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Correlated Skins *5 Year Creator Anniversary*

by Phaenoh Posted 19th Jul 2012 at 5:58 PM - Updated 12th Dec 2017 at 6:31 PM by Phaenoh
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#26 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 10:53 PM
Okay I'm a little bit confused. I get the part about the body hair matching the head hair and 16 default skintones, but one thing I wonder is if you have an Afro descent sim and a Caucasian sim will their baby have a mixed (tan) skintone?
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#27 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 11:37 PM
I didn't mess with the mixing genetics, so like maxis, if you had an S4 and an S2 have a baby, the child would have either S2, S3, or S4.
Test Subject
#28 Old 19th Jul 2012 at 11:47 PM
Yay - I've always wanted this! Thank you so very much!
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#29 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 12:14 AM
This is amazing!! *Throws rose petals*

I do have to tell you there are already baby hairs linked to hair colour done by Theraven on her site. They are not skins, just a default hair that picks up the babies real hair colour. I'm assuming they will not play nicely with your skins? Also she has many gender linked baby clothes.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#30 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 12:49 AM
So these skins are like default skins? So if I have several sims who use my current default replacement, and change the skins to this (with the skin I want to use), then the babies are going to get the correct hair color automatically?
(I'm probably slow today, but after 7 hours of evening shift my brain is mush and can't take in a lot of text)

Chris Hatch at BAS found a way to combine outfits and hairs into the skintone file, but I haven't figured out how it is done yet.

@ Jo - the skins and CH's hairs might be combinable. Has to be tested, and the hairs on the skins won't be visible (but it would let you use 4 different outfits for each skin tone/hair). Not girl/boy, as for that you'd need a double set, but you could have different uni outfits for each skin (does not go off in wash, though :P).
Field Researcher
#31 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 12:56 AM
Suddenly a PHAENOH'S UPLOAD appears! Julmoo uses DOWNLOAD! It's super-effective! Thanks a lot for this awesome awesome Barney Stinson awesome download!! <3
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#32 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 12:57 AM Last edited by Phaenoh : 6th Mar 2013 at 2:55 AM.
joandsarah, I can't tell if they clash because I don't know how they work. I'm not familar with Theraven's work and the site she has things on requires registration.

simmer, yes, they are kinda like defaults. If you change to correlated skins, (assuming the correlated skins you pick have infant hairs painted on) then the babies will have the correct hair color.

Thanks for the comments everyone!
Forum Resident
#33 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 1:06 AM

This is unbelievable! Hooray for more diversity! :D
#34 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 1:33 AM
Awesome! Well done and congrats!
Test Subject
#35 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 1:48 AM
I was so excited about this when my sister first told me about this... Now I just can't wait till we are done with all the supernaturals...
Mad Poster
#36 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 2:41 AM
Okay, first question: should I ask here or in the tutorial thread?
Second question (I'm looking at Adoration from this to become S4Black) how do I know what to call the textures? I mean, I'm looking at a face, how can I figure out which age/gender it should be? I can kinda tell which are male and which are female bodies, but there are two textures that are plain as well--just colored rectangles, I have no idea what those are.
Am I missing something obvious? Or most likely, what is the obvious thing I am missing?
#37 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 2:45 AM
Not quite my speed at present, but wow for the accomplishment! That's a heck of a lot of attention to detail, and you've finished a project that I would never even know how to start.
Not actually evil.
#38 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 3:27 AM
Great idea. Maybe I could finally, finally, have those genetically Asian and Polynesian vacation 'hood townies I've always dreamed of. (If I ever find time to play again.) This opens up lots of creative possibilities, and that's always a fantastic thing. And fuzzy headed babies, yay! Guys who don't wax their legs! The realistic diversity is really spiffy. I would want a child with Japanese/Kenyan ancestry to show both. edit: According to your matrix, might a child with Asian (black hair) and African (black hair) parentage get Native American skin? SO VERY tempted to play again just to experiment with genetics. *sigh* Need time dilator.

1) Is there a way around the 1 elder skin for all four hair colors, without breaking familifycation? You probably already pondered this at length, just curious.

2) Why the coyness about the gory tech details? I understand not wanting people to needlessly waste time reinventing the wheel, but for those of us curious about tech details, it would be informative and interesting. Or is there tech discussion about this in the modding forums that I missed? I really ought to look in on those once in a while, see all the fun I'm missing.

Somewhat odd to me, in a good way, that these are called "eugenic" skins, with the stated goal of increasing human diversity and showcasing human beauty in its myriad shades, when historically, eugenic programs often had the opposite goal. The word has the dictionary meaning you listed, but the connotation is rather chilling. Word subversion for the win!
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#39 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 4:02 AM
Sunbee, ask in my tutorial thread and I'll help you there. Mostly you just have to look at the MatDef files and match numbers.

Cat, Japanese/Kenyay would in fact produce something in the middle relating to neither, unless that's not how you want to set your game up. I pretty much explained the 'gory' details, the secret really is just that hairtone line. In fact it might be able to go backwords on it as well and have some hairs only show up for certain skintones. Since this set is about skins, and there are far fewer skins, I didn't go that route. We can talk about it more in my tutorial thread if you want. And yes, I like turning the word on its head. Let the poor word have its proper meaning back without the negativity attached to it.
Not actually evil.
#40 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 6:32 AM
Phae - thanks, your tutorial thread is exactly what I was asking about, forgot to check your articles list
Test Subject
#41 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 7:23 AM Last edited by silverleaf79 : 20th Jul 2012 at 7:33 AM.
Awesome idea! I have to admit, townies with very dark skin and blonde/red hair bug the hell out of me - and of course when I change their hair colour they still have mad eyebrows. Sigh.

For some reason this isn't working properly for me though. I'm seeing the different skins only on the body of the sim and not the head. Any ideas as to why this is happening? A blonde sim with the new S4 skin has a much darker head because that bit's showing the "old" S4, and it just looks bizarre.

I downloaded all 5 files, plus the infants skins. Can anyone maybe suggest what I'm doing wrong?
Field Researcher
#42 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 7:30 AM
Oh my, this is absolutely fantastic! You are so talented, thank you so much for sharing these!
Field Researcher
#43 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 7:48 AM
Fantastic work Phae.I just love all your stuff and all the hard work you put into everything you do.I got them in my game and they work great and I love the diversity in my hood now.
Thank you so much
Field Researcher
#44 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 8:16 AM
This is awesome! I love the idea of having this kind of diversity without needing loads of custom skins! I will admit I'm a bit on the fence about using these for my normal hoods because of not having eugenic in-between skins and such (or freckled brunettes, but that can be fixed with makeup). A couple of qs:

In your little table of how you want your own skins you have some combos being freckled and one with vitiligio, but I can't see anything like that in the pictures. So I assume the skins in this package are just plain? Or are my eyes deceiving me?

I think I might try making some of Genensims' skins into a eugenics set, for my furry hood. It would be really awesome for that I think, 'cos then you can sort of make hair color match fur color so that. I'm a little confused about how inheriting hair works though. If two Sims with, let's say, S3 skins but different haircolors have a kid, will the kid then have the skintone of whichever parent it inherits haircolor from? What if the parents have different skintones and different haircolor? Could a kid inherit the skintone/set from one parent, and then have the hair as inherited from the other parent determine which version of that skin they'd get? 'Cos then one could, for instance, have a red/orange tabby with red hair and a brunette with brown fur produce a brunette brown tabby offspring by making the orange and brown tabby furs subsets of the same skintone. That'd be fun!
Test Subject
#45 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 9:26 AM
Phaenoh, thank you so much! It's not just awesome, it's super-duper pretty awesome! And again thank you for being so kind to TS2 players who are abandoned by the game's creators <3
Mad Poster
#46 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 12:09 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 20th Jul 2012 at 1:00 PM.
Just something I noticed while testing the skins.

(I used different skins, put clothes directly on the skintones, and removed the hairs, to test if Chris Hatch's genetic baby hair would work with this. There's one baby of each of S1, S2 and the different hair colors).

What i noticed, is that the S1 blonde skin seems to take its body skintone from the S1 brown skin (seems so, anyway - the outfit I painted on was pink, the one to the left, not the sheep outfit).

Also, the genetic hair works fine except for the brown hair, which does not show up for any of the skins. I think there might be a conflict in the brown hair files and brown skins somewhere. The brown hair is the only one that does not work.

If you feel like testing it, there is a hair file here:
It's not the same hair, but it is the most correct for filenames.

Would be great to be able to use these together
Or maybe even have different hairstyles and skins for girl/boy, or for the different hair colors? I know CH made separate skins for boys and girls, too. They were custom skins, however.
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#47 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 1:03 PM
I tested this also with the curly genetic baby hair. I pulled out every black hair baby skin file assuming the baby would get maxis Sk 4 like both his parents. I used the simbin couple Ramaswami to make sure it was maxis skin. The baby was born with sk 2 skin on his body while his scalp was sk 4 with the black curly genetic hair.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Lab Assistant
#48 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 1:25 PM
I find that one with hair on babies is intressting, so i am gonna try that with my defaults.
Mad Poster
#49 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 1:54 PM
I figured out the hairs has to load AFTER the skins to work properly, so if anyone wants to try, just ad "ZZ" to the front of the baby hair file. Should work then :D

Proof the brown hair works now:

The S1 skin texture is still the wrong one, though...
Test Subject
#50 Old 20th Jul 2012 at 1:56 PM
I wonder why there are no elder files? Do elders just use adult skins?
I am super exited about Eugenic Skins! Still need to do another 14 skins to test them
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