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CASface Replacements - All Faces, All Ages *UPDATE 08/31/08: Argon archfix compatible!*

by terrakosmos Posted 27th Feb 2006 at 9:30 AM - Updated 31st Aug 2008 at 9:28 AM by terrakosmos : Long overdue update!
136 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 118 Feedback Posts, 17 Thanks Posts
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Field Researcher
#51 Old 3rd May 2006 at 5:30 AM
These are wonderful!!!!!!!! I can't wait to use them!

I have a question though before I download. I've requested a self-sim, and need to know if I should wait until it's made before I install these. Or if I install them now, will it mess up that sim or any others I download?

Can't. Stop. Downloading.!!!
Test Subject
Original Poster
#52 Old 7th May 2006 at 6:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by karialSim
These are wonderful!!!!!!!! I can't wait to use them!

I have a question though before I download. I've requested a self-sim, and need to know if I should wait until it's made before I install these. Or if I install them now, will it mess up that sim or any others I download?

These files shouldn't interfere with any sims you download, before or after installing them.
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 13th May 2006 at 6:46 PM
Thank you so much for the replacement faces! You did a fine job of keeping the character of the Maxis faces while removing some of the most annoying things about them. I kept a five of my favorites but the your replacements are so much better than the rest of the Maxis faces. What a labor of love for the rest of us Simmers!
Test Subject
Original Poster
#54 Old 14th May 2006 at 1:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kaneonapua
Thank you so much for the replacement faces! You did a fine job of keeping the character of the Maxis faces while removing some of the most annoying things about them. I kept a five of my favorites but the your replacements are so much better than the rest of the Maxis faces. What a labor of love for the rest of us Simmers!

Thank you! That means a lot. I hope you and everyone else continue to enjoy them.
Test Subject
#55 Old 16th May 2006 at 1:41 AM
wow these are awsome, you did a great job!

Angelyne Dawn
I'll lay here with you till the Final Goodbye
#56 Old 17th May 2006 at 2:16 PM
Fantastic fantastic fantastic!! You won't believe how much I appriciate this hard work! Amazing!

Please visit WickedNoukFamily Forum for my creations.
Can't take requests, I'm completely swamped with unfinished projects! :O
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 23rd May 2006 at 9:38 PM
gah, I need to stop going back and forth with all these replacements Thank you for these

98% of teenagers believe stupid statistics. If you're one of the 2% who doesn't, copy & paste this in your siggy.
Lab Assistant
#58 Old 17th Jun 2006 at 10:36 PM
Thank you so much for doing these. I have finally gotten sick of the horrible looking Maxis Sims and these faces have just the softness I'm looking for. Now it's time to go on a Sim murdering spree...
Test Subject
#59 Old 19th Jun 2006 at 11:00 PM
woot, these are great! thank you!
Test Subject
#60 Old 26th Jun 2006 at 5:42 AM
I absoloutely love them; making cute sims won't be painstaking anymore! I really appreciate the work you've done here.

But I have a little question:
If I backup all my saved sims in my neighborhood, then use the "deleteallcharacters" cheat, then put all my backed-up sims files back; will they still be there?

Thanks for your time!
(meadow Thayer is beautiful now!!)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#61 Old 26th Jun 2006 at 10:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ChickyRicken
But I have a little question:
If I backup all my saved sims in my neighborhood, then use the "deleteallcharacters" cheat, then put all my backed-up sims files back; will they still be there?

Erm, they should still be there as long as you put them back, and they should look exactly the same as before. To be safe, back up the entire neighborhood as is before using the cheat. If you don't know how to back up a neighborhood, check the "Game Help" section of this site. HTH.

Thanks again, everyone, for the nice comments! They mean so much, especially considering I was almost too terrified to upload my archetypes at all. (I'm "painfully shy," lol.)
Test Subject
#62 Old 29th Jun 2006 at 9:47 PM
awesome, great job! These faces are sure going to spice up my game again! cool great work!
Lab Assistant
#63 Old 5th Jul 2006 at 1:35 AM
Going to give these a shot. They look wonderful. Thanks!
Field Researcher
#64 Old 11th Jul 2006 at 12:13 PM
These have gotta be the best replacements I've come across; not only do I have cute townies and NPCs, but when making sims in Bodyshop I have a much more workable base! Thank you! :D
Lab Assistant
#65 Old 21st Aug 2006 at 9:39 AM
Man I wish these didn't overwrite them. oh well. I think I'll have to take a risk. O_O
Test Subject
#66 Old 27th Aug 2006 at 9:40 AM
That's great hack.
Now they can look normal and wear cc clothes my sims is perfect now :D:D
Lab Assistant
#67 Old 26th Sep 2006 at 9:32 PM
I've just recently been looking for face replacements here and on another site, and I have to tell you these are by far the best. You have changed them enough to get rid of all the hideous deformities, yet kept enough of the original characteristics to still provide diversity.
Thank you for sharing these with those of us who are too lazy to take the time to learn how to do our own...looks like a lot of hard work!
Wonderful job!!! 5 out of 5 smilies
Field Researcher
#68 Old 6th Oct 2006 at 6:57 AM
This is so awesome, I won't be worried about having mauless ugly looking sims in my game now. Thanks so much!
Lab Assistant
#69 Old 27th Nov 2006 at 4:28 PM
Thank you so much for this! Your Sims look so much more HUMAN without getting rid of that uniquely goony Simmish quality we all love so much. No more random Townie Deep Ones!

Lab Assistant
#70 Old 2nd Mar 2007 at 7:58 AM
I haven't used face template replacements before but I plan to do so now that I've made un-fugly townies. I'm letting the game generate the NPC's and your work prevents my game turning into a zoo! A special thanks for making separate files since I don't want to replace all faces

If you love something, set it free.
If it doesn't come back,
hunt it down and kill it.
Test Subject
#71 Old 7th Jun 2007 at 3:36 AM
Oh, these default face replacements are BEE-YOOT-IFUL! Claps for everyone making replacement faces, because I'm definitely downloading them. Finally, no townies that look like pufferfish/horses/circus freaks! Plus, I can use these faces as templates when making a Sim.
And I just HAD to thank your download. Yayness!

Please. DON'T ask me who Frazier is, or I'll hurt you.
#72 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 8:35 AM
Thanks so much!
Lab Assistant
#73 Old 12th Jun 2007 at 3:44 PM
Sheeesh! Thanks a crunch! I found several face replacement collections on the site but I must say that I liked yours the most because, as you yourself said, you prefer them to look like sims and not 'hyper-realistic'.
Once more a HUMONGOUS Thank You for your well done job!
Test Subject
Original Poster
#74 Old 15th Jun 2007 at 3:50 PM
Thank you all so much for the nice comments. I really appreciate them!
Being a master of self-sabotage, I convinced myself that these faces were completely awful-- I was often tempted to yank these files from the site and pretend I never uploaded them (though I would/will never actually do so). So it makes me very, very happy to see that people still enjoy these faces. Just because something is flawed according to me or anyone else doesn't mean it's useless to everyone! Right?! I have trouble remembering that, because I am nutty-as-a-fruitcake.
I hope to release a new set of face replacements... eventually... if I can stop scrapping everything and starting all over (like I did again just yesterday :/ ). I made this set in a rush, so I want to take my time with the new one.
Test Subject
#75 Old 23rd Jun 2007 at 12:57 PM Last edited by SammyTheSim : 23rd Jun 2007 at 7:14 PM. Reason: Additional info
Hi there! This is my first post here

I can't get the faces to show up The differences may be subtle in some cases, but I am sure #18 for example is the default, not your edit. His mouth is nearly as big than the in-game dinner plates! (BodyShop screenshot; CAS screenshot).

I've got every expansion and stuff pack. I correctly extracted all the archives into a subfolder of the Downloads folder. I don't have any other face default replacements. I deleted the face thumbnails as AllenABQ suggested, and you can see they were regenerated, since they show with the default skintone replacement. I even tried removing the Insimenator, but that didn't help. I don't know what the problem could be.

Any suggestions?

Edit: I've tried oepu's face replacements and they worked fine, so it doesn't look like the problem's on my end...? Unfortunately, it's not her set that I wanted, but yours! Out of the all the ones I've seen, it's the only one I liked.
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