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Beautiful Vista buff adjustment - Little LOTte lot editor (Updated 8/28)

by TigerM Posted 26th Aug 2009 at 9:44 AM - Updated 27th Nov 2013 at 4:12 PM by Nysha
111 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 100 Feedback Posts, 10 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#26 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 6:26 PM
Thanks a lot!
Lab Assistant
#27 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 6:39 PM
Excellent this is so cool!
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 6:40 PM
I am gonna wait a few weeks before downloading this (so all the kinks are ironed out) but I am seriously looking forward to it. I pain stakingly preserve every single lot. I really do not understand all the quirks to seed/fish/gems spawners and to ensure I kept whatevers on each lot is boring and tiresome to say the least. Mega thanks for this app, a much needed addition.
Test Subject
#29 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 7:31 PM
YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! Yep this makes alot of people happy! :D
Field Researcher
#30 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 7:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lewisb40
Is this tool just for residential lots, or is this the way it was intended to work? It didn't crash the game or anything, just wanted to know so I can adjust the values on community lots.

I have successfully changed lots with the BV buff (in Bogsims clean hood WITH preserved buffs) from residential to community, before this tool existed, and my sims use these lots without problems, so I don't think its just for residential lots.

But thank you so much for this tool, and just in time when I needed it. Now I can use the houses I built earlier, and get the buff where it should be.
Lab Assistant
#31 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 8:17 PM
Hmm, in my game, the lot in between the Alto's and Landgraab's has Beautiful Vista. But there are certainly quite a few others that have gotten messed up. Thanks so much!
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 8:22 PM
Test feedback
Great, great, great !

I run exe version on vista32, so far no trouble no crash, and a well designed app.

But ...
1/ Only edited lot shows in the preview area. Normal ?
2/ Lot names, adresses & description of Riverview saves are weird (eg: World/Riverview/HouseName:RemingtonsRuse & see capture)

Note: This tool is also very usefull to translate (Sunvalley's) street names and locations between my installed language and english, as you said. I hope it will soon work for Riverview & other towns to come ...

So, thanks again to share the result of your time and work !!!
#33 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 9:09 PM
A great tool ! I've had just bulldozed a seafront lot and lost the buff. It's a real pleasure to be able to take it again. Thank you a lot TigerM !

All of nature is within us and we are part of all nature (Chief White Cloud)
#34 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 9:29 PM
dose it matter what number range we can use for the BV?

The Bible contains 6 admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision. - L. Lavner
Lab Assistant
#35 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 9:57 PM
This has been bothering me for weeks now! Thank you so much for this. I am a happy camper now. :D
Test Subject
#36 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 10:08 PM
Thanks for this! Many people have been looking for a way to replace this once it has been lost or destroyed, and also to add it to lots that do not have it to begin with.

However, I would like to ask, has anyone experienced "Error Code 15" when trying to save after using this? I am unable to save my game, and after contacting EA Tech Support, they informed me I must perform a manual uninstall and reinstall the game. I did not mention this program to them. I am going to try just replacing the "World" file I backed up with the current one to see if that helps anything. It's weird. Please let me know if anyone else has experienced this and if so, what you have done to resolve it.

Test Subject
#37 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 10:18 PM
I love this idea but I am clueless as to how to run the app...can someone walk me though it? I downloaded and installed it I just don't know exactly what to do next. Do you have to start the game and then run it?
Test Subject
#38 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 10:34 PM
Worked like a charm. Thank you!
Mad Poster
#39 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 10:40 PM
Top heading named "File", click and open Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Saves or World. (I would make a copy and use the copy of the file you altered for testing.)

Once the file is opened, a list of addresses in the neighorhood will run on the left side of the interface, highlight the ones you want to add a value to, and on the right side of the interface it will show. Add values to the ones you want then save the file, (I use "save as" so I am sure what file I am replacing) open the game and play.

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Lab Assistant
#40 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 12:42 AM
It was about time someone addressed this. Thanx mate

If you would create something, you must be something.
Eminence Grise
#41 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 1:22 AM
"What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?"

Thanks Tiger
Test Subject
#42 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 2:08 AM
Very nice tool,

Thanks a lot.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#43 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 2:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lewisb40
So I used the tool to put values in lots that should have the BV buff, also put it in parks, like Pinochle Park cause I dropped a revised one in that space. There shouldn't have been a BV buff there, as the tool shown when I clicked on it. So I added my values to it and saved the file. As the attachment shows, I have 2 BV buffs, one for parks, and the one I put values is for residential.

Those are actually two different moodlets with the same icon. One is "Beautiful Park" from the park, the other is "Beautiful Vista" from adjusting the lot. The beautiful park bit is from a different source, which I haven't looked into.

So the beautiful vista setting works fine for community lots.

Quote: Originally posted by vivalakevin
Hmm, in my game, the lot in between the Alto's and Landgraab's has Beautiful Vista. But there are certainly quite a few others that have gotten messed up. Thanks so much!
I must have bulldozed that lot at some point then in my game. I guess I should take that out of the description for accuracy.

Quote: Originally posted by tchoa91
1/ Only edited lot shows in the preview area. Normal ?
2/ Lot names, adresses & description of Riverview saves are weird (eg: World/Riverview/HouseName:RemingtonsRuse & see capture)

1. Yeah, that's normal for now. The game only generates previews for lots that have been modified in some way from the original, such as the lot you are playing. So to show the preview it would have to get it from the world file, and I haven't put in code for it to find the right world to associate with it.
2. That's what it looks like if it hasn't been localized, which is odd. Does it let you change the language option to something else when you see that? It should be able to find the names for riverview lots, and it does fine on my installation. Are you trying this from a different account than you use to play Sims? Does the non-english version of Sims use something besides My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3?

Quote: Originally posted by knightguy82
dose it matter what number range we can use for the BV?
Any positive number should work, though practically anything over a few hundred means any sim there is permanently happy while they have the buff. Lots which normally have BV tend to be between 10 and 30.

Quote: Originally posted by coconno3
However, I would like to ask, has anyone experienced "Error Code 15" when trying to save after using this?
Edit: My previous response to this I was thinking error code 12. Error code 15 just means it couldn't write to the file - which probably means you still had it open in little lotte. If you use the Close menu option or quit the application it should let you save again.
#44 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 2:38 AM
First off, I'll address this:
but the vacant lot between them that is closer to the beach does not? How does that make sense

No, that vacant lot has a BV buff as well. I have had a Sim living on that lot all his life. He's an elder now and every day of his life the BV was there.

Now for the other bits:
Thank you so much for this! One of the many reasons I haven't played my game for weeks is because in addition to customizing a town map, I need to be able to pick up a family and move them, with their house, AND have their BV!
Test Subject
#45 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 3:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lewisb40
Top heading named "File", click and open Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Saves or World. (I would make a copy and use the copy of the file you altered for testing.)

Once the file is opened, a list of addresses in the neighorhood will run on the left side of the interface, highlight the ones you want to add a value to, and on the right side of the interface it will show. Add values to the ones you want then save the file, (I use "save as" so I am sure what file I am replacing) open the game and play.

Thank you so much. That was a big help.
Test Subject
#46 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 10:44 AM
Default Error Code 12
[/QUOTE]Edit: My previous response to this I was thinking error code 12. Error code 15 just means it couldn't write to the file - which probably means you still had it open in little lotte. If you use the Close menu option or quit the application it should let you save again.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, TigerM! This is great and works wonderfully, but I've now started getting Error Code 12, which, according to the EA RTFM means "World Save file failure". What can I do to circumvent this? Is there something I am doing wrong?
Lab Assistant
#47 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 10:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by TigerM
2. That's what it looks like if it hasn't been localized, which is odd. Does it let you change the language option to something else when you see that? It should be able to find the names for riverview lots, and it does fine on my installation. Are you trying this from a different account than you use to play Sims? Does the non-english version of Sims use something besides My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3?

Hi, TigerM, thanks for your concern.
I give you, right now, what I remember 'cause I'm not home - working ! -
I'll run more tests tonight - in 9h from this post - I have many saves

* I think - not sure - I was able to change language option, and it shown the same w/ any of them.
* For sure, there is only one account on my vista - mine - w/ admin rights.
* It's a total normal install of Vista32 Gold Ed. - if U no -, fully updated. The only "strange thing" is that TheSims3 app is NOT on my C: system disk/partition, but "My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3" is.
* I don't fully understand your last Q: what you mean by "use something besides" ?
Test Subject
#48 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 11:07 AM
I think we are very close to build a lot editor for sure.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#49 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 11:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by coconno3
Thanks, TigerM! This is great and works wonderfully, but I've now started getting Error Code 12, which, according to the EA RTFM means "World Save file failure". What can I do to circumvent this? Is there something I am doing wrong?
Error 12 is worse. I forget what I did that caused it but basically it was setting a different value than these to an invalid value. However I've never seen it from changing either of those two values that this tool lets you change.

Can you give the steps you followed? Did you change your active lot or a different one? Multiple lots? What values did you change, and what did you change them to? If you load it up and change them to 0, does the error 12 problem go away? I'll give it a try myself, see if there's anything I can do to mess a save up.

Quote: Originally posted by tchoa91
* I don't fully understand your last Q: what you mean by "use something besides" ?
Well you answered it in a different answer. I think, however, that I may know what causes your Riverview lot names not to show up, and it is certainly something I can fix in a future update.
Lab Assistant
#50 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 12:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TigerM
It is certainly something I can fix in a future update.
I'm happy !

BTW: Thanks again for the "rarely cough while eating mod". Now, I'm happy when I eventually see one sim cough. It saves so much time in game.
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