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Reset Bathing Outfit

by Lynire Posted 18th Dec 2015 at 4:05 AM - Updated 6th Jan 2016 at 5:37 AM by Lynire
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Test Subject
#151 Old 29th Jul 2017 at 3:52 PM
I moved zip file to Mods Folder, Enable and Script Mods Allow and then typed Cheats code, but it wasn't working. I could not change the Sim's outfit when they take shower. My Sim still wear a bathing suit. (This outfit is EA outfit, not CC.)
Test Subject
#152 Old 30th Jul 2017 at 12:38 PM
My issue was that my Sims created prior the last Patch, still wearing the pink bra. I installed the mod an typed "reset_bathing_outfit all" and it worked fine, they are all naked again The outcoming message lists all fixed bathing clothes.
I use No Mosaic / Censor Mod for The Sims 4 - Toddler Compatibility Update! too.
#153 Old 3rd Aug 2017 at 1:44 AM Last edited by Synthesis : 3rd Aug 2017 at 7:31 AM.
I can't even get the mod to activate--I put it into the "mods" folder by default, to avoid any folder depth issues, but it doesn't show up in the script mod log (MCC does, so scripts are enabled), and entering in the basic command doesn't even get you help text. Has anyone else encountered this?

EDIT: Just figured it out--you can't unzip the file. Duh. If anyone else runs into the issue of the mod not being detected, that does it. And thank you very much for your fix, Lynire. Since it seems to be necessary to reactivate the function, I wonder if there's a way to make the game run it on its own periodically...probably not?
Test Subject
#154 Old 7th Sep 2017 at 1:17 PM
I have been tryingv to use this but my sim is just cycling through EA clothes male and female haha. anyone have a fix?
Field Researcher
#155 Old 7th Sep 2017 at 5:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by danasims3
I have been tryingv to use this but my sim is just cycling through EA clothes male and female haha. anyone have a fix?

The mod is working as intended, make sure you installed it correctly as well as following instructions on the command prompt.
Field Researcher
#156 Old 8th Sep 2017 at 1:54 PM
Sweet. Is working as of tonight, Friday the 8th of September 2017.
The instructions however, aren't self explanatory. I had to read back several pages to piece it all together only to learn that there is a guide somewhere on the net that requires Googling - by which stage I already worked it out.

Basically you put the MTS_Lynire_1588625_ResetBathingOutfit in your mods folder unpacked (I also added a text file containing within the code: reset_bathing_outfit [SimFirstName SimLastName | current | all]

I also added notes to remind me that the sim in question had to be showering or whatever in the unwanted clothing before you use the code and that if I am using it on a particular sim in the shower, to use only the 'reset_bathing_outfit SimFirstName SimLastName' part.
Test Subject
#157 Old 8th Sep 2017 at 9:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MrRoc
Sweet. Is working as of tonight, Friday the 8th of September 2017.
The instructions however, aren't self explanatory. I had to read back several pages to piece it all together only to learn that there is a guide somewhere on the net that requires Googling - by which stage I already worked it out.

Basically you put the MTS_Lynire_1588625_ResetBathingOutfit in your mods folder unpacked (I also added a text file containing within the code: reset_bathing_outfit [SimFirstName SimLastName | current | all]

I also added notes to remind me that the sim in question had to be showering or whatever in the unwanted clothing before you use the code and that if I am using it on a particular sim in the shower, to use only the 'reset_bathing_outfit SimFirstName SimLastName' part.

Tried it exactly, doesn't work. Switching through EA clothes - both male and female. Not sure what's next to do.
Test Subject
#158 Old 14th Sep 2017 at 1:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by alexela
Tried it exactly, doesn't work. Switching through EA clothes - both male and female. Not sure what's next to do.

Having the same problem. My Sims aren't showering in CC, always in EA clothes. And it's only the newer created Sims, my old Sims don't have this bug. Very annoying to see them sit in the bathtub in an evening dress.
Mad Poster
#159 Old 9th Oct 2017 at 6:58 AM
Try putting the script mod directly into your mods folder and not in a sub folder. When I did that, the mod worked for me.

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
Test Subject
#160 Old 15th Oct 2017 at 6:12 PM
Thanks for the upload. My Sims looked lazy or drunk in the bathtub with clothes. Finally, A Mod that helps.
Field Researcher
#161 Old 5th Nov 2017 at 1:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by alexela
Tried it exactly, doesn't work. Switching through EA clothes - both male and female. Not sure what's next to do.

I'm having the same problem. The sim just changes from one outfit to another without getting naked x.x
#162 Old 10th Nov 2017 at 10:00 AM
I think you may need to do this as well, it has always worked for me
Test Subject
#163 Old 10th Nov 2017 at 3:54 PM
@Lynire Can you tell me or the mod is compatible with the patch of 9 november 2017. If it isn't, can you maybe update the mod...

It helps me often in my game. Thanks.

Lab Assistant
#164 Old 10th Nov 2017 at 6:21 PM
Sims VIP lists this mod as being incompatible:

I'm not sure as I haven't had much time to test it in my game, but if it is so please update as soon as possible! This mod has been very useful for my gameplay.
Test Subject
#165 Old 12th Nov 2017 at 4:12 AM
I read somewhere I just need to keep resetting the outfit, I've been at it for some minutes and it just keeps swapping through EA clothes instead of getting nude...any fix for this? It's been like this since Vampires.
Lab Assistant
#166 Old 14th Nov 2017 at 11:29 AM
I have been having a problem with my sims showering in their clothes (EA clothes) since the patch before the one was released for cats and dogs. Nothing was helping me to correct the problem. I removed all cc and mods in my mods folder, deleted cache files, repaired the game and even started a new fresh save. the problem was still there and not CC related.

What worked for me was THIS mod. Installed it, used the command to reset bathing for all and viola!! My sims shower nude now
So I can confirm that this mod works with the latest patch that came for dogs and cats.
Field Researcher
#167 Old 14th Nov 2017 at 4:24 PM
The mod still works fine with latest cats and dogs patch. If those of you who can’t figure out how to use this properly, try downloading Sims4Studios and on the batch fix options there’s a couple ones that deal with your issue. Run them and try again.
#168 Old 17th Nov 2017 at 2:59 AM
Great news that this Mod is still working.

Thanks for that information devilgurl!

AGAIN....along with this Mod 'Reset Bathing Outfit ' you also need to check Orangemittens tutorial on how to ban clothing when Sims bathe
Test Subject
#169 Old 29th Nov 2017 at 2:14 AM Last edited by Pennymog : 29th Nov 2017 at 11:57 AM.
I really need this to work, but after trying the batch fixes, all my sims since the pet update shower with a series of EA clothes. I have put the .zip in the mods folder, and even the CC tab in-game lists it as a scripted mod, and yet nothing happens when I type even the basic code (reset_bathing_outfit). Honestly don't know what else I can do.
Edit: Now the commands "work" but all they do is create another EA outfit.
Forum Resident
#170 Old 3rd Dec 2017 at 3:42 AM
This needs a update it checks pets too but does not cause last exception errors
Test Subject
#171 Old 3rd Dec 2017 at 9:22 AM
can you update this mod? it just doesn't work anymore
Lab Assistant
#172 Old 5th Dec 2017 at 7:16 AM
Please update
Field Researcher
#173 Old 7th Dec 2017 at 5:18 AM
It does NOT need an update people!!!! The mod works perfectly fine! Read the instructions and make sure you have it installed correctly!
Test Subject
#174 Old 11th Dec 2017 at 4:42 PM
I'm really confused. My sims aren't wearing cc in the shower, only EA items. The mod only switches to a different set of clothes (both male and female). I have batch fixed all my cc to not allow usage in shower. But its not cc so i dont know how to fix it. Help?
Test Subject
#175 Old 14th Dec 2017 at 10:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by horahorahora
I'm really confused. My sims aren't wearing cc in the shower, only EA items. The mod only switches to a different set of clothes (both male and female). I have batch fixed all my cc to not allow usage in shower. But its not cc so i dont know how to fix it. Help?

I had this problem too. Make sure you didn't disallow any default replacement nude tops and bottoms. that solved my issue.
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