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Reset Bathing Outfit

by Lynire Posted 18th Dec 2015 at 4:05 AM - Updated 6th Jan 2016 at 5:37 AM by Lynire
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Test Subject
#101 Old 6th Nov 2016 at 11:29 AM
Hi, I have the same problem wrote by fozzybear98.
In addition: I downloaded the file and in the zip file there isn't the package file, only .py and .pyo
If someone has some advice...
Thanks a lot!
Field Researcher
#102 Old 7th Nov 2016 at 2:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by EthlinnC.
Hi, I have the same problem wrote by fozzybear98.
In addition: I downloaded the file and in the zip file there isn't the package file, only .py and .pyo
If someone has some advice...
Thanks a lot!

You aren't supposed to unzip the file; just download and put into your Mods folder.
Test Subject
#103 Old 7th Nov 2016 at 10:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by devilgurl
You aren't supposed to unzip the file; just download and put into your Mods folder.

I tried also without unzip the file, but nothing change...
Field Researcher
#104 Old 8th Nov 2016 at 3:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by EthlinnC.
I tried also without unzip the file, but nothing change...

What exactly are you trying to do with it? It works fine for me. It's a command you have to type into the cheat console.
Test Subject
#105 Old 10th Nov 2016 at 8:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by fozzybear98
But as Videlbriefs mentioned above, there are two bugs... one with the CC and one that is an EA bug. I have that one. I pulled all my CC and Mods out and had a blue skinned, bald Sim. Had her shower. I could see through the pixelation that she had that peach bra top on still. I added the Mosaic be gone Mod (don't know what else to call it), and sure enough, she's showering in just her bra. I have several female Sims doing this now. I didn't notice it until after installing City Life. It may have been the update a few days prior. I honestly didn't notice (don't always watch my Sims in the shower.... LOL). I hope that EA fixes this soon. It's really not that big of a deal, but an annoyance.

THIS. I'm having the same issue with my female sims. They always end up showering with a top. At first they would wear this cc top I downloaded a few months ago, I thought it was the problem but after deleting/removing that cc.. they started to wear the peach bra instead. T_T
Test Subject
#106 Old 11th Nov 2016 at 5:33 PM
Thank you for sharing.
Test Subject
#107 Old 11th Nov 2016 at 6:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by devilgurl
What exactly are you trying to do with it? It works fine for me. It's a command you have to type into the cheat console.

I put cheat, but nothing change...
Test Subject
#108 Old 2nd Dec 2016 at 1:47 PM
Lab Assistant
#109 Old 18th Dec 2016 at 4:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by EthlinnC.
I put cheat, but nothing change...

Did you try it after enabling testing cheats?
Field Researcher
#110 Old 13th Jan 2017 at 12:01 AM
Does this still working for today's patch?
Test Subject
#111 Old 14th Jan 2017 at 3:28 AM
Quote: Originally posted by csg5vbe3argf
Does this still working for today's patch?

Yes, it still works (thankfully!)
Field Researcher
#112 Old 14th Jan 2017 at 10:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joanbaez
Yes, it still works (thankfully!)
That's good.
Test Subject
#113 Old 15th Jan 2017 at 8:40 AM
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I almost gave up when I saw the MC Command center way then I found this. Worked like a charm. Thank you!! PS: I have the .zip file in my Mods folder (still zipped).
#114 Old 19th Jan 2017 at 6:51 AM
Thank you for this mod!!!
Test Subject
#115 Old 25th Jan 2017 at 8:21 PM
Hi, I've updated my game and downloaded the latest version of this mod, but it isn't working properly. when i enter in the command the sim's shower clothing does change, but not to nude, it just changes to other EA clothing over and over again (not cc clothing). Please help
Test Subject
#116 Old 26th Jan 2017 at 1:06 PM
This is great!
Test Subject
#117 Old 27th Jan 2017 at 12:12 AM
Thanks so much for this mod! I downloaded it a while ago and it's great. Since I installed Vampires, that peachy/pink bra has made another annoying appearance. Two of my Sims were in transition and showering/bathing with it and running the script didn't help. Then I realized that only the two turning into vamps were affected. I tried the MCC Dresser fix and that didn't work either. The happy news is that after the Sims turn, no more bra! I don't think the issue is caused by any of my mods (although it could be). I would have tested without them, but if the issue only happens during transition, I'll live with it.
Lab Assistant
#118 Old 31st Jan 2017 at 10:42 PM
I seem to get the recurring pink bra with more frequency lately and this mod helps to restore my sims to their appropriate nude default top.

I did notice that it doesn't seem to work for the nude outfit when a sim takes a bath with a soak (when they apply the clay mask to their face)
Test Subject
#119 Old 17th Feb 2017 at 8:51 PM
Mod is in conflict with "Always testingcheats". Whenever the reset command is done, it disables cheating.
Test Subject
#120 Old 19th Feb 2017 at 7:16 PM
I've been stressing forever about trying to fix them wearing clothes while nude, thank you for this!! =)
Test Subject
#121 Old 20th Feb 2017 at 3:31 PM
It worked for me as well. At first, it didn't because I didn't realize that I'd have to put the zip directly into the mods folder, but once I read this thread I removed the 2 files that I'd unzipped and replaced it with the zip file. I reset ALL and it wasn't kidding. It reset even the people in the town whom my Sims are friends with. I got a list of like 15 people that it reset. Now my sims go naked when they bath/shower. YAY! Thank you again.
Test Subject
#122 Old 21st Mar 2017 at 3:17 PM
When i download the files it is named "", I placed it in the mods folder in zipped format and it didnt work. Do i have to rename it ?
Field Researcher
#123 Old 22nd Mar 2017 at 2:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Konoki5k
When i download the files it is named "", I placed it in the mods folder in zipped format and it didnt work. Do i have to rename it ?

Download it, place it into your Mods folder (don't unzip the file) make sure you have both mods enabled and script mods enabled in your game's settings. Its working fine for me. Did you type the command in the cheat console correctly?
#124 Old 22nd Mar 2017 at 2:56 PM
Awesome mod. Thank you so much. Would it be possible to load the command reset_bathing_outfit all automatically after the loading screen?
Test Subject
#125 Old 23rd Mar 2017 at 2:50 PM
This mod saved my day!
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