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Write Thank You Notes Fix

by gamefreak130 Posted 24th Nov 2018 at 7:05 PM - Updated 25th Nov 2018 at 5:31 AM by gamefreak130
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#2 Old 24th Nov 2018 at 7:32 PM
Thank you so much for this great "repair"! I missed already a long time the possibility for my sims to thank for their wedding gifts!
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 24th Nov 2018 at 7:47 PM
Thank you for fixing this issue!
Field Researcher
#4 Old 25th Nov 2018 at 3:13 AM
Thank you so much!!
Forum Resident
#5 Old 25th Nov 2018 at 4:01 PM
Thank you so much for this.. I remember this used to be an option after you received wedding gifts. Then it disappeared and I forgot about it..
Site Helper
#6 Old 25th Nov 2018 at 7:56 PM
Considering that I didn't get Generations until after this had been broken, I was completely unaware that this even existed. Thank you for restoring it!
#7 Old 26th Nov 2018 at 10:54 PM
Thanks. I wondered what had happened to that interaction.
Test Subject
#8 Old 10th Dec 2018 at 11:38 AM
Hi. I have the interaction selection on the mailbox, but it cancels out immediately, so still cannot complete the thank you notes.
#9 Old 10th Dec 2018 at 5:14 PM
Yeah, this mod is pretty much useless, sadly, due to what Zhippidy said. Can second that.
Original Poster
#10 Old 18th Dec 2018 at 2:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Zhippidy
Hi. I have the interaction selection on the mailbox, but it cancels out immediately, so still cannot complete the thank you notes.

Quote: Originally posted by NikolajDeluke
Yeah, this mod is pretty much useless, sadly, due to what Zhippidy said. Can second that.

I did some testing, and I'm afraid I couldn't replicate this issue. The interaction works fine for me. Did you clear your script caches? Do you have another mod that either overrides the GetMail interaction or the XML for the WriteThankYouNotes interaction? Is there a writing surface available for the sim to write the notes?

I haven't made any changes to the interaction itself; I just made it appear properly in the pie menu, so it's also possible you've run into an existing game bug.

"The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had." - Eric Schmidt

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Lab Assistant
#11 Old 26th Dec 2018 at 1:04 PM
Thank You. :-)
Field Researcher
#12 Old 27th Dec 2018 at 3:26 AM
Happy Holliday and thanks for all the joy you have given all Sims 3 players XXX
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 12th Jan 2019 at 1:02 PM
This is just one of those little things that add up to vastly improve gameplay!
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 22nd Apr 2019 at 2:39 AM
I installed this mod a little while ago, and my sims finally had a chance to write thank you notes! It worked, but afterward, their mailbox was bugged. Every time they went to get their mail, they would reset. When I took the mod out, they were able to get their mail again. Not sure what it's interacting with; I don't think I have any other mods that affect the mailbox. My game is patched to 1.67, though.
Original Poster
#15 Old 23rd Apr 2019 at 4:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by tamalinn
I installed this mod a little while ago, and my sims finally had a chance to write thank you notes! It worked, but afterward, their mailbox was bugged. Every time they went to get their mail, they would reset. When I took the mod out, they were able to get their mail again. Not sure what it's interacting with; I don't think I have any other mods that affect the mailbox. My game is patched to 1.67, though.

That's strange. Would you mind installing NRaas ErrorTrap at least temporarily and uploading the script error it produces when your sims try to get the mail?

"The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had." - Eric Schmidt

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Field Researcher
#16 Old 26th Apr 2019 at 10:43 PM
Is it bad that I didn't know that this was supposed to be a thing? lol
Original Poster
#17 Old 27th Apr 2019 at 12:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Frechi
Is it bad that I didn't know that this was supposed to be a thing? lol

Honestly, I didn't either until I got a request to fix it!

"The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had." - Eric Schmidt

If you enjoy the mods I put out, consider supporting me on patreon:
Test Subject
#18 Old 12th Jul 2019 at 8:58 AM Last edited by LamerOnLine : 12th Jul 2019 at 4:37 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by gamefreak130
That's strange. Would you mind installing NRaas ErrorTrap at least temporarily and uploading the script error it produces when your sims try to get the mail?

Same error. Reset of any sims when they take mail. ErrorTrap installed and logged this error

1: Взять почту

Counter: 8
Sim-Time: Чт., в 7:29
Start-Time: 07/11/2019 13:59:33
PreLoadup-Time: 07/11/2019 14:00:12
Loadup-Time: 07/11/2019 14:01:11
Log-Time: 07/11/2019 22:11:37

System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object instance was required.
#0: 0x00006 callvirt in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.MiniSimDescription:FindMiniRelationship (Sims3.UI.CAS.IMiniSimDescription,bool) (6093FEA0 [00000000] [0] )
#1: 0x00006 call in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.MiniSimDescription:GetMiniRelationship (Sims3.UI.CAS.IMiniSimDescription) (6093FEA0 [00000000] )
#2: 0x00024 callvirt in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:GetMiniRelationship (Sims3.UI.CAS.IMiniSimDescription) (61508000 [00000000] )
#3: 0x000a9 callvirt in Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Sims3.Gameplay.Core.LoveLetter:OnRemovalFromMailbox (Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim) (610E01C8 [628BD000] )
#4: 0x00048 callvirt in Gamefreak130.ThankYouNotesFix.Gamefreak130.ThankYouNotesFix.GetMail:GrabMail (Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Mailbox,Sims3.Gameplay.Interfaces.IActor) ([61297A00] [628BD000] )
#5: 0x000cf call in Gamefreak130.ThankYouNotesFix.Gamefreak130.ThankYouNotesFix.GetMail:Run () ()
#6: 0x000db stloc.u1 in Sims3.Gameplay.Interactions.Sims3.Gameplay.Interactions.InteractionInstance:RunInteractionWithoutCleanup () ()
#7: 0x00348 stloc.u1 in Sims3.Gameplay.ActorSystems.Sims3.Gameplay.ActorSystems.InteractionQueue:ProcessOneInteraction () ()
#8: 0x0011c stfld.u1 in Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim:DoInteraction () ()
#9: 0x00015 br.s in Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sims3.Gameplay.Actors.Sim:Simulate () ()
#10: 0x00027 leave.s in ScriptCore.ScriptCore.ScriptProxy:Simulate () ()

PS There were no weddings in the household.
Original Poster
#19 Old 13th Jul 2019 at 1:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by LamerOnLine
Same error. Reset of any sims when they take mail. ErrorTrap installed and logged this error

PS There were no weddings in the household. looks like a problem with writers of love letters -- something this mod should not be targeting. Does the error still occur when my mod is not installed?

"The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had." - Eric Schmidt

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Test Subject
#20 Old 17th Jul 2019 at 10:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gamefreak130 looks like a problem with writers of love letters -- something this mod should not be targeting. Does the error still occur when my mod is not installed?

Of course, after your mod has been removed - no crashes and errors. Version 1.67.
Again, no weddings in my household at all. Never. I'll test love letters (something I never used), but all post delivery works ok without your mod, at last.
No relationship mods installed, except full set of NRAAS mods. Maybe some kind of conflict here...
Original Poster
#21 Old 18th Jul 2019 at 3:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by LamerOnLine
Of course, after your mod has been removed - no crashes and errors. Version 1.67.
Again, no weddings in my household at all. Never. I'll test love letters (something I never used), but all post delivery works ok without your mod, at last.
No relationship mods installed, except full set of NRAAS mods. Maybe some kind of conflict here...

I'm sorry, I still can't seem to replicate this issue. Do you still get the errors when just ErrorTrap and my mod are installed? It's possible that there's a conflict with another mod.

"The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had." - Eric Schmidt

If you enjoy the mods I put out, consider supporting me on patreon:
Test Subject
#22 Old 28th Aug 2020 at 1:09 AM
I think is the error Trap targeting everything as stuck, not your mod xD
To some people is better leave error Trap out of their game since it produces more crashes and lag than without it.
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 1st Nov 2020 at 6:22 PM
Didn't even know this was an issue before I stumbled upon this mod.
Test Subject
#24 Old 13th Feb 2021 at 2:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by gamefreak130
I'm sorry, I still can't seem to replicate this issue. Do you still get the errors when just ErrorTrap and my mod are installed? It's possible that there's a conflict with another mod.

It may have something to do with receiving mail after the sending sim has left the town. The null value which triggers the error may be the name or other ID of the missing sim.
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 2nd Jun 2023 at 9:27 AM
Im considering using this mod, just wondering about how many more have experienced this mailbox situation ? Was it a conflict or was the cause every found?
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