'll keep that in mind, you're right we do need a short skirt outfit.

Could you possibly make your nude meshes with heels? Pretty please with lots and lots of cherries on top with whip cream?

Love your meshes...they are THE best.

Thanx so much.
Original Poster
#47 Old 2nd Dec 2005 at 1:34 AM
Katyrae-- I do almost everything on the bottoms using the Scale function in Milkshape... I set them to 1.1 on the x and z axis, grab the entire hip area except the top edge, and scale them up 10% at a time on each axis until they match up. The 38's also have a 50% scale increase on the calves too, but you have to do them separately or they'll spread apart in a really bizarre way. If you import an .obj of one of my other bottom meshes, you can import it as a separate group and overlap them to make sure they match up. That's how I make all mine, I overlay the nude top/bottom over them and just make them fit. Bottoms are pretty easy, I bet if you play with it a little you can get it to match up perfectly, I tried to keep the modifications simple since I had to do them 80 bazillion times for all the size combinations The tops, obviously, are a LOT more complicated... much more hand-editing and manually moving groups of vertices around. But basically, if you can make something look like it fits with my original nudes by overlapping my meshes with yours, it'll work great. Just don't forget to remove the group containing my mesh before you export.

Gnostic-- I think I saw a nude/heels mesh at another site, I'd have to get permission to modify it though first. I have had no luck with adding vertices to meshes so far, so I haven't played around with adding heels to anything, but I could give it a look... there's been a lot of requests for it. Would a separate nude bottom with heels be preferable to a full-body, or vice-verse?
Test Subject
#48 Old 2nd Dec 2005 at 1:17 PM
Thanks a bunch Warlokk
Lab Assistant
#49 Old 5th Dec 2005 at 5:20 PM
These are absolutely fantastic, Thank you
Field Researcher
#50 Old 7th Dec 2005 at 12:47 AM
Great work as usual! I love all the curvy shapes you've made, thanks a bunch

:nod: :wave: Terrific!

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