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Vampire Death & More Mod

by PolarBearSims Posted 10th Mar 2017 at 7:50 PM - Updated 11th Nov 2024 at 12:24 AM by PolarBearSims : Patch Update 11/17/20
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#151 Old 14th Nov 2017 at 7:03 AM
Well the mod works I guess but it would be nice if it Every option didn't kill EVERY sim I drink from.
#152 Old 14th Nov 2017 at 7:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
I totally agree. I didn't want to fully remove this bc I have more "deadly" ideas for it lol. I will see about getting something figured out for the next release.

So after I removed the Autonomy for Ask To be turned, I just for the first time observed Vlad force turning my own Sim! He came to me with a queued interaction and as I hovered my mouse over it I saw that it says "be turned to a vampire" so the auto force turning works YAY However I think the animation for force turning should be different. It should not involve the drink from wrist to be turned by force. It looks too similar to the ask to be turned option. Any idea if this can be changed? Let's say that force turning is only showing drinking animation, but leaves the part out where he offers his wrist?

The Truth is out there!
Original Poster
#153 Old 14th Nov 2017 at 7:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Tanja1986
So after I removed the Autonomy for Ask To be turned, I just for the first time observed Vlad force turning my own Sim! He came to me with a queued interaction and as I hovered my mouse over it I saw that it says "be turned to a vampire" so the auto force turning works YAY However I think the animation for force turning should be different. It should not involve the drink from wrist to be turned by force. It looks too similar to the ask to be turned option. Any idea if this can be changed? Let's say that force turning is only showing drinking animation, but leaves the part out where he offers his wrist?

It may be possible, I would have to take a look at the available animations and see if they will work with out glitching out. If it works I will add it to the next release.

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Original Poster
#154 Old 14th Nov 2017 at 7:49 AM
Quote: Originally posted by darksoul1978
Well the mod works I guess but it would be nice if it Every option didn't kill EVERY sim I drink from.

Each interaction doesn't always kill. The only ones that will kill each time will be the deep drink, night time visits and uncontrolable drink. Casual only has a chance and that's only if a certain outcome occurs, the drain life spirit is also only a chance which is determined on what kind of shape the victim is in. In the next release there will be an option to have the kill in the other interactions but will remove the kill from the deep drink.

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Test Subject
#155 Old 14th Nov 2017 at 4:53 PM
Hello PolarBearSims! Great mod! I got as well a suggestion for you : I always found odd how close to no reaction at all from sims when my sim shows its "true form" (Scary one) and I wondered if it could be nerf so they can get so scared they lose control of their bladder, or if old/with a certain mood, even risk to die by fear... Thanks for your time, Happy Simming!
Original Poster
#156 Old 14th Nov 2017 at 7:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Tanja1986
So after I removed the Autonomy for Ask To be turned, I just for the first time observed Vlad force turning my own Sim! He came to me with a queued interaction and as I hovered my mouse over it I saw that it says "be turned to a vampire" so the auto force turning works YAY However I think the animation for force turning should be different. It should not involve the drink from wrist to be turned by force. It looks too similar to the ask to be turned option. Any idea if this can be changed? Let's say that force turning is only showing drinking animation, but leaves the part out where he offers his wrist?

The animation can be changed, however, I may need to figure out how to change strings lol Never bothered with strings before, I may need to add new and I'm not sure on that either. But at least the animation is changed. There is no drinking from the wrist when they are forced into vampirism, however, the broadcaster doesn't fit anymore lol.

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Test Subject
#157 Old 18th Nov 2017 at 2:49 PM
Hi, PolarBearSims, thanks for the mod. If several vampires drink together the relationship between them deteriorates or not? (sorry for my bad English)
Original Poster
#158 Old 18th Nov 2017 at 5:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simiya
Hi, PolarBearSims, thanks for the mod. If several vampires drink together the relationship between them deteriorates or not? (sorry for my bad English)

I really don't know on what happens to their relationship. I don't play vampires in my active family.

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Test Subject
#159 Old 19th Nov 2017 at 6:14 PM
I'm having some trouble getting this mod to work. I'm on version 1.36 and I installed 1. VampirismisFun!Flavor3, 2. Vampire_Drink_Unlimited and 3. Vampires_CanTurn_Unlimited. I don't see any option for killing a sim. I tried drink deeply and drain life spirit ( even drained spirit 3 times in a row on a sim) and nobody dies. Am i missing something?
Original Poster
#160 Old 19th Nov 2017 at 7:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jinklebell
I'm having some trouble getting this mod to work. I'm on version 1.36 and I installed 1. VampirismisFun!Flavor3, 2. Vampire_Drink_Unlimited and 3. Vampires_CanTurn_Unlimited. I don't see any option for killing a sim. I tried drink deeply and drain life spirit ( even drained spirit 3 times in a row on a sim) and nobody dies. Am i missing something?

Do you have any other mods that modify anything that deal with the vampires?

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Original Poster
#161 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 4:08 AM Last edited by PolarBearSims : 20th Nov 2017 at 5:06 AM.

11/19/17 Change Log:
FIXED: Sims should now die off of lot when using the Drain Life Spirit interaction
CHANGED: Drain Life Spirt Death Chances has been increased.
CHANGED: Ask to Turn should only be preformed autonomously by Insane Sims
REQUESTED: Turning a sim have a more violent animation.
REQUESTED: To have no Death on Deep Drink but Death on the rest ~ Crucial install instructions!
REQUESTED: Possible death variants while sim is in the process of changing into a vampire.
ADDED: New strings needed for different languages. Leave in comments the translation and language and you will be credited for the translation. The String is listed in the description.

Thank you for all of your support! It's greatly appreciated!


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#162 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 4:55 AM
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've wanted a more horrific transformation since I got the pack, and now it's finally here. I really appreciate it. *hugs*
Test Subject
#163 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 6:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
Do you have any other mods that modify anything that deal with the vampires?

I have the following vampire related mods installed,

1. Vampires - Weakness Point gains removed/reduced by Linkster123, and
2. Vampires - No Dark Form Change and Idle Animations by Tremerion

I updated the flavour 3 version to today's update and it did kill but after 3 successive drain life spirit drains. Is that normal?
Original Poster
#164 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 6:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jinklebell
I have the following vampire related mods installed,

1. Vampires - Weakness Point gains removed/reduced by Linkster123, and
2. Vampires - No Dark Form Change and Idle Animations by Tremerion

I updated the flavour 3 version to today's update and it did kill but after 3 successive drain life spirit drains. Is that normal?

Ok, just wanted to double check that there wasn't any conflicting mods. Those should be fine.

The way drain life spirit works isn't set up the same as the possible casual death drink or either of the 3 deep drinks. Drain life spirit will effect each sim differently. It looks at the sims current motive state. The "healthier" the sim, the better their chances of survival. The "weaker" the sim is the less likely they will survive.

More effects from the drain life spirit is in the works for future releases. So any reports will help and be looked at for that update.

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Lab Assistant
#165 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 8:27 AM Last edited by HumALittle : 20th Nov 2017 at 9:45 AM.
I'm probably really stupid and have conflicts, but I can't get drink plasma to show up and sims won't even drink uncontrollably.

Def conflicts so bad the pie menu wont show up with
Lab Assistant
#166 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 9:05 AM
Hmm, no other vamper mods except the no growling one (I HATE THAT!) but I haven't seen anyone ask to be turned for my Vamp or any of the others. I have Flavor 3 (autonomous) with all the pregnant addons (which is awesome btw) and vampire creation high. Either way, I am loving the new changes and progress!
Test Subject
#167 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 9:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
Ok, just wanted to double check that there wasn't any conflicting mods. Those should be fine.

The way drain life spirit works isn't set up the same as the possible casual death drink or either of the 3 deep drinks. Drain life spirit will effect each sim differently. It looks at the sims current motive state. The "healthier" the sim, the better their chances of survival. The "weaker" the sim is the less likely they will survive.

More effects from the drain life spirit is in the works for future releases. So any reports will help and be looked at for that update.

That's great to hear. Thank you for the quick reply. One final query from my end, is there an option such as Drink Uncontrollably? I've seen a mention of that in the forums. It doesn't show up in the vampire options in my game.
Original Poster
#168 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 11:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by HumALittle
I'm probably really stupid and have conflicts, but I can't get drink plasma to show up and sims won't even drink uncontrollably.

Def conflicts so bad the pie menu wont show up with

It conflicts bc they use some of the same files for pregnant sims.

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Original Poster
#169 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 11:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Kaotikah
Hmm, no other vamper mods except the no growling one (I HATE THAT!) but I haven't seen anyone ask to be turned for my Vamp or any of the others. I have Flavor 3 (autonomous) with all the pregnant addons (which is awesome btw) and vampire creation high. Either way, I am loving the new changes and progress!

I had reports on how often sims were asking to be turned and it was happening a lot. Was requested if I could make it where certain sims only asked. There isn't anything that says if a sim loves vampires so I chose the trait insane to be the ones to ask. All the others at this time probably are never going to ask.

I enjoy working on this mod. I've learned more coding experimenting with this one than any other of my mods.

Thank You! Glad your enjoying the mod! I agree it helps make the game more interesting

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Original Poster
#170 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 12:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jinklebell
That's great to hear. Thank you for the quick reply. One final query from my end, is there an option such as Drink Uncontrollably? I've seen a mention of that in the forums. It doesn't show up in the vampire options in my game.

Drink uncontrollably isn't a user directed interaction. It only happens if a vampires thirst hits bottom. The vampire may get the interaction and if they do, it's NOT one that can be canceled. It will be one that kills if you have a flavor that has death.

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Lab Assistant
#171 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 1:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
It conflicts bc they use some of the same files for pregnant sims.

I somewhat fixed it by deleting the conflicting files within the package itself; not too sure if it broke some icons though
Original Poster
#172 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 2:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HumALittle
I somewhat fixed it by deleting the conflicting files within the package itself; not too sure if it broke some icons though

I don't know what all the other mod changes so not sure on the icons. So you know, removing any of the death files in this mod may result in the sim not dieing like they should.

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Test Subject
#173 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 5:14 PM
Hi, PolarBearSims, if I want to use Vampirism is Fun! Flavor 2, I need to install Vampirism is Fun! or not? Vampirism is Fun! is the main mod, and Vampirism is Fun! Flavor 2 addon to it?
Original Poster
#174 Old 20th Nov 2017 at 7:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simiya
Hi, PolarBearSims, if I want to use Vampirism is Fun! Flavor 2, I need to install Vampirism is Fun! or not? Vampirism is Fun! is the main mod, and Vampirism is Fun! Flavor 2 addon to it?

Vampirism 1, 2, 3 along with their corresponding Non Autonomous are all the main mod. They just do different things. Vampirism is Fun has no death in it. If you want death you will need flavors 2 or 3 or the correxponding Non Autonomous. The add on's are listed above in the description under Add-On's and will tell you what they each do. The only difference between flavor 2 and 3 is compatibility with my Pregnant Aging and Death mod. They will tell you which one goes with which pregnant aging and death in their spoilers. So basically a breakdown:

Vampirism is fun~No Death
Vampirism is fun 2~Death compatible with Pregnant Aging and Death Flavor
Vampirism is fun 3~Death compatible with Pregnant Death Flavor
The non autonomous are the same just not autuonomous.

Each Add-On does something slightly different and each one will tell you what they do

Hope this helps and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask

For help with my mods please join my discord HERE

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Lab Assistant
#175 Old 21st Nov 2017 at 12:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PolarBearSims
I don't know what all the other mod changes so not sure on the icons. So you know, removing any of the death files in this mod may result in the sim not dieing like they should.

Oh no, I didn't alter any of your mods; just the conflicting mod
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