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Normal looking NL Vampire

by .::TSN::. Posted 25th Sep 2005 at 3:05 AM - Updated 21st Oct 2005 at 7:20 PM by .::TSN::.
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Test Subject
#51 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 2:24 AM
does the downloads replace the vampire skins in the game, or is it for creating sims in bodyshop?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#52 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 2:30 AM
You all mean when you click download link? Not when click on downloaded zip file?

Maybe something wrong here at site..

And this is replacement for default vampire skins.
Test Subject
#53 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 3:52 AM
no i just meant, when i download the skins posted, if it replaced the vampire skin the in game or if it was made for creating vampires in body shop.
sorry i confused you.
thanks for the reply though!
Forum Resident
#54 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 4:17 AM
Uh...I'm confused now...
Object(ive) Investigator
retired moderator
#55 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 4:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by .::TSN::.
You all mean when you click download link? Not when click on downloaded zip file?

Maybe something wrong here at site..

When we click on (file name).zip.

The files overright the game's vampire tattoos.
#56 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 5:23 AM

I made my own version with a little bit better looking red eye.

The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 6:35 AM
Um... somethings gone wrong with the zip files here... check out the name of the files when you try to download. Please fix! Thanks!
Test Subject
#58 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 6:42 AM
Maybe I didn't install the file properly, but I seem to have a problem with the skin. I have a vampire ingame, I put the file in downloads but he looks identical to the way he did before. Did I do something wrong?

Giles (re: life): Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after.

Buffy: Liar.
Lab Assistant
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#59 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 7:30 AM
I'm sorry but I dont understand how could someone get thatkind zip file error.. They work perfectly for me.
Test Subject
#60 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 8:29 AM
The download links worked fine for me as well.

I tried the pale version without red eyes and it looked great except for the sims' eyelashes being fleshcolored now. Maybe you could fix that.
And thanks again for your work on the vampires.
Lab Assistant
#61 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 9:12 AM
Well the download links works for me in all other threads but not this one.

MATY is the most childish and the most hostile site I've ever come in contact with.
Lab Assistant
#62 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 9:27 AM
Here's my fave vamp!sim Thomas with the paler skin and red eyes. I altered the red eyes to my tastes (you can't really tell from this picture, but you might be able to tell that the red eyes are a bit lighter than the original). But the vamp skintone is excellent and looks completely different from all the rest of my skins. lol, makes it easier for me to see who's a vamp and who isn't in the community lots.

*sigh* I love this vamp. Everytime I play him, I just wanna pounce him, lol. But anywho, I just wanted to show how the paler skin looks. I'm using one of Louis's awesome skins and you can still see the detail under the vamp texture.

Thanks again, TSN.

"You party hard, you play hard and that's what we do. We put a lot into it
and we enjoy the good stuff, hate the bad stuff and that's part of it." - Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Lab Assistant
#63 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 1:23 PM
thank you, i waiting for that. Excellent!
#64 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 3:27 PM
juniorphreak how do you go about getting that photo of your vamp with the black background. I know it's the photo that appears on the bottom of the user control panel thing but where did you get the image from in your files?

The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#65 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 3:34 PM Last edited by .::TSN::. : 26th Sep 2005 at 5:47 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Dio
The download links worked fine for me as well.

I tried the pale version without red eyes and it looked great except for the sims' eyelashes being fleshcolored now. Maybe you could fix that.
And thanks again for your work on the vampires.

I'll have to see into that, maybe eyelash color somehow comes from eye which I deleted. You have checked whether eyelash colors are normal when using default vampire skin?

Can someone confirm this problem? All my vampires have normal color eyelashes..
Test Subject
#66 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 4:34 PM
Can you make a VERY pale skin with red eys and two dots on the neck?

My January promises are more
Than words softly spoken
Lab Assistant
#67 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 5:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Greenlea
juniorphreak how do you go about getting that photo of your vamp with the black background. I know it's the photo that appears on the bottom of the user control panel thing but where did you get the image from in your files?

I went into the Characters folder and had to search through the files with SimPE before I found the right one. Then I had to extract the jpeg into a bitmap file. Had to change it back into a jpeg file with paint. For some reason, the picture wouldn't open up in Photoshop as is.

I'm sure there's an easier way of finding out which sim is in which package, but I just did the trial and error approach.

"You party hard, you play hard and that's what we do. We put a lot into it
and we enjoy the good stuff, hate the bad stuff and that's part of it." - Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#68 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 5:51 PM
I dont think that I will make any more paler skins.. Atleast not until someone can find out way to move vampire overlay skin under makeup/beard layers.

It looks too silly when all makeup/etc is covered with white layer..
Test Subject
#69 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 6:27 PM
TSN, thnx a lot for this hack! I was one of the first to make a post about these vamp skins before I even got Nightlife lol - Finally, someone has done it! I have just 1 question tho. I'm very hesitant on downloading any kind of hack that cannot be undone. And since I dont have that much knowledge on these types of hacks, I just wanna ask that if somehow, whenever I wanted to return the vamps to their normal ugly blue skin, would it be possible? Maybe by just deleting it from the downloads folder?

TY again!
Object(ive) Investigator
retired moderator
#70 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 6:41 PM Last edited by jaxad0127 : 26th Sep 2005 at 6:47 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by juniorphreak
I went into the Characters folder and had to search through the files with SimPE before I found the right one. Then I had to extract the jpeg into a bitmap file. Had to change it back into a jpeg file with paint. For some reason, the picture wouldn't open up in Photoshop as is.

I'm sure there's an easier way of finding out which sim is in which package, but I just did the trial and error approach.

It should've been exported as a JPEG. You can open the neighborhood in SimPE then use the Sim Browser to find him or her. Then open the character file.

Oh, and the downloads still aren't working for me. When I try to download the first one, I get a file called CA0X272P.; notice the blank extension.
#71 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 6:57 PM Last edited by Greenlea : 26th Sep 2005 at 7:00 PM.
That's wierd that some people are having that problem. I downloaded the first one TSN made with no problem. I'll try to download again just to see what happens.

After I installed Nightlife I tried to open a neighborhood up in SimPE and the whole list of characters said Unknown for the name except for sims that were already dead. I think I must have messed that up somehow...

*edit* well I clicked on one of the files and it started to download as normally.

The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea
Object(ive) Investigator
retired moderator
#72 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 7:01 PM
Do you have the latest SimPE?
#73 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 8:34 PM
where does this go?
#74 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 8:44 PM
Thank you! This is exactly what I've been looking for! :nod:
Field Researcher
#75 Old 26th Sep 2005 at 8:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Andygal
where does this go?

I put the file in a subfolder in the download folder marked vamp skins so I would know where it was and it works fine.
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