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Beautiful Vista buff adjustment - Little LOTte lot editor (Updated 8/28)

by TigerM Posted 26th Aug 2009 at 9:44 AM - Updated 27th Nov 2013 at 4:12 PM by Nysha
111 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 100 Feedback Posts, 10 Thanks Posts
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#51 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 12:52 PM
this is great. thankyou!
Test Subject
#52 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 2:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TigerM
Error 12 is worse. I forget what I did that caused it but basically it was setting a different value than these to an invalid value. However I've never seen it from changing either of those two values that this tool lets you change.

Can you give the steps you followed? Did you change your active lot or a different one? Multiple lots? What values did you change, and what did you change them to? If you load it up and change them to 0, does the error 12 problem go away? I'll give it a try myself, see if there's anything I can do to mess a save up.

Yes. I did change mutiple lots (the three next to Agnes Crumplebottom's house, one of my active family along the beach, and the one at 15 Summerhill Court. I've been working on a version of Sunset Valley as a project (optimized for AwesomeMod), wanted to place downloaded houses, and when I saw your mod I thought I'd just replace the BV buff. However, I only changed the first value (BV Value?) and I did that at the same value as the neighboring properties (for example, if a neighbor with the buff had 25 as a value, I also used that for the lot I was changing). I have been able to save since then. I opened the file again. Using AwesomeMod, and Twallan's Supercomputer I went in and reset the lots of the three families I had actually played, where the BV buff had been replaced. Also set AwesomeMod config to auto-save every 10 minutes.

But, just in case this happens again, or to others, it would be good to decipher what caused it. Maybe it can be prevented.

Thanks again! This is really something many people have been looking for.
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 10:02 PM
Back home after a terrible day ...

I ran the tests : three RiverView saves did the same.
But, I was wrong telling you I could change the language option, they're all grey ! (w/ sugar & cream, pls)
I'm sure this speaks to you ... and soon an update ...
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#54 Old 28th Aug 2009 at 11:14 AM

A new version is available for download now, which I'm hoping will properly display the names for River View lots.
Lab Assistant
#55 Old 29th Aug 2009 at 12:27 AM
Sorry, It didn't - see capture

Went to Configure Localization - path ok
Went to Advanced - didn't find any package file that fits

Aren't localization data in in InstalledWords rep in Documents ? They are for shure in Riverview.Sims3Pack in Downloads as all come from this file ...

Thanks for your afforts, keep courage. I'll try to help as much as I can :/
I post quick, MTS' buggy those days ...
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#56 Old 29th Aug 2009 at 12:53 AM
Yes Riverview is in documents. What is your Sims 3 documents folder called? Is it "Electronic Arts\The Sims 3" or "Electronic Arts\Les Sims 3"?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#57 Old 29th Aug 2009 at 3:55 AM

I made another minor change to allow you to tell it where to find "My Documents" in the configuration. However at the same time I made another change so it will attempt to localize that path as well as the game's path, as I have a feeling that is why it's not finding your Riverview data, so it should find it automatically. (However if you are too quick on opening the dialog it might not have found it yet - as it has to load the game's localization data first to find the name to use.)
Test Subject
#58 Old 29th Aug 2009 at 10:20 AM
Extremely nice mod, does anyone know the original "Beautiful Vista" value for 15 Summer Hill Court? A few weeks ago I placed a downloaded house on the lot & it caused the the buff to disappear.. lol


Lab Assistant
#59 Old 29th Aug 2009 at 10:32 AM Last edited by tchoa91 : 29th Aug 2009 at 10:49 AM.

I show result and paths in capture.
LL didn't find documents rep by itself, I had to fill it in.
And when a RiverView save is loaded, first LL shows un-localized data and after a while it changes them to localized strings, and I'm able to change Language and have the Lot addresses translation.

So, your tool works, and your main objectif is reach from far, and I like your about text ! YOU'RE THE MAN ! One more release and it's gonna be perfect.

Thanx TigerM !

PS : Sorry about MY weird paths -half fr half en - but I'm sure I'm not the only one in that case. And when I will switch to a legal official french windows seven, they're gonna change ...

@Awbee : 15 SummerHill Court original BV is 30.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#60 Old 29th Aug 2009 at 11:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Awbee
Extremely nice mod, does anyone know the original "Beautiful Vista" value for 15 Summer Hill Court? A few weeks ago I placed a downloaded house on the lot & it caused the the buff to disappear.. lol


You can always open up the world file and see all the original values. Once I make it correlate the neighborhood back to the originating world, I'll probably add an option to restore all original values.
Top Secret Researcher
#61 Old 31st Aug 2009 at 5:40 AM
I remember there being talk of how to do this and you've managed to do it! Amazing work.
Test Subject
#62 Old 31st Aug 2009 at 11:37 PM
I wanted to thank you so much for this. It irritated me no end that 53 Waterfall Way did not have a BV moodlet. Now it does!!! Thanks!
Lab Assistant
#63 Old 12th Sep 2009 at 9:40 PM
Thank you very much for this program.

It took a bit of fiddling and a lot of frustration, but I have it running in mono (OSX 10.5.7) now and so far it works great!

Test Subject
#64 Old 27th Sep 2009 at 3:32 AM
It doesn't work on Windows Vista!!
Test Subject
#65 Old 28th Sep 2009 at 4:51 PM
Thanks heaps for this! I had been following the threads on what could be the 'hidden object' that allows the Beautiful Vista buff, hoping that someone would find a solution.
Like KarinL, I had to run mono, it took a little fiddling, but not so much frustration, I only had to open the saved file in Little LOTte.

Again, thanks heaps. You are a legend.

Oh and thanks too to PlasticBox for the thread on how to work with Terminal. I feel a little more computer literate.
Lab Assistant
#66 Old 11th Oct 2009 at 5:24 PM
Thank you very much Tiger M...however I do wish there was a bit more information on using this. This may seem a dumb question but oh well. I now understand that beautiful mood vista box should give the mood from 10-30. However I'm unsure what the price modifier means or how it affects the BV moodlet, if at all. Can you clarify a bit? Thank you!
Test Subject
#67 Old 18th Oct 2009 at 7:22 AM
Seriously... How do you use this? I've just installed it on my computer and it is all just blank when I open it. I don't know where I'm looking when I click the open thing and so I am lost. Could you either put in some instructions with this or atleast tell me in here? I really want to use it and I cant!
Lab Assistant
#68 Old 18th Oct 2009 at 5:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by eiphos1212
Seriously... How do you use this? I've just installed it on my computer and it is all just blank when I open it. I don't know where I'm looking when I click the open thing and so I am lost. Could you either put in some instructions with this or atleast tell me in here? I really want to use it and I cant!

I know how you feel, I had the same problem when I first downloaded this. I read the comments on the entire forum and was able to mostly figure out how to work this. On the file button on top right you have to click on it, then open> documents> electronic arts> The Sims 3> Saves> then choose the file you want to do changes to.

This path is for Vista BTW. Once you get to your saves then you have to find the address you need, so I'd look for it first. Then when you find the address you want to change, Where it shows Vista mood (this is the part I'm not sure exactly what to do) I just put in numbers from 10-35, then make sure Price Modifier is showing 7500. I'm not sure how the moodlet changes with these numbers, but somehow the higher the number is in Vista moodlet, the higher the BV happiness is (if that makes sense)

Hope this helps a bit.
Test Subject
#69 Old 3rd Nov 2009 at 8:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Firestaar1
I know how you feel, I had the same problem when I first downloaded this. I read the comments on the entire forum and was able to mostly figure out how to work this. On the file button on top right you have to click on it, then open> documents> electronic arts> The Sims 3> Saves> then choose the file you want to do changes to.

This path is for Vista BTW. Once you get to your saves then you have to find the address you need, so I'd look for it first. Then when you find the address you want to change, Where it shows Vista mood (this is the part I'm not sure exactly what to do) I just put in numbers from 10-35, then make sure Price Modifier is showing 7500. I'm not sure how the moodlet changes with these numbers, but somehow the higher the number is in Vista moodlet, the higher the BV happiness is (if that makes sense)

Hope this helps a bit.

YES! It helps hugely!! I actually know how to use it now! Thankyou very much!! Now I can actually say that I like this program. :D
Lab Assistant
#70 Old 5th Nov 2009 at 3:38 AM Last edited by Firestaar1 : 5th Nov 2009 at 3:40 AM. Reason: add info are welcome! Yeah once I figured it out I truly started enjoying this program as well! Glad I could help!

Forum Resident
#71 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 2:03 AM
FYI - That 75000 price modifer is only on the most expensive, large 60x60 lots on Riverblossom and Summer Hill and the Wolf place with the awesome view of the water on three sides in Sunset Valley. The moodlet that cooresponds is 30 for Sunset's Valley rich places and 25 for Riverview, which only has a river and has no beach after all.

Riverview does have two places with better moodlet buffs: Wilson's Tidewater also on Riverblossom and Jones' Remington Ruse on the Point, which get 30 and 35, respectively. They and Beau Chateau, also on Riverblossom with a 25 moodlet, only get a price modifier of 5000 though.

The 5000 price modifier cooresponds to the 25 moodlet buff for the Crumblebottom's August Moon, Koffi, Unabridged, Wagner, and another "no name" lot that are close to Sunset Valley's great view of the water.

The other houses that are close to the beach, but not on it, and are rather small get a 15 moodlet buff and a 15000 price modifier. The only 15 moodlet buff I found for Riverview was the Newbie house, which had no price modifier (because it doesn't have the great view?).

Interestingly the trailer homes in Riverview along Ely Road get a -10 moodlet and no price modifier.

I love how easy it is to use this tool. At first, I could only see ID numbers with the address tab for Sunset Valley, though it worked perfectly for Riverview (so I'll guess that the adjustment that was made to this program to let it call up Riverview changed the way it read Sunset Valley). However, I was able to look at the ID codes and find abbreviated names and addresses, so that worked just as well.

Thanks for a great tool.
Field Researcher
#72 Old 18th Nov 2009 at 10:11 AM
As I suspected with the way WA changed saves, I cannot open a new save file with this tool, darn-it-all! I know that the patch was supposed to address the BV buff issue but I sure liked the ability to change or edit other lots if I wanted to do so. I sure hope you update this tool for WA. I have truly enjoyed having it and appreciate the effort you put into making it for the community!
Test Subject
#73 Old 18th Nov 2009 at 11:46 AM
Thanks TigerM.
I'm waiting for the version of World Adventures. Q.Q
Test Subject
#74 Old 20th Nov 2009 at 9:34 AM
Default no images
Quote: Originally posted by TigerM
Can't really break anything with this one. All those numbers do is modify the mood sims get on the lot, and the base lot value. Typical numbers are 15-30 for lots with a beautiful vista, and up to 15000 for the value modifier for some of the prime locations. You can look over what existing lots have.

This works great except most of the lot images for Sunset Valley are not appearing although they all work for Riverview, is there a reason for this?
Test Subject
#75 Old 20th Nov 2009 at 1:49 PM
This is one of the few mods that still works for exp pac, I hated the thought of losing it but that's not a problem.

Start each day with a smile
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